D&D General trying to come up with a decent setting idea.


The issue with gunpowder is that once its existence and ready availability is established, players will try to use it for everything.
Depending on the nature of the world, you could make gunpowder a magical thing that only works if lit by magical or divine flame. It's probably not the solution for this particular setting, but it's a potential concept for some world.

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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Depending on the nature of the world, you could make gunpowder a magical thing that only works if lit by magical or divine flame. It's probably not the solution for this particular setting, but it's a potential concept for some world.
look the easy way to solve gunpowder is put in the subtle realism of carrying huge amounts of stuff that goes boom is bad for your health, and that all the bad guys equally try to solve everything with it.

it is more I wanted conflicts with sides which might not make sense but who can be worked with for benefits, plus I know what genie are and it feels wrong to put them in such a role.
Doesn't have to be literal D&D genies. Just great spirits of the elements. I didn't say Elemental Lords or similar because to me that evokes a concept of impartiality and disinterest in mortals, whereas you want beings that are not only interested, but actively interfere in mortal affairs.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Doesn't have to be literal D&D genies. Just great spirits of the elements. I didn't say Elemental Lords or similar because to me that evokes a concept of impartiality and disinterest in mortals, whereas you want beings that are not only interested, but actively interfere in mortal affairs.
true but a seven faction cold war Mexican standoff would just be cooler.


I always thought a good way to integrate monks in a non-wuxia way was to make it a non-human tradition. So elves have skirmishing magical warrior traditions which ties into the ninja and ki blast types of monk archtypes. Or dwarves are just stone tough and do not need armor, they just jump up and stave in your ribs with a heavy kick from above. Or halflings developed hidden in plain sight barefoot martial arts. Anyone can learn these things but there is a D&D based hook to where they come from.

The specifics would have to be adapted to whatever races you included whether they were tabaxi languorous magical martial arts or orcish raging to turn their whole bodies into weapons as they charge foes faster.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I always thought a good way to integrate monks in a non-wuxia way was to make it a non-human tradition. So elves have skirmishing magical warrior traditions which ties into the ninja and ki blast types of monk archtypes. Or dwarves are just stone tough and do not need armor, they just jump up and stave in your ribs with a heavy kick from above. Or halflings developed hidden in plain sight barefoot martial arts. Anyone can learn these things but there is a D&D based hook to where they come from.

The specifics would have to be adapted to whatever races you included whether they were tabaxi languorous magical martial arts or orcish raging to turn their whole bodies into weapons as they charge foes faster.
monks are at present improperly built plus I would prefer if multiple cultures developed it.
wait has there ever been a d&d race truly associated with the monk?

Since you have mammoths and elementals in a norse mythology style setting, why not make it an arctic setting? The players must dress for the cold, deal with snow storms, and avoid hypothermia. Enemies are mostly cold themed, and so it much of the plot?

The plot may revolve around trying to stop the world from freezing over. Monks and their temples might be central in providing warmth and guarding the fire. Firearms may be considered divine weapons, created by monks who were given the secrets of gunpowder by the gods, and who now share it with heroes to fight back against the cold.

Just an idea.

When I try to come up with a campaign setting, I often focus on a climate or type of environment that will be prominent. It helps to establish a strong theme and identity for the setting.
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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Since you have mammoths and elementals in a norse mythology style setting, why not make it an arctic setting? The players must dress for the cold, deal with snow storms, and avoid hypothermia. Enemies are mostly cold themed, and so it much of the plot?

Just an idea.
but I do not want all Norse I want other stuff as well.

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