Two New Settings For D&D This Year

if it comes out this year i would agree with you. Possibly published by a third party company that has a good reputation (Green Ronin etc) However if it’s coming next year I would stake all the money in my pockets that it will be a Curse of Strahd style book. Campaign with background and new monsters etc. Curse of Strahd was too successful not to repeat!

if it comes out this year i would agree with you. Possibly published by a third party company that has a good reputation (Green Ronin etc)

However if it’s coming next year I would stake all the money in my pockets that it will be a Curse of Strahd style book. Campaign with background and new monsters etc. Curse of Strahd was too successful not to repeat!


Some thoughts:

—WHERE have I seen that fist-scepter design before? It’s SERIOUSLY triggering a memory for me in an old TSR product, but where?

— Book SDCC travel - San Diego Comic-Con: Are they announcing something about the upcoming movie there?

—That design of the platform/gallows reminds me of the Dungeon of the Fire Opal from the 1st Edition AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (the section with the room with the holes in the stone wall with wood fragments in them).

Tomorrow: you’re only a day away...

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As much as I love the idea of WotC expanding Nentir and detailing Nerath and the world beyond, I highly doubt that will happen. Nentir/Nerath is probably a single edition setting, like Birthright for 2E.

That said, due to the lack of published material it would make a good "community setting" that could be opened up in the DM's Guild.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
I'm going to place a large bet on Eberron being one of the announced settings tomorrow.

Just now getting to watch the Happy Fun Hour from 7/3...he's asking chat on the stream if they are ok moving away from Psion building to undead monster building. GamePhantomDM asked at about 2:29 in the stream (youtube): "Itching for the Artificer"...

Mearls' response? "You might not... well well I'm not going to spoil anything. We'll see, we'll see." while having a sheepish grin on his face and spreading his hands apart. There

WotC also pulled the UA Artificer down from DMs Guild back in October.

I'm 80% that one of the settings is going to be Eberron tomorrow... he does talk more a bit later about "there is a revision that needs refinement", but that doesn't mean one of the settings won't be Eberron. Settings aren't releasing tomorrow, just soon, only announcing tomorrow.

I suppose we'll find out in about 10 hours!


I'm going to place a large bet on Eberron being one of the announced settings tomorrow.

Just now getting to watch the Happy Fun Hour from 7/3...he's asking chat on the stream if they are ok moving away from Psion building to undead monster building. GamePhantomDM asked at about 2:29 in the stream (youtube): "Itching for the Artificer"...

Mearls' response? "You might not... well well I'm not going to spoil anything. We'll see, we'll see." while having a sheepish grin on his face and spreading his hands apart. There

WotC also pulled the UA Artificer down from DMs Guild back in October.

I'm 80% that one of the settings is going to be Eberron tomorrow... he does talk more a bit later about "there is a revision that needs refinement", but that doesn't mean one of the settings won't be Eberron. Settings aren't releasing tomorrow, just soon, only announcing tomorrow.

I suppose we'll find out in about 10 hours!

I so HOPE you are right. Eberron is my all-time favorite setting! Just a few hours left to know for sure...


Eberron- Noir, Steampunk, Adventure
Eberron is not steampunk. It's relatively easy to bastardize into steampunk, for those so inclined, but it's not intended to be so.

Dark Sun- D&D hard mode
With the original "roll 5d4 for stats", DS wasn't so much "hard mode" as "inflated mode". If you used standard character generation, it was definitely hard mode.

The reason I don't add planescape is because its cosmology, the positive and negative planes, the elemental planes, the 12 outer planes have all been added to the base cosmology in addition to the Feywild and Shadowfell.
Wow. I hadn't considered that angle, but I hope you're right. I've never been a particular fan of Planescape. I don't hate it, but it's not really my "thing", either. I've been assuming one of the settings would be Planescape and the other would be either Eberron or Dark Sun.

The big question is whether or not they've cracked Psionics behind the scenes and are just sitting on it. If they have I'd say that one of these primers we get will be Dark Sun and the other will either be Spelljammer or Planescape.
I think both Dark Sun and Eberron require psionics to do "right". You can completely ignore psionics in Eberron, if you want, but they're a major part of the setting, as a whole. Not at the same level as Dark Sun, but it'd be a bit like leaving out, say, warforged -- it doesn't necessarily break it and some folks would be happier doing so, but it leaves a big whole for many/most fans.

I feel like they'll get back to Ravenloft later and I feel like they may want to save Eberron as the "Best for last"
As pointed out, elsewhere, Eberron is the most popular D&D setting, after the Realms. It's also different enough to not inherently blur into the Realms (e.g. Greyhawk), but not so different as to be potentially niche (e.g. Dark Sun). Doing Eberron would be significant work, but it's also the the most likely "other" setting to be profitable. Plus, it'd make the "sick of the Realms" folks (like me) happy to have something different. I'm pretty sure Keith is poised to spam the crap out of the DM's Guild as soon as he's given the go ahead, so WotC has the added benefit of being able to have "official-ish" support for the setting without actually having to invest their own resources (though, this point could cut both ways -- I know I care a lot more about Keith's take on Eberron than anyone/everyone at WotC).

I still think Planescape is the most likely first setting, even though I hope you're right about it being defaulted into the Realms-based/implied setting. Dark Sun and Eberron are the most likely options for the other setting, just due to ready fan base -- assuming they've got psionics ready. Because Mearls has pretty much said psionics and Dark Sun will be released at the same time, I'm leaning towards Dark Sun.

Dark Sun + psionics, first, then Eberron would tickle me greatly, though. I'd definitely buy Eberron and am at least 75% likely to buy Dark Sun.


I think both Dark Sun and Eberron require psionics to do "right". You can completely ignore psionics in Eberron if you want, but they're a major part of the setting, as a whole. Not at the same level as Dark Sun, but it'd be a bit like leaving out, say, warforged -- it doesn't necessarily break it and some folks would be happier doing so, but it leaves a big hole for many/most fans.

What I think they'll do is release the setting fluff as a pdf and then maybe sometime next year they'll release a full setting book or adventure path.

I still think Planescape is the most likely first setting, even though I hope you're right about it being defaulted into the Realms-based/implied setting.

What I meant about it being defaulted is all of those locations are talked about in the 5th edition Dungeon Master's Guide on Pages 46-68.

We'll know this evening though! :)


Some things caught my attention: 1) Nathan said -I’m paraphrasing- it is not my (stress MY) job to announce Eberron -I hope!-; 2) he did clarify no NEW setting is coming; 3) it seemed that, somehow, third parties will be involved; 4) after the 23rd we will not have to wait much for access...

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