Trying to build an archive of responses from The Sage

Malin Genie

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Sage answers to questions about Sacred Fist

I can't access the Wizards' boards from work (and I don't think I have a login there anyway) so again please feel free to copy this over there (following which I can delete this post if it's taking up too much room.)

I've asked on various message boards and looked on various FAQs, but have
never found a clear answer to this question:

The Sacred Fist picks a domain 'from his deity's list' at 1st level.
(The exact quote is "Upon adopting the Sacred Fist class, the character
chooses one domain from his deity's list.")

Can this be a prestige domain, or are only 'normal' domains allowed?

It has to be a regular (not a prestiege) domain.

Skip Williams


1. If the Sacred Fist has cleric levels (and thus access to domains,) cant
the Cleric/Sacred Fist choose the same domain as a cleric *and* as a Sacred

There's no rule against it.

2a. If the same domain can be chosen twice, then using the example of a
Cleric 6/Sacred Fist 10

Does the character get that domain power at 16th level
(So with the Strength domain would gain +16 Strength with their Feat of
strength, but with the Luck domain would still only get one reroll per day?)


Does the character get that domain at 6th level *and* at 10th level
(So with the Strength domain would get two Feats of strength, one at +6 and
one at +10, and with a domain like Luck without level-dependence, would get
to use it twice per day?)


Some other way?

2b. If the same domain can't be chosen twice, what happens to Cleric/Sacred
Fists of a deity (such as the Greyhawk hero-deities) who only have two

The usual rule when you have two classes that give you the same ability is to stack the class levels, so option 2a is correct. Note that you're really screwing yourself in terms of domain powers and access to domain spells if you go this route.

Skip Williams

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First Post
LOL. Thats the first time I've seen Skip actually post his opinion like that. Normally he says something like (I don't see why you would want to), its funny to see "you're really screwing yourself."


First Post
IceBear said:
I wonder if they feel that this work is duplicating their DNDFAQ and that's why they pulled it?

They did pull it, but only for a short while, maybe a day or two at the most. It's been back up over there for quite some time.


First Post
Just one question to end an argument.
Can you use Sneak Attack while Raging?

Yes. You can't use any ability that requires concentration when raging, but sneak attack doesn't require concentration, just the ability and the opportunity to use it.

Skip Williams


First Post
Gromm said:
Just one question to end an argument.
Can you use Sneak Attack while Raging?

Yes. You can't use any ability that requires concentration when raging, but sneak attack doesn't require concentration, just the ability and the opportunity to use it.

Skip Williams

Hey, that's exactly the opposite of what he told me about a year ago!:D


First Post
Re: Can you put the link to these sites on here again?

Corwin the Confused said:
Can you put the link to these sites on here again?

What link? What site? Huh?

Re: Re: Can you put the link to these sites on here again?

kreynolds said:

What link? What site? Huh?

WOW, I must have gained the "Inspire Confusion" Feat. :D

I thought someone was putting together a site with all of the Sage's Advice to e-mails.

Or that there was a site at WotC.

I remain,

Corwin the Confused

P.S. Nice response time, I knew there was a reason I liked you. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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