D&D (2024) New Year Wishes For D&D in 2025?

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
I hope the Forgotten Realms books bring back classic critters from that setting, like the saurials and the sharn! (I really like the saurials in particular, so fingers crossed!)
I'll be (pleasantly) surprised if we see saurials covered in any detail in any 5e product, given how rare they are according to Tomb of Annihilation.
Tomb of Annihilation said:
Dragonbait is a champion of good and a saurial — a race that originated on a distant world and whose members have long lives. Very few saurials dwell in the Forgotten Realms, and no saurial communities are believed to exist anywhere in the world.


My wishlist is a great adventure anthology for the dragons, and the new MM having monsters dealing the right amount of damage. I want monsters to deal 10% more damage starting at lvl 5, scaling up to 100% at CR ~20.

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