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Urban Arcana:New Orleans Dept.7 (IC)

Jade Solstar

First Post
This is for the tales of the those brave adventurers in the d20 Modern Urban Arcana:New Orleans Department 7 Campaign that I am running. The PC's and noteable NPC's can be found in the Rogue's Gallery for more background on each character.
I hope everyone enjoys themselves!


I just wanted to touch base and set out the guidelines for the campaign from my side...

1)When a roll is called for I will TRUST each person to make it and then post the appropriate results. Please use real dice so that we get a true dice roll. If you cannot roll your own dice just let me know and I will do it for you.

2)When posting please use following methods
"BOLT TEXT" when speaking aloud in character
>ITALIC TEXT< when thinking with your character
[OOC-] when taking actions or for any other reasons

3)I allow 1 "Hero Point" to each character at every level to be used to reroll any 1 die roll if the initial result is undesired. These can accumulate but you can never use more than 1 per encounter. I feel this gives players more control for achieving a desired result or to avoid failing an important save or what have you. These have always worked well for my home campaign. This is in addittion to the action points you recieve as a character.

4)As the game progresses I would like each person to keep their character in the Rogue's Gallery updated so that I have access to your charcaters current information at any time.

5)If someone is going to be unable to post for an extended period please let us all know.

6)Let all have fun and remember if you ever have a question just ask or send me an email or look for me on aol...all the info is on my profile here.

I hope we all have a memorable and fun time!

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Jade Solstar

First Post
Campaign Start

You have just arrived at the Pinnacle Skyscraper or "Pinacle Peak" as it is known within the city of New Orleans. The towering building seems to loom over the city making it a very imposing site within New Orleans. The light mist of morning reeks through the streets in a think fog, already ambulance lights streak through the mists loudly proclaiming another accident...

As you approach the two mirror doors they slide swiftly aside revealing a grey marbled floor that shines as clear as the mirrored doors. The lobby itself has many waiting areas and public access terminals for those who need to connect via phone, fax or internet. The lobby is already starting to get busy as people wait to board the elevators. You can see the information desk situated against the back wall where a single elevator seemingly remains unused behind the desk itself. A middle-aged dark haired woman who bears a strong resemblance to martha stewart sits behind the desk dressed in an smartly professional black outfit.

As you draw closer to the information desk the lady smiles slightly as if a force of habit more than being nice and says "Good morning I am Nadene, welcome to the Pinacle how may I assist you ?"

[DM-I will now await the -arrival- of each pc and go from there!]
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Austin Krenek: (Human/Male/Fast 1)

Austin Krenek analyzed every person that he happen upon on my way to the counter. He looked for weapons, possible ambushes, familiar faces, and everything else that seems out of place. Trying to look professional in his semi-expensive clothes Austin moved quickly to the counter but anyone looking closely would notice that his comfort level with this type of clothing was unusually low as he repeatedly place his finger around the collar of the shirt pulling it away from his neck.

His mind this morning was relatively active as he traveled to the Pinnacle Skyscraper as most of his thoughts where on the events that had put this new chapter of his life in motion. The last in the series happened many months ago and it had taken place at a shady motel in the outskirts of “The Strip” in Los Vegas. That night the last thing he thought he would ever see was his former CO but it was his former CO that had knocked and interrupted his evening with his new found lady friend. In the morning he would debate rather or not his CO has actually been their offering him a job as the government wasn’t to often interested in washed up former SPECOPS personnel. They would rather forget you, and would allow for that to happen, as long as you tried to be semi-productive in life, or didn’t cause serious harm to others. Though he had spent most of his time drunk after his medical discharge his CO had kept tabs and said that the new job would offer insight into his sanity, or as he had often wondered, his insanity. Anything that had a chance to remove the nightmares from his dreams and the screams of his teammates from his ears would be worth it… Besides he was down to the money in his wallet, and their wasn’t much their.

Austin arrive at the counter nervous and with an over active mind, and not for the first time today would wonder if he should have had a pick me up drink this morning, “Yes, I’m Austin Krenek and I have an appointment with Director Stevens Office…”
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Jade Solstar

First Post
[OOC/DM-To facilitate a quick begining and get into the game as each player arrives the conversation/interaction with Nadene will be the same as that of the first character. I would like to skip through this part and pick up as each player character arrives on the 13th floor from the elevator behind the lobby information desk. This will give the pc's a chance to introduce and describe themselves to each other and once everyone has arrived in the waiting area I will have the Director arrive.]

As you look over the people coming and going through the lobby area you see that their are six security guards; two posted near the entrance and exit; two posted near the public elevators and two roaming walking about the lobby. They are all armed with a handgun, nightstick and stungun from what you can quickly amke out. The others making their way through the lobby area are your typical corporate employees in dress and manner.

As you make your way to the lobby information desk and state your reason for being here Nadene quickly types something into her computer, looks up at you and says "Yes, I see here you have an appointemnt with Director Stevens." Then she gets up, moves over to the chain that seperates her area from the lobby, unclips it and motions for you to come behind saying "If you would please board the elevator and press level 13 as your destination you will arrive at the waiting area for Department 7. Please await the arrival of the other agents there, I am under the impression that Director Stevens will be in shortly. Have a good day!" She then takes her seat and continues typing on her computer...

As you enter the elevator you can hear soft music playing, once inside you realize that this is not like any elevator you've been in before. It has a digital keypad, a computer screen displaying emergency information and a SAT phone behind a small glass door that appears to be on charge.

As you enter the numbers...13...you realize that you can't ever remember having heard of a 13th floor, other than a horror flick from a few years past. If you remember correctly most architechs believe it is bad luck to name a level 13 and therefore their is never a 13th floor. The elevator moves upwards with a smooth swiftness and then the doors open just as quickly.

You exit into a waiting area that reminds you alot of a doctors office with a single door leading from the waiting room and a small glass window that only an empty desk sits behind.
Their are three sofas and numerous chairs, all leather and extremely comfortable. Their is a very nice oak table that is arrayed with morning beverages and breakfast pastries. There is a note on the table that read "Help yourselves to the refreshments, I will be in shortly. D.S."

[DM-if anyone wants to do anything in particular between arriving at the lobby and arriving on the 13th floor just let me know.]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Austin Krenek: (Human/Male/Fast 1)

Austin’s senses work over time as his mind lingers on the look and layout of the elevator, as he is no fool to high tech gadgets and installations due to his time in the service. Austin realizes this could be a better founded and secret organization above the military and the hiding of an organization in a skyscraper in downtown New Orleans reeks of CIA in Austin mind. That thought bothers him as he has no need of spooks and while it also intrigues him as he checks for the comfort of the hard steel that is holstered under his clothes while thee ride on the elevator continues.

With a quick stop the ride is over and Austin steps out of the elevator as if nothing is bother him. The waiting room is not very CIA like, as there are no guards, and he feels like he back in a waiting from for one of his many and former shrinks.

He glances at the beverages hoping for an open bar but knowing before he started that there will be none… With the failure of finding one he is once again reminded that he should have had that “pick me” up again. The food holds no interest to him as its full of fats and other things that will bog a body down. He barley glances at the beautiful skyline from the window before deciding that the thick leather chair would be a great place for some “down time”. He can’t help but smile thinking of his military training and the expression “hurry up and wait” and how it still applies to him now. He last thoughts before falling asleep are from the night before and wild girls of the French Quarter.


First Post
James Heverton (Male Human Smart 1)

An older man steps out of the elevator, pushing up his glasses as he steps out. His appearence immediately calls to mind a college professor: short, old, and slightly bald, with a tweed jacket on. Seeing that the only other person in the room is asleep, he quitely makes his way over to the snack table, and helps himself to a selection of coffee, doughnuts and other goodies.
If anybody else should enter the room, or if the sleeping man wakes up, he will inrtoduce himself as "James Heverton esquire, PhD, Professor of History and resercher of humanitie's secret past."


First Post
Robert Mendel

As the elevator doors open Robert runs a hand through his short brown hair. He quickly strides into the room and hastily glances over the room. A man introduces himself and Robert responds with a chuckle, "Humanities secret pasts eh? Well, the name is Robert, a pleasure to meet you." Robert gives a quick look of disgust at the sleeping man and decides to take a seat as far away from him as possible.

Again the elevator opens but this time a very short man comes shuffling through. Hes slightly taller than most midgets you have seen, and a lot more well built, everything seems to be quite proprtionate to him. He is dressed ina buisness clothes perfectly tailored to his height and is looking at a PDA screen. He flicks open a golden pcket watch. "Right on time as usual, so where is this guy Ive got a casino to be running"


First Post
> James immediately jumps to the least likely conclusion: this midget is somehow realted to dwarves! Of course, this might not be the kind of thing you bring up in casual discussion, so he will not breach the subject. Yet. But he does see this as his chance to prove that shaowd exists, so he is particularly nice to the dwarf as he introduces himself<


First Post
Angela Cole

Shortly after the arrival of the shorter man--perhaps just long enough for the elevator to go down to the lobby and come back up--the door opens again and a young woman in a U.S. Army dress uniform steps out, glancing quickly around the room before she looks more carefully at the faces of the men already in the room. Her uniform identifies her as a highly decorated Lieutenant. She is an attractive woman, but not exceedingly so. Her brown hair is pulled back in a pony tail that barely reaches below her neck, and she has a few freckles on her cheeks and forehead. "I suppose none of you is Stevens," she says to nobody in particular. After seeing that this is so, she looks from each man to the next as she says, "Lieutenant Angela Cole. For now, you can call me Lieutenant or Lieutenant Cole."

Then Lt. Cole walks to the table, pours herself a cup of ice water, looks for a moment at the pastries before shaking her head, then walks over to one of the empty chairs and sits down.
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