Undead Origins


Villages of Ashlar (5e)
Undead King: ?
Dunn Frewin, The Hungry Man, Ghoul Cleric 2, Less Natural Predator, Something Unnatural: Once one of Ashford’s priests, Dunn has returned from the grave to revenge himself upon Waldere.
Before the plague, the church had two priests. One, Dunn Frewin, died of the plague. Ignoring his last request to be buried in the church, Waldere cast Dunn’s body into one of the plague pits. This betrayal will cost Waldere dearly; Dunn Frewin has returned as a ghoul (Area 6).
Before the plague, the church had two priests. One, Dunn Frewin, died of the plague. Ignoring his last request to be buried in the church, Waldere cast Dunn’s body into one of the plague pits. This betrayal will cost Waldere dearly; Dunn Frewin has returned as a ghoul.
One of Ashford’s priests, Dunn Frewin (now CE male ghoul cleric 2) died of the plague and was betrayed in death by his friend and colleague Waldere (see Area 3). He has risen as a ghoul and now lurks in the southernmost pit, in a cramped burrow among the suppurating corpses of his dead congregation.
Necromancer Lich: ?
Thegn Delthur Werlann, Dwarf Skeleton Knight, Skeletal Champion: In life, Deltur was a kind and just ruler, but death has warped his heart and he has fallen into darkness. Consumed with lust to slay orcs and other evil humanoids he has returned to unlife as a skeletal champion.
Dwarf Skeleton Veteran: ?

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Villainous Compendium (5E)
Undead Warrior: ?
Undead: An evil lich stalks the city, slaying the isolated and reanimating them as undead.
Intelligent and willful, the sepulchre stave has razed cities and raised the populace anew as undead.
Undead Servant: ?
Powerful Undead: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: ?
Evil Lich: ?
Lich: ?
Lich, Powerful Undead: ?
Vampire, Count Strahd von Zarovich: ?
Zombie: ?


250 Best Magic Items: Curios, Oddities, and Trinkets
Hungry Monkey: ?
Mummified Vampire Bat: ?
Undead: However, there may be a reason the weapon failed and was abandoned–one that is not obvious to the new owner. Maybe the weapon was cursed (and restoring it to full power also restores its curse), or perhaps the former owner is tied to the weapon–either psychically or physically. What if restoring the weapon resurrects the former owner or brings them back as an undead to reclaim their stolen property? The GM can have all sorts of sneaky fun with this…
The best curses shouldn’t kill but utterly transform the character in undesirable ways (like slowly turn them undead or into a monster) if not removed in time.
Intelligent Undead: ?
Ghast: If you die before dawn while using the skull [of the grim feast]'s power, you rise as a ghoul (MM) in a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier. However, if you are attuned to the skull, you rise as a ghast (MM) instead.
Casting remove curse or greater restoration on you before you die dispels the curse. Casting either spell on you after you die prevents you from rising as undead. Casting either spell on you after you have risen as undead has no effect.
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: If you die before dawn while using the skull [of the grim feast]'s power, you rise as a ghoul (MM) in a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier. However, if you are attuned to the skull, you rise as a ghast (MM) instead.
Casting remove curse or greater restoration on you before you die dispels the curse. Casting either spell on you after you die prevents you from rising as undead. Casting either spell on you after you have risen as undead has no effect.
Skeleton: Bone Bludgeon magic item.
Skeleton Servant: Book of False Life magic item.
Vampire Lord: ?
Vampire Spawn: ?
Zombie Servant: Book of False Life magic item.

Bone Bludgeon
Oddity, weapon (any bludgeoning), common (does not require attunement)
This is a bludgeoning weapon made from a single bone or many bones that may be humanoid or monster in origin. The weapon includes scrimshaw art of dancing skeletons along its ivory shaft.
Radiates: Necromancy magic (unstable).
Power: You deal 1 extra point of necrotic damage with this weapon.
Special: If you attune to this weapon, you can use it to tap on a tombstone or on the skull of any nonanimated skeleton; the corpse then animates as a skeleton under your control for 24 hours before collapsing into dust. When the duration ends, or your skeleton is reduced to 0 hit points, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion. You cannot have more than a single skeleton under your control with this item at a time.
Note: If buried in a normal six foot deep grave, a skeleton takes 10 minutes to reanimate and dig itself out. Otherwise, it could be faster or slower depending on how deeply it is buried. An unburied skeleton reanimates and is ready to command on the round after you tap its skull.

Book of False Life
Curio, common (does not require attunement)
This leather-bound book details how to bring the dead back to a semblance of false life. It is inked in the blood of the undead.
Radiates: Necromancy magic.
Power: If you spend a short rest reading and contemplating this book, you can animate a single Tiny to Medium-size skeleton or zombie servant within 5 feet as a 10 minute ritual. The ritual can only be conducted at night, in dim light or darkness, or anytime while underground. Skeletons and zombies created in this way are exactly as described in the MM, except they only have 1 hit point and they cannot attack. Each time you use this item's power, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion. You can only create and control 1 skeleton or zombie at a time with this book.
Special: If you choose to attune to this item, you no longer suffer exhaustion from using it the first time each day.
Special: If you are attuned and an undead, or a cleric of a god of death or undeath, a necromancer, a sorcerer with a necromantic or shadow sorcerous origin, or a warlock of a patron of death or undeath, you do not suffer exhaustion when you use this item's power. In addition, you can create and control a number of skeletons and zombies with this book equal to your proficiency bonus.
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250 Best Magic Items for Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers
Undead, Undead Creature: The best curses shouldn’t kill but utterly transform the character in undesirable ways (like slowly turn them undead or into a monster) if not removed in time.
Ghost: If you die while attuned to [a mask of the ancestor magic item], you become a ghost immediately after death if you are of any non-evil alignment.
Bone of the Betrayer magic item.
Lich: ?
Vampire: ?
Wight: If you die while attuned to [a mask of the ancestor magic item], you become a ghost immediately after death if you are of any non-evil alignment. If you are of evil alignment, you instead rise as a wight a number of rounds after death equal to 6 minus your Constitution modifier.
Zombie: If you die while attuned to [a mask of the ancestor magic item], you become a ghost immediately after death if you are of any non-evil alignment. If you are of evil alignment, you instead rise as a wight a number of rounds after death equal to 6 minus your Constitution modifier. Your life drain ability turns the humanoids you slay into zombies that rise 1 round after they die, not 24 hours later as stated for wights in the MM.

Bone of the Betrayer
Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by a barbarian)
This is a small, bone-bladed +1 dagger. It gives an unsettling feeling to anyone not of evil alignment who holds it. There is an old barbarian legend about a powerful warrior who betrayed his people and was cursed with this weapon to wander forever alone.
Radiates: Enchantment and necromancy magic.
Power: Your attacks with this weapon deal an extra 1d6 psychic damage.
Power: You may cast hold person on any creature you hit with this weapon in melee or ranged combat. You may use this power a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
Power: You always know this weapon's exact location and may cast clairvoyance on it a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
Curse. If you die while attuned to this weapon, your spirit hops into the body of a random humanoid that has just died and whose body is intact within a 100 mile radius. You return to life at 1 hit point. You retain your memories, including Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, as well as your class, level, hit points, and alignment. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are those of your new body which may be a different race, tribe, clan, gender, age, or size than you are used to. You have no access to the memories of the new body your spirit now inhabits.
If you don't like your new body, you can make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. If you fail, you remain trapped in your new body. If you succeed, you can switch to a different body that you hope will be more compatible. However, you have no way of knowing if it will be, and you will be stuck in it with no way back if you do decide to body hop. The only thing you will know in advance is that it is one or more steps closer to your old body in some way, whether age, race, tribe/clan, gender, size, or one or more ability scores.
Note: Regardless of which body you end up in, you remain attuned to the weapon. No one else may attune to it unless remove curse is cast on it. Doing so breaks your attunement and turns you into a ghost (MM) unless you are already safely living in a new body.


250 Best Magic Items for Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards
Undead: The best curses shouldn’t kill but utterly transform the character in undesirable ways (like slowly turn them undead or into a monster) if not removed in time.
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Ghost: ?
Lich: ?
Corporeal Undead: ?
Ghast: If you die while attuned to [a jar of jellied eyeballs magic item], you become a ghoul (MM) 1d6 rounds after you die if you were 2nd level or less, or a ghast in 1d4 rounds if you were 3rd level or higher.
Ghost: Locket of Life magic item.
Phantom Mirror magic item.
Soul Jar magic item.
Vengeful Ghost: ?
Ghoul: If you die while attuned to [a jar of jellied eyeballs magic item], you become a ghoul (MM) 1d6 rounds after you die if you were 2nd level or less, or a ghast in 1d4 rounds if you were 3rd level or higher.
Lich: ?
The Hand of Evil, Fearsome Lich: ?
Mummy: ?
Mummy Lord: ?
Shadow: ?
Skeleton: Bag of Bones magic item.
Grave Dancer Shoes magic item.
Large and Horribly Disturbing Mismatched Skeleton of Random Beast and Humanoid Bones: Bag of Bones magic item.
Minotaur Skeleton: ?
Specter: ?
Spirit: ?
Vampire: ?
Wight, Regular Wight: If you die while attuned to this ring [of the frost witch], you rise as a wight (MM) under Azulari’s control.
Grave Dancer Shoes magic item.
Wraith: If you die while attuned to the orb [of purple shadows], you rise as a wraith (MM) in 1d4 rounds and the only physical item you can still manipulate is the orb.
Zombie: Any humanoid slain by the [magical grim harvester] scythe rises as a zombie (MM) under your control in 1 round.
Bag of Bones magic item.
Grave Dancer Shoes magic item.
Uncontrolled Zombie: ?

Bag of Bones (Set)
Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by a necromancer)
This appears to be an ordinary, patched burlap sack. It weighs 5 pounds.
Radiates: Necromancy magic.
Power: Any dead creature of Medium size or smaller that is placed in this bag immediately becomes a skeleton or zombie (depending on if it was bones or a corpse) as if you had cast animate dead. The dead creature is under your control until destroyed. At any one time, you may only have a number of undead animated by this bag equal to your arcane spellcasting levels + your proficiency bonus.
Note: These undead are in addition to any you control through animate dead or other means.

Bag of Mutant Bones (Set)
Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by a necromancer)
This patched and stained burlap sack is full of human and animal bones. It weighs ten pounds.
Radiates: Necromancy magic.
Power: When you dump the bones inside this bag out, they magically reassemble themselves into a large and horribly disturbing mismatched skeleton of random beast and humanoid bones. The mutant skeleton is the equivalent of a minotaur skeleton (MM) and obeys you for a number of rounds equal to your arcane spellcaster levels + your proficiency bonus. If it is killed or the duration ends, the skeleton explodes, causing 2d6 slashing, 2d6 piercing, and 2d6 necrotic damage to everyone in a 20 foot radius.
Special: To create another skeleton, you need to collect another 10 pounds of animal and humanoid bones and place them in the sack. They must remain sealed in the sack for one full day (without being exposed to light of any kind) in order for them to be ready for animation.
Set Bonus: If you are attuned to both the bag of bones and bag of mutant bones, the number of undead animated by the bag of bones you can control equals double your arcane spellcasting levels + your proficiency bonus. In addition, all undead animated by these bags have maximum hit points for creatures of their type + a number of temporary hit points equal to your arcane spellcasting levels + your proficiency bonus.

Grave Dancer Shoes
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a non-good arcane spellcaster)
These awful flesh-colored leather shoes are strangely textured and made from tanned necromancer skin.
Radiates: Necromancy and transmutation magic.
Power: You gain proficiency in Charisma
(Performance) and advantage on all dancing checks. If you are already proficient in Performance, you gain a +2 bonus to it.
Power: You gain advantage on all saving throws against radiant and necrotic damage.
Power: You ignore difficult terrain.
Power: You may cast expeditious retreat, longstrider, or pass without trace as per the Magic Item Uses Per Day rules on page 7.
Special: If you are a necromancer or warlock, you may dance on a grave (or over an unburied corpse) in these shoes. After 1d2 rounds, the remains become a skeleton (MM) if it was bones or a zombie (MM) if it was a corpse. This functions as if you had cast animate dead on them, except the animated servant returns to its grave just before dawn and does its best to rebury itself if it was previously buried. It becomes dead again the moment sunlight hits it or it succeeds in reburying itself. Its grave must be danced on again to reanimate it (or a different grave can be chosen).
Note that the skeleton or zombie requires 1 minute to dig itself out of a grave if buried when animated.
While dancing, you are only allowed to dodge. You can only raise and control a number of undead at one time equal to your arcane spellcaster levels + your proficiency bonus.
Curse. If you die while wearing these shoes, you rise as a wight (MM) in 1d4 rounds + your Constitution modifier. Unlike a regular wight, any zombies you animate rise in 1 round, not 24 hours later.

Locket of Life
Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by a necromancer)
This item appears to be nothing more than a simple, well-crafted brass locket intended to keep a beloved's lock of hair or tiny portrait safe.
Radiates: Divination and necromancy magic.
Power: This locket is magically linked with the soul of a loved one of your choice. If it is ever injured or dies, you will know it no matter how far away you are.
Power: You may cast locate creature (only on your loved one) a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus. The range is extended to a number of miles equal to your arcane spellcaster levels.
Power: If you make a DC 25 Arcana check, you can return the linked loved one to life, exactly as if the spell raise dead was cast on them, except you can do it from wherever you are located, provided you and your loved one are both on the same plane of existence. If the check fails, the locket loses its magic and your loved one becomes a ghost (MM). Your loved one returns to life (or becomes a ghost) exactly where their corpse is at the time you use this power.
Charges: You can use the locket’s raise dead power once before the locket loses its magic. When you use this power, you instantly take 5 levels of exhaustion.

Phantom Mirror
Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by an arcane spellcaster)
This is a 6 foot tall, 2 foot wide mirror with an antique wooden frame engraved with numerous necromantic symbols.
Radiates: Necromancy magic.
Power: Once per night, the mirror becomes transparent and allows a spirit to pass through it. The spirit leaves the mirror and floats around, hovering around you awaiting orders. It remains until dismissed or until dawn. The spirit is invulnerable to physical harm but may be turned by a cleric channelling divinity or by a dispel evil or similar spell. If you need stats for it, the spirit is equivalent to a specter (MM).
The spirit resembles you in your current form and clothing, but nothing else. It is incorporeal, cannot attack or interact with anything, cannot speak, and makes no sound. It can see and hear, and is capable of spying. You have two-way telepathy with the spirit; it can understand you and communicate vague sensory and extra-sensory impressions (determined by the GM). You can tell it to go anywhere on the same plane as you and it will go there instantly and perform whatever you tell it to do. It sends back its impressions instantly; your telepathy has no range limits, but only works on while you’re both on the same plane.
Special: If you are a necromancer or warlock, you may merge with spirit to see, hear, and speak through it. It takes 1 minute to merge; your body becomes helpless and prone while merged. You may remain merged for a number of minutes equal to your arcane spellcasting levels + your proficiency bonus. It takes 1 minute to return your consciousness to your body.
Limit: The mirror is AC 10 with hit points equal to your arcane spellcasting level + proficiency bonus. It is immune to cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. It is vulnerable to bludgeoning and fire damage. If destroyed, the spirit is banished (if in use) but the mirror reforms in 13 hours. If you have merged when the mirror is destroyed, you take 3d6 psychic damage and 3 levels of exhaustion.
Curse. If your body is slain while you merge with spirit, you become a ghost (MM).

Soul Jar
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a necromancer)
This small, crystalline jar has a lid that fits tightly. Inside, a soul floats in a clear, viscous fluid, which glows softly.
Radiates: Necromancy magic.
Power: The soul inside can communicate telepathically with any necromancer holding the jar. It begs you to release it and tells you how. It needs a recently dead (but still intact) body within 30 feet to bring it back to life. While you hold the soul jar, you must speak a command word to free the incorporeal creature from the jar. If you succeed at a DC 20 Arcana check, you pronounce the command word correctly and the freed soul returns to life in the new body, but at 1 hit point until it completes a long rest. The freed soul becomes your ally so long as you treat it well. Although, you really have no way of knowing for sure who or what this soul was in life, or why the alleged "evil wizard" trapped them in the jar. You may be able to glean clues with a successful DC 15 Insight check after speaking with the soul.
The GM determines the soul’s role, class, and function. It could be a full-blown PC class, an NPC class from the DMG, even a monster from the MM (though it must have a soul, so no celestials, constructs, elementals, fae, fiends, plants, oozes, or undead). If it is a monster, the GM decides which (if any) abilities and/or spell-like abilities the creature can utilize in its new body. It may be able to use some, albeit in a modified form, and it typically must complete a long rest before it can use any (at the GM’s discretion).
If you fail the Arcana check, you mispronounce the command word and release the soul, but it can't enter the body and becomes a hostile ghost (MM) instead.
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Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
Ultramodern5 (5th Edition)
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Infected Zombie, The Infected: Despite the virus causing massive surface damage, the human body does fight it off on its own without the vaccine… but the combination of the vaccine and the virus caused the zombie outbreak.
The Infected came about because of a reaction of the virus and the vaccine that was administered. The infestation comes about as the virus creates lesions, warts, and boils on the skin as well as causing inflammation within the brain. When administered, the cure mutated the virus to cause sudden cancerous growth as well as speeding along the virus's neurological damage. This creates a rabid mutated abomination that only thinks of eating and destroying.
The virus is extremely infectious and can render the target violently ill for days or weeks, bringing them near the point of death, but 95% of those infected make a full recovery. However, if they are given the vaccine before or after being infected, they turn into a zombie within an hour.
FYI, we are releasing the Biohzard adventure as a standalone next month


250 Best Magic Items for Fighters and Rogues
Undead, Undead Creature: The best curses shouldn’t kill but utterly transform the character in undesirable ways (like slowly turn them undead or into a monster) if not removed in time.
Amulet of the Haunted Hand magic item.
Creature Who Does Not Need to Breathe: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Ghast: If you die while attuned to this [dagger of the dead magic] weapon, you rise as a ghast (MM) in 1d4 rounds.
If you die while attuned to this [ghoul skin armor magic item], you rise as a ghast (MM) in 1d4 rounds.
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: ?
Lich: ?
Shadow: ?
Skeleton: Bone Cage magic item.
Skeletal Creature: ?
Wight: If you die while attuned to this [left hand of the final King magic] item, you rise as a wight (MM) in 1d4 rounds, and any zombies you create as a wight rise in 1 round, not 24 hours.
Wraith: If you die while attuned to this [ravaged shadow magic] shield, you rise as a wraith (MM) in 1d4 rounds.
Zombie: Hands of the Dead magic item.

Amulet of the Haunted Hand
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a fighter or rogue)
This brass amulet has a skeletal hand in its center.
Radiates: Enchantment and necromancy magic.
Power: You gain proficiency in Intelligence (Arcana) and Charisma (Deception, Intimidate). If you are already proficient, you gain a +2 bonus instead.
Power: You know chill touch, dancing lights, and mage hand and may cast speak with dead once per long rest.
Curse. When you attune to this amulet, you feel as if cold hands grab your shoulders from behind. One of your hands (your choice) grows cold, the flesh rots away over 10 agonizing minutes, and it becomes skeletal. During this 10 minutes, you are incapacitated (no saving throw). Afterward, your skeletal hand is fully functional, its bones bound by magic.
You now radiate necromantic magic and your creature type changes to undead from dusk till dawn (for purposes of determining what items or magic can affect, heal, or damage you). While undead, you do not age, effectively doubling your lifespan. Your creature type changes back to your original type during the day, but your hand remains skeletal.
Special: As a free action, your skeletal hand can radiate a menacing, ghostly purple glow for 10 minutes (concentration required). This sheds bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light for another 20 feet. It can only be activated at night, underground, or in conditions of dim light. The light always activates at full glow, but you can reduce its radius (as another free action) to shed 5 feet of bright light and another 10 feet of dim light.
While your ghostly purple glow is active, you gain advantage on Charisma (Deception, Intimidate) checks and on all Charisma checks against evil creatures, fiends, necromancers, undead, and warlocks. In addition, during this time, all your weapons, magic items, spells, and other spell-like abilities also radiate the ghostly purple light for their duration. This is a purely cosmetic effect except as a potential light source.
You may use this special power a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Bone Cage
Armor (breastplate), unique (requires attunement by a fighter or rogue)
The bones of the damned are ghoulishly grafted into this charred black +2 breastplate.
Radiates: Abjuration and necromancy magic.
Power: This armor has no weight; you can add your full Dexterity modifier to your AC.
Power: You gain immunity to piercing and poison damage and to the poisoned condition. You suffer vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.
Power: Skeletons and skeletal creatures of CR 4 or less ignore you unless you attack them first.
Power: You gain advantage on Charisma checks against necromancers, undead, and warlocks.
Power: You may cast animate dead (skeletons only) as a bonus action a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus. You do this by ripping a bone from your armor and throwing it up to 30 feet away into an unoccupied square. The bone immediately grows into a skeleton (MM) under your control, complete with your choice of shortbow or shortsword. If destroyed or the duration ends, you may retrieve the bone and return it to your armor.
Special: If you are a rogue, you gain proficiency with this armor.

Hands of the Dead
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a fighter or rogue of non-good alignment)
These gloves are made from human skin. They give anyone that wears them a ghastly appearance.
Radiates: Enchantment and transmutation magic.
Power: You may sense the presence of undead within 60 feet so long as you are holding a part of a dead creature.
Power: You know the chill touch cantrip.
Power: You may cast bane once per long rest.
Special: If you are a rogue and you use your Sneak Attack on an enemy, you do an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. If the enemy dies from this necrotic Sneak Attack, they rise as a zombie in 1 round. The zombie remains in existence and under your control for 8 hours or until destroyed. You may raise a single zombie with this power once per long rest.
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Haunted Prison Codex (6 Halloween NPCs)
Faeryl, Dark Elf Vampire Legend: Adventuring led her to an alternate timeline battle to save the world. Normally Dark Elves cannot become vampires, but the time travel and altered vampire made it possible. She was bitten, but because of her magical blood, the vampire had no sway over her (although she and the main-timeline version of the vampire were an item for a time).
Zombie: ?
Bruhdin, Elder Vampire, Lord: ?
The Warden, Ghost Human Cryomancer, Spirit: Her parents were in one of the Kithaern crime families, and when she was assassinated by being frozen, that should have been the end. But instead, she clung to life and internalized the cold magic, making it her own.
The Warden is a spirit with unfinished business, but because she is the spirit of an untethered psychopath, her unfinished business is revenge against an unjust system of adventurers doling out justice to whoever they want with no ramifications.

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