D&D 5E Undead In Need And Feylord's Folly

Stealing a sacred blade from a feylord's summer estate is not easy, and with extra guests for planar negotiations about it's downright dangerous.

Affairs of the heart and hearty on EN5ider today! When the adventurers stumble into a strange bog they inadvertently insert themselves into the romance of Oethea and Wymus, lovers cursed by the feylord Ciaran to an existence of undeath kept apart by the presence of the sun. Ending their torment (and reuniting) them requires venturing into the Dreaming to take the Sundark Blade from Ciaran, though the feylord is unlikely to give it up willingly and his current guests make taking it a most difficult endeavor. Deftly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.

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Sundark Vow lady Jeff Chen.png

Lately on EN5ider:
  • 549. Mini-Adventure: Sundark Vow. When the adventurers stumble into a strange bog they inadvertently insert themselves into the romance of Oethea and Wymus, lovers cursed by the feylord Ciaran to an existence of undeath kept apart by the presence of the sun. Ending their torment (and reuniting) them requires venturing into the Dreaming to take the Sundark Blade from Ciaran, though the feylord is unlikely to give it up willingly and his current guests make taking it a most difficult endeavor. Deftly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.
  • 548. Monstrous Menagerie: Unfamiliars. With the abundance of variety among the beasts of nature there should be an abundance of statblocks for the particularly curious, quizzical, and strange animals—and here it is! This article covers 18 different CR 0 critters: armadillo, axolotl, dragonfly, dwarf seal, giant hornet, hooded vulture, hummingbird, koala, marmoset, mole, moth, otter, platypus, quokka, skunk, stick bug, sugar glider, turtle. Don't GM in the wilderness without it! Diligently designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
  • 547. Villain Spotlight: Harviskari the Void Mage. From her secluded and mysterious tower in the haunted woods of Spinnelund the void mage watches the goings on of Elissar, enacts potent rituals, and pursues knowledge that has seen her rejected by even the fell sages of the Festung. Unbelievable arcane power waits within the fingertips of Harviskari—ready to be unleashed on fools that dare stand between her and that which she seeks. Dastardly designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
  • 546. Dangerous Scenarios: To Hold The Line. The Border Kingdoms of Elissar are all dominions of their own yet when a great enough threat arises they can be united to stand together. Now is one of those times as a massive warband of monsters and worse are on the march, a critical piece of territory between them the keystone of the defenders' plans to halt the invaders—provided that the adventurers can hold it long enough. Dutifully designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Xanditz, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 545. Borok the Burning's Bounty. Once more an ancient draconic threat looms over Elissar, though this time it hails from the chilly south and for now the winged serpent's secretive influence is limited to its emissary: the mysterious fiery bandit known as Borok the Burning. Under his leadership the disparate raiders of the Laskian Mountains have banded together into the formidable Pyre, raising settlements across the tundra with abandon. Tonie Ankrifkadóttir (the karnir of the capital of Icegarten) has posted a bounty of 600 gold for whoever can take the bandit leader's head—yet the many that have tried have all died in the attempt. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 6th level was devotedly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaisa, and features the cartography of Kate Moody and Russ Morrissey.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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