Undead Origins


Fantastic Adventures: Ruins of the Grendleroot for 5e
Undead Minion: ?
Undead: An army of undead created by the vampire necromancer Korvilia.
Undead Knight: ?
Undead Drow: ?
Undead Servant: ?
Ravenous Undead: ?
Restless Undead: ?
Undead Thrall: ?
Undead Subject: ?
Mindless Undead: ?
Undead Horror: Though the great spike seemed indestructible, a gnome alchemist and engineer managed to use a magic gemstone to break its surface. The resulting explosion killed more of the small folk, and left a scar in the spike that leaked a poisonous gray liquid. Those who came into contact with the liquid where it pooled around the spire’s base, or who breathed the vapors that rose from it, turned into undead horrors that soon feasted on the last of the village’s living survivors.
Undead Gnome: ?
Undead Soldier: ?
Unique Fiendish Undead: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Rune Titan Ghost: ?
Ghost: ?
Rogah the Gray Owl, Ghost of a Warrior: Rogah the Gray Owl, the ghost of one of the warriors interred here, continues to protect this shrine.
Ghost of the Barbarian Queen: ?
Ravenous Ghoul: ?
Ghoul: Any creature that is not a construct or undead that touches the liquid of the gray pool for the first time on a turn takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The creature must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or have its hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain by this effect rises 24 hours later as a zombie or ghoul. Under rare circumstances, the humanoid might rise as a ghast that retains some of its original memories.
Gnome Ghoul: ?
Ghast: Any creature that is not a construct or undead that touches the liquid of the gray pool for the first time on a turn takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The creature must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or have its hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain by this effect rises 24 hours later as a zombie or ghoul. Under rare circumstances, the humanoid might rise as a ghast that retains some of its original memories.
Gemtooth, Gnome Ghast: ?
Lich, Yolon of the Void: ?
Mummy: ?
Marilith Mummy Lord: ?
Hezrou Mummy: ?
Shadow: When the shadow creature hits a creature that is not a construct or undead with a melee weapon attack, the target creature’s Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.
Decrepit Skeleton: ?
Skeletal Dragon: ?
Skeleton: ?
Minotaur Skeleton: Rogah can also animate the monstrous bones into minotaur skeletons that defend her.
Skeleton Dretch: ?
Warrior Skeleton: ?
Harrowed Specter: ?
Sarvin Bluecaster, Half-Crazed Specter: Once a priest of the Order of the White Sun, Sarvin became a kind of caretaker of Starsong Tower after his death, as his soul remained bound to the site. However, the corruption of the tower has twisted that soul, transforming him into a half-crazed specter.
Korva, Specter: ?
Aymon the Gray Prince, Specter: ?
Specter: specters spawned by explorers who were lost and died centuries earlier.
Vampire: ?
Korvilia, The White Queen, The Daughter of Death, Elf Vampire: ?
Vampire Knight: ?
Threx, Half-Orc Vampire Spawn: ?
Vampire Spawn: If one of the characters agrees to serve her as Threx has served her, the White Queen is likewise convinced to quiet the Grendleroot. She turns the character into a vampire spawn who must serve her at the vault for all time.
Vampire Assassin: ?
Vampire Knight Vorun the Bone King: ?
Drow Vampire: ?
Wight: ?
Wight Champion: ?
Vrock Wight: ?
Gladiator Wight: ?
Will-o'-Wisp: ?
Wraith: ?
Gnome Zombie: ?
Zombie: Any creature that is not a construct or undead that touches the liquid of the gray pool for the first time on a turn takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The creature must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or have its hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain by this effect rises 24 hours later as a zombie or ghoul. Under rare circumstances, the humanoid might rise as a ghast that retains some of its original memories.
Ancient Desiccated Figure: This was an artist of Redstone, who the White Queen conscripted to carve her life’s story so she could contemplate it during her rest.
Ogre Zombie: ?

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Fateforge - 1 - Corebook: Adventurers
Undead: Dead creatures brought to a state of pseudo-life through corrupted means.
Revenant, Greater Undead: By virtue of an unshakeable will, a person can become a revenant, driven by the imperative of completing a mission… or by dark passions. Should the leader consider it fitting for your character, you can rise again as a greater undead.
Ghost: ?
Megare of Cyrillane, Lich: ?
Mummy: ?
Shadow: ?
Skeleton: ?
Specter: ?
Vampire: ?
Zombie, Abomination: A melessë lurks between the slabs of a defiled graveyard infested with zombies. Her face is painted with kohl and white clay in the shape of a skull, and her lamellar bamboo armor is laden with trinkets. The shrunken head she brandishes in front of her gives off a pearly glow that leaves the undead powerless. She looks at them with sadness in her eyes, chanting prayers to Death and to her ancestors. One after the other, the abominations are driven back to their resting places. Once they are properly lying down, she touches them, ripping away the evil energy that cursed them in a torrent of dark miasma, freeing them from the plight of undeath.
Zombie: ?


Fateforge - Spellcaster's Guide
Undead: Necromancy spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.
Once-living beings brought to a horrifying state of undeath through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse.
Walking Corpse: ?
Bodiless Spirit: ?
Ghost: ?
Ancient Ghost: ?
Recent Ghost: ?
Shadow: ?
Specter: ?
Specter Cohort: ?
Vampire: ?
Wraith: ?
Zombie: Gateway of the Dead geomagical effect.

Gateway of the Dead
The rest of the party intently stared at the cleric and wizardess. They all agreed on the necessity of using arcane magic, but hoped that this time, the holy man would be able to react in time to repel the horrors that threatened to pour out of the Ethereal Plane… unlike last time. Carefully, the spellcaster started chanting. Everyone held their breath. They looked around, on edge, but it seemed like they had been lucky this time.
The gateway of the dead occurs in haunted places, but can also take place when a spellcaster uses powerful spells related to death or corruption. The border with the Ethereal Plane becomes permeable, allowing creatures such as specters to freely pass into the Material Plane. Casting spells further weakens the boundary between the planes and may attract the monsters.
The effect generally stops once the location has been purified. If nothing is done, it can last indefinitely.
Whenever a creature casts a spell, it must roll a d8. If the result is equal to or below the level of the spell cast, the gateway opens. Roll on the table on the next page. All the creatures mentioned in the table are described in the Bestiary, most of them in the Ethereal Wanderers chapter. The leader can tailor the challenge rating of the encounters to your party. Barring exceptional circumstances, specters freed by this effect are unable to move beyond the confines of the region affected by this geomagic.
d8 Effect
1 Souls of the departed appear as the translucent shapes of beings who have recently died in the area. Depending on their personality, they may (choose or roll a d6): (1) beg to be saved; (2) ask to help a loved one; (3) impart serene, supportive last words; (4) lie and mislead the adventurers out of sheer malevolence; (5) warn the adventurers of a threat they have been the victim of; (6) request the adventurers to right a wrong that they committed.
2 A wraith appears, possibly accompanied by specter cohorts.
3 A phase spider has set its sights on the adventurers or their mounts.
4 Fresh bodies (humanoids, giants, or beasts) who have been denied Death’s blessing rise as undead.
They may animate some distance away from the adventurers and roam the region as zombies.
5 An ancient or recent ghost manifests.
6 The adventurers’ shadows animate and attack them as shadows.
7 A vrock leaps out of the gateway, looking for souls.
8 A portal to the Ethereal Plane opens very noticeably next to the spellcaster.


Fiendish Discoveries (5e)
Undead: ?
Ghost: A haunted rock formation could appear in almost any fantasy campaign. If someone was slain or committed suicide on or near the formation, their ghost could remain.
Resident Ghost: Any structure noted for an unexpected death could have a resident ghost.
Errant Ghost: ?
Will-o-Wisp: ?
Zombie: ?
Ghoul: ?
Wight: ?
Harriet Rionda, Ghost: Devil’s Tower: there are at least two Devil’s Towers in the United States. One is a clock tower located in New Jersey, and is a physical stone structure built in 1910 by sugar baron Manuel Rionda. According to local superstition, it’s haunted by the ghost of Rionda’s wife Harriet, who either died at a young age or who committed suicide by leaping from the top of the tower.
Errant K'uei: ?
Troublesome Spirit: ?
Spirit: ?
Devourer: ?


Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom
Stoneghost: Stoneghosts are the cursed forms of those dwarves who slew their comrades, transformed into undead creatures by the effects of the glitterdoom curse.
The discovery of this unprecedented deposit of lustrous ore inflamed the miners’ natural dwarven proclivity for avarice, manifesting in a rare form of psychosis known as aurhrek or “gold madness.” The bane of dwarvenkind, this insanity gripped the miners, causing them to covet the gold above all else—even to the point of forsaking friendships and clan ties. The aurhrek manifested in either of two ways amongst the miners: an all-consuming mania to extract as much of the metal as possible, or a murderous urge to slay one’s comrades so as to keep the gleaming ore for oneself.
Even the mine’s resident priest, a cleric devoted to the dwarven god of secrets under the mountain and untapped riches, proved susceptible to the madness. Forsaking his deity for a darker god of old, the cleric—now known as Greedyguts—called down evil powers to smite his fellows and claim the mine’s gold for himself. This divine curse, known as the glitterdoom, fell upon the miners, transforming them into hellish forms according to how the aurhrek afflicted them. In short order, the Knuckle was lost, drowned in a tide of blood and greed.
Greedyguts, Averes, Dwarven Heretical Undead Priest, Undead Cleric: ?
Undead: ?
Crossbow-Wielding Undead: ?
Dwarven Ghost: ?
Strange Dwarven Ghost: ?


Fifth Edition Fantasy #3: The Pillars of Pelagia
Koalinth Zombie: Since Solemaya now has control of the sea tower, she has made some modifications. She has added an animated net and animated three koalinth zombies to guard the approach to area 4-2. Two of her troops were slain by acidic burns from a trap. The last one was poisoned by Myricia, and Solemaya killed him out of frustration with a spear. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals the origin of the wounds. Solemaya then cast an animate dead spell using a 4th-level spell slot to target all three bodies.


Fifth Edition Fantasy #6: Raiders of the Lost Oasis
Mummy Cat: ?
Ankhotep, The Mummy Priest, Mummy, Undead Mockery: Millennia ago, Ankhotep was a devout priest of the Sphinx Queen, when she ruled the great desert wastes. From secret shrines and concealed sanctuaries, the priest led many forbidden rituals for the glory and favor of his goddess. But on a fateful day, the forces of good rose up against the Sphinx Queen, and although their victory was not complete, her rule was shattered and she was imprisoned in a forbidden tomb. Ankhotep and most of her other followers scattered among the hot desert winds and went into hiding. All the while, the Sphinx Queen’s whispers guided her dedicated followers, and Ankhotep embraced her seductive lessons. He was soon convinced of her eventual return, and set about to plan to be at her side during her triumphant return.
He founded a new temple, secluded in a remote oasis, situated in the middle of a sea of glass. The Glass Sea is a scar on the forsaken wasteland, created during an elemental battle centuries before. Using his considerable wealth, and the overflowing coffers filled by his faithful congregation, he constructed an elaborate tomb under the temple. Fit for a pharaoh, the tomb was stocked with everything Ankhotep would need in the afterlife, which he intended to spend with his beloved Sphinx Queen. Mundane objects, a place for his wife, and his remaining abundant material wealth were all added to his burial chambers. His master architect, Horeb, was tasked with the design of several deadly traps, designed to protect his physical body and his hoard. The priest underwent the sacred ritual of mummification and was sealed in his tomb to await the return of his goddess. But Ankhotep’s undoing was his blind trust in his master architect.
Although by no means wealthy, Horeb had a comfortable life. But he was greedy, and believed that locking away a hoard of golden objects and fine jewels in the fanciful belief of an afterlife was foolhardy and wasteful. Not to mention he’d had a forbidden tryst with the priest’s wife, Nebetia. Ultimately, it was her seductive pleas that convinced him to betray his master, and plunder the tomb he was entrusted to design. He commanded that a secret passage be installed from one of the general burial chambers, bypassing a trapped entrance door to Ankhotep’s tomb. Following the installation, Horeb poisoned the workers to protect his secret. A few weeks after the burial, the master architect used the secret passage to enter the burial chambers. Using his knowledge of the other traps, many of which he designed, he penetrated the innermost chambers and over the course of several nights, robbed the priest of all his worldly possessions, save those adorned on his very body. In the final act, perhaps out of superstition, Horeb sealed the priest’s sarcophagus with molten gold, just in case Ankhotep is resurrected. Horeb and Nebetia fled the oasis with more gold and jewels that they could ever spend in a hundred years.
Yet, Horeb’s betrayal did not go unnoticed, as the Sphinx Queen herself bestowed the gift of undeath on her devoted disciple.
Mummy: ?
Mummy Lord: ?

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