TWF and you


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UngeheuerLich said:
I often wondered if it was possible to do TWF with Great sword and a kick (maybe with bladed boots)... I realy thought it could be a fun fighting style... (Usually do do only one attack but using trip with an "off-hand"-kick to bring the enemy into position...

In 4e there are hopefully powers which let you use your feet or off-hand weapon to a great benefit, even if you can´t use both weapons at once...

I could see something like that being a Monk power... it might not be a Greatsword, but Kamas and other exotic weapons have always been a part of the class in addition to the hand-to-hand stuff.

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Skirmisher would be good, though the archer-rangers might feel more like Ambushers.

Why not just reverse it in your head?

PCs with a special penchant for TWF use class X, which just happens to have the label Ranger attached to it.
Thank you.

Ditto cleric, druid, barbarian. Wizard and rogue are pretty good.
Yeah, clerics don't really represent clerks and other clerical workers very well, do they? :D


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TWF is a feat apparently. Bonus to damage but no extra attack. IMO simple. Maybe that leaves game space for a TWF feat that also adds to AC.

They tried it with 3.5 but it was underwhelming; +1 bonus. In this new world a +1 or +2 would be solid because the change in mechanics.

And this allows characters to take the stormwarden PP without being a ranger.


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jeffhartsell said:
TWF is a feat apparently. Bonus to damage but no extra attack. IMO simple. Maybe that leaves game space for a TWF feat that also adds to AC.

They tried it with 3.5 but it was underwhelming; +1 bonus. In this new world a +1 or +2 would be solid because the change in mechanics.

And this allows characters to take the stormwarden PP without being a ranger.
Gogo, this thread can finally retire. =D

jeffhartsell said:
TWF is a feat apparently. Bonus to damage but no extra attack. IMO simple. Maybe that leaves game space for a TWF feat that also adds to AC.

They tried it with 3.5 but it was underwhelming; +1 bonus. In this new world a +1 or +2 would be solid because the change in mechanics.

And this allows characters to take the stormwarden PP without being a ranger.
I hope you are right with the My Emboldened bit


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mach1.9pants said:
I hope you are right with the My Emboldened bit

Indeed. An if not in PHB, maybe in MP. But it seems like such a simple feat that improves an existing class feature. So a ranger would not need to take TWF since they get it as a class feature, but other classes have to take 2 feats.

Voidrunner's Codex

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