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(Un)lucky rolls and accidental comedy


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It's been a while since I've read a good story on here that didn't involve creepy/scary players. I thought that I would start this to get some fun stories going. When have you had something humorous happen from a die roll that wasn't planned?

Example- I was running an Eberron module with some friends. They were all new to D&D. One of the players, Jeff, decided to make a Cleric of Dol Dorn. He also decided, on a goof, to make him deathly afraid of Werewolves. Being as they're rare in Eberron, I laughed it off. Every now and then, Jeff would announce that he was going to "Spot for Werewolves!" and roll the d20. Eventually, I told him that he would spot a Werewolf on a 1. Whether it was there or not.
They were in the Mournland. Basically, everything there is messed up. They're on a battlefield where they meet someone from a recent battle. A survivor. I had added him in to make things a little more difficult for them. He was a Talenta Halfling Barbarian. And a Werewolf.
"I Spot for Werewolves." He rolls. He gets a 1. His character screams and runs away as he's the first to notice that the Halfling begins to change.
What are the chances? (Other than the obvious 5%.)

So, what are some of your events where an unlucky die roll ended humorously?

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Shortly after Complete Scoundrel came out, I had to make a new high-level PC. I created a Psion Uncarnate. My DM vetoed it. I had to come up with a new character fast, so I created a monk tricked out with luck feats and the luck prestige class from Complete Scoundrel. Basically the whole concept of the character was that he wasn't especially skilled, but made up for it with his amazing luck.

First thing the character did upon meeting the party was take a draw from a deck of many things. He drew the skull, and was annihilated in short order by a dread wraith.


First and only time I erased the name and introduced a "twin brother."


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I was playing a Halfling Sorcerer (blaster type) and we were in a tavern when 2 heavily armed (and armoured) elves came to take one of our party members away (female elven ranger). I jump up on the table and yell "Hey pick on someone your own size!" and cast 2 Minor Electrical Orbs (3.0 D&D) while flipping (tumbling) in the air.. I rolled a 20 for the tumble through the air, then something really low for my landing and promply rolled two 1s for my ranged touch attack. DM ruled that I slipped and they both exploded in my face... roll for damage - almost max!

One of the elves scoops me up and slams me on the table (facing up), and while he gets distracted by the other party members I fire off 2 more electrical orbs and roll two 1s AGAIN. DM ruled that the orbs went on either side of the elf's head and blasted 2 holes in the thatched roof above... roll for damage.... of course I roll MAX damage...

we eventually scare off the elves (well maybe not my character so much) and I'm forced to repair the roof and scrub the floor....

I think I rolled more 1s and 20s with that character than any other combined... strange...


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In an old first edition campaign, I let the party have a vorpral sword at a very low level. It was just about the only item they had, and it really made a difference who had it at any given time, where it was on the battlefield, etc. Anyway, I always used critical fumbles, and sure enough someone rolled a 1, followed by a "Hit Self," followed by... well you get the idea.


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Back in our glorious Dark Sun days, one of my players had an halfling psionicist: he had a power similar to dimensional door but for longer distances and that used wisdom to control the "jump". The power required low power point compared to the usual teleport and since he had a high wisdom it seemed a smart choice.
At the end of a long adventure the character were finally victoriuos but they were far away from home: in a region full of lava lakes.... the halfling had the wonderful idea to use its power to go back home faster.... except that he rolled 1!!!!! So we randomly rolled some dices to see the random position of the location his power brought him... of course a series of unfortunate rolls teleported him in a lake of lava!
Another character was telephatically linked to the halfling, so he had "saw" him turning in a pile of ashes!

The character sheet was burned in his honor!


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In a game my husband was running, we had a pretty standard group of PC's, and a pretty average group of players. One guy, Peter, was this really nice person, and loved having fun. On this particular day, however, every time his character would use his crossbow, Peter'd roll a one, then confirm. And every time my husband rolled to see who got hit, it was my character. So, of course my character got really mad. I must have been playing her a bit TOO well, however, because by the end of the game, Peter was scared to death I was going to beat the snot out of him. :D We all ended up laughing about it, thankfully!


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Not really rolling per se, but during a really difficult battle that the DM shouldn't had thrown at us, only one PC was left alive. The entire game was going to be decided on the last PC's attack roll since the DM had revealed the BBEG was on his last 2 hit points.
He rolled a 1. But at the same moment, the DM sneezed and bumped the table, moving the dice from it's position on top of a pile of books, where it bounced onto the table as a 12.

Then, the DM decided to show us the entry for the BBEG in the MM. With all of the buffs and debuffs and so forth, he had missed it by 1.


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While playing a ranger in a recent game, I was hiding on the rooftops in a city, planning on trailing some bad guys by jumping from roof-to-roof, fully believing that I could do so unseen and track them to their lair.

It starts off well, but then I jump an alleyway, roll a 1, fall down and land next to the people I was trailing. Fight ensues, I run away.

My characters keeps doing things like that:

In the same game, we were chasing some murderers through underground tunnels and I get the smart idea of throwing my axes to take them down; again I roll 1s and the DM rules that the axes strike the tunnel supports instead and the tunnel collapses.

Fun times.


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These are pretty good so far.
I was in a Ptolus game last year. I was some sort of Lion race from Arcana Evolved (or one of those other types of books) Warblade. Tim was the same race, but a Crusader. We were built for pain.
The DM was using fumble tables. On a 1, he rolled to see what happened. There was a small selection on the table for "Drop weapon." Tim got that option. A LOT. A major battle would be happening, and we'd see Tim's character drop his weapon and have it fly 3 spaces away and he'd run after it. In a few games, he probably rolled on the table 10-15 times and got that result at least 7 times. He eventually got a locked gauntlet just so that he wouldn't drop it anymore. He'd still get the result, but nothing would happen.
It wasn't just Tim's rolling, either. He couldn't be there one day, so I played his guy. I think that I got the result twice during that one game.
He also managed to accidentally hit himself multiple times and tear his clothes. It just was not his game. The tagline of the game was, "You roll like Tim." anytime someone rolled crappy. Especially Tim. His response? "Yeah. I roll like that guy."


Crispy evoker

In a 2e campaign, I played an evoker who could not make a save vs. a fire spell for anything. He even had a bonus to saves vs. all evocation/invocation spells. He got burned several times, and lost many posessions that way. Finally he failed a save vs. a fireball hurled by some undead wizard in a wild magic area and the result on the wild magic check was a 2x power surge. My poor wizard was roasted alive, and all of his gear was gone. The DM had a house rule, god call, that allowed you to make a % roll to see if your patron deity took notice of your plight and restored you to life to fulfill some destiny. I believe it was a 1% cumulative chance per character level. I rolled it on the dot. The DM ruled that my character was indeed alive, but horribly disfigured by the flames, and my charisma score took a big hit. Basically he was Freddy Kreuger in robes. I miss that scarred bastard.

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