TUW: The Outpost


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

The Outpost is a small community located approximately three days north of the Kingdom of Thisidaboga and ten days west of Boga City. The community was formed due to its convenient location to the two gigantic ravines that proved excellent mining locations for various ores, especially iron and the hilly, tree covered land abundant in coal.

The community began as merely a tavern and campsite. It has now expanded to include its own smithy, weaver, brewery, herbalist, temple, and inn. There is a hunting lodge for preparing game and skins that deals regularly with local indigenous peoples interested in trading for iron goods. The smith also does a considerable amount of commissioned work for mining crews from Thisidaboga, who make regular trips to and from the mines. As injury is often with such a hazardous profession, the herbalist has an adept knowledge of the local flora and regularly attends the appreciative injured or ill.

Soldiers from Thisidaboga pass through, at least annually, to look after the mining interests. Sadly, the soldiers, once friendly and accommodating, were much less than desirable company on their last visit. They bullied about town making demands. Fortunately, Minister Plascimon, the local Priest of The Dawn, was able to curtail their behavior to some degree. He later expressed his concern that some change must be occurring in the Kingdom to cause the soldiers to adapt such a change in behavior.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Year 0: Day 158: The Watering Hole

GM: There are 6 defined seasons in a year's time. There are two repeated cycles of wind then rain then dry. Three are considered cool. Three are considered warm. It is currently the hot dry season of the year, called Doldrum.

GM: Sitting at their usual table in The Watering Hole, when Maka's clan is in town to trade, the three friends discuss some of the odd behavior of the soldiers, but dismiss it, as it has only happened this once, and soldiers are not that interesting.

What IS always interesting are the stories of great tales that find there way into travelers' news. Some are dismissed as complete fabrication, like the preposterous idea that a dragon lives in the mountain range to the north. Some seem more plausible, like bears three times the height of a man live within the wood of towering trees along the windy coast. Most recently miners have been claiming to see lights in the night going into one of the old bores. The lights are not fires of torches or lamps. They are some strange mystical lights. They claim that they are the souls of long dead miners looking for their lost remains.

Vittero smiles after downing the last of his mug,
"I think we aught to go investigate these lights and see for ourselves what they really are. I do not believe in ghosts."

He then frowns momentarily,
"Father told me that I should talk with Raven Elk's Ma and volunteer to look into one of her collection sites with him. She told him that some large beetles, big as a man's head, had destroyed a crop of the medicinal plants. Obviously, bugs would not bother her, but I have never heard of one bigger than man's fist. She says these are truly as big as a man's head and that they were aggressive."

He pauses momentarily. Vittero often does the majority of the talking.
"Quit giving me that dead pan look Maka. You speak Thisidan well enough. I know it is just bugs, but it is also a day's walk. Maybe we will find something else, too."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maka smiles, but that's as far as it goes. Maka is known to smile occasionally, but his laughter is a rare thing, and even then, it is usually little more than a chuckle or quiet snicker.

"Oh, all right, we can go bug hunting if you want. Who knows? Maybe they'll be good to eat. Smiling Hawk once told me that people further inland use bug guts to make soup. Collecting enough small bugs to eat would be boring. But if these bugs are really that big, we'd only need to clean one or two of them. I'll ask my father if I can go. I think he wanted me to go hunting with him soon, but he also knows that I will never become independent if I don't spend some time away from the village. And I don't know of any reason that I'd be needed this time of year. So I don't expect him to refuse. As for these lights of yours, I think those miners must have gotten hold of some bad jimsom weed. Sober people do not see lights."
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Raven Elk, always of a serious mien (but genuinely appreciative of the levity of his good, even dear, comrades), nods to the others and says:

"I must talk to Ma first. She has alluded to my need to "stretch my wings and fly on my own"; but, I feel she may not think I'm truly ready, or maybe she just worries about if I do actually go. I must find these things out, once and for all, neh?"

And with that, Raven Elk gets up from the table, leaving his honey wine untouched, and heads out of The Watering Hole for home, but not before turning back to his friends, adding:

"If Ma does agree, where do we meet, and when?"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Technical Post

GM: New Player Information:

All player characters have the ability to manipulate Way. Only about 10% of NPCs can do so, but about 50% of NPCs have some ability to sense it.

Various simple items can be used to augments the Developmental Abilities of a character that can manipulate Way. These items will be recognized when encountered. These consist of feathers, claws, stones, and ores, some of which have other mundane uses and have monetary value.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: D 158: The Watering Hole, part 2

Raven Elk,
"If Ma does agree, where do we meet, and when?"
Vittero laughs and fakes frustration. While his two friend are much more refined for their young age, he is often outspoken and impetuous.

"Since it is your Ma who is wanting this investigated, we should meet at your place in the morning. We can start at first light."
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Raven Elk, heading out of the tavern, nods and waves in affirmation of Vittero's plan, as he continues to go outside, and to his "home".
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: The Watering Hole, part 3

OOC: @Kwargrow

As Raven Elk is leaving, the boisterous and often loud, big Maldrog Mhytre fills the doorway. He steps aside, greeting Raven Elk and clapping him on the shoulder as he departs. He shouts over at the barkeep for his favorite frothy brew and Vittero waves him over to the table.

Taylar Nibscry is the son of the local smith. Though rowdy and an imposing sight, he is friendly and easy going, which is fortunate for the local constable, since the young man is the largest person anyone has ever seen, even taller and stockier than his father.

Vittero tells him that the others have all decided to go see about these huge beetles Raven Elk's ma was complaining about. The intention is to gather some supplies and meet at the herbalist shop by first light.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Technical Post

GM: Note:
Only Vittero is currently able to manipulate Way. The other characters will be able as soon as they reach at least 1 rank in Adhesion.

The Herbalist, Richelle, Raven Elk's adoptive mother, cannot manipulate Way, though she is respected for her knowledge of herbs and medicinal aid. She is often called upon to help with minor ailments or injuries of the miners and the birthing of children.

The Minister of the Dawn, Marqus, Vittero's father can manipulate Way, though he is only known for his healing arts. His skill is considered to be a gift from The Dawn and is accepted as a benevolent gift due to his dedication to serving others. His position in town is officially sanctioned by the Order of the Sun from Thisidaboga. He has been called upon to miraculously speed the healing of injured miners.

The Dawn, the bringer of life and renewal, is the daughter of the Sun and the Silver Moon. The destructive ability to manipulate Way is erroneously credited as coming from service to Dusk or the Veil of Night. The Dusk is the son of the Sun and the Veil of Night, who seduced the Sun to lie with her once, thereafter extorting his cooperation to spare the destruction of the Silver Moon by the Orange Moon.

Yes there are two moon that revolve around the planet.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maka says, "One day there, one day back. We will need meat. And perhaps a bit of fruit. If I went back to my village, I'm sure I could get food (enough for all of us) from my aunt. She says that I am her favorite nephew."

OOC: Maka makes no mention that he is her ONLY nephew.
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