Using a readied action to double up sneak attacks. How acceptable? How palateable?


Entropic Good
Since readied actions act as immediate reactions, they don't happen on your turn (right?). Thus if I sneak attack an enemy, then use an action point to ready another attack, and then it triggers while you still have CA, you get your sneak attack again. I fairly convinced this is true, and it seems like a nice way to get over the fact that usually a thief action pointing after they've sneak attacked is unimpressive.

A variation of this is a scout hitting with his two weapon attack (free attack action) and readying an attack that he'll power strike with (another free attack action that can not occur on the same turn as another free attack action, as per updated free action rules, and essentials).

My question is, how would you feel about this happening at your table? It rubs me the wrong way (it kinda gamey, especially since the 'smartest' way is to set the triggering event as "the start of the next persons turn" so you don't loose initiative placement), but I'm playing a scout and having only used power strike once in 8 sessions (from one of two OAs I've made) makes me wish I had some way to set it up.


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First Post
Huh. Sounds right to me.

Except that you can only trigger on observable actions, so "the start of their turn" is out as a trigger (but "if any enemy tries to leave their square or make an attack" is, I think, allowable and just as good.)

Honestly, I never saw the point behind giving rogues SA every turn (was anything really WRONG with 1/rnd?) and stuff like this just convinces me more, and think the fix for abusive free action attacks was the wrong way to go (I'd've errated a "Once per round" (or "Once per turn") into each free action attack source's power description).


First Post
RAW, works fine. I've seen it in LFR games, where the DM is restricted to RAW. If you didn't like it in a home game I wouldn't address it from a rules perspective, but from a "fun" perspective of the group.


First Post
Huh. Sounds right to me.

Except that you can only trigger on observable actions, so "the start of their turn" is out as a trigger (but "if any enemy tries to leave their square or make an attack" is, I think, allowable and just as good.)

IF a readied action is an immediate REACTION (and not interrupt) I would not be comfortable allowing the trigger as "the guy tries to move away". Essentially, the reaction would occur after he moved. (In other words, 'trying' to move away is not a mechanical trigger, is it?)


First Post
I disagree. Assigning 'If they try to move away' is a perfectly acceptable trigger condition.

They just better have some form of action that works on enemies that are two squares away.

Rogues don't usually have much of a problem with it, but they might not have combat advantage against the guy in their new location.

(Yes, a triggered readied action is an immediate reaction, and no, it doesn't always work out for the players)


First Post
There's a rogue feat that allows you to use SA twice in the same turn... it's a heroic tier feat... cant recall the name (no books present)... Although holding your extra action would work (as an immediate reaction), this feat kinda simplifies everything, imo...


First Post
Trying to mechanic your way out of letting someone do this is pointless. Speaking is a Free Action. "I ready an action to do xyx when I say 'Go.'" Occurs in game, is a valid trigger, can be done w/e the player wants (and is actually a good trigger, if the NPC Minions all ready to charge to charge when the boss says "I'm sorry our negotiations didn't work out to everyone's satisfaction." etc). Or the party leader doing the same on the PC side.

If your group has a problem with it, it should be dealt with from a social perspective and not a rules one. RAW it works fine which is why LFR games are SOL.


As Aulirophile says, it works within the rules as written. The only drawback is that you have to do it at the end of your turn (so you can't attack, action point, attack, and move away).

I would probably house rule that you can't do this. Honestly, though, it's not really a big deal... you get your sneak attack damage one extra time every other fight. Whoopty-doo.
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First Post
As Aulirophile says, it works within the rules as written. The only drawback is that you have to do it at the end of your turn (so you can't attack, action point, attack, and move away).

I would probably house rule that you can't do this. Honestly, though, it's not really a big deal... you get your sneak attack damage one extra time every other fight. Whoopty-doo.
Well, actually you can do it every fight if you hit. Low Slash (Minor Action) Ready (Standard). It really doesn't add much though, and is a pain.


Hmm, why wouldn't you allow it? It lets the rogue deal striker-type damage out of her turn, and it costs an action point, a resource that can only be replenished once every milestone (unless the DM hands them out like M&M's). Plus, the RAW works. It's not like another party member will complain if the striker's damage output is robust... With the possible exception of Mr. Warlock over there. :uhoh: I say it should be allowed. :)

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