D&D General Turgenev's Friday Freebie Maps

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Here's the February 23rd 2024 Friday Freebie map. This is the dungeon map for my Mycenaean/Minoan palace maps. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 48x56 10' Squares (72 dpi) or 72x92 5' Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1700x2025
  • This is the dungeon level of the palace maps of Friday Feb 2nd, Feb 9th, and Feb 16th 2024.
  • Areas 1, 28, 30, 31, 38, 51, and 52 a) have pillars/columns.
  • Areas 1, 27, 28 c), 39, and 53 b) have hidden pits. There are circles painted on the stone floor around the hidden pit. The bottom of the hidden pit at area 28 c) connects to the open pit of area a).
  • Areas 2, 5, and 28 b) have daises.
  • Area 2 has stone coffers with a fake treasure.
  • Areas 5, 28 b), 40 a), 40 b), and 55 have statues.
  • Areas 13 and 56 have pools/fountains. Since access to the pool at area 56 is restricted from the rest of the dungeon, perhaps that pool is magical in some way (scrying, healing, grants a benefit/boon, etc.).
  • Areas 14 and 36 have tapestries.
  • Area 28 a) has an altar.
  • Areas 28 a), 40 b), 52 b), and 52 c) have open pits. Area 28 a) has an open pit that is littered with skeletons. Perhaps the skeletons become animated when a victim is thrown on the hidden pit at area 28 c).
  • Area 40 b) has a large open pit with a grill over the pit. Something has broken its way out of the grill from inside the pit.
  • Area 53 a) has bars/gates blocking access to area 53 b).
  • Area 54 has stone coffers with the real treasure.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The February 23rd, 2024 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16 + 1 bonus image) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 48x56 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 3400x4050. All for $2 (US).

I've bundled the maps at DriveThru. Click on image below for bundle link.



Here's the Monday Blues #107 map. It is a stand alone dungeon. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1229x1578
  • This is a stand alone dungeon.
  • The secret doors with arrows are one-way secret doors (that open only in the direction of the arrow).
  • Area 1 has a sliding block trap that blocks off access to the stairs when the eastern door is open.
  • Areas 1 and 41 have stairs leading up.
  • Areas 5, 16, 18, 23, 32, 42, 43, 44 a), 13, and 47 have columns/pillars.
  • Areas 7, 24, 25, 27, 28, 38, and 40 have open pits.
  • Area 8 has a pile of loose coins.
  • Access to area 8 is blocked by a gate/bars.
  • Area 10 has a pool/fountain.
  • Areas 16, 34, 34, 40, and 44 b) have daises.
  • Areas 16 and 44 b) have chairs/thrones.
  • Areas 16, 32, 33, 40, 44 b), and 47 have statues.
  • Areas 20 and 21 have fireball/fire bolt traps.
  • The dotted circles of areas 26 and 29 represent holes in their ceilings.
  • Areas 32, 42, and 47 have tapestries.
  • Area 34 has a sarcophagus flanked by many clay pots/jars.
  • Areas 42, 43, 46, and 47 have hidden pits.
  • Area 47 has a large elder brain. Is it a captive or in command?

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Monday Blues map for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The Old School Blue Map #107 product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant ( 8 ) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2458x3156. All for $2 (US).



Here's the first of a new batch of maps for my Under Realm mega-dungeon. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 48x56 10' Squares (72 dpi) or 72x92 5' Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1700x2025
  • It's back to the Under Realm mega-dungeon. This map continues from the Nov 24th, 2023 Friday Freebie/Enhanced map (J9 on the 2023 master map). Starting next week will be a 2024 master map for the Under Realm.
  • The grey section represent water. This is the latest instalment of the Under Realm's sunken city ruins.
  • Areas 22, 23, and 24 have pillars.
  • Area 24 has an altar.
  • Areas 24 and 31 b) have daises.
  • Areas 24 and 31 b) have statues.
  • The white sections of areas 24 - 33 are dry (above the water line).
  • Areas 29 and 30 have connecting teleporters.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The March 1st, 2024 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16 + 1 bonus map) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 48x56 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 3400x4050. All for $2 (US).

The previous 2023 Under Realm master map. Click to enlarge.



I'm Missing where the latest map fits into the rest of the map but glad your back at this and looking forward to it to be complete so I can start designing the campaign around it.



Today's map connects with J9 on the 2023 Master map. That would make today's map, J10. It's not included on the above master map because the master map has become too large (and too slow rendering/saving) so I have to start a new one for the 2024 Under Realm maps. Today's map is a continuation of the underground lake region as shown below. Click to enlarge.



Okay I see now.


Still looking forward to fleshing out a campaign world built around this map with different factions and such.

Do you have an ending planned? and if so about how many more maps are involved?


Here's the Monday Blues #108 map. It's back to the Undercity! This map continues from Monday Blues #94 map (C5 on the master map). Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1229x1578
  • It's back to the Undercity! This map continues from Monday Blues #94 map (C5 on the Undercity master map).
  • The rows of dots represent bars/gates.
  • Areas 1 to 4, 10 to 14, 16 to 24, 26 to 30 a) have water.
  • Area 5 has a pool that connects to the surrounding water via a submerged passage (not shown on the map).
  • Areas 5, 15, and 31 have secret doors. All secret doors are above the water line.
  • Areas 5 to 9 has windows (the double white lines).
  • Area 10 has a kelp forest.
  • Areas 10, 23, 24, and 30 b) have pillars/columns.
  • Areas 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 22 have kelp beds.
  • Areas 25 and 30 b) have statues.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Monday Blues map for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The Old School Blue Map #108 product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant ( 8 ) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2458x3156. All for $2 (US).

Here's how this map connects with the previous mega-dungeon Monday Blues maps. Click to enlarge.


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