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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124

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“Unexpected Interference”

The halfling was beginning to wonder if this was a game anymore. Tangiers was sticking strictly to the contract still. Convince Keela that she would find Mania and Cosa for a high price. Shadow them and give reports to the High Templar. These reports then may be altered and given to Keela. It was in a gray area of her moral compass but it was a new and rather exciting game.

She had come to learn of the legends involving the young man known as Mania. She at first thought them to be incorrect but recently has begun to reconsider her thoughts. In a very short time, this lone man has set up strong connections in the Nibenese Veiled Alliance, the House of Blues, A pyreen in Salt View and now the thought to be myth members of the Sentinels of Bodach. The craziest thing of it, he is now entering Bodach. Crazy!

Crazier yet- so would she to monitor and report his activities to the High Templar in Nibenay. This began as a game but has since proven to be a bit more dangerous than previously thought.

Tangiers continued however. It was part of the contract after all.

Then she felt it as much as much as heard it. A psionic call borne on the wind. It was easy enough for her to “eavesdrop” on it as it passed her. Chaffle had sent it to Jenner. The undead have captured him! After a battle gone wrong with Silt Runners!

Now what?

The contract states she must report all events. Does this include entering Mania and in all likelihood encounter him and the Sentinels? Not even a second goes by when Tangiers bounds off into the growing darkness. Into Bodach and her undead.

“Run- Run Away!!!!”

The blowing silt burned Belinda’s eyes. How she missed her wonderful ectoplasmic skin. It hid her easier but now she realizes it protected her eyes from the dry silt also. Worse, without the second skin, the silt got into other areas of her now naked body.

She scaled a small building to inspect their location. They appeared to be on the NW section of the city, near what used to be the docks. That meant they needed to cross the entire city…the entire city filled with undead that will be searching for them any moment now. The worst, all equipment and supplies were taken. All the four had remaining were their wits, skills and injuries. Logan was cyked!

“Is there any “safe” houses here within the city?” asks Cosa quietly.

“The temple of Pelor has thus far rejected all undead. However, Minscar has arranged for access to that building to be near impossible by placing dozens of skilled undead there. Worse yet, he knows roughly where we are. He will be hunting for us soon.” Answers Belinda. Though noticeably toned down, she is still smiling. Cosa is becoming convinced she may be slightly insane.

The four of them carefully move to the west. Several lesser temples are there. They may stop the undead, but the undead still shy from the buildings. They hope for somewhere defensible and perhaps some supplies. Mania is carrying a short timber to replace his magical greatclub. Logan is used to biting, clawing and punching. The girls just hope for no trouble. Skeletal patrols come and go. They fear what will rise once the sun settles.

“What is that building?” asks Mania.

“Bad idea” says Belinda

“Ohhhh….ewwwww…ahhhh….what else is there though?” says Logan.

The building Mania points to is a large multi-story building made with stone and now cracked mortar. Over the main entrance is an eye that is closed. It looks like a government building.

“Psion academy?” asks Mania drawing logical conclusions.

“Jutter’s home. He was a powerful psion that died defending the city from Rajaat’s forces. The undead shy from it but so do everything else. Even Chaffle and Jenner avoid it.” Quips Belinda.

“Uh…guys…..” Belinda has seen them first. 20 skeletons all armed with halberds.


The four of them run down the street losing traction in the silt. Another force of skeletons comes from that direction. It now sinks in, they knew the four of them were here and were waiting for more support to arrive. They are surrounded.

With no hesitation at all, Mania rushes the entrance to the home of Jutter. The others follow quickly.

All but Cosa hesitate briefly once inside. “Did you feel that?” asks Belinda.

“A psionic wave. Yes I felt it.” Comments Mania.

Logan tries to locate it. “It’s moving towards us.”

They enter a large open room. Most of the furniture has rotted away but some tables and frames of chairs made from Agrafi wood remain. This room has many exits…. each guarded by a glowing undead creature.

In their minds they hear-
=Be forewarned. Be judged. Be dealt with.=

“Oh crap” is said quietly by all four injured, naked


The four robed undead drift out from the exits and surround the adventurers. Their light blue eyes burn with an energy none of the four have seen before.

You have entered the home and sanctuary of Jutter of Bodach unannounced
and in a less than proper dress. The four spirits psionically communicate in
unison. As such, you will be judged and your fates decided.

“Oh crap…Meorty” answers Belinda under her breath.

We begin in reverse order of your entrance. The leader will be responsible
for his actions and the actions of his followers. Step forward Woman of
Nibenay and be judged.

Mania swallows hard knowing they mistake him as the leader. Cosa is pale before these all-knowing and learning spirits.

Brothers- she is not of the will and the way. She uses magic! She is also a thief!
Says one spirit.

Brothers- she is of pure heart and pure love. She cares for her fellow kind. She
Would die before seeing their leader killed. Her beliefs are on a level of worship.
Says another spirit to her left.

Brothers- She will influence the world through her actions. She strives for
Answers unseen by any but the original scribe of destiny. She will be known
For her connections to the chosen one.
Answers a spirit behind her.

Brothers- Her intentions are pure though misguided. Your future is clear to us.
Answers the last spirit.

The four spirits now turn towards Logan.

Brothers- This one has lead a life on conflict and fury. He sees the way and has
The will. He is a warrior of warriors. His heart is pure but has a narrow focus.
Answers one spirit.

He would combat all the tormented spirits that travel our streets. He would
combat with us even. All he has is his focused fury. He cares for all until
this fury is unleashed.

He will lead to a treaty of his people and the Knights. He will be a Knight.
He will die and return to judge his killers.
Says the third spirit.

Focused he is. His focus is his greatest strength and greatest weakness. He
And his friends will need to beware of that fury if ever it becomes unfocused.
Comments the final spirit.

Belinda pipes up and happily opens her mind to their probes knowing she could never fight the spirits off.

Ah- This one is a free spirit. She grew up in the streets of Raam and has
Proved herself with the unfortunate there. She has a strong Will and a warrior
Like Way to her.

She is indeed a free spirit with little concern for herself or what others would
Think of her. She uses this natural way to confuse and distract her foes. She has
A growing desire within her however. An emptiness that needs filling.

And filling it may receive but at what cost? The moment will be pure but will
Lead to tainted emotions.

Yes brothers- her reckless ways do not bother her but may prove a challenge
For her friends and lovers.

Mania pales and sweats as the spirit turn and look into his soul of the past, present, future and consequence. He fears the failure he may bring. He fears what they will say about him. Is he the chosen one? Or is he a force of destruction just waiting to be unleashed?

He has no clear vision of his past. He knows of love, strife and care for others.
He will be well known for his past.

His past directs his present. His will is terribly strong but crumbles with but a
Few words. His way is growing, searching and will strengthen. He is controlled
By his fears.

His future comes from his long past and painful present. He will lead the world
Into conflict. But as a force of good or not is unclear. His fate is shrouded unlike
Any other I have ever judged.

He interests us. Your past influences you forever. You will run from it many times
But always find you run to it instead. Your linerage scares us even in our undead
Immortality and also brings hope knowing what ends you will bring to those of

In unison- Prepare for the final judgement.

The four of stop and wait impatiently. Each trying to sort out what they have heard. Knights, tainting love, and the end to baneful things. Is this good or bad? Just because they say it is their future, will they then automatically pass the test? The verdict is in.

You may go in. Jutter’s rules are his home is your home. Care and use it as you would yours.

The spirits float back to the walls and the group blink in stunned disbelief then walk quickly towards the closest doorway.

Ten minutes go by when the first skeletons approach the room.

The four spirits form a wall. Their light blue eyes flash a darker color. In unison they declare this area off limits to them and begin to call on their collective powers of the mind and unnatural existence to repel them.

“The Closet and the Glass Orb”

“This place is awesome” replies Belinda as she moves down the hallway with no fear. Though it has been sitting for a long time (1000’s of years) the building seems intact and safe to walk through. This hallway has dusty pictures of various humans sitting very proper and disciplined. Cosa tries to read the words below but can not make it out. She believes these are schoolmasters or honored teachers however.

The ever-blowing silt has found it’s way even into the heart of the large building. The light is dim or nearly nonexistent. Logan, as a dwarf, doesn’t seem to mind. Mania calls up his psionic power to create light from his eyes that allows him to see and the others. “Where to?” asks the hairy dwarf.

“Let’s keep going some. I’m sure what we have here and even if it is a good idea being here. We are getting the rest we need but may be trapped within the place now. I’m sure Minscar will surround the building with undead. He will find a way in eventually or starve us before we leave it.” Cosa replies.

Mania is becoming ever nervous now. He hadn’t really thought about their position or condition until now. Everyone is naked and his eyes point out anything he is directly looking at. He tries not to look at anyone, especially Belinda and Cosa.

The four of them poke around and find several long hallways with twenty plus doors each. Carefully opening them, they decide these were dormitory rooms for students. The group then reaches a different hallway. The rooms here are larger and they peer into them. Even in partial ruin, the rooms are obviously better than the others. The furniture is more complete and in a better condition in general.

Cosa searches about using her skills and sense of where things are kept in secret. She finds one or two sheets of paper or books by doing this. However, all of the books are so badly decayed that she can not read them or gather any sense of their purpose from them.

Moving further down they find a small closet room. There is a black obsidian globe built into the wall. Cosa touches it trying to decipher its purpose.

“Where to?” she hears in her mind.

“”OH!” She exclaims. Startled she steps back and stars at the globe further. Mania redirects his light onto the globe once more. “What is it?”

“It spoke to me…to my mind I think. It’s …alive?” She squats down before it to get a better look at it.

Belinda notes they are staying in the closet and backtracks to them. “Did you find something?” she asks.

“This globe of dark glass spoke to my mind. It asked where to. What do you make of it?”

Belinda moves to her side and peers at it. Jenner once spoke of Globes of severtude. Sometimes called Guardians. When someone committed a terrible crime against the city and it’s people, his or her mind would be placed into an obsidian globe. It retained its psionic abilities but lacked the freewill.

“Slaves!” exclaimed Mania with new insight.

“Slaves or punishment…it was widely accepted and practiced in the old times. This globe has a purpose.”

Cosa smiles and touches it again. “Where to?”

Cosa thinks supplies. A light glow emits from within the globe and the three people in the small closet disappear with a soft pop.

Five minutes later Logan returns wondering where everyone went. He notes the footsteps and signs of activity within the small room. “Hurmmm where did they get to?”

He walks in and looks about. His darkvision shows an empty room except for a glass globe built into the wall. Giving it no thought he leaves the room and looks about further.

“Logan's Frustration”

He searched for his missing friends all the way back to the dormitory wings. Knowing he went too far, he went back. He returned to the closet room. Scratching his hairless head he stared at the globe within the room. “Damned trap!” He strikes the globe with his hand.

Nothing. How he wishes he had his axe! He gets down on his hands and knees and searches for the trapdoor lining. He finds none. “Hurmmm”

He checks the walls now for anything that could be a lever or a trap device. Nothing. “Hurmmm”

Now angry, he begins to pound and stomp within the room. Dust and flakes of peeling paint fall from the ceiling and walls. After a few moments of this, his anger spent, he leaves the room and tries a new wing. “Dumb damned house” he sputters.

He comes into a large room that has several exits from it. This room reminds him of a meeting place for many people. There are old benches that surround a raised stage in the center. He walks to the stage and climbs up onto it. “Where the heck is everyone you blasted house!” he shouts with his hands cupped over his mouth. His eyes flicker in silence and annoyance from the stirred dust. Nothing. “Hurmmm” And thus he stomps off as only a stubborn dwarf can.

He crosses the room and goes down another hallway. He finds another door similar to the closet he thinks trapped his friends. He tries the door but it is locked. One strike later he stands in the room. With the door closed, it has survived the ages a bit better. Less dust is in the room. The globe is there, built into the wall. He decides to try to pull it from the wall. Then he will have something to break the other globe.

His fingers keep slipping off the smooth surface. After the fourth attempt he realizes someone is talking to his mind. “Hurmmmm” He steps back from the globe and places his balled up fists on his hips. His barbaric nature makes him distrust the strange glass immediately. “What are you about?” he demands.


Not sure what else to do, he tentatively reaches out to it. One hand touches it- the other is balled up and readies to strike it.

“Where to?”

“Where to!?! What kind of comment is that?” He growls removing his hand in frustration.


He touches the curved glass again. “Where to?”

“Can’t you say anything but “where to?” He grumbles with his hand on the globe.

“Please repeat or clarify”

“Arrrgh stupid globe!” He snarls at it awhile pulling back his hand.


His eyes now red in anger, Logan touches the globe again.

“Where to?”

With teeth gritted in anger- “My Friends”

“Name please or wing and level”

“Whaaa…!?? How big is this darned place?”

“Three levels; each with five wings plus sublevels. Where to?”

Confusion clearly on his face he thinks about this. Smiling he replies “My friends are Mania, Cosa and Belinda.”

“We have no Mania or Cosa on the directory. Would you like to visit Belinda?”

“I would not have asked if I didn’t answers the angered dwarf.”

A soft light glows from within the globe and Logan now wonders if this was a good idea.

He reappears in a room similar to the other two. This one however shows structural damage. He pushes on the door and it collapses outward. “Oh crap!”

He sees the outlines of several skeletons in the rumble that are moving his way. They react to his presence by quickening their pace and charging him.

Two rake his exposed body with their clawed hands. The other two miss him. He strikes at them with his fists and cleaves through two of them. He misses the next one with his overbalanced punch. He grabs one by the rib cage and body slams it into the rubble with his own weight. Damaged, it tries to attack him but he smothers it well. The free one strikes him again drawing blood from a caked up injury. He tears the head off of the grappled skeleton and throws it at the attacker. It misses.

It leaps at him but he easily breaks it apart in midair. “Hurrm…don’t feel so good.”

Many of his previous wounds are not yet closed and are now reopened. The silt and dust act as a clotting agent and may be what saves his life in the end.

He stumbles about and looks for an exit. He finds his darkvision wavering and he finds the reason. There is a collapsed section of outer wall. This is where the Minscar will enter thinks Logan. More lost than ever, he turns around and goes deeper into the building
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“The Story Thus Far”

It was recently suggested that I could or should update readers on the story and it’s characters. This is a good idea, as this tale has become very complex and multi-layered. Some much so, that it will help myself to do this also.


The main character is a man whom looks to be about 20. His past is largely a mystery with many holes in it. He remembers bits of it only. He arrived in Nibenay within Tyr Valley on Athas (Darksun Campaign world) and was befriended by Jocasta Blewes and a rogue known as Dirty Dogg. He came to work for her father, Greene Blewes for the family business. House of Blewes is not a traditional trade house. What they do is offer their services to move goods quickly for other houses or even nobles.

Dutch is a mid level ranger and head of their main caravan. At first he distrusted the young man known only as Mania but came to like the charismatic and immature boy. He took him under his wing during a threat to the trade groups. Gith, the “orcs” of Darksun, were organizing and striking trade caravans and sometimes even the military.

While Jocasta went to the templars (corrupt government officials with limited clerical powers) Dutch took Mania and Dirty Dogg into the desert to look into the gith problem. The three of them found an organized group and were forced to flee. They bumbled into a hidden ruin and found themselves trapped within it. During this time, Dutch studied and came to like Mania.

Jocasta won the favor of the templars but in doing so, made enemies of House Shom. House Shom is the largest tradehouse and extremely corrupt. In an attempt to possibly kill a bothersome mid-level templar, the High templar had Keela join Jocasta in the hunt for the Gith camp. The two very strong willed, beautiful and able women came to hate each other immediately.

Jocasta is a cleric of water with a LG alignment. Keela was a noble’s daughter before becoming a templar. She is arrogant and used to getting her way. Jocasta was the better leader for this mission and Keela knew it. Keela had never gone far into the desert before. Many of her decisions were bad ones.

In time, Mania, Dutch and Dirty Dogg found a secret door and escaped their room. They had a few misadventures within the ruins before getting out. Unknown to them, they had found an unknown entrance to the very ruins used by the gith leader- Reghast.

Reghast. Reghast was once a mid level gith defiler (uses magic that destroys plant life) seeking an artifact believed to give Gith special powers. (See adventure module- Black Spine) During one of his searches into underground ruins he was attacked by something undead. In all basic purposes he has become a Gith Defiler Vampire. He has organized the various tribes of Gith through death, destruction and magic to search all the ruins in the desert around Nibenay.

A fourth party is made up of the Veiled Alliance (think harpers with a more focuses goal). Dirty Dogg had used a magic item to alert a friend of his that they needed help. Only a few of these Preservers (magic users that don’t destroy plant life) could gather so they asked for help with escaped slaves. Slavery is very common on Darksun.

As thing would have it, all four met as a large sandstorm began (power of the gods thought dead?). The battle was going poorly for most once Reghast entered the fray. However, when Mania, Dutch and Dirty Dogg surprised him from behind, he decided to leave ending the battle.

The three surviving groups were forced into the ruins for protection from the storm. During this time, Keela’s evil nature showed. Watching Jocasta and Mania, she realized there was a faint spark of affection there. She used her womanly charm to manipulate the naive Mania. Thus the rivalry begins.

Once back, House of Blewes and the templars are treated as heroes. This angers House of Shom further. They drug and force Mania into turning his back on the Blewes while making them money within the private arena known only as the pit. Keela “saves” him by buying him from the Shom family thus now endepting himself to her.

As a Nibenay templar, Keela is married to the ruler, Nibenay, and not allowed any lovers until they have their union. Union generally takes place around one’s 17-19th birthday. Keela flaunts and flirts using her natural beauty and charms to get her way. Slowly, she comes to realize she has deeper feelings for Mania than just a pawn. This causes some problems for soul searching for her.


During this section of Mania’s tale I go into depth of what templar and noble life is like in Nibenay. I allow readers a moment to understand why Keela is how she is. Being a noble is hard. Being a templar is harder.

Also, I introduce Djokht, Nibenay’s one surviving known son. This creature is as much centipede like as human and very powerful. He is brought in when a couple of Shadows (assassins / thieves) unwittedly open a demon portal. Nibenay, the city, is attacked by hundreds of low level demons. Templars, Veiled Alliance and others try to stop the creatures. During this time I introduce Nibenay'’ son and two important woman. Cosa and Daina.

Daina is a powerful psionic preserver and will be mentioned and used again later.

Cosa however, has become a central character and basically the wife of Mania. She is a mid level rogue and mage that enjoys secrets and tricking folks. When Mania first meets her, she is disguised as an old man and tricks him completely. She also has an interest in Veena’s Journal. This artifact is a tome written by a powerful precog 1000’s of years ago. The pages are loss and Cosa hopes to locate all of them and decipher them. She has some now. (One depicts an event from Dragon Crown adventure module)

She enters his (Mania’s) life just after he breaks away from Keela. Still on the rebound, he falls for Cosa and eventually loses his virginity to her. Keela learns of this and wants her head. Further more, Keela has her union and learns more of Nibenay’s true nature. He is a dragon. All of this snaps her mind and she blames everything on Mania and will do anything to kill him.

Cosa and Mania escape the city using secret tunnels guarded by the earth clerics. Keela, thinking several times she has killed him continues to chase after him.


Cosa has informed Mania of a legend. The legend suggests someone of his description, will be the downfall of the evil rulers of Tyr Valley. He doesn’t believe in destiny and fights it. As they wander through one of the few small forests in Tyr Valley, they encounter several agents of the world. A powerful elemental spirit and a druid. They are directed to go to Salt View and ask for the Silent One. They begin their new adventures having no idea what is happening in Nibenay.

House of Blewes is under the belief that Mania died during the demon invasion. Much later, they learn otherwise. In a very complicated and multi-layered intrigue, A hi-templar wishes to embarrass or be rid of Keela. She contacts a well-known and powerful psionic bounty hunter known as Tangiers. Tangiers is contracted to offer her services to Keela for an incredibly high cost. The belief is she will go mad or commit suicide trying to raise the money.

Keela makes MANY enemies raising the money. These enemies will return later. The final bit of money comes from a mysterious giver. The giver is the Queen of Gulg. She is a rival and enemy of Keela’s husband. Keela now owes this person a great dept that may reshape the entire political structure of the area. Tangiers begins her hunt or game as the female halfling likes to think of it as. She first alerts Veela (the hi-templar) of the events then if instructed to, gives Keela false information. More will develop of this as time goes. Like many others, Mania is gaining her respect through luck, his allies and his determination.
They arrive in Salt View and learn more than they bargained for. The Silent One is a pyreen. Pyreens are the “perfect” race whom try to protect the planet from defilers and regain a balance. This pyreen tells Mania much about his real origins.

Mania is the son of a dragon. He is aging slower than most people are. He is stronger, faster and more intelligent than most humans (all 18’s for stats) are. He is also greatly feared and suspect by the pyreens. They feel he may be as evil as his father. (Thus the ongoing pun of Under a Darkson vs sun). They fear what his father will do if he learns of Mania’s life and existence. Mania is sent to Bodach to find answers.

Unknown to anyone, one demon has survived and escaped the templars in Nibenay. This succubus knows who Mania is believed to be. She is now searching for Bane to gain his favor.


Cosa and Mania have formed a group of adventurers to enter Bodach. Bodach is a city filled with riches, secrets and undead. A large and numb skilled child-like ½ giant joins them along with a secretive and possibly evil cleric of silt. Another member forces her way into the group. Glaze is a ½ elf bard looking to make a name of herself by retelling Mania’s life and adventures.

Stone Crusher, the ½ Giant is killed. Glaze disappears. The elf betrays the group abandoning them near the shoreline village of Samarah. Cosa and Mania are greeted by the children (Korla of The Cerulean Storm novel) and eventually accepted.

A sea captain arrives whom has become possessed by a wraith. MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE will be given on this later. As it turns out, the elf has been seeking what he found and he needs some foolish followers to join him to further the wraith’s goals. I will say no more at this point as I have said too much already.

Glaze has been kidnapped by Hej-kin. These ugly magic hating creatures have come to love her singing voice. To further things, their king is getting married and wants her to sing at the wedding. It is comedy relief but also serves a purpose that has yet to be revealed.

Cosa and Mania go towards Bodach and encounter the Sentinels of Bodach.

PART FIVE (and current part)

The Sentinels are a group of protectors looking to contain and stop free-willed undead from attacking out of Bodach. There are several members of note.

Earth Cleric Jenner
He is a near epic level psionic cleric of the earth. He is trying to unlock secrets to help his friend, Korgunard, and other Avangion to be to better become Avangions. Avangions are the direct opposite of dragons but equally powerful. They are psionic mages also.

A relation to Jenner, he is basically the stuffy leader of the group.

A powerful druid with several secrets of her own.

A female human psychic warrior whom is very outgoing and uninhabited. She wears nothing but an ectoplasmic skin, which leaves little to imagine. Despite this, she is also incredibly watchful and even paranoid of attacks from behind or the side.

Think a dumber version of Wolverine from the comicbooks. He is a barbarian dwarf with some psychic powers. Like most dwarves, he has no facial hair but otherwise is covered with course thick bristles. He loves a good fight.

The main undead leader within Bodach is Minscar. He hated Jenner and wants him dead for reasons yet given. He plans on using the dead and the city artifacts to attack the living. If allowed to, he made very well carve a large area of the valley out for himself.

The current story is where Cosa, Mania, Belinda and Logan are on the run within the ruins after escaping Minscar. Chaffle is making his way in to help his friends after communicating his needs to Jenner. Tangiers is nearby and deciding what role to play in this melodrama she has become involved in. Jocasta and Dirty Dogg have just learned that Mania is alive but can not get free from family business to search for him. Greene Blewes still has dreams of a great water source beyond the Ringing Mts. and has sent Dutch to explore.


I have hinted at a powerful female captive of Bane also. She may or may not be aiding or at least manipulating Mania from her prison. I will go into more with her later.

If you are into Darksun, there are many hidden and other not so hidden references and names used in my story. I try my best to link the novels, adventures and accessories published under TSR whenever I can.

So…where is this going?

I have a story line involving Silt Elementals coming. I will be introducing Korgunard soon. Depending on who is still alive I will be adventuring towards the West and North also.

Basically, I’m trying to tell a tale of a lowly, immature under confident boy who has become a central figure of epic level combatant’s battle. What one does and says can haunt or heal for years to come.

Now…back to the normal story.

“Supply Room”

The room is completely dark and still. Then a pin light of green light appears and forms into three human sized figures. Cosa, with her red hair whipping to the side as she looks quickly about, begins to call out to the others. Belinda, drops to her one knee prepared to strike out. Mania just stands there bewildered by what has just happened then snaps out of it and goes into a defensive position. His light begins to falter and he tries to resummon it but finds he can not.

Darkness falls.

“I don’t suppose you can help Belinda?” asks Mania.


“What do you see Logan?” asks Cosa. Silence. “Logan?”

“He wasn’t with us Cosa. He didn’t teleport with us.”

“What do we do?” asks Mania.

“Hold hands. We can’t get separated any further. Then Belinda, if you don’t mind, tries to get a sense of where we are.”

“Mania- that is not my hand.” Answers Cosa

“My bad” he says with a smile knowing they can not see his face.

“I feel.. a table edge or the such. There… there are boxes or shelves on it. Wooden I think.”

“What we need is some light!” exclaims Mania.

Suddenly several faint lights glow from overhead.


They quickly scan the large room. It has shelves and table tops in rows. On the shelves are jars, boxes and lose items. A supply room.

It is Cosa whom sees the source of light. “Look over there- another black glass orb. It must have turned on the lights.”

“But we didn’t touch it,” mentions Mania (once more aware of his nakedness and the nakedness of the two women with him) .

“Maybe some of these work without contact or require contact for proper thought or instruction transfer.”

“Cosa- you think too….look! weapons!” cries out Belinda.

“And clothes” adds Cosa

“Any food? I’m hungry.” Is all Mania can think to add.

In ten minutes time, the three of them are dressed in old dry clothes of a bright colored pattern on black. Basic weapons like clubs, swords and spears are gathered. They look for other goods but find nothing of use.

“You know…I realized something…. I haven’t seen a door yet.”

“Of course there is a door Mania. How else…by the lost gods…he is right.”

Cosa is the first to think of it. “Ask the globe”

Clearing her voice, Cosa calmly asks the overhead globe for an exit. A door slowly opens. Without saying thankyou- the three quickly walk out of the room into total darkness. “Oh great! We need some light.”

“Stop being so pessimistic Mania. I got us covered.” Answers Belinda. A few moments of fumbling in the dark then a scratch or two complete with sparks and suddenly a flaming torch is seen. Belinda had found a few torches when they were leaving.

Mania quietly berates himself. The two girls have a better grasp of things than he does. He needs to calm down and think. He knows this.

They continue on exploring. They have no idea how deep they are within the structure…or if they are even within the structure still.


The wind was blowing the silt from the sea onto the land in thick waves of gray. This cover was perfect for Chaffle to sneak up onto the city limits undetected by the undead. Still, his normally clear and wise brown eyes were red with irritation from the silt. His pale brown cape was being whipped about sometimes hindering his arms and legs. Still, once inside the city, that cape may aid him to hide so he kept it.

His throat was raw from the silt swallowed and from the choking he received from the Silt Runner leader- Snarl. He was taking a moment within a ruined building- perhaps once a farmer’s home or barn. It still amazed Chaffle at times. It was hard to imagine Bodach was once a grassy plain with small forests and the bluest of blue waters in the sea and bay. Water.

He was a cleric of water. Part of the reason he fought the undead here was to stop the Silt, a direct enemy of his patron element, and in hopes of somehow returning the blue sea to it’s former glory. Somehow.

Now though, he was here to save his friends whom were all members of the Sentinels of Bodach. They try to contain the undead within Bodach. Normally, they stay there on their own but with the recent arrival / creation of free-willed undead, this has changed. Especially with the arrival of Minscar. He was once a cleric whom came here to seek out Bodach’s secrets. Instead he found undeath. He blames Earth Cleric Jenner and the Sentinels for this. If this is true or just a state of denial Chaffle is uncertain but he is a true threat.

Already with the ability to command the undead, Minscar found an artifact that highly greatens his command allowing him to control most of Bodach’s undead. He has an army of several 1000 strong if he so chose to. For the past few years the Sentinels and he have been battling short battles only. Normally where the Sentinels are victorious. Normally.

This time, he waited until the reptilian silt runners attacked and were about to overwhelm them to arrive with his undead. Not wishing to battle undead, Snarl and his tribe left. Chaffle was thought dead, drowned in a silt pool. The others were taken. He has been searching and tracking for them ever since.

Night came and went. Chaffle studied and prepared his elemental spells and braced himself. He suspected they were alive. A dead hostage is not as enticing as a suffering live one. But for how long was another thing. He had sent a psionic wind borne message to Jenner and the camp. If only he felt he could wait for him and the reserves to catch up.

The morning sun rose burning the coolness from the air. Chaffle began his final trek into the ruins. The daylight would weaken or stop the strongest undead. However, there were plenty of skeletons and other “special” undead in and out of Minscar’s command.

A group of skeletons marched by him. They had failed to see him. However, he was so caught up in the moment he failed to see or detect the deformed zombie like creature sneaking up on him. One hand was grossly mal-shaped and clawed. (Banedead FR= rajaatdead Darksun) His first claw strikes tearing into the cape and grazing off his chitin scale armor doing. The second claw misses completely as Chaffle springs forward and turns to confront his attacker.

“Rajaatdead!” growls Chaffle though gritted teeth. His knowledge of undead is extensive and well practiced so close to Bodach. It hisses at him and growls. It tries to attack again. It swings at him with its claws and even tries to bite him in its utter hatred of clerics in general. Chaffle’s enhanced quarterstaff rises sharply and strikes the undead solidly in the head. Teeth and bit of decayed tongue fall free. The creature spits out black icor that now boils within his veins. It tries again by lunging at him. One claw strikes his helmeted head. A pinky claw gashes his forehead. He feels the effects of the undead poison within him but fights it off. The creature bats aside his quarterstaff keeping Chaffle at bay.

They continue to battle back and forth. Each getting in small but effective hits. This combat however doesn’t go unnoticed. The skeletons have turned back and march to the combat. A dozen total. Each wearing light armor with spears for weapons and shields held defensively.

The two combatants stare coldly at each other. Chaffle is moving slower now and the Rajaatdead is missing a jaw and an ear. One finger is broken and pushed into an awkward angle backwards.
Their battle brings them out from the shelter of the ruined building into the plain site of the skeletons. Chaffle drops the undead finally in one final strike followed by a downward strike. Breathing hard he then sees the skeletal armored patrol barring down onto him. “Damn…” is all he can muster.

Suddenly a blast of green positive energy bursts from within the formation. It rains pieces of bone and material as the surviving skeletons pick themselves up from the silt. Several more blasts occur reducing them to only bits of bone.

Chaffle thinks Jenner has arrived as he sees a figure far away through the dust. Then in his disbelief, the figure is very close. It is a halfling.

“It looked as if you needed a moment to catch your breath cleric of water.”

Even at 50ft away, Chaffle can see the artistry of the tattoos covering the halfling’s body. He has heard of a powerful bounty hunter of this description.


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