Your OP gave the distinct impression that these were a set of things you required to resume making purchases. In which case, as soon as you hit the first that they wouldn't/couldn't provide, the rest of the list can be ignored - if you need all and they can only offer all but one then there's no deal.
Wow delericho, you're laying it on thick, like a court of law.

Okay, let's unpack the list and my motives a little bit more.
FIRST OFF, I already began the lifetime boycott several days ago. I've already grieved the D&D-brand and moved on. I'm happy and looking forward to supporting ORC-allied games.
The biggest sorrow for me is actually that I won't be purchasing any D&D digital audiobooks--ye can't buy them used. But I'll look for audiobooks from the vast world of non-D&D fantasy novels, including Margaret Weiss's and R.A. Salvatore's non-D&D/non-WotC novels.
So my OP is not an expression of me 'pining', wishing and praying for WOTC to pwease, pwease do those eight things. I'm not hostage to my former love of D&D.
So f*** em.
It was just an exercise (prompted by
@Umbran) in considering what it would actually take to not only restore the neutral status quo (action #1 and #2), but also what actions of amends it would take for me to consider..."
Hey, these dishonest, backstabbing, ignorant, malicious, overpaid, greedy, gaslighting Microsoft executives and lawyers can actually make wise and humane changes. It's amazing! I'm astonished! Well, now I will really rethink my lifetime D&D boycott."
Please note, that just restoring OGL 1.0 and backing off the other twisted provisions of OGL 2.0 are by no means enough for me to return to D&D. And there are thousands of people like me. Not just on ENWorld, but on other forums as well.
I've already moved on.
But if I've misunderstood, and it's a list of wants, some of which are negotiable, I apologise.
Dang man, like I said, you're a hard bargainer!
Okay, let's say #1 through #5 were enacted. That'd be huge. SRDs for every edition of D&D! All editions open for community creation on DMs Guild? Pretty cool.
Would I return to D&D? Probably not.
I'm miffed about their use of "inclusiveness" as a "progressive-flavored" smokescreen for their own greed. It's really f***ing distasteful. My thread about WOTC's
GAZ10: Orcs of Thar is one of the most salient and comprehensive researches into the actual racism in WOTC products (which are still in their storefront!) So having endured the slings and arrows of that thread, and the total silence from WOTC on that, I have a specific 'karma' on that issue which you or other readers in this thread may not have experienced.
Same for #7, though not quite as intense as #6: WOTC's quick flipflop on approving the simple posting of Jeff Grubbs (completed!) World of Mystara worldbook for AD&D2E. (The squelching of the original worldbook was the reason that Jeff quit TSR back in the day.) I worked for months behind the scenes to get that approval. Conversations with Jeff Grubb and Shawn Stanley (holder of the manuscript, and webmaster of the Official Mystara Fansite), with Shawn reaching out to WOTC. Our petition got lots of signatures and supporters, such Ann Dupuis (one of the leading authors of TSR's Mystara) and Jolly Blackburn. And, my understanding is that a WOTC rep approved the posting. Then, just as it made the ENWorld newspage, some 'higher up' in WOTC sent a note saying that they changed their mind, and we can't post it. D*mn it! Jeff Grubb was ready to write a new essay introducing the worldbook and everything. It's just a vaporware, unformatted document from the 1990s for goodness sakes! Why dicker with us and pull the rug out?
Okay, as for #8 (opening the World of Aebrynis to the Public Domain, as a gift to the aficionados)...yeah, if WOTC enacted numbers #1 through #7, but didn't do #8, I imagine I'd still consider ending my lifetime boycott. So yeah, delericho: "ya caught me." For #8, I was only giving a helpful example of extra-magnanimous actions which could be taken to regrow the burning of ten years of goodwill to the ground. Apparently the overpaid blockheads at WOTC need some help with envisioning.
Fair enough. If we're talking 'wants', I'll add two more (neither of which I think is remotely likely):
- Add the mechanical bits of SWSE (the condition track, and the system behind the Force powers) to the OGL - these are potentially useful to 3pp (and the Force system could well form the basis for an alternate psionics system). Obviously, they'd need scrubbed of Lucasfilm IP!
Now we're talking! Yeah, that'd be a fitting addition: A "Saga Edition" SRD. Good idea.
- Realize that the OGL as it stands is a good thing for their IP, and therefore embrace its use - release the eventual One D&D under the OGL 1.0b we've been discussing.
This is not so much an action, as an epiphany. But yeah, it would be good if the tens-of-thousands of voices calling for this did sink in.
Opening the old editions on the Guild is much more likely that providing SRDs for those editions.
I think both would be a good idea. SRD would be more on the amends/community-healing side, the other (opening to DMs Guild) would also have a business angle. But they would be synergistic.
But still extremely unlikely, I think. I may be wrong, of course.
My OP is in no way a prophesy of how WOTC execs may or may not act. I'm not into prognostication and prediction. (And among ENWorlders, posts about 'prediction' are often used as a snarky cynical dampening of the envisioning process.)
Rather, I am sensing and stating what personally amendatory actions are necessary, in order to heal the very real, lifetime-arcing rift between me and D&D/WOTC.
Yet I'm over it. And I was over it before I posted the list. I just did it because
@Umbran (who I appreciate as a moderator and thinker) inspired me to give it a shot.