D&D 5E Twin Spell Hijinx

So, what happens when you twin a spell like Grasping Hand? Not so much on the turn it is cast, but what about subsequent turns? Can you move and perform and action with both hands with one bonus action? Or can you only command one hand at a time after the initial casting? RAW? RAI? Rule of Cool?

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Ok, bad spell example. What about Dominate Beast or Levitate? There are not many, but there are a few spells that can be twinned that allow you to use an action on subsequent turns.

So, assuming you have a spell that can be twinned, and has the ability on subsequent turns to perform an Action or Bonus Action, can you, or would you rule, that you can control both of them with one action/bonus action?


Ok, bad spell example. What about Dominate Beast or Levitate? There are not many, but there are a few spells that can be twinned that allow you to use an action on subsequent turns.

So, assuming you have a spell that can be twinned, and has the ability on subsequent turns to perform an Action or Bonus Action, can you, or would you rule, that you can control both of them with one action/bonus action?
If they were activated via twinning, I would allow their control with the same action (bonus or action as normal). I'd probably rule that giving the same action to both versions could be done easily, but if you give them different actions (say levitating one individual up, the other down), I might require an ability or concentrationeque check to see if its pulled off successfully - and probably limiting checks to "stressful" situations (combat, someone's distracting you by blowing in your ear or something otherwise dramatic is occurring).

Voidrunner's Codex

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