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[tSoY] Dungeons and Dragnet


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Himura: He doesn't know.

Val: Sounds good.

My work here is done!
Play amongst yourselves, children :p

PS: Except for Darrien, who has a married couple to (verbally) beat up
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Himura goes with Valandil but insists that they once again cross the struggling bridge, even if it is out of their way, and looks for any begging elf lasses. Should he find the one he passed by earlier he will ask her if he can buy her a meal, instead of giving her cash. If he doesn't see her he will simply return to the Keg and Kettle with Valandil and await Kev and Darrien.


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Seeing the couple's resistance to being helpful, Darrien decides to try a different tack. He affects a look of genuine concern, and starts to question why, when there's been an incident in the neighborhood, they seem so unwilling to help, and with a child to protect indeed. He'll try to emphasize that all he needs is to talk to the girl for a few moments, and then he'll be on his way. 0,-,+ on the roll, 1 deceit if that's the skill, 0 if it's pretty much anything else (it's hard playing good-cop/bad-cop with yourself).

(Mediating what happens next in parallel to keep the game progressing) after Darrien leaves the house, whatever the final outcome there, he crosses over to see what businesses occupy the other side of the shaft, and asks around to see if anyone has any information (-,+,0, 2 ranks in streetwise to gather information), taking down statements from anyone who heard/saw anything (-,0,+,1 rank discern truth if necessary).

I'm assuming that this continues until a runner catches up with Darrien, at which point he meets up with Val and Himura at the station, after they question the brothers.


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Val^H^H^H Himura (stupid brain fart. You know what I meant.):

The bedraggled blonde is still there, her ætherial beauty somewhat marred by bruises and dirt.
She'd given up begging when you show up, and is instead using a few of the large posters to shelter from the muddy rain.

She looks at you with a flash of suspicion, quickly swallowed by a greedy hope. She looks sickly and has a tremor in her limbs, and as soon as you mention a warm meal, is pathetically eager to follow you anyway, young sirs, anywhere in the city.

She abandons her post and follows you, shiveringly, into the night.

(where do you want to go? What do you give her to eat? What do you want to talk about?)

Her name is Vára, and her husband is dead.

Darrien: You're sort of stuck in the BDtP until it resolves, one way or the other. The couple can't keep you in the house, so if you get bored, you can just leave; think of this like combat. Combat started when you swung, then resisted like woah, and their counterattack put you on defensive. The next round, you *both* whiffed. We're on round three; you can, of course, run; surrender, give up. But then no one gets what they want. So you're plotting swings here, basically.

Deceit isn't *really* the skill, but meh, it's close enough :) This really is sway (diplomacy/intimidate), but for this scene, we'll let you keep using deceit. Spend a reason point to make me feel better about this, though, please. Or instinct, if that makes more sense/you have more in that pool/want to. You can use it here, though probably in the future, you might want to swap deceit for sway. It'll probably be more useful, in general.

You mention the danger to their daughter; this only makes them draw in closer. The wife protests that the daughter couldn't have seen anything, the man that you're just trying to bully them, and that you should be ashamed that an officer of the law would stoop so low.

With a -0-, and no ranks in sway, I'm not convinced that you're buying their argument here. They've clearly undermined their case (suffering a collective bruise to sway, thus a penalty die to the next sway roll) and are regrouping.

They're going to try to, while remaining in the conversation, ignore you until you go away, simply resisting each conversational gambit you suggest with a laundry list of reasons why it won't work.

The runner isn't going to interrupt until at LEAST the end of the scene.

PS: I've given up using authorial past tense. It's hard to express what I mean, I was inconsistent using it, and it just got annoying. Deal, I'm an engineer, not an english major.
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in which Himura takes an elf out to dinner

Offering to her the overcoat he is wearing Himura takes her to a nearby tavern where he can get a hearty meal for not too much money. He lets Valandil know that he is welcome to either join the two, but that Himura won't buy him dinner as well, or head on towards the Keg and Kettle, which is the one place he won't take the lady, no mixing business and pleasure...er charity. If Valandil does not accompany them Himura quickly makes plans to meet later and then hurries the poor girl out of the rain.

On the way to the restaurant Himura sticks to small talk, the weather..."Hi, I'm Himura I'm from, Q'barra originally." that sort of thing. He is trying to pass himself off as a harmless little boy and reassure her that he means no harm.. (-,-,0 to whatever skill that would be...sway maybe as it isn't deceit because he doesn't mean her any harm...so I guess she assumes whatever she assumed in the first place or maybe he is so bumbling that she thinks he is really sketchy now.)

The "diner" isn't clean, but its the honest dirt of too many muddy feet rather than the kind of dirt you don't want to look to hard at in case you find blood stains/body parts. It isn't terribly crowded given the hour but there are still a number of others seeking shelter food and booze. Upon arriving he will order something warm and non-alcoholic for them to drink and a meaty soup or stew. He tells the girl that they can start off with the soup and have more later if she is still hungry.

Once they are sitting, he choose a table against a wall and sits facing the door, he tries to be conversational and ask her about her story. "So where are you from?" / "What was your husband like?" / "How did you come to be here?" but he makes sure not to ask too many questions at once especially if she has asked about his work and knows he is a member of the watch... he doesn't want her thinking that he is interrogating her (since he isn't).
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Date With a Book, Some Blood Samples, and Clues

Valandil declined gracefully, and arranged to meet with Himura at "The Haunt", the code that was predetermined for the Keg & Kettle. He does however hand Himura his cloak since it isn't that long a walk. "Falling for the elven lass in the rain. How utterly clichéd Himura san.", thought Valandil to himself with a smirk on his face.
From there Valandil decided to go the Keg & Kettle. Once there he retrieved one of his tomes on dragonmarks and began reading with his dinner of stew [OOC: He prepares it himself if there is noone manning the kitchen], waiting for Himura and the rest to get back. Once done with his dinner he went through the evidence they had gathered [OOC: I assume its here, if not here then he will just read till Himura returns] looking for notes that Emerikol might have kept [if the evidence is here] and at the blood samples with his alchemy apparatus [if the evidence is not here]
When the rest of the team reappeared [singly or as a group depending on how they reappear] he informed them of his findings, as well as his conjectures regarding the case thus far.
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Himura: When Val leaves, Vára gazes after him longingly. She follows you docilely to a war hearth with a crock of soup. The place is dark, lit by candles set on the tables at in lanterns in the rafters, with smiling waitstaff and delicious scents.

The food is hotter than it is tasty, but does some good removing the bite of the day. Vára watches you stumble over your words with some amuseent, listening to everything you have to say with clear interest.

"I am a widow of the people of Valenar; my husband, my melemaë, was Soronen the swift, the strong, the fierce. He was my lion in war, and fell magnificently." She's flushed and more present than she has been all night, with the mad light of poverty dimmed by the intensity of her love.

Her face as she remembers the exploits of a man ten-years dead is quite literally inhuman.

The voices of elves can be as disquieting as they are beautiful. The lights are attracted to her hair and skin, and she seems to glow with inner strength which has no part of. The serving-folk seem to fade away, the chatter of factory workers and murmers of shopkeepers all fade before her still-fresh pain.

She asks for more, and is served by a blushing chit of a girl, who gazes in rapt, dirt-smudged attention at this marvel.

It is three hours past twelve-bells, when each tavern-goer realizes that, unconsciously, they have been holding their collective breaths.

"Himura of Q'Barra, I thank you and name you elf-friend, for this night and this conversation, and kindness shown to a woman in grief."

Suddenly, she is once more a frightened, dirty girl, alone in the world. The night is old, and cold, and long.

Val: Elves don't sleep, they trance, and words and symbols dance before your eyes. The ash turns up no more detail now than it had before. Emerikol did indeed maintain a book of arcane lore, much of which is incomprehensible to you. One night's exaination is insuficient to decode his crabbed scrawl, alas.

You keep a lonely, candle-lit vigil.


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"Vara, have you no job or house in this city?...I know it is not the kindest place to strangers and certainly many are cruel to any that aren't human, but many many more do not hold such prejudices. You could easily find decent work in this city. If nothing else, my friend, the one who was with me when we met, knows some people in the theater. Perhaps there is a part for a beautiful elven woman." "Nothing weird" he adds hastily realizing that his earlier statement might be taken poorly. "If that does not suit your tastes I'm sure something else will.... Your grief for your husband does you credit, but you should not grieve so much that you waste away your own life"


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Sensing that the family is full of it, and seeing that their resistance is breakind down, Darrien continues to softly but firmly push on the family. "It's nice rehtoric ma'am, but we both know that the police are here to help, but the only way we can protect you is if you let us do our job." Darrien will continue to push in this way, trying to get past their misguided ideology and try to talk to the little girl. Next few roles (to speed this up (he'll pursue the same tack unless it starts really failing), and I'll spend the intuition like you asked): -,+,+,+1 = 2; -,0,+,+1 = 1; +,0,0,+1 = 2; -,+,-,+1 = 0.

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