Undead Origins


Echelon Reference Series: Summoner (3pp+PRD)
Pathfinder 1e
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Undead Animal Companion: Corpse Companion feat.
Devourer: Create Greater Undead spell.
Ghast: Create Undead spell.
Ghoul: Create Undead spell.
Mohrg: Create Undead spell.
Mummy: Create Undead spell.
Shadow: Create Greater Undead spell.
Spectre: Create Greater Undead spell.
Wraith: Create Greater Undead spell.
Undead Skeleton: Animate Dead spell.
Undead Zombie: Animate Dead spell.

Corpse Companion
Prerequisites Animal companion class feature, ghoul
You have an undead animal companion.
Benefit Your animal companion’s type changes to undead, but its Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, skills, and tricks are retained from the base creature. The creature loses its Constitution score and its Charisma score becomes 12. If your companion is destroyed, your new companion is undead as well, using these same modifications.

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Echelon Reference Series: Witch (3pp+PRD)
Pathfinder 1e
Human Penanggalen Witch 5: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: Curse of Undeath spell.
Life to Undeath spell.
Witchblade spell.
Defile spell.
Mindless Undead: ?
Vile Apparition of Tremendous Power: Having much in common with necromancers, the gravewalker is obsessed with the occult manipulations of the dead, particularly mindless undead such as zombies. Unlike the creations of standard necromancers, a gravewalker’s creations remain forever tied to her will, and she can produce vile apparitions of tremendous power.
Intelligent Undead: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Servant: ?
Undead Animal Companion: Corpse Companion feat.
Ethereal Undead Creature: ?
Corporeal Undead, Corporeal Undead Creature: ?
Devourer: Create Greater Undead spell.
Ghast: Create Undead spell.
Ghost: Phantasmal Revenge spell.
Phantasmal Detainment spell.
Ghost of a Humanoid Creature: ?
Swamp Ghost: ?
Ghoul: Create Undead spell.
Haunt: ?
Lich: ?
Mohrg: Create Undead spell.
Mummy: Create Undead spell.
Shadow: Create Greater Undead spell.
Shadow Slaves spell.
Shadow Serpent: Shadow Serpent spell.
Skeleton, Undead Skeleton: Animate Dead spell.
Spectre: Create Greater Undead spell.
Wraith: Create Greater Undead spell.
Vampire: ?
Zombie, Undead Zombie: Animate Dead spell.
Cursed Earth spell.
Necrotic Touch hex.
Zombie, Mindless Undead: ?
Advanced Fast Zombie: Dread Zombie hex.

Corpse Companion
Prerequisites Animal companion class feature, ghoul
You have an undead animal companion.
Benefit Your animal companion’s type changes to undead, but its Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, skills, and tricks are retained from the base creature. The creature loses its Constitution score and its Charisma score becomes 12. If your companion is destroyed, your new companion is undead as well, using these same modifications.

Dread Zombie Su
With this hex, the witch is able to animate one recently deceased body as an advanced fast zombie. The new zombie serves the witch to the best of its ability, but the power of this hex is not as strong as the animate dead spell, and the zombie crumbles to dust after 24 hours. This hex can only be used once per day.

Necrotic Touch Su
Studies of the way creatures pass on to the next life has given the witch insight into how to throw a spanner into this cycle for her own personal gain. A successful melee touch inflicts a negative level. Unlike most negative levels, this one vanishes after rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Reapplications of this hex simply refresh the duration of the negative level. Humanoid creatures who die while afflicted by this negative level, however, are immediately raised as zombies in the service of the witch.
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Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells Compiled (3pp+PRD)
Pathfinder 1e
Shadow Serpent: Shadow Serpent spell.
Shadow Serpent, Primeval Serpent of Material From the Shadow Plane: ?
Darkwater Mere spell.
Shadow Hydra's Head: Shadow Hydra spell.
Corporeal Undead Creature: “Corporeal undead” is a template you can add to any nonundead, corporeal creature.
Defile spell.
Undead, Undead Creature: Curse of Undeath spell.
Life to Undeath spell.
Witchblade spell.
Corporeal Undead, Corporeal Undead Creature: ?
Non-Skeletal Corporeal Undead: ?
Mindless Undead: Life to Undeath spell.
Creature That Creates Undead Out of its Slain Foes: ?
Intelligent Undead, Intelligent Undead Creature: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Sentient Undead Creature: ?
Sentient Undead Creature, Soul: ?
Undead Creature With an Aversion to Daylight: ?
Non-Living Creature: ?
Free-Willed Undead: Luskal's Energy Tapping spell.
Winged Undead Creature: ?
Ghost: Transcendental Geas spell.
Phantasmal Detainment spell.
Ghost, Spirit: ?
Screaming Elven Ghost: ?
Haunt: ?
Neutral Haunt: ?
Good Haunt: ?
Lich: ?
Demilich: ?
Shadow: Shadow Slaves spell.
Shadow, Creature That Creates Undead Out of its Slain Foes: ?
Skeleton: ?
Medium Skeleton: Dance of the Dead spell.
Medium Skeleton, Animated Skeleton, Animated Creature: ?
Standard Human Skeleton: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampire, Creature That Creates Undead Out of its Slain Foes: ?
Wraith: ?
Wraith, Creature That Creates Undead Out of its Slain Foes: ?
Zombie: ?
Dilapidated Zombie: Cursed Earth spell.
Medium Zombie: Dance of the Dead spell.
Medium Zombie, Animated Corpse, Animated Creature: ?
Standard Human Zombie: ?
Hideous Undead Zombie: ?
Zombie, Uncontrolled Zombie: ?

Dance of the Dead
School necromancy
Level sorcerer/wizard 4, white necromancer 3, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets one Medium skeleton or zombie per caster level;
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw no
Spell Resistance no
You imbue normal humanoid remains with mobility and a bit of your life essence. On casting the spell, you lose 2d4 hp that return when the spell ends. Each animated skeleton or corpse immediately attacks any target you designate or performs simple tasks as directed.
These animated creatures must be created from existing skeletons or corpses. You may animate one Medium skeleton or zombie per caster level. These skeletons or zombies immediately revert to their previous, inanimate state when the spell ends or they move out of the spell’s radius.
If used to attack enemies, treat as standard human skeletons or zombies (alignment neutral). You can change the designated target or targets as a move action, as if directing an active spell.
If used to perform basic tasks, treat the skeletons or zombies as having capabilities similar to an unseen servant.

Shadow Slaves
School illumination [evil, shadow]
Level shadowsworn 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of rotten flesh ingested during casting)
Range personal
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none
Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Upon casting this spell, you begin to vomit forth 1d3 shadows (see Pathfinder Bestiary). The shadows are completely under your control. You take a point of Strength damage for each shadow vomited, as negative energy pains wrack your body, and you are also nauseated the next round.
These shadows move and attack on your initiative, but they cannot travel more than 100 ft. beyond you. If one of the shadows moves past this limit due to your movement or its movement, it dissipates instantly.
These shadows do not count toward the maximum number of undead you can control. Shadows summoned in this manner can be dispelled by dispel magic effects and can be harmed by channeled negative energy as usual.

Transcendental Geas
School enchantment (compulsion) [curse, language-dependent, mind-affecting]
Level bard 5, cleric 6, inquisitor 5, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 6
Casting Time 1 round
Components V
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature with 7 HD or less
Duration 1 day/level or until discharged (D)
Saving Throw Will negates
Spell Resistance yes
This spell functions exactly like lesser geas, except that its effects persist beyond death. That is, a creature under the effects of this spell must continue to attempt their transcendental geas as a ghost, on the next plane of existence or wherever they may find themselves after life. In addition, this spell grants the target the ability to infiltrate the caster’s dreams posthumously for a single night as the dream spell, if such contact would enable the target to fulfil their transcendental geas.

Phantasmal Detainment
School necromancy [curse, evil]
Level cleric 7, sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 7
Casting Time 1 hour
Components V, S, M, DF (a black diamond worth 100 gp per HD of the target)
Range touch
Target corpse touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates
Spell Resistance yes
You prevent the subject’s soul from moving on to the next life. They become a ghost (apply the ghost template), bound to your plane of existence until satisfying some condition set forth by you. If you do not specify a particular condition, the ghost may move on as soon as it is given a burial. The subject’s ghost can materialize enough to affect corporeal creatures only after dark, although it can travel and perceive events that occur during the day.
The subject must have died no more than one day ago per caster level, or the spell fails. A subject that has received funeral rites or some form of proper burial is immune to this spell.

Shadow Serpent
School illusion (shadow)
Level druid 7, witch 7
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one serpent comprised of shadow
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none
Spell Resistance no
You use material from the plane of shadow to form a shadow serpent.
The serpent acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the serpent, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

Curse of Undeath
School necromancy [evil]
Level cleric 8, sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature
Duration permanent
Saving Throw Will negates
Spell Resistance yes
This spell places a curse upon the subject, causing that creature to rise again as an undead creature after death. The subject is unharmed so long as it lives. Should the subject die while under the effect of this spell, attempts at reviving the creature through spells such as raise dead and resurrection fail. In 1d4 rounds, the creature instead rises as an undead, as detailed below. The type of undead creature is determined by the GM, but it should include an undead template appropriate for the creature.
Created undead are not under the control of the spell’s caster. Undead created by this spell are created instantaneously, and thus continue to exist even if the spell that created them is dispelled or dismissed. A remove curse spell can remove this effect, but it must be cast before the creature rises into unlife.

Life to Undeath
School necromancy [death, evil]
Level cleric 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pig’s hoof and silver dust worth 100 gp per HD of the target)
Range touch
Target living creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance yes
With a touch, you fell the subject before breathing undeath into their remains. Your touch attack deals 1d6 negative energy damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). If this damage kills the subject, they may attempt a second Fortitude save to resist being risen as an undead creature in 1d4 rounds. You may choose to raise the creature into an unintelligent undeath, in which case the creature receives a Will save to retain its intelligence.
A creature risen by life to undeath loses half its total HD and its type changes to undead. A creature risen as a mindless undead has no Intelligence score and loses any class levels it had, in addition to its memories and mental faculties.

Luskal’s Energy Tapping
School necromancy [evil]
Level cleric 8, sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target living creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance yes
This horrible spell uses the lifeforce of another being to augment the caster’s abilities. It is cast along with any other spell, at the height of which the caster touches her target. She grants 1 negative level for every three caster levels to the target, and add the drained levels to her caster level for the purpose of the spell she is currently casting. In addition, she may add the effects of any metamagic feat that she knows to the spell, without having to have assigned them before, or altering the spells effective level.
Any extra levels are lost the instant the spell is finished. The target gaining the negative levels receives a Fortitude save every 24 hours to remove them. Anyone slain by this spell rises as a free-willed undead after 24 hours, unless the body has been blessed.

Shadow Hydra
School illusion (shadow)
Level cleric 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect five shadow hydra heads
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none
Spell Resistance no
You use material from the plane of shadow to form five shadow hydra heads. You can form each of the heads independently in any space within range that shares a single contiguous stretch of dim light or darkness with the others. The contiguous stretch of dim light or darkness serves as the shadow hydra’s body.
The heads act immediately, on your turn. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. If you can communicate with the heads, you can direct them not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

Cursed Earth
School necromancy [curse, evil; see text]
Level cleric 9, sorcerer/wizard 9, witch 9
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (powdered onyx 10,000 gp), DF
Range touch
Area 1-mile radius emanating from the touched point
Duration permanent
Saving Throw none (see text)
Spell Resistance no
You lay a terrible curse upon the land, blighting those who live and die there. Choose one of the following effects.
Famine All normal plants in the area reduce their growth and food production by half, as if affected by the stunt growth effect of diminish plants.
Living Death Any creatures of Small size or larger killed in the area rise as uncontrolled zombies 24 hours after their death, as do corpses buried in the area. Burning or dismembering the corpses prevents them from rising as zombies.
Plague Every day at sundown, all creatures in the area must make a Fortitude save or catch one of the following diseases (your choice, decided at the time of casting): blinding sickness, bubonic plague, cackle fever, filth fever, leprosy, mindfire, red ache, shakes, or slimy doom. The disease is contracted immediately (the onset period does not apply). Use the disease’s listed frequency and save DC to determine further effects. This is a disease effect.

Darkwater Mere
School illusion (shadow)
Level druid 9, witch 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect 100-ft.-radius swamp of shadows
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw see text
Spell Resistance no
Water-like shadow covers the ground in all directions. The shadow adds another dimension to the ground that is 5 feet deep, and creatures that were standing on the ground slip 5 feet into darkwater.
Darkwater is opaque, viscous and suffocating. Wading through darkwater costs 4 times as much movement as moving through an unhindered space. A DC 15 Swim check allows a creature to swim in darkwater at one-quarter their speed. Creatures cannot fly out of darkwater unless they succeed at a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 25 Fly check. For every 5 points of Constitution a creature has, it can hold its breath in darkwater for 1 round. If a creature takes a standard or full-round action, the remaining duration that the creature can hold its breath is reduced by 1 round. After this period of time, the creature must make a DC 20 Constitution check to continue holding its breath. Each round, the DC increases by +5. When a creature finally fails their Constitution check, they begin to drown. In the first round, they fall unconscious (0 hp). In the following round, they drop to –1 hit points and are dying. In the third round, they drown.
Creatures comprised of shadow are not hindered by darkwater and gain fast healing 5 while they remain within it.
Once per round as a free action, you can make a 5-ft.-radius square of darkwater 10 feet deeper. As long as there is an adjacent space within 5 ft. of the sinking space’s elevation, creatures standing on a sinking space receive a Reflex save to step into an adjacent space. A creature can attempt to squeeze into an adjacent space that is occupied at a –4 penalty.
When you cast this spell, you can form a shadow serpent within the mere. The serpent reduces the duration of darkwater mere by 10 minutes and disappears when the spell ends.

School necromancy [evil]
Level cleric 9, druid 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M, DF (20,000 gp onyx)
Range 60 ft.
Area 60-ft. burst, centered on you
Duration permanent and instantaneous
Saving Throw none and Fortitude half
Spell Resistance yes
This spell releases a burst of foul, life-destroying energy from the negative energy plane. All land in the area of effect blackens and is forever ruined.
The spell reduces all plants to cinders.
Against plant creatures, the spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum of 20d6). Defile is equally effective against other opponents. Against living creatures (except vermin, which are immune), the spell deals 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum of 10d8). Those killed by this blast rise up uncontrolled with the corporeal undead creature template 1d4 rounds later.
All water on the despoiled land turns poisonous as if tainted with lich dust. Finally, necromancy spells cast in the area affected by defile are cast at +1 caster level and the DCs to save against their effects are increased by 1.
A wish or miracle spell is needed to repair land ruined by this spell.
Undead caught in the defile spell’s burst heal all damage and gain maximum hit points based on their Hit Dice. For example, a Medium zombie who has 2d12+3 Hit Dice and 16 hp increases its hit point total to 27 because of this spell.


Echelon Reference Series: Wizards (3pp+PRD)
Pathfinder 1e
Human Lich Wizard 11: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Mindless Undead: ?
Servant: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Small Undead: ?
Medium Undead: ?
Tiny Undead: ?
Large Undead: ?
Diminutive Undead: ?
Huge Undead: ?
Devourer: Create Greater Undead spell.
Ghast: Create Undead spell.
Ghoul: Create Undead spell.
Haunt: ?
Lich: ?
Mohrg: Create Undead spell.
Mummy: Create Undead spell.
Shadow: Create Greater Undead spell.
Skeleton, Undead Skeleton: Lesser Animate Dead spell.
Animate Dead spell.
Specter: Create Greater Undead spell.
Wraith: Create Greater Undead spell.
Zombie, Undead Zombie: Lesser Animate Dead spell.
Animate Dead spell.
Cursed Earth spell.


Egyptian Heroes
Pathfinder 1e
Undead, Undead Creature, Dead Thing: ?
Abomination: ?
Undead Pharaoh: ?
Mummy, Undead Mummy: ?
Vampire Lord: ?
Undead Horror: ?
Vampire, True Vampire: ?
Spirit of One Who Died From the Wasting Disease: Unfortunately, when he reached adulthood, a terrible curse took effect, passed down for generations in his family’s bloodline ever since his great grandfather disturbed the tomb of an ancient paramour of the Undead Pharaoh. The curse inflicts a terrible wasting disease that prematurely ages all who acquire it, cutting their lifespan well short of what a normal human would expect. For Ziyadi, it meant that he outlived every one of his relatives and children, a fact that doubly-cursed him to a haunted existence as their spirits now torment him in their zeal for vengeance against the mummy that cut them down in the prime of their life.
Not yet realized by Ziyadi, his dual curses emanate from the Undead Pharaoh. Long ago, the mummy cursed one of his ancestors, creating the circumstances for the wasting disease that still afflicts his family. At the same time, the spirits of those who died from the disease (especially his own children) now haunt him as part of his oracle’s curse, as well, and they constantly urge him to use his unexpectedly longer lifespan to put down the monster and avenge them.
Haunt: ?


Epic Heroes 0.9.2
Pathfinder 1e
Undead: ?
Undead Skeleton: Animus Blast epic spell.

Animus Blast
School: Evocation, Necromancy [Cold, Evil]
Base spell level: Arcane 11, Divine 11,
Occult 12
Casting Time: 1 std action
Components: V, S
Range: Long
Area: 20 ft radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
Animus Blast does 1d6 cold damage per caster level (to a maximum of 25d6), and the same amount of negative energy damage (roll once for both). Each living creature with a skeleton and with fewer hit dice than the caster level killed blast becomes an undead skeleton under the control of the caster. These undead count against the caster’s control limit – the spell does not increase said control limit, but also does not preclude other methods of doing so.


Fantastical Creatures & How to Survive Them: A Student's Guide for Adventure and Study
Pathfinder 1e
Death Knight: Most (but not all) death knights were paladins in life, who broke their vows in such a complete and horrific way that they became the exact inverse of their former holiness. This goes far beyond simply losing honor; only someone who has completely and utterly fallen in word, deed, and disposition could become something as horrific as a death knight.
Death Knight Lord: ?
Draugr: Greater by far than anything simple magic can reproduce, draugr are naturally-occurring undead of great power, possessing intelligence, cunning, and a great hunger and hatred for the living.
Draugr Storm: ?
Draugr Devouring: ?
Janus: Janus is the god of gateways and dualities, usually associated with the gateways of death and time, but his territory extends beyond this limitation. He is also the great archetype of the undead servant; while it is virtually impossible to summon an actual god, Janus is surprisingly accommidating of mortal casters, sending an avatar to the service of any caster of sufficient power to summon it.
Skeletal Student: ?
Skeletal Student Initiate: ?
Skeletal Student Basic: ?
Skeletal Student Journeyman: ?
Skeletal Student Advanced: ?
Skeletal Student Master: ?
Death Knight, Truest Champion of All That is Evil in the World, Being of Undeath and Cruelty, Undead With a Mastery of Necromancy: ?
Draugr, Golden Standard of the Undead, Naturally-Occurring Undead of Great Power: ?
More Powerful Draugr: ?
Janus, Great Archetype of the Undead Servant, Avatar: ?
Skeletal Student, Undead Monstrosity: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: Creating undead requires the theft of another’s body and soul, and results in the creation of a creature who inherently seeks the torture and death of all living things.
Corporeal Undead: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Enemy That Never Negotiates: ?
Creature Who Inherently Seeks the Torture and Death of All Living Things: ?
Undead Servant: ?
Undead Retainer: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Ghost: ?
Lich: Second, for those with a true lack of any moral compass, study of the undead can lead to immortality, via lichdom.
Lord Baroden de Fleur, Venerable Human Lich Soulweaver 19, Professor of Healing, Professor of Necromancy, Most Infamous Teacher at Windfell Academy, Undead Abomination Turned Teacher, Undead Spellcaster, Overseer of Healing Services, Overseer of the School Crypt, Being of Unadulterated Evil, Very Effective Teacher: ?
Skeleton: ?


File Off the Serial Numbers
Pathfinder 1e
Ghoul: Nabassu Demon's gaze attack that creates ghouls.
Undead-focused cleric 9's gaze attack that creates ghouls.
Necromancer 9's gaze attack that creates ghouls.
Lich: ?
Small Ghost: ?
Ghost: ?
Vampire Arcane Archer 7: ?
Vampire Cleric 14: ?
Vampire Antipaladin 14: ?


Forest Kingdom Campaign Compendium
Pathfinder 1e
Mythic Banshee: ?
Barrow Wight: Forlorn and fearsome, barrow wights were once warlords or princes of old. While some few came to their current state by the powerful curse of a darkling power, most earned an eternity of unlife through their own dire and dreadful predations, whether in war and conquest or in the oppression and exploitation of their own people.
Boreal Wight, Typical Boreal Wight, Full-Fledged Free-Willed Boreal Wight: Spawn are under the command of the boreal wight that created them and remain enslaved until its death, at which point they lose their spawn penalties and become full-fledged and free-willed boreal wights.
Boreal wights are the restless dead left unburied in the evergreen forests of the north.
Mythic Dullahan: ?
Faliech-Wyrm: In centuries past, the king of the wild Northlands entreated a cabal of sinister necromancers known as the Faleich-Mar to create for him the penultimate undead warbeast to obliterate and devour the armies of his enemies to the south. To meet his request, the Faleich-Mar bred monstrous-sized tatzlwyrmsB3, infested them with undead leeches that drove the creatures insane, turning them into raging violent beasts before slaying them. When necromancers raised their corpses, the result proved undeniably destructive. Yet the arcane madness that once afflicted their living brains caused their deterioration, making them impossible to control in undeath. Once risen, the monstrous undead wyrms rampaged through the wildlands, sowing paths of destruction and terror. The best the necromancers could hope for was to point their volatile creations south and hope they encountered as few of their own peoples’ settlements as possible before they reached enemy territory. After numerous trials and failures, the king ordered the Faleich- Mar to abandon their efforts. Undaunted, and driven by their own desires the Faleich-Mar continued their research, slowly moving across the Northlands, seeking out remote areas to perform their work.
Each time, the results were equally chaotic and destructive. The king tried to condemn their work, until it was revealed that he had initially commissioned the cabal to construct the monstrous creatures. This revelation broke the trust of the kingdom and inspired revolt and rebellion throughout the northlands. Publicly demonized and shunned, the Faleich-Mar were driven underground where they continued their
Green Child: Beneath the soured mires of the cold wastelands, black swamps, and chilling ice moors stir the remnants of man’s most horrific sins, the tumultuary corpses of wrongfully slain children. What force stirs their souls to unrest remains an enigma, for certainly the green children are evil creatures capable of perpetrating vengeful and sadistic acts upon the living. Some surmise that their violence serves as an act of justice; however, these malevolent beings lack ethics and indiscriminately attack any mortals they encounter.
Slough: A slough is powerful undead creature, a former ex-druid that steals her power directly from the earth she once swore to protect. To sustain herself in undeath a slough manipulates a specially prepared dolmen known as a weirdstone to siphon life from the earth, which she then feeds upon to empower for her own dark and malevolent existence.
All slough begin as mortal druids who become corrupted by using weirdstones. Though the weirdstone can supply a mortal with great power, using these artifacts also drains the life energy of a mortal user, eventually slaying that individual and forcing its body into a constant cycle of decomposition and regeneration. Upon dying, the mortal sheds her skin and transforms into a slough.
Living ex-druids can also use a weirdstone to gain druidic powers, though in doing so the weirdstone also drains them of life. To use a weirdstone effectively the ex-druid must spend eight hours in meditation and then make Spellcraft check DC 10+ the weirdstone’s caster level. If successful, for the next 24 hours the individual gains the benefits of the weirdstone, but they permanently loses 1 point of Constitution. Constitution loss sacrificed to a weirdstone cannot be restored in any manner. In this manner, those who continually use weirdstone’s eventual die and become slough themselves.
“Slough” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature), provided it can create or otherwise acquire a weirdstone.
Ugrohter: Born sadists, ugrohters trace their origins to the bands of psychotic pixies that in lost eons allied themselves with Kryonis-Athym, a rebellious fey overlord whose radical proposals included bonding with humans in order to expand Otherworld’s influence on the mortal planes. In the end, the lords of Otherworld sided against Kryonis, cast him out Otherworld and then slew him. The severing of this of bond caused those of his followers who had already taken up residence on the Material Plane to die. These unfortunate fey creatures then rose from the dead, gruesomely transformed into ugrohters.
Mythic Banshee, Beautiful Ghostly Elven Woman: ?
Barrow Wight, Deathless Warrior, Frightful Foe:
Ordinary Wight That Also Possesses DR5/Magic or Silver and Has a Chilling Glare: Creatures killed by a barrow wight’s energy drain rise as ordinary wights that also possess DR 5/magic or silver and have a chilling glare (range 10 feet) equivalent to that of the barrow wight.
Cannier Barrow Wight: ?
Boreal Wight, Withered Corpse, Restless Dead: ?
Boreal Wight Spawn: Any humanoid creature that is slain by a boreal wight may rise as a boreal wight itself in only 1d4 rounds. However, this transformation only occurs if the creature’s corpse is buried in the ground or bound with a boreal wight’s thornbind ability. If its corpse is unearthed or it is freed from the thornbind before the transformation is complete, it is merely dead and does not rise.
Boreal Wight Spawn, Undead Slave-Spawn: ?
Ordinary Wight, Common Wight: ?
Ghostly Dullahan Coachman: ?
Mythic Dullahan, Grim Headless Rider: ?
Faleich-Wyrm, Terrifyingly Monstrous Rotting Corpse of a 40-Foot Long Snake With a Dragon's Head and Wickedly Clawed Forearms, Lifeless Beast, Monstrous Undead Wyrm, Volatile Creation, Monstrous Creature, Ghastly Creation, Beast, Fearsome Undead Creature, Sleeping Giant, Giant Undead Tatzylwyrm: ?
Penultimate Undead Warbeast: ?
Leech of Madness: Created by the Faleich-Mar, these undead leeches seek out intelligent life and latch into their flesh, attacking the nervous system and brain function and transforming the hosts into mindless, suicidal beasts.
Leech of Madness, Undead Leech: ?
Green Child, Gaunt Corpse of a Moss-Covered Rotting Child, Lithesome Horror, Tumultuary Corpse of a Wrongully Slain Child, Evil Creature: ?
Slough, Gristly Walking Corpse, Powerful Undead Creature, Former Ex-Druid, Lord, Abomination: ?
Slough Lord: ?
Ugrohter, Cadaverous Pixie-Like Creature With Greenish Decaying Flesh Crawling With Maggots, Undead Fey, Tortured Fey Creatures, Pain Harvester: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Invisible Undead: ?
Unnatural Creature: ?
Undead Spawn: ?
Mindless Corpse Animated: ?
Cruel-Hearted Undying Warlord: ?
Priya Nizolek, Human Ghost Commoner 2, Deathless Spirit, Vengeful Ghost, Spectral Village Woman in Soaked Rags, Half-Mad Ghost-Woman: Priya Nizolek was disconsolate when her only daughter, Fanya, took sick with a fever that would not abate, no matter how she prayed to the goddess of the mountain for healing. Long days and nights she prayed, but the village healers could do nothing and Fanya’s life slipped away. Pioska, loyal Pioska, ever her dutiful son, had sworn he would take an offering to the Istria’s mountain, imploring the goddess to restore his little sister, but she forbade him. Drowned in her grief, however, Priya never even noticed Pioska steal away to Istria’s Dolmen... not until three days later when a hunter brought back his garments, torn and bloodied where a wild beast had fallen upon him in the wood. Mad with grief, Priya seized her daughter’s dead body and her son’s bloody clothes to take them the goddess’ mountain, to demand satisfaction. The goddess would answer to her! She would answer for abandoning her faithful servant Priya in her greatest need, leaving her desolate and alone. Delirious from hunger and exhaustion, Priya deposited her grisly burden upon Istria’s Dolmen, barely clinging to sanity in her grief and anger. As Priya started to pray, a raven circled down from the rocks, alighting on Fanya’s corpse. Appalled as the carrion bird began to feast, Priya leaped up in a blind rage and hurled herself at the raven, in heedless pursuit as it flapped wildly trying to escape. In her headlong rush, Priya scarcely noticed when the snow-shrouded scree atop Falls of Istria gave way and she plummeted to her doom. But sometimes a mother’s grief and rage are stronger than death…
Lich, Full Lich: ?
Ancient Lich: ?
Atrophied Lich: ?
Demilich: ?
Umbral Wood, Sentient Land Lich: Perhaps it was once the home of a winter-worshiping assassin-warrior cult, uprooted and destroyed; yet the land itself had achieved a kind of sentience ... and with it, something that we might understand as lich-dom.
Tyrannical Lich: ?
Bloodthirsty Vampire-Pince: ?
Standard Zombie: ?
Zombie Beast: ?

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
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