Undead Origins

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Starfinder Beginner Box
Bone Trooper: A bone trooper is a skeleton animated by necromantic magic, and it retains the intellect, memory, and personality it had in life.
Cybernetic Zombie: This zombie is animated not through magic or supernatural phenomena but by cybernetic implants in its body, which continue to function after their host creature’s mind and flesh have died.
Bone Trooper, Skeleton Animated by Necromantic Magic: ?
Bone Trooper, Undead Horror, Undead Villain: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: Once lush and verdant, Eox is now a dead world. Its dominant intelligent species were forced to transform themselves into undead creatures to survive the self-inflicted cataclysm that almost destroyed their planet.
Undead Resident: ?


Starfinder First Contact
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Ghost, Spontaneously Generated Undead: ?
Zombie, Spontaneously Generated Undead: ?
Spontaneously Generated Undead: ?
Necrovite: When the atmosphere of Eox was destroyed, many residents turned to undeath to survive. A necrovite stores its soul in a technomagical relic called an electroencephalon.
Unintelligent Undead: ?
Technological Undead Horror: ?


Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual
Chostolichi Companion, Chostolichi Servitor: Reanimated from several smaller bodies and fused into a vaguely saurian shape, chostolichi servitors develop a pack mentality that desperately seeks a leader.
Undead: There exist entire dead worlds with undead inhabitants created by magical means as well as resplendent cities that somehow sit within stars.
Tormented Undead, Dangerous Creature: ?
Roaming Undead: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Undead Inhabitant: ?
Peaceful Undead: ?
Undead Foot Soldier: ?
Ghost: ?
Comfortable Ghost: The souls of those who die in this biome become comfortable ghosts, never judged by Pharasma.
Ghost Made of Starlight: ?
Ghoul: ?
Ghoul Lacedon: ?
Ghoul, Ghoul Minion, Servant: ?
Seaweed-Draped Skeleton: ?
Vengeful Wraith, Soul, Spirit: A misty bubble from the Ethereal Plane leaks souls into the Drift. Some of the spirits are vengeful wraiths—their emotions tied too strongly to the Material Plane for them to pass on.
Spirit of the Long-Deceased: ?
Akata: ?
Cocooned Akata: ?
Baykok: ?
Bone Trooper: ?
Bone Trooper Technomancer, Necrotocracy Techromancer: ?
Corpsefolk: ?
Driftdead: ?
Death Cruiser: ?
Emotivore: A vast bog’s rare flowers release psychotropic pollen on a 17-year cycle. The pollen infested nearby colonists, killing them in an ecstasy-fueled frenzy and caused them to rise as emotivores that even now attack their neighbors.
Marooned One: ?
Necrovite: ?
Spookfish Swarm: ?
Varculak: ?
Vorthuul: ?


Starfinder Near Space
Undead: ?
Zo!, Undead Entertainer: ?
Undead Crewmember: ?
Mindless Undead Copaxi: ?
Undead Soldier: ?
Undead Amalgam: Death Affinity spell.
Ghost: Foundations of one of Vesk-2’s ruins, called the Ghost Mire, peek above an arid marsh in the rain shadow of the Ahkilti Mountains on the island of Kilti. Ijtikris often refer to the ruins and the deserts around them in ways related to death and the supernatural. Vesk long chalked this convention up to superstition, but those who have returned from exploring the Ghost Mire have reported spectral apparitions wandering the night, especially when the weather is conducive for the marshland’s notorious mists. In some cases, these apparitions have turned hostile, pulling victims into the fog to become ghosts themselves.
Yokagari the Headless, Ghost: ?
Spectral Apparition: ?

School necromancy
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Targets one willing living creature
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You infuse the target with necromantic energy, physically altering their form into an amalgam of life and undeath.
For the duration of the spell, the target becomes immune to the following effects (unless such an effect specifies it works against undead creatures): bleed, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, negative levels, nonlethal damage, and poison. This immunity does not apply to such effects currently affecting the creature. The creature also gains a +4 enhancement bonus to saving throws against the following effects: mind-affecting, paralysis, and stunning effects; ability damage; ability drain; and any effect that requires a Fortitude saving throw (unless the effect works on objects or is harmless).
For effects that target creatures by type, the target creature counts as both its own type and undead (whichever type allows an ability to affect them for abilities that affect only one type, and whichever is worse for abilities that affect both types).
When the spell ends, the above effects end and the target gains the exhausted condition.


Starfinder Pact Worlds
Borai: Borais are an unusual form of corporeal undead. Instead of being a dead body animated by negative energy, a borai has a mostly dead body that retains the smallest sliver of its soul. The two are inexorably bound, as the body draws vitality from the soul while the soul uses the body to remain on the Material Plane. Some borais are the results of partially botched resurrection attempts, either magical or technological, while others were people who were simply too stubborn to fully die when their time came.
Though they can be created almost anywhere, the highest “birth rate” of borais is on the planet Eox, as many of the undead who live on that planet experiment with necromancy and undead-strengthening science.
Borai, Unique Form of Undead, Unusual Form of Corporeal Undead: ?
Undead Elebrian Borai: ?
Undead, Undead Being, Undead Monster, Undead Creature: Some of Eox’s original living inhabitants, the elebrians, survived the cataclysm that destroyed the planet’s ecosystem in sealed underground bunkers, but the extent of the devastation made it clear that their old way of life could not be easily restored. Elebrian leaders conferred and decided to turn themselves and much of their population into undead beings, enabling them to survive on the surface. These spellcasters were the first bone sages, and many continue to rule the planet.
The Necroforge is less a city than it is an extensive industrial complex dedicated to the creation and study of undead, necrografts, and necromantic magic. Along with Orphys, it is one of the primary destinations for living beings who wish to augment themselves with necromantic implants and for necromancers who seek to become undead (often at the price of a century of unliving service once their transformation is complete), as well as for body merchants who bring corpses to Eox to be turned into new undead citizens or elements of necrografts and other experiments.
These are the lairs of evil dragons who have been turned into undead monsters by strange eldritch energies.
Undead Trooper: ?
Cruel Undead Creature, Unknown Catastrophe: ?
Undead Monstrosity: In the chaotic years following the Gap, a gang of space pirates broke away from the Free Captains, finding their code too restrictive. Unfortunately for them, the small asteroid they chose to use as their base was the prison of a cruel undead creature exiled by the bone sages of Eox for unremembered crimes it committed during the Gap. The foolish pirates accidentally released the creature, who quickly slaughtered them all. Only garbled transmissions of bloodcurdling screams escaped the remote asteroid, which was dubbed the Abattoir by local Diasporans and summarily quarantined. Some believe the unknown catastrophe turned its victims into undead monstrosities, and the unliving pirates are rumored to occasionally set sail from the rock to add to their burgeoning armada of the damned. As of yet, no one has been brave enough to explore the Abattoir to prove or disprove these rumors.
Undead Monstrosity, Unliving Pirate: ?
Necrotic Mine: These disastrous weapons are forged of seething bone, flesh, and sinew and infused with terrible volumes of negative energy. These undead mines each contain a tiny portal to the Negative Energy Plane, allowing them to reconstitute after detonation. No one is certain who created this minefield, as it was in place when the Gap ended, though most point their fingers at Eox. No one group has committed the time and resources to disarm these weapons, but the Stewards have noted that the mines seem to self-replicate.
Necrotic Mine, Deadly Weapon, Disastrous Weapon, Undead Mine: ?
Starving Undead: ?
Native Undead: ?
More Powerful Undead: ?
Undead Rank-and-File Citizen: ?
Undead Citizen: The Necroforge is less a city than it is an extensive industrial complex dedicated to the creation and study of undead, necrografts, and necromantic magic. Along with Orphys, it is one of the primary destinations for living beings who wish to augment themselves with necromantic implants and for necromancers who seek to become undead (often at the price of a century of unliving service once their transformation is complete), as well as for body merchants who bring corpses to Eox to be turned into new undead citizens or elements of necrografts and other experiments.
Low-Ranking Undead: ?
Roving Undead: ?
Undead Overlord: ?
Lesser Undead, Lesser Undead Creature: ?
Undead Tyrant: ?
Angry Incorporeal Undead: ?
Most Powerful Undead Prisoner: ?
Upstart Undead Master, Undead Master: ?
Undead Elebrian: ?
Undead Guard: ?
Undead Showrunner: ?
Undead Administrator: ?
Undead Resident: ?
Rogue Undead Creature: ?
Undead Who Requires Flesh: ?
Undead Who Requires Blood: ?
Undead Ryphorian: ?
Undead Whose Existence is Tied to an Object: ?
Animated Corpse Minion: ?
The Soulless One, Apparition, Bone Sage, Shadow With Bright Green Circuitry Patterns Forming His Eyes and Running Along His Shoulders and Arms, Upstart: ?
Bone Sage, Bone Sage Leader: ?
Bone Sage, Most Powerful Inhabitant, Regional Lord, Centuries-Old Master of Magic and Technology, Most Politically and Magically Powerful Eoxian, Timeless Being, Undead Ruler: ?
Coldly Calculating Bone Sage: ?
Younger Bone Sage: ?
Weaker Bone Sage: ?
Major Bone Sage: ?
Most Powerful Bone Sage: ?
Oldest Bone Sage: ?
The Festrog Queen, Most Powerful Dissenting Bone Sage: ?
Mnephalon, Bone Sage: ?
Bone Trooper, Skeletal Bone Trooper: ?
Quatherat Hafet, Elebrian Corpsefolk Mechanic, Bone Sage: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghost, Most Powerful Undead Prisoner: ?
Malignant Psychic Ghost, Flash of Pale Light and Unblinking Eyes: ?
Cannibalistic Ghoul: ?
Ghoul: ?
Ghoul Overseer: ?
Sadrat Phain, Elebrian Ghoul Envoy: ?
Hunger-Ender, Undead Hunger-Ender: Several of the lonely, ruined fortresses atop the Twisting Peaks are located near underground passages and claimed by a cabal of orocoran mystics called the Hunger-Enders. More powerful even than the dreaded orocoran ichor lords, the Hunger-Enders have all died from gorging upon the eldritch fluids that flow beneath Aucturn’s surface and risen again as undead creatures.
Hunger-Ender, Rare Orocoran Leader, Orocoran Mystic: ?
Lich, Bone Sage: ?
Spellcasting Necrovite: ?
Necrovite, Bone Sage: ?
Necrovite: ?
Necrovite, Most Powerful Undead Prisoner: ?
Zo!, Elebrian Necrovite, Most Well Known Promoter of Events, Flamboyant Host, Charismatic Necrovite: ?
The Painted Lady, Elebrian Necrovite, Bone Sage: ?
Director Ulla Vhasgos, Elebrian Necrovite: ?
Kalantrodoch the Unburning, Elebrian Necrovite Mystic: ?
Necrovite, Undead Whose Existence is Tied to an Object: ?
Nightshade, Most Powerful Undead Prisoner: ?
Skeletal Guard: ?
Charming Vampire: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampire, Most Powerful Undead Prisoner: ?
Ranonek, Bearlike Vampiric Beast: ?
Vampiric Predator: ?
Creeva, Ryphorian Vampire Mystic, Egomaniac: The beasts’ simple minds are under the control of a ryphorian who fell to a necromantic disease the previous summer: Creeva.
Cybernetic Zombie: A relatively recent threat—simultaneously attributed to Eox, the Banner of Purity, and a dozen other sources—is a series of outbreaks of cybernetic undeath. These appear to be the result of some unknown virus that causes augmentations to kill their hosts and reanimate the corpses, driving the new zombies to kill and infect others.
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Starfinder Starship Operations Manual
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Hardwired Cybernetic Undead Creature: ?
Mass Produced Undead Starship: ?
Zo!, Rambunctious Personality: ?
Undead Crewmember: ?
Starship-Scale Undead Creature: Necromancers of significant power might construct a starship-scale undead creature or animate the remains of a massive, once-living creature, such as a vermelith.
Undead Massive Once-Living Creature: Necromancers of significant power might construct a starship-scale undead creature or animate the remains of a massive, once-living creature, such as a vermelith.
Undead Vermelith: Necromancers of significant power might construct a starship-scale undead creature or animate the remains of a massive, once-living creature, such as a vermelith.
Undead Starship Creature: ?
Derelict Shade: On occasion, when an entire starship crew is killed upon destruction of their starship—whether by accident or malice—a derelict shade forms from the remains. Although derelict shades are not true ghosts, as the crew members’ souls do move on, the terror of their last moments causes fragments of their souls to combine and rise as a single creature, taking the form of their old ship. Cunning and cruel, a derelict shade seeks only to inflict on other ships the same pain that it suffered. Though it stays away from larger fleets, it eagerly attacks lone ships that it views as easy prey; if destroyed, such ships often give rise to derelict shades themselves.
True Ghost: ?
Tedesha Nyral, Damaya Lashunta Vampire, Eoxian CEO: ?
Vampire: ?


Aethera Field Guide I (Starfinder)
Undead Aetherwarped Creature, Aetherwarped Undead: Aetherite radiation functions like normal radiation except that it inflicts aetherite poisoning instead of radiation poisoning and a creature it kills is likely to rise as an undead creature with the aetherwarped template.
These troublesome pests are a danger even in small numbers as infestations can quickly deplete a ship’s reserve of aetheric units and expose creatures to aetherite poisoning. These infestations have drained entire ships of power, leaving them adrift in the blackness of space with no means of rescue as their passengers suffocated and perished, rising later as aetherwarped undead.
Advanced Zombie: A deep stalker that kills its prey with its swallow whole ability can regurgitate the creature’s corpse as a zombie with the advanced template as a free action.
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Haunt: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: Creatures who die from exposure to negative energy within an area of blackstar mold rise 1 round later as a zombie.
Astrobotanists speculate that greater concentration of blackstar mold may be able to spawn more powerful forms of undead, but such concentrations have not yet been seen.
Suembaro, Marshall of Mysteries, The Aether Ghost, Paragon, Woman, Mysterious Spy, Spymaster: She has not been seen in public in the past 7 years, having secluded herself in her chambers beneath Wighthaven, which has led to rumors that the Marshal of Mysteries is no longer alive at all. Interior cabinet members within the Ascendancy whisper that Suembaro has transformed herself into an undead creature.
Undead Morlock: ?
Ghast: ?
Ghost, Incorporeal Undead: ?
Ghoul: ?
Shadow: ?
Wraith, Incorporeal Undead: ?
Zombie: Creatures who die from exposure to negative energy within an area of blackstar mold rise 1 round later as a zombie.
Nethercrabs are occasionally followed by undead creature spontaneously reanimated from nearby corpses by their shell’s embedded netherite shards. Any corpse of Medium size or smaller within 30 ft. of a nethercrab has a cumulative 10% chance per hour of reanimating as a skeleton or zombie, depending on its condition.
Skeleton: Nethercrabs are occasionally followed by undead creature spontaneously reanimated from nearby corpses by their shell’s embedded netherite shards. Any corpse of Medium size or smaller within 30 ft. of a nethercrab has a cumulative 10% chance per hour of reanimating as a skeleton or zombie, depending on its condition.
Caverns filled with deadlight fungus are charnel houses filled with the undigestable skeletal remains of their former victims. Often times these skeletal remains will reanimate, typically forming skeletons or bloody bones.
Bloody Bones: Caverns filled with deadlight fungus are charnel houses filled with the undigestable skeletal remains of their former victims. Often times these skeletal remains will reanimate, typically forming skeletons or bloody bones.
Undigested: ?

Voidrunner's Codex

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