Trying to build an archive of responses from The Sage

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I have a feeling somebody must have changed their mind and decided my archive was a bad idea, after all. It seems to have been quietly deleted. I've been searching the boards for some sign of the thread but nothing so far. I didn't even get an e-mail to tell me that it had been deleted or why. :mad: Well, it was worth a shot. *shrug* Thanks to everyone that tried to help. :(


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Faragdar said:
I have a feeling somebody must have changed their mind and decided my archive was a bad idea, after all. It seems to have been quietly deleted. I've been searching the boards for some sign of the thread but nothing so far. I didn't even get an e-mail to tell me that it had been deleted or why. :mad: Well, it was worth a shot. *shrug* Thanks to everyone that tried to help. :(

dude, i'd contact a wizo about that if i were you. there's something very wrong about deleting a post without even giving the originator a notice about the event.

or you could just start the thread again, stating: "my first attempt at this thread seems to have disappeared. since i received no notice as to whether it was deleted or moved, i can only assume that it was a bug in this software's programming and, thus, have restarted it..."


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They probably just don't like having their material all grouped together without their consent or "signature", as the sage's advice may change. Who knows.


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Faragdar, would you mind sending all the sage responses you have to me via email? I'd love to put together a doc that has all of them in there. Hell, I wouldn't mind designing it either. Hell, if my site actually goes live one of these days, I wouldn't mind adding a section for sage responses. Wonder if the guys here would mind if you started the thread.


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I have an update. It turns out the thread was temporarily hidden away by the WizOs at the request of WotC employees that peruse the boards. When they saw it, they were immediately concerned and wanted to have a chat with Mr. Williams. Covering their corporate behinds, I guess. ;)

After deliberation, they apparently decided to put it back. *woohoo* The link is still no good, but I'll let you know when the thread is available again. It would probably be a good idea to mirror it elsewhere, too, though.


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Okay, it's back. The WizOs have cleared everything with The Sage. I updated the link, so if you have any more stuff, or want to reference what's already there, go for it! :)


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gamecat said:
At the risk of raising [sarcasm]The Great Krenyolds'[/sarcasm] ire, I hate Mages of the Beach.

Damn, dude. You couldn't even spell my name correctly using an electronic device with cut and paste capabilities. ;)

Actually, I'm not too fond of their boards either. They're really boring.

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