Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Magic Items of Eberron

There's a new Unearthed Arcana up from Keith Baker, Ruty Rutenberg, and Ben Petrisor -- "This month's Unearthed Arcana looks at the magic items that are part of everyday life in the world of Eberron. Arcane focuses, enchanted clothing, warforged components, and more are all common sights for the citizens of the Five Nations."

There's a new Unearthed Arcana up from Keith Baker, Ruty Rutenberg, and Ben Petrisor -- "This month's Unearthed Arcana looks at the magic items that are part of everyday life in the world of Eberron. Arcane focuses, enchanted clothing, warforged components, and more are all common sights for the citizens of the Five Nations."

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The material in this month's Unearthed Arcana also appears in the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron, available on the DMs Guild.

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Hawk Diesel

My thoughts on the items presented in the UA / Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron.

1) The armblade would function better as a racial ability of the Warforged Juggernaut subrace, similar to the Warforged Envoy's Integrated Tool ability.

2) If the armblade is an item, it personally doesn't make sense to me why it requires attunement. It isn't a magic item. Even +1 - +3 magic weapons do not require attunement, and this doesn't even overcome magic resistance to bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage. Currently, an armblade could be replicated by any warforged or non-warforged by attaching a bungee to your weapon and your wrist. Ideally, an armblade would function similar to the wand sheath, allowing the warforged to switch the weapon being used by the armblade (maybe instead call is a Warforged Weapon Sheath). Also, it would allow an Object Interaction to sheath it or call it up. I personally dislike mechanics that require one to use a bonus action to call forth their weapon just because it is a bit more flavorful (see Tome of the Blade or the Eldritch Knight's Bonded Weapon for examples).

However, since the Wand Sheath not only holds a wand, but frees your hand while using it, I can see why the wand sheath would require attunement.

3) I like the Orb of Shielding. However, I would also add one's proficiency bonus to it. This maintains a small amount of damage reduction against an energy type, but allows it to continue to have use at higher levels. Given that spellcasters are less likely to use reactions for things like Attacks of Opportunity (outside of those with the Warcaster feat), I think this makes sense.

4) I like the idea of two-handed focuses for spellcasters. However, I do not like that it increases distance. Personally, outside of very rare niche situations, distance in my games for attacks rarely go beyond the 60ft - 80ft range. Well within the range of most ranged cantrips. Instead, I would increase the damage die by one step. I mean, two-handed weapons deal more damage than one handed weapons, so why not the same for two-handed focuses. Yes, this is an average of +1 damage per die, and some may not like the idea of a caster having access to a d12 eldritch blast. One could instead limit this to melee-based cantrips to combat this problem. But for me, this also makes sense since in my games I use bucklers. These can be used by anyone, even without shield proficiency, and add a +1 to AC. As a result, at least in my games, this would become a meaningful choice. Of course YMMV since every table is different.
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Very disappointed. Because:
- it is the second UA in a row copy&pasted from an already published product. Is it so difficult for wotc releasing new stuff? what about the revised artificer or something else?
- as for the previous UA about dragonmarks, it is not fair in my opinion releasing stuff for free when a lot of people already paid for it. I'm feeling treated like a stupid because I bought the wayfinder's guide.


Yeah, I'm a little disappointed, too. Eberron is not my thing, personally, but I did end up getting Wayfinders just to see what was in it after seeing some of my friends talk about it. It was interesting, and I liked Warforged...but putting stuff up on UA that people paid for is a bit much.

Hawk Diesel

Personally, I'm ok with purchasing the Wayfinder's Guide, primarily because I want to show my support to get more officially supported 5e Eberron material, as well as supporting Keith Baker's work. I understand the problematic nature of releasing the mechanics for free. However, the way I see it, the UA is going to allow WotC to improve the mechanics by opening them up to a wider playtesting audience. Additionally, since we purchased the document, if they do change any of the mechanics based on user feedback (which I strongly suspect they will), we will get access to those revisions while the larger player base that did not purchase the document will not.

So yea, it sucks knowing if I had waited that I could have gotten the crunch presented in the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron. But the Wayfinder's Guide also provides MUCH more than just new mechanics. It is a really great resource for new 5e players that didn't play 3e or get Eberron to get a good start in the setting.


Very disappointed. Because:
- it is the second UA in a row copy&pasted from an already published product. Is it so difficult for wotc releasing new stuff? what about the revised artificer or something else?
- as for the previous UA about dragonmarks, it is not fair in my opinion releasing stuff for free when a lot of people already paid for it. I'm feeling treated like a stupid because I bought the wayfinder's guide.

This has been discussed quite a bit elsewhere, but the DMsGuild product is listed as playtest and it will be automatically updated when they finalize the material. All purchasers will get a notice when the PDF is updated and a link to download the updated PDF (no additional cost).

Similarly, UA is were they put playtest material out - to get it to the widest audience. It is also the information they survey and and use to improve the final product. There is no way to survey DMs Guild material so the items the want the most feedback on (other than in house playtesting), the put out in UA. The two work together to, hopefully, make the product better.

If feel like WotC was pretty transparent and forthright about this, I am surprised it continues to be an issue for people. I get my D&D information from 2 places mostly: EnWorld & DMsGuild, and I understood this within moments of the release.


I think one take away in duplicating, is that they can have surveys about specific portions of the WG via the UA article and get feedback.


The range increase is to fictionalize how wizards/magewrights were used during the war as artillery. Range would be very important to figure out how to increase the distance between armies when using spells and having a focus increase range seems logical in that setting.


First Post
Come on WoTC. Where is the revised and updated Artificer class. Instead you give us things we already paid for. Very disappointing.

Come on WoTC. Where is the revised and updated Artificer class. Instead you give us things we already paid for. Very disappointing.
I’d rather have the stuff I paid for revised and improved in response to mass feedback.
We’ll get the artificer eventually. It doesn’t need to be rushed out the door.

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