Upper_Krust: Fix This

Okay, since people wanted one, I threw the "fix this" thread together. People should post what parts of Ascension need changing.
If you have a change, try to list "exactly" where it is. Don't list a feat number or page number, those change, but I think if you list the chapter and the general area, U_K should be able to find it.

Ill start us off with a few from chapter 4:

Chapter 4: Atomic Effect: Calculating the damage and ability damage is really complicated. Is there an easier formula.

Chapter 4: Thelemic Effect: If you take it multiple times, it says "original effect, doubled" but "doubling" the numeric factor would actually make this power weaker.

Chapter 4: Powers in general: Thelemic effect mentions it, but you list earlier under the Transmortality power that some really strong powers can still kill you. Perhaps those powers should get a "special:" note. (Ones I can think of: Omega Effect and Astro Effect seem like likely candidates)

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An inside joke my group has is to check each update of the immortals handbooks ascension to see if one of the feats is still the same.

Legendary Archer:
reqs: dex 25
You no longer require sleep

We all agree though that this would be a good trait for the archer in our group to take as it would approve his sniping ability if he were not to sleep. A sniper asleep on the job is no good to anyone.

On page 168 of the .pdf file you made a spelling error.

On table A-12: Uncanny Atomic Mastery (Algol) you spelled disintegration incorrectly.

I'm sure I'm getting quite annoying by now. :p



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You need to make a note of how the [Effect] save DCs are determined, as well as the Blast's area of effect. I'd not have known what they were, if not for the example deities.


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You should think about changing or simply dropping "Verge of Death", since not all people interested in Death are interested in undeath.

Assassin gods, for example, shouldn't lose their Con score. Living necromancer gods shouldn't either. Wee Jas would have Death and Magic, but she'd still have a Con score.

Why can't people with Magic gain benefits to Wisdom? What about a cleric deity with Magic and Healing?

Why does the Revenge portfolio penalize Charisma? Same goes for Science. Are these copy/paste errors?

Why does a deity with the Secrets portfolio suffer a penalty to Intelligence. That's bass-akwards, if you ask me. Just because they sacrifice on the altar of hidden knowledge doesn't imply a lack of intelligence. If you insist on this idea, I'd prefer if they simply couldn't benefit from Int-boosting effects rather than eat massive penalties.

Skill Portfolio = Fly's Endurance. What? Why?

Wartorn, from the War portfolio... what? In all situations? Maybe this could be clarified.

Wisdom... Pig's Splendor... what's the connection with this weakness that makes it so pervasive?


First Post
Copy/paste errors are still in many places in the document, but others are starting to point those out so I'll refrain from doing so here.

What jars me the most, when reading Ascension (and also, to a lesser extent, the Bestiary I) is the number of incomplete sentences and sentence fragments. Most of these in Ascension are sentences where the author started to write something but couldn't or didn't complete the thought; others (the most common type in Bestiary I, but prevalent in Ascension as well) are apparent complete sentences which are nevertheless incomplete thoughts due to not having complete grammatical structure.

An example of the latter will show what I mean. Page 40, within the description of Anomalies, the following sentence exists: "Creatures otherwise superfluous to cosmic balance but possessed of power enough to give even a time lord pause." That's incomplete- it's a description of Anomalies, but there's no verb. :) What are these terrible creatures doing? In this case, and in fact most of them as far as I can tell, it would be more grammatically correct to turn the sentence fragment into an extension of the previous one. In the example given above, the preceding sentence reads "Anomalies are extra-cosmic abominations." Lump the two together and you get "Anomalies are extra-cosmic abominations- creatures otherwise superfluous to cosmic balance but possessed of power enough to give even a time lord pause." That's a complete sentence.

Examples of the former include the second sentence on page 37 under the DIMENSION WAR subheading- "However, as the universe expanded dimensional tectonics caused bleeding and tears to appear, through which" (it ends there in clear mid-sentence). Another example, on the next page, is in the first paragraph describing Elder Ones: "Each is the personification of ." Personification of what?


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Pssthpok said:
You should think about changing or simply dropping "Verge of Death", since not all people interested in Death are interested in undeath.

Assassin gods, for example, shouldn't lose their Con score. Living necromancer gods shouldn't either. Wee Jas would have Death and Magic, but she'd still have a Con score.

Why can't people with Magic gain benefits to Wisdom? What about a cleric deity with Magic and Healing?

Why does the Revenge portfolio penalize Charisma? Same goes for Science. Are these copy/paste errors?

Why does a deity with the Secrets portfolio suffer a penalty to Intelligence. That's bass-akwards, if you ask me. Just because they sacrifice on the altar of hidden knowledge doesn't imply a lack of intelligence. If you insist on this idea, I'd prefer if they simply couldn't benefit from Int-boosting effects rather than eat massive penalties.

Skill Portfolio = Fly's Endurance. What? Why?

Wartorn, from the War portfolio... what? In all situations? Maybe this could be clarified.

Wisdom... Pig's Splendor... what's the connection with this weakness that makes it so pervasive?
U_K seems to have the ability scores in opposing pairs; Str/Int, Dex/Con, Wis/Cha. Given that, it makes sense for a portfolio based on one to penalize the other.


First Post
"Skill" has always been the Dex portfolio. It requires Dex to be the god's highest score, and gives power over other Dex-based creatures.

Revenge makes sense; when you're obsessed with killing someone, you tend to rub folks the wrong way.

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