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TURTLEDOME! (Battle Bone!) -- Part 2


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If Mikey's at the breakfast table, Vaunea is going to ask him about the O potion and mention the peppers. Also, she's going to make sure she gets some "tasty" healing potions, if he willing to part with them.
"Oh...yeeeaaaah...potions! Yeah, come with me. I've got them ready downstairs."

Uncle Mikey leads Vaunea to his lab. The halfling holds up a pellet. "I don't dig that whole swishy-swishy potion thing, 'cause it means you need like lots of bottles and everything, so I kind of like congealed all the potions into pill form, so you can just keep 'em in a pocket and pop 'em when you need 'em. Since your fight is tomorrow, I didn't put in all the preservatives and stuff, so these potions will go bad in a couple of a days, but that should be okay for you guys. And I ended up making a whole lot of stuff, because I thought that *****, Hadarai, was going to be with your group, so..."

Uncle Mikey drones on, describing the properties of his potions.

[sblock=Uncle Mikey's Special Potions]UNCLE MIKEY’S SUPER HEALING POTION
Base Item: Potion
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. You regain all lost Hit Points. However, because Uncle Mikey made this potion with super-hot peppers, you experience unbelievable searing pain in your mouth and bowels. Your tongue swells, and you cannot speak (or consume any other potions). Your nose runs, your eyes tear, and you become dizzy from the pain: -2 to all attack rolls and defenses. A successful save ends the harmful side effects.
Level: n/a
Value: n/a

Base Item: Potion
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. When you drink Uncle Mikey’s Go Juice, you gain a +1 bonus to Speed, Armor Class, and Reflexes, as well as the ability to perform an extra basic attack once per round, as a free action, on your turn. This Go Juice effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Once the first effect of the Go Juice wears off, you begin to get the jitters. When you post, you cannot place spaces, capitalization, or punctuation in your character’s speech. You still gain a +1 bonus to Speed and may perform an extra basic attack, once per round, as a free action, on your turn. However, you suffer a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and defenses. A successful save ends this effect.

After the second effect of the Go Juice wears off, you become blind until the end of your next turn.
Level: n/a
Value: n/a[/sblock]
Uncle Mikey gives Vaunea a bag with 30 "normal" healing potions, 5 super healing potions, and 5 go juice, all in pellet form.

And you should be getting worried seeing how many healing potions you're getting for the upcoming battle...

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Drivan, in a painful, drunken haze, from last night's revelries, awakens on the steps of Swillwort's home, just as Anna empties a washbasin from an upper story window...

Is that what you wanted? :p

[sblock=Character Sheet]Glad I could be of assistance! Double-check your sheet. Whatever you're using to edit the content is wrapping the text and adding extra breaks, so when you paste it back, some of the coding stops working.[/sblock]
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Drivan comes to his feet, rubbing his face just as the washbasin's contents splash over his head. "That was refreshing..." Thinks Drivan as he blinks the soap from his eyes. Drivan looks up at Anna, "Good morning Apple of my eye! I've been waiting for you!"

Drivan uses prestidigitation to clean himself up... and smooths out his new robes.

[sblock=Character Sheet]Believe I got everything cleaned up, let me know if I missed anything! Thanks again Ken![/sblock]
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"Oh! Mr. Drivan!" shouts Annie, twitterpated.

The window slams shuts. You hear footsteps racing down the stairs. The door bursts open. Annie panting with exertion, snatches Drivan in a bearhug, crushing his face against her heaving bosom.

"Annie!" shouts Swillwort, "Leave the poor boy alone!"

[sblock=Reklaw]Looks like Drivan is squared away. I had forgotten about y'all's accomplishments, so I added them to the bottom of your character sheet. I'm going in alphabetical order, so I'll get Emral set up so FitD only has to pick his feat and new power.[/sblock]
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Drivan carefully extracts himself from Annie's bearhug, giving one of her hands a quick peck, winking at her as he stands up. "It is good to see you again, we'll have to... catch up in a moment."

"Swillwort, how have things been. We were in a bit of a tumble yesterday but everything is straightened out. Had a few quick questions for you regarding this wand..."

[sblock=Kenhood]You had the AC down as 19 instead of 20, did the Staff add +1 to that or something? Also can the staff have another enchantment added to it or is it limited to the 1?[/sblock]
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First Post
Vaunea, head still spinning from all the information, points to the separate pile of pills. "Super Heal, Fast, Heal"

With that, Vaunea gives Marco a huge hug and goes out the door. "Come watch bone crush."

[sblock=Armor]If we are getting some armor for Vaunea, there are a few good choices.

Reinforcing Armor - Property of *If you take damage from melee, you get a +1 to all defenses until SONT.* (level 4)
Armor of Resistance - Property of *Resist 5 to _________* I would assume necrotic. (level 2)
Dwarven Armor - Property of *Gain bonus to Endurance = to item enchancement* and Power of *Once per day, as a free action, regain hit points as if you spent a healing surge.* (level 2)

I think the level 4 item is best for now and the future, however, it is the most pricey. If need be, I can take a hit on future gold/reimburse the party with *time gold* when it gets to that, if I need to, for that armor. Seems the best for the money and for the fight. I'm expecting to constantly be in melee with the minions.[/sblock]
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Drivan carefully extracts himself from Annie's bearhug, giving one of her hands a quick peck, winking at her as he stands up. "It is good to see you again, we'll have to... catch up in a moment."
Annie titters and blushes, rushing off to her household duties.

"Swillwort, how have things been. We were in a bit of a tumble yesterday but everything is straightened out. Had a few quick questions for you regarding this wand..."
The enchanter, hobbling down the stairs on a cane, looks ten times as vigorous as previous meetings. His eyes are brighter, and he wears a large, toothy smile.

"Certainly, certainly, my lad! You won't believe what I found when I was sorting through all the crates of my old gear: a Transferralationator--a little widget I made years ago that moves the enchantment from one item to another in seconds! Oh, and your friend, Emral, wouldn't happen to be with you, would he? I've finished actualizing his...er...coat. It...it came out rather odd."

You had the AC down as 19 instead of 20, did the Staff add +1 to that or something?
I made an error on the cloth armor. (Did the same thing when I set-up FitD's character sheet.)

Also can the staff have another enchantment added to it or is it limited to the 1?
If I understand the explanation about enchanting items from the Adventurer's Vault correctly, an item can have only one property at a time. If you place another on it, it erases the old one. So, no flaming, holy, vorpal swords.[/sblock]


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Drivan shakes his head trying to clear the fuzzies from his brain...

"You know, I'm not sure where Emral got to, seem to remember him doing flaming shots last night but don't remember where he went to... He said something about coming to see you though..."

Drivan pauses, allowing Swillwort to answer him and then continues on...

"Perhaps we can transfer the enchantment from this wand to this staff then? Do you think that would be possible? Oh, and its great to see you're looking better!"

[sblock=Kenhood]Saw the Staff of Light in Adventurer's Vault... "Free Action. Use this power while the wizard’s light power is on this staff. Until the light spell ends, undead creatures within the radius of the light at the start of their turn take radiant damage equal to the staff ’s enhancement bonus." Really nice for minions, perhaps I should buy a second staff and just have one set in the ground :p
Side note, do you have plans for DMng another adventure Kenhood? been great playing with you and would like to keep going with you, either with Drivan or with a defender who should be arriving here soon, Githyanki Swordmage named Rrek.[/sblock]
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"You know, I'm not sure where Emral got to, seem to remember him doing flaming shots last night but don't remember where he went to... He said something about coming to see you though..."
Swillwort purses his lips. "Pity."

"Perhaps we can transfer the enchantment from this wand to this staff then? Do you think that would be possible? Oh, and its great to see you're looking better!"
"Yes! Let's!" says Swillwort, all but clapping his hands and laughing like a giddy schoolgirl.

The elderly enchanter grabs Drivan by the arm and hauls him up the stairs to his study. The room is in a state of unpacking, with clutter everywhere.

From a nearby room, through a closed door, wafts the sounds of a brass band playing a vigorous, thumping accompaniment to a man singing (actually screaming), "I feel good! I knew that I would now! OWWWW! I feeeEEEEEeeeel guh-oooood! I kneeeewww-ew-ew-uh that I whoa-ould NOW!"

Swillwort gives a worried look at the door, then sighs and roots through a crate, retrieving an odd looking trinket, about the size of a human palm, made entirely from brass. It is shaped like a triangle with elongate tips ending in spheres.

Swillwort chuckles as he shows it to Drivan.

"Now, hold out the Wand and your staff."

As Drivan complies, Swillwort touches the device to each item in turn. The trinket makes a bell-like tone. Swillwort makes an expansive gesture. "There you go."

[sblock=Staff of Light]
Saw the Staff of Light in Adventurer's Vault... "Free Action. Use this power while the wizard’s light power is on this staff. Until the light spell ends, undead creatures within the radius of the light at the start of their turn take radiant damage equal to the staff ’s enhancement bonus." Really nice for minions, perhaps I should buy a second staff and just have one set in the ground :p

That would make short work of the Legion of Bone.[/sblock]
[sblock=Other Adventures]
Side note, do you have plans for DMng another adventure Kenhood? been great playing with you and would like to keep going with you, either with Drivan or with a defender who should be arriving here soon, Githyanki Swordmage named Rrek.
I had plans to continue on with y'all. Though y'all wanted to fight the Badgermen and Migtroth after this...[/sblock]

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