Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Explores Downtime Activities

This is EXACTLY what I wanted and EXACTLY what the game needed. Then there's this: "For more information, see “Brewing Potions of Healing” in this section on crafting and “Scribing a Spell Scroll” on page Error! Bookmark not defined." (p. 7) :erm:

This is EXACTLY what I wanted and EXACTLY what the game needed.

Then there's this: "For more information, see “Brewing Potions of Healing” in this section on crafting and “Scribing a Spell Scroll” on page Error! Bookmark not defined." (p. 7) :erm:

This week's Unearthed Arcana, with Mike Mearls back after Rob Schwalb's guest spot last week, takes a look at downtime activities. "Sometimes the weeks between adventures are as eventful as the time on an adventure. This installment of Unearthed Arcana explores that in-between time by offering new and revised downtime activities for DMs to playtest in their campaigns."

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Actually, support for downtime is already in place. While more ideas are certainly not useless, what the game really needs is an "uptime" document, for when there isn't any downtime.

That is, a selection of answers on what to spend all your gold on in the kind of campaign mentioned intitally by the document itself, where you reach 10th level in a "short" time and presumably 20th level soon thereafter.

Can we hope for that in the next UA...? :)


I find it interesting that the first entry on downtime activities is on foils for the party.

I like it. I also like that it's "foils" and not "villains" as they explain that it can be anyone with an agenda that might be contrary to the party's interests.

We also get magic item buying which is useful and quick. Seems fairly easy to adapt to particular situations. If the characters seek a specific magic item, first decide if it’s an item you want to allow in the game. If so, include the item among the offerings if it appears on a table that the result allows you to roll on.

Then we get carousing. I swear, if there was a supplement entitled The Big Book of Carousing I'm sure it would be a hit. There can't be enough on carousing, I say.

Fourth is crafting. Personally, I was indifferent to these rules. My favorite and still used method was from GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri (worth your $5 on DMs Guild!!!)

We then get a series of entries on crime, gambling, pit fighting, relaxation, religious services, research, scribing a spell, selling a magic item, training, work.

None of these are particularly stand-out entries (they are fairly short) but they do have the benefit of offloading some work from the DM and contain the obligatory random tables that can add fun to the game. At least, I as a DM like a bit of randomness to spur my imagination.

Good stuff for when PCs spring an idea on you and you don't have anything really prepped.

EDIT: Entry 6 on Low Class Carousing Complications: Surprise! You're married.

That's my kind of randomness.
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This is EXACTLY what I wanted and EXACTLY what the game needed.

Agreed. I just skimmed it but it looks awesome. Lots of great ideas and stuff for player's to do. I love the Foil concept. Anything to create plot hooks on the fly is fantastic. I'll be using this almost as-is for my game immediately.

Then there's this: "For more information, see “Brewing Potions of Healing” in this section on crafting and “Scribing a Spell Scroll” on page Error! Bookmark not defined." (p. 7) :erm:

Just a formatting error. I'm sure it will be fixed soon.


First Post
I am just happy my Warlock/Paladin cult member can start evangelizing the good word of Azuth (actually c'thullu) AND gain favors while doing it.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This week's Unearthed Arcana, with Mike Mearls back after Rob Schwalb's guest spot last week, takes a look at downtime activities. "Sometimes the weeks between adventures are as eventful as the time on an adventure. This installment of Unearthed Arcana explores that in-between time by offering new and revised downtime activities for DMs to playtest in their campaigns."



While it's a darn useful bit of expanded game material for some, I've always found described action for activities between campaigns/adventures more than adequate. Again though, I do see the utility for those with far less time to allow for that and the occasional need for a mechanic or two (like crafting and whatnot).

Useful, but still, quite boring (to me) stuff. Can't all be exciting new mechanics, class options, spells and the like I suppose. ;)


I like it. I like it a lot. And this is coming from someone who has yet to ever use the existing downtime rules. (Even while running a ton of AL).

This just looks a whole lot better.

Curious about the "Work" one... It says you earn a certain lifestyle... but do you have to spend that lifestyle? And if you *don't* why doesn't it just give you a gp paycheck? If you *do* then all you have done is offset your expenses.

Question for anyone who hates the idea of players buying or crafting magic items - do these rules (and their fine level of DM participation) make the idea more palatable?

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