Unusual Sandwiches


Staff member
Commercial or home-made, simple or complex, cold or hot, let's share some recipes!

I just made a new one that I like:

Sourdough bread
Spicy Brown Mustard
Genoa Salami
Smoked Blue Cheese

I love them, but haven't tried blue cheeses on many sandwiches. I usually eat them straight or on crackers, or the occasional burger. So this was a true experiment.

Well, the smoky tang of the cheese married well with the other ingredients. I actually should have put more cheese on the sandwich than I did.

Bonus: a buddy of mine loves Monte Christo sandwiches; I question his sanity. But one of his favorite incarnations of it came from a restaurant that went out of business. Here's how I helped him emulate the taste.

A normal one has ham & cheese served between two pieces of powdered sugar-dusted French toast, accented with strawberry jam or preserves. He doesn't know how to make French Toast, and even if he did, he'd probably not bother anyway

I told him to substitute a pair of frosted strawberry pop-tarts for the bread and jam. He may have called me a genius.
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It's that salty/sweet combo. Nobody likes all of them, but if you find one you like? WOW!

I, for instance, will occasionally dip my French fries in vanilla shakes.

My wife and I tried a panini at home with ingredients that we didn't think would work well together:

Shredded chicken
Spicy Thai Peanut Sauce
Cheddar Cheese

Grilled and pressed, on sourdough boule.

In my pre vegetarian days I loved a deep fried version of the Monte Christo. The whole sandwich was deep fried, I guess with some extra breading of some sort. It was unusual.

I have a granddaughter whose favorite sandwich as a kid consisted of mayonnaise spread on two pieces of white bread. And nothing else. Just a mayonnaise sandwich.

My wife occasionally enjoys a peanut butter-pickle-tomato sandwich. I throw up in my mouth a little at the very thought.


Yesterday was liverwurst & Swiss with brown mustard on sourdough. But instead of mayo, I used Greek garlic purée.


The only trick I missed was red onion. I didn't have any, and it would have been perfect.

We celebrated my dad's last birthday at a steak joint. I took home some leftovers. The next day I had a ribeye steak sandwich using two pieces of buttered texas toast, grilled onions and a slice of melted, smoked cheddar cheese. It was very good.
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Yeah, ribeye makes for awesome sandwiches! There was a place in Austin that used to make steak sandwiches with fairly thick ribeyes that had been marinated in red wine overnight. What you described is pretty much how I'd have mine, but I added mushrooms.

That place was awesome, and someone realized it and bought them out. Unfortunately, new ownership was idiotic and changed the recipes...for the worse.

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