[tSoY] Dungeons and Dragnet


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Kev is about as effective here as the confused beat cop she's pretending to be. "If the rest of you don't need me for anything, I'm going rumor-hunting," she says. "See what the sub-human types are saying."

I assume she goes, since her skills are pretty useless here. She's going to focus on the non-human underground, using Streetwise to know which places are likely spots to overhear news of strangers, travelers, crime, and blood sorcery. Part of the time in a changeling face (not her own), but for the most part she's going as a shifter (or various shifters). If she overhears anything potentially interesting- related to this case or not- she'll try to find a way to insinuate herself into conversation for more info, swapping faces if she thinks it'll help.

Streetwise for the gathering of info: 0, +, +, 1 rank = 3
Deceit for the shifter disguises, should it become necessary: +, +, 0 (used 1 bonus die from my Secret), 3 ranks = 5

She's also going to swing by the main haunt of the cult of the Traveler, wearing her own face once she's inside, just to see what's going on there.

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(OOC: As I think is pretty obvious to all of us by now, I don't really have time to keep up with this game at present. It's a pity, because I think the premise and characters are very interesting, but I'm taking the GRE in two weeks and I really can't focus enough for this.

Best to assume that, having done the crime scene here, Kara has moved on to do background investigation for some other case, doubtless very important, somewhere else. If things calm down for me I can rejoin you at a later date, and otherwise/meanwhile I'll content myself with reading your exploits. I'm sorry about whatever delays I've caused so far, and I hope everyone has fun here.)

Crime Scene Investigator Valandil!!

Valandil asked one of the Shields to escort Kara back to the Keg & Kettle, after noting that she looked ill. "That girl! She must learn to take it easy" thought Valandil.
Valandil then did the following:
1. Looked at the staff in the wardrobe. Anything remarkable about it ? Also looked for possible claw and/or sword marks on the furniture. i.e. was there a struggle where someone missed badly.
2. Looked at the window and attempted to figure out whether it was beaten in, or something thrown through it ? [by looking for the object, looking at the pattern, i.e. is there less debris near the bottom of the window [i.e. remaining window pane] than at the top]?
3. After these three, if noone had come looking for him he looked at the outside wall and tries to see if whatever did this climbed up, and whether this is possible.
4. Before exiting the scene he makes sure that there were guards present, and the door was locked.

He only went as far as the trash heap to figure out #3.
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"If the girl could see you there then she's a potential witness, and since she's a lead and the people next door aren't necessarily, I say we talk to her first," Darrien replied to Himura. "Val!" He shouted up the shaft, "Got somebody across from the shaft to talk to. We'll rendevous next door after that if you're done with the room." After waiting a few moments for a response, he heads across the way to talk to the girl, inviting Himura along.


First Post
Kev: Sounds like you left. You've got more than enough Streetwise to know that there are a bars everywhere in Dura, the borough in which you find yourself.

Looking for information about strangers, travelers, crime, and shifters points at using the Tooth and Nail, in Lower Dura along Middens Alley.

The Tooth and Nail is one of the more popular boozeries; it's not famed for its mystic confluences, political speeches, or food. It's just a dimly-lit place for the Shifter community to hang out and be marginalized, together.

The smell of wet fur was even less pleasant in an enclosed space than it was out in the open. The conversation was furtive, but you're an old-hand at being an unobtrusive, friendly, and above all receptive conversationalist.

You found that your eyes didn't adapt to the poor lighting as well as those of your newfound drinking buddies did.

You were reminded that it was only a fortnight until Fathen's Fall, an ethically- and emotionally- complex festival celebrating the wholesale slaughter of evil lycanthropes by the Silver Crusade, 150 years ago.
Northedge is going to be a bad part of town for the next few weeks, as the holiday stirs up otherwise latent feelings, and Fathen, the martyr at the center of the festival, was killed there.
More locally, the troubles center on some turf complaints between the longtime slumlords and the embedded goblin tenement-holders, versus the overflowing Shifter population.
A few robberies, a little black-market trade...

Business as usual, and you were owed 15 shilling from petty cash by the end of the night. You've enough information on some of the robberies, at least, to pass along the information to more mundane authorities.

The Traveler was meeting, that moon, via the exchange of messages beneath the bronze statue of Kol Korran, in a park in Lower Tavick's Landing.
The litter between his bronzed, divine toes consisted of semi-mystical, semi-poetic, semi-idiotic nonsense. Nothing juicy, anyway.

Valandil: The Shield, a thickset man with a ginger-colored handlebar-mustache, promised to take very good care of Our Kara, and sheltered her with his enormous oilskin from the rain.
He clearly took his duty seriously; by the end of the night, a few deliciously greasy wrappers of the Brimm brother's finest treats found themselves in the Old Bailey's wastebasket, and the mounds of paperwork marginally less formidable.

(we'll miss you, Aristeas! Use your mighty brains to break the tests/work!)

The staff was a straight four-foot length of fire-hardened, varnished black wood.
The crystal was a red lozenge the size of a thumbnail, set into the side of the staff above the grip.
It was a wizards staff, but no more unusual than that would otherwise imply.

The window had a few jagged shards of glass remaining in the frame almost at random, but none along the bottom edge of the frame. The glass had fractured into large plates, rather than little shards, and most of the debris is on the floor close by the window frame. Something only slightly larger than you came through this window.

The outside wall is stacked rounded stones with a 3 inch deep gap between oblong stones. Not the *best* handholds in the world, but not the worst, either.

You locked up and left.

Darrien: The girl was the youngest daughter of Porem and Helen Renemir.
The unfortunate human-shaped collection of nervous tics that called itself Porem was a librarian at Morgrave University; his blonde wife was a schoolteacher here in Middle Dura.

As you stopped by they were just settling in for a cup of tea; they cautiously open the door to your knock and ask what your business is. They seemed guardedly willing to hear you out.

(If you're going to try to force the issue: They're polite enough, law abiding people, but they don't want to have anything to do with police matters. You're gonna have to use some sort of skill check, your call as per methodology, to get past their cautiously-opened front door and to pursue your duty.)
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Himura follows Darrien and does his best to look like a simple boy (who just happens to be carrying a sword) when they knock on the Renemirs' door. If he sees the girl again he'll wave to her and try to strike up a "children's" conversation, "while the grownups talk". That is assuming of course that he and Darrien actually get in the door. [I'm not rolling here because Himura knows that he is not one with the social skills and so he will let Darrien lead until they are "in"]


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(Himura: It's worse than that; if you wanna be in the scene, you gotta be in the scene... Read the rules of Group Pain Bringing Down... Dum Dum Dum.) In any case, the girlchild is in her room, and the parents are going to interpose themselves between you guys and the daughter. You gotsta convince 'em to talk to you/give you information/whatever.

Be glad the crime scene was covered in ash, not blood >:)

Valandil: The old man's body was sprawled in the bed, and the other two tangled with their bedsheets, though all of the bodies were twisted and 'active' looking. No signs of damage to the bedsheets/furniture. (oops, knew I had forgotten something!)
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Where Valandil Begins To Grasp At Straws

Valandil headed outside for the midden heap and took a look at the head that Himura had found. He attempted to ascertain whether there were any blood stains on the wall where the perpetrator may have climbed back down. He then looked at the other windows. Any of them open ? Might someone else have seen the events ?.
He tells another of the shields to take the weapons into custody and to please take them to the garrison and to bring back a detail from the morgue to take the bodies away.


First Post
Himura turns to Darrien, "I think it will be easier for you without my help. I will go help Valandil and maybe look for those boys." he murmurs. To the reluctant couple he politely takes his leave "If you will excuse me. Good Evening, Sir, Madam."

Himura heads back out to the midden/shaft. Arriving there he greets Valandil with a nod and says he intends to climb the shaft to see how difficult it is. {SL:2} Presumably making it up and down lets Himura know if it would be difficult for someone else to do the same? Also since Himura is looking at the wall as he climbs it I assume he would notice anything obvious and relevant. Big claw marks...that sort of thing.

After arriving safely back in the trash heap Himura turns to Valandil and says, "I'm planning to offer my services to the proprietress of the inn to find her sons. If you are done here I would welcome your help."

With or without Valandil, Himura returns to the inn, via the normal entrance, and asks for the proprietress if she is not easily located. {I assume he can find her}

"Madam, I wish to search for your sons. I will be sure to bring word back to you that they are safe if I do not bring them back with me upon my return.

Is there anywhere they are likely to be? You said earlier that they worked at the Post. Where exactly would they report to? I will check to see if they have returned there since you last checked. Is there anywhere else they frequent? A bar or tavern perhaps? Also is there someplace they would go to seek sanctuary in the event that they were scared off by the crime?"

Himura also requests from her a good description of the boys as well as their names and, if she has any, some picture or likeness of her sons so that he would know them when he sees them.
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Himura, Valandil, Lost Boy Finders

Valandil, after watching Himura climb the walls [or not as the case may be], accepted to go with him to find the gentlemen that were in charge of the daily operation of the inn. Not before either having a remaining shield inform Darrien and then Kara at the Keg & Kettle that they would be out for a few hours searching, but not too much longer than that or telling Darrien himself in the event there are no Shields left.
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