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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124

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“Storm Front”

Jocasta didn’t like what she saw.

Clouds were devoloping to the west over the area known for massive city ruins. She had seen this once, years ago, with her father on a caravan run. At that time they took refuge in the Cresant Forest. High winds developed that lifted and shot out sand particles and debris. At high rates of speed, the sand could remove skin and muscle from a body within minutes. These clouds spoke of that power.

Keela didn’t like having to rely on Jocasta’s knowledge of the desert. She hated to admit it, but this was only the third time outside of the sight of the city walls. She was horried to see a man torn apart by a cacti. A cacti! She was uncertain to believe Jocasta or not when told the very ground and rocks could kill a person also. Oh how she hated this freeman!

Keela also heard her speaking to the guards during a break. This was a rescue attempt! She had friends scouting the gith that she feared were lost. How dare her! Only templars were allowed to use city resources to do such a thing. This freeman had to pay but how? If they survived this, the members of House of Blewes would be in good standing. Any accidents would be questioned by her superiors. She would have to wait to gain her revenge. This was okay however. Time allows for planning. Planning allows for understanding. Understanding allows for complete destruction. For now, she would study Jocasta Blewes and learn to understand her.

Jocasta understood she irritated the templar. Why did the high templar place both in charge of such a small group? Was it to purposely pit them against each other? And why Keela? She had few survival skills for such a mission. “Enough of this….we need to find shelter..quickly. A sand storm is brewing to the west. It will be here within the hour.” Jocasta said aloud trying to drive her thoughts of negativity and judging away.

One of guards asked for permission to speak to Jocasta while looking with a lowered head to Keela. “I have heard of a series of small ruins near here to the west. I know not how far away but it would be shelter.”

Jocasta resides in the fact that this may be their only chance. “Thankyou Dewstan. I believe you may be right. It is our only chance.” Secretly she hopes the Gith are not there also. They know the lands better than her or Dewstan combined…..

20 minutes later they come to a rise in the sand. A hole is clearly visible on the top.

Keela motions to it- “You do not expect me to crawl into that?”

Thinking breifly of the thought with an embarrassing sense of eagerness…”No, the storms passing may bury the hole opening or worse- fill it with us within it. The ruins must be……

“Oh no………”

“Sneaky Thieving Rogue”

Pushing with all of his might, Dogg slowly moves the trigger mechanism aside. He checks once more for traps or guardians. He finds none and trys to move silently through the air shaft. “Figures it would be Mania to do something disgusting and discover a means out,” Dogg thinks. Dogg’s stomach growls audibly in hunger as reaches another stone block. No traps are found on this one.

A sharp pain rises in Doggs side. Paniced to missed a needle trap he checks. “oh- it’s the panic button.” He thinks.

He loses himself in deep thought. It was a few years ago now that he first met the man that would change his outlook in life forever. He was still looking for work at taverns in Nibenay when he saw a staggering man in an alley. Going there, he found a man run through by a sword and scorched as if struck by a torch repeatedly. He brought the man to his assembled shelter in an abondoned section of city. Here he nursed him and hid him. Later he learned this man worked for the Veiled Alliance and was attacked by Nibenay’s city forces. He would have died that night in the alley if not for him. The man, in graditude, gave his a jagged crystal and said it summon him if he was within a few days trip away. The man- Fasston.

He never saw him again but allows felt he was there…watching. Several days ago he tried to use the crystal. He guessed he had to but hold it and think about being rescued. He was never told how to use it but had seen similar devices before by other Alliance members.

So much for the glorious rescue.

Indirectly it was Mania whom figured out a means out. All of our stomachs hurt from lack of food. His spoke out and was quite rancid. He made a comment about so much for the fresh air. At that point both Dutch and myself looked at each other. We had crossed a few sealed doors but the air wasn’t stale. Fresh air was coming in from somewhere. It took a day but we found air vents set high. The vents were just large enough for me to use so here I am…crawling through trapped vents looking to get out and free the door from the other side to allow Mania and Dutch in.

He sees a mild glow ahead of him. He inches silently to it and sees a large pool of water with a faint blueish-green emmitting from within. The room itself is very large and fairly empty. Except for below. He sees several cloth bundles and books at the base of the wall, next to the door. Even from here in the dark, he can see the lever barring the door.

He drops almost quietly to the floor. He steps on something that crunches benength his feet. Concerned, he looks closer trying to keep the torch from touching anything. It’s dieing embers show a large centipede of garish colors and patterns. “EH!” he says with a disgusted look on his face. He goes to frre the bar when his curiousity gets the better of him. He checks out the bundles.

What he finds brings a smile onto his face. He begins to hum as he checks for traps on the door and barring latch.

He stops humming abruptly as a low long howl can be heard…………………….

“The Idiot”

Fasston asked for help but got so much more. Behind him stood twenty escaped slaves. Some were accomplished gladiators or rogues. And best of all, 5 Veiled Alliance members of good standing. They wiped out the first two groups of Gith and even some zombied gith. He was following the warmth and glow of his gem that matched Dirty Dogg’s and knew he he was close.

So why was it the elemental lords were against him now? One of the freemen was a skilled ranger and recognized the formation of clouds ahead of them. A storm was coming. There was no where to go. Several of the mages suggested they could work magics with their stored energy to create shelters and buffers.

Ready to give up and find shelter, Fasston then noticed a fleeing gith scout. He took off to get the lone gith as did a few others. When they came over the ridge into the building winds they stopped quickly.

“Was this part of your plan Fasston you idiot?” answered sarcastically a freeman.

Before them, stood several score of Gith. Most preparing for the oncoming storm and the darkness it always brought. Across the way, Fasston could see several stone columns supporting an entrance to a tomb or at the very least a shelter. Above that, walking forward but looking over their shoulders at the storm were two 1/2 Giants and a handful of humans. A templar force.

Dogg was within the shelter……

spent today tracking characters, traits, personalities and reasons for existing....4 pages worth for Segment 001-023! Pictures next week (I think). New computer this weekend:)

Since I am dieing to play with my scanner- here is the original comicbook page of the Prologue from about 1998.


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....and another page. These are scanned photocopies. I can't find the originals anymore.


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That was before owning a computer. Now for a version I did about around 2000 using a computer to do the print/panel work.


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