• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Ultimate SECRET WAR "Issue #1, the WAR Begins"


Kevin Perrine said:
It is so very good to see you again Richards...
May I present myself to your minions...........
Greetings... perhaps only you Thor -
if you truely are the minor forgotton diety,
only you may be worthy of standing
in the
pressence of

Folding her arms across her chest, She-Hulk steps between Richards and Doom. "We minions know you well enough Doom, and you better skedaddle back to your friends over there" she gestures with her chin to the twin structure floating in the distance, "before Ben and I force you to buy a new set of armor."

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First Post

Radiant said:

"Well, forget about that. What I mean is that he doesn't have a sign saying: I want to conquer the world, or something does he?

Of course not Rogue,do you expect Doom to use a sign, he just uses Spam email now, and that pisses me off and have you read his mission statement on "www.DrDoom.Com" thats pretty intense
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Colossus (just intimidated Doom, maybe; fatigued)

Radiant said:
"Well, forget about that. What I mean is that he doesn't have a sign saying: I want to conquer the world, or something does he?

Colossus turns his head and speaks in a much more quiet voice to Rogue, Well, he just transported half of Manhatten into space, along with Earth's mightiest heroes, and his name is Doom. Obviously he's trying to make the Earth defenseless so he can conquer it.

Mentally, Colossus calls for Xavier, Professor? Did I just jump the gun again?

mr_raven said:
Of course not Rogue,do you expect Doom to use a sign, he just uses Spam email now, and that pisses me off and have you read his mission statement on "www.DrDoom.Com" thats pretty intense

Uh, you know this guy, Angel?
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I aim to misbehave
Wolverine - (Logan), unhurt [X-MEN]

Angel said:
"Logan, these guys are looking to blame us and the Professor, but we know as little as them, be careful...."

"Yeah, yeah," Wolverine replied, "No mindless violence with the government toadies. Alright, already."

Wolverine looked around at the others assembled here. He knew Spiderman, had briefly met Daredevil after riding a rocket in the gut. The x-men were his teammates and some were even friends. He respected the Ultimates, but didn't really know the others, the ones who seemedto know the guy who brought everyone here.

"Any bright idea on why you brought everyone here?" Wolverine called out to the armored one.



Spider-man took his time in pulling his senses together. When he finally came to, he realised he was in bigger trouble than he had ever been. Whisked to the outer space with a bunch of the biggest names in the hero business wasn't what he was expecting from a quick check-up on a strange phenomenom.

Kevin Perrine

First Post
The crowd of heroes assembled in the futuristic structure began to shift, still tightly arranged in their respective teams but decidedly opposite Victor Van Damme, who had apparently can back as different as his old collegues. Perhaps on a different level, a different plane.
Recristening himself "DOOM" one of the most brilliant minds on Earth had found his way somewhere distant in space and perhaps time... NOT on Earth.
And in this revolutionary site he had apparently found a way to elevate himself to the strength of an Ultimate!

Tony - inside his IronMan armor fought to gather... collect data on the situation, the one thing that was apparent was Von Damme's armor. His readings told him that it was on the level of production of his own design. An amazing feat knowing that Doom said he'd constructed it in his short time on this space vessel.

[the scene was now set - the panels displayed the heroes laid out in three very distinct units and a few not knowing where to fit in. Opposite was the man clad in a mix of a futuristic Arthurian armor all set on a background of space more vast than man had ever scene. And in the distance of space stars begin to be eclipsed!]

"I... I don't know Ororo...."
if anything might strike fear in the hearts of his X-men it would be such a reply from Charles Xavier, mutant master of the mind...
Mentally to the other X-men - Xavier speaks...
Doom... Victor - ... I sense his words are bloated but true for his part... While he may be a catalyst in THIS, he is not the direct cause.
Cyclops take....

and then the dishevled Xavier, quickly realized Scott is not among the captured...

Storm - gain air superiority, see if anything can be gleaned from above within our vessel... Be ready to do your best to supress Thor.

Angel - you have the air with Storm. She will be focused on Thor. Protect her and use your eyes to collect the best intel from above, report back to me for relay.

Colossus - set yourself between my X-men and the powerhouse members of our old adversaries, we can never be too cautious of our government friends.
IronMan will be your first priority, Thor second. We do not know the leanings of Richard's people - but take heed against the Thing and She-Hulk.

Nightcrawler - you are our defense against the faster members should they become aggressive. Quicksilver, Spiderman, Daredevil and Hawkeye ... watch them for defense.

Rogue - stay to our rear, we cannot let you face these sessoned soldiers so quickly. You may need to gather strength, if so look to slower ones such as the Thing to absorb. Be careful child!


Notedly the ONLY X-man called by his real name, perhaps suggesting Xavier needs the proverbial crutch as he struggles to regain a control of this alien situation...
... Logan... the leadership of the Ultimates... Captain America, Fury keep them in check - you are perhaps the best of us for this duty.

Xavier begins to set a mental laxitive on the other "heroes" within the structure... After the last meetings of the X-men and Ultimates he would not loose control of the situation before it began!
[EVERYONE but the X-men make Willpower Saves: D20 + your Will SV]

And the Ultimates....
Fury - picks himself from the ground from the matter transference.
Looking around to assess the situation he relies on his "men".
First starting gruff then picking up his pace...
"Tony - get off the ground... Sit-Rep on the double.
Ultimates go to com-channel bravo-niner, IronMan'll have sat-link shortly.
Thor - you're the wall between us and America's most wanted..." Looking toward the X-men.
"Hawkeye - you know the drill you've got snipe, find position!
Quicksilver - on me, we may need a quick extraction.
Cap - this is the field, take control of it!!"

Fury looked around to the others...
"Prince Namor, if you have no objections - You're with us! You have full Ultimate priority, no need to thank me - take up position with Thor if you're in.
Parker - no time for kid talk now, pick a side. We'd be lucky to have you son. zat cool?! ALRIGHT - you're on Cap, follow his lead!
Banner - while Tony's getting the data stream from Earth-orbit Satalites, figure out what the hell is going on and how come we ain't in Kansas anymore!... You're our liason with Richards team, put your brain were your mouth is!"

[as the panel spins with activity, we center on the one that appears out of place here... Doom!]

I have had enough of this mindless prattle!
You Green-skinned baffoon, Doom has no equal and calls no one HERE friend!! Richards, you would have left me to die in the wasteland of Tibet had I not pulled myself back to reality.
I have heard the offer let down by our host and I refuse the notions Doom accepts no commands over him!!"

and with inncolence Victor Von Damme clasps his faceplate and rockets into the air... The force bubble containing the Stonehenge Structure bends to his will letting him escape for the moment as he journey's across space toward a now looming rift of energy, previously eclipsed by a planetoid now taking up orbit around a single star.

The heroes would soon get their directive.
But first they would make either peace or war with one another!!


Kevin Perrine said:
[EVERYONE but the X-men make Willpower Saves: D20 + your Will SV]

She-Hulk: Will Save = 16

Kevin Perrine said:
I have had enough of this mindless prattle!
You Green-skinned baffoon, Doom has no equal and calls no one HERE friend!! Richards, you would have left me to die in the wasteland of Tibet had I not pulled myself back to reality.
I have heard the offer let down by our host and I refuse the notions Doom accepts no commands over him!!"

and with inncolence Victor Von Damme clasps his faceplate and rockets into the air... The force bubble containing the Stonehenge Structure bends to his will letting him escape for the moment as he journey's across space toward a now looming rift of energy, previously eclipsed by a planetoid now taking up orbit around a single star.

"Why I oughta knock his block off for that!" the Jade Giantess seethes. "Reed - is that rift the way home?"
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First Post
Thor - Ultimates

Kevin Perrine said:
Thor - you're the wall between us and America's most wanted..." Looking toward the X-men.

"I'm on it," Thor says as he lifts off the ground.

If any of the mutants start to approach him, he will hold out Mjolnir in front of him as if to block them. "You DON"T want to do that, you will lose." He will tell them in a calm manner.

will save=23


First Post
Angel in the Air

As soon as the Professor tells him, Angel takes off soaring high, running interfearence for Storm...

No Piotr I only know Doom through his advertising!!!!



"Oh no. No no no. I'm sitting this one out."
Spider-man jumps to the closest wall or other vertical surface, clinging high enough to be out of reach from anybody on the ground.
"No offense, Fury, but I think the Xs are one of the good guys."

"...even if I don't accept of all their methods," the last said silently to himself.

Willsave total 22

Voidrunner's Codex

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