Unearthed Arcana UA "Brute" -- Any updates?

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It came out during the time period where they were testing for Ravnica. It was in the same UA as an Invention Wizard, which would have fit the Izzet guild from that setting, plus another subclass I can't remember. They didn't make the cut.

The Brute was fine, but relatively boring. Without anything special to make it stand out, I don't see them making any effort to revamp and release it.


I suspect their intent was for it to be as easy to play as the Champion, but not as relatively underpowered.
I played in a game with one & it was pretty crazy with the extra damage dice, extra save dice and all the other usual optimized fighter stuff combined. It's a neat concept but execution was poor


Guest 6801328

I played in a game with one & it was pretty crazy with the extra damage dice, extra save dice and all the other usual optimized fighter stuff combined. It's a neat concept but execution was poor

Just what I was looking for! :)

I suspect their intent was for it to be as easy to play as the Champion, but not as relatively underpowered.
Which is why the brute was horribly overpowered. The Champion is supposed to have it's damage pegged low, to compensate for the simplicity. Why play a complex class like a battlemaster when the brute can dish out similar damage without bothering with things like thinking and tactics?

Which is why the brute was horribly overpowered. The Champion is supposed to have it's damage pegged low, to compensate for the simplicity. Why play a complex class like a battlemaster when the brute can dish out similar damage without bothering with things like thinking and tactics?
Because the Battlemaster can do more useful and tactical things than just damage.


I played in a game with one & it was pretty crazy with the extra damage dice, extra save dice and all the other usual optimized fighter stuff combined. It's a neat concept but execution was poor

To be fair, they intentionally lean toward making their first iteration of a new concept overpowered in order to test whether folks like the idea (better to hit an idea too hard so you can see what it is than to do it too softly so that people don't get what you are trying to do). Brute just never made it past the first pass.


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