D&D 5E Tyranny of Dragons New Cover Reveal

On Amazon, the cover of the upcoming rerelease of Tyranny of Dragons has been revealed, and it's a gorgeous depiction of Tiamat!

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Defy the Queen of Evil Dragons in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

Tyranny of Dragons combines and refines two action-packed Dungeons & Dragons adventures—Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat—into a single sweeping campaign. It also includes a gallery of concept art providing a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of an epic adventure spotlighting Tiamat, one of the most legendary foes in D&D.
  • A wonderful re-introduction to 5th edition’s first published adventures for new fans
  • Begins as a low-level adventure suitable for new players and evolves into an epic, sprawling campaign bringing players all the way from level 1 to level 15
  • Adventure has been rebalanced to be easier for a new Dungeon Master to run and a better play experience.
  • Book includes gallery of concept art spotlighting Tiamat, one of the most legendary foes in D&D

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That is some fantastic color art I have to admit. Love it.

Several issues still exist however in my opinion. I've played through this adventure several times as a player. It is not the most well-written in my opinion especially in the later half. It is so easy to be lost with no idea what is going on and what to do next. Inexperienced DMs in particular will have a very hard time guiding the flow of the game in a forward momentum. I was really hoping that some NEW text was going to be added to help tie the whole thing together. Like in so many of the Forgotten Realms-themed adventures, there is entirely too much running around back and forth across hundreds if not thousands of miles of distance. Personally, as a DM and a player, that is a bummer in my book.

Simply changing the cover art IMPLIES to the average consumer that this is a whole new adventure. It is a ploy used too often by RPG companies to get the consumer to waste their money. TSR used to do it. Wizards seems to be no different. That's a shame.

That is some fantastic color art I have to admit. Love it.

Several issues still exist however in my opinion. I've played through this adventure several times as a player. It is not the most well-written in my opinion especially in the later half. It is so easy to be lost with no idea what is going on and what to do next. Inexperienced DMs in particular will have a very hard time guiding the flow of the game in a forward momentum. I was really hoping that some NEW text was going to be added to help tie the whole thing together. Like in so many of the Forgotten Realms-themed adventures, there is entirely too much running around back and forth across hundreds if not thousands of miles of distance. Personally, as a DM and a player, that is a bummer in my book.

Simply changing the cover art IMPLIES to the average consumer that this is a whole new adventure. It is a ploy used too often by RPG companies to get the consumer to waste their money. TSR used to do it. Wizards seems to be no different. That's a shame.
That seems like an overly pessimistic view IMO. The description clearly identifies it as the previous adventure. It’s not hiding the fact that it’s not new.

That seems like an overly pessimistic view IMO. The description clearly identifies it as the previous adventure. It’s not hiding the fact that it’s not new.
And I am typically described in real life as an eternal optimist so what does that say? It is a simple fact that SOME consumers, particularly the younger set, don't always read all the fine print or details. Let the buyer beware of course but that goes without saying that it does happen. I just think if you are going through the trouble to re-print a book and include brand new art work, why not go that extra step and make some positive adjustments too? Just sayin'

And I am typically described in real life as an eternal optimist so what does that say? It is a simple fact that SOME consumers, particularly the younger set, don't always read all the fine print or details. Let the buyer beware of course but that goes without saying that it does happen. I just think if you are going through the trouble to re-print a book and include brand new art work, why not go that extra step and make some positive adjustments too? Just sayin'
That would be great if they did a complete update of the adventure. But it’s not like they’re hiding the fact they’re not doing that.

They already updated and cleaned up the adventure when the single volume version was first released a couple of years ago, so why would they need to changes things again for this re-release? Are people expecting it to be updated to match the 2024 rules revisions?

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