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Thomas Shey

And really expensive. Which is fine. I ama fortunate person, at least in the American upper middle class category. But it is still a decision point.

And of course, take up a fair bit of space. The combination of those two was why I (mostly; I'll still buy a core book for a game I'm sure I'm going to run) stopped buying physical books at a certain point. I simply lack the space for them.

(And anyone wanting to suggest I sell any of the old books I have that I haven't looked at in decades is clearly a heathen or a heretic and will be dealt with accordingly...)


Front Range Warlock
Some old RPG products also simply aren't available in PDF. Take that new, unopened, copy of Dragonroar on my shelf. I'm half tempted to open it just so I can archive the contents digitally (including digitizing the cassette tape), but... uh... NEW AND UNOPENED.


The EN World kitten
Some old RPG products also simply aren't available in PDF. Take that new, unopened, copy of Dragonroar on my shelf. I'm half tempted to open it just so I can archive the contents digitally (including digitizing the cassette tape), but... uh... NEW AND UNOPENED.
I think you mean DragonRaid.

Also, there is a digitized version of the cassette tape; my copy came with a CD.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Or bring back Prestige classes.
I'd rather not deal with chasing pre-reqs, especially those that practically required multi-classing.

But I could see adding Themes (Levels 3-10) and Paragon Paths (11-20) with few to no absolute requirements (outside character level) as a way of increasing character diversity without having to rely on feats and/or MCing.

e: Honestly I think it's the only way we're getting legit psionic characters


Front Range Warlock
I think you mean DragonRaid.

Also, there is a digitized version of the cassette tape; my copy came with a CD.

No, I 100% mean Dragonroar. It's a game by Standard Games out of the UK. Famous for battle hedgehogs. It has been out of print since the early 80s. DragonRaid is an entirely different game (I reviewed it on RPGNet and said review has been cited by a published research paper) and just recently went out of print.
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Thomas Shey

Some old RPG products also simply aren't available in PDF. Take that new, unopened, copy of Dragonroar on my shelf. I'm half tempted to open it just so I can archive the contents digitally (including digitizing the cassette tape), but... uh... NEW AND UNOPENED.

Though that number shrinks somewhat (though not to zero) if you're not fussy about the legality of the PDF.

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