[v.3.5] Realmsian Dragonstar: The Battle of Toril PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)


World of Kulan DM
Seeing Entar ignore him and depart into the temple, Shazer'a snorts and shakes his head in anger.

"That did not go as you'd hoped," Nelalwe says. You don't say? Father did always wonder if I had some White blood hidden in there somewhere... damn fools can't see that we can help them. I almost wish to depart and find another city who will see wisdom. Shazer'a looks around assessing their chances against the guardsmen closing in on them and suddenly realizing that same elf woman managed to get herself circled by the guards as well. Before he can say or do anything though the damn burst and the crowd began to surge, pushing and tearing people together and away.

As the sudden storm strikes the previously clear skies of the city, Shazer'a mutters, "we are indeed too late. This must be the work of the Empire." Confirmed only moments later as dragonrunners streak past overhead, Shazer'a pounds his fist into a nearby wall, "graagh! I thought we had more time than this. What do you have ready today? Anything for combat?"

"Little." is Nelalwe's quick response. "Bestial power, flight, and a few evocations and healings are all."

Shazer'a swings sets his pack briefly on the ground, reaching into the main pouch, and he retrieves a large object, almost like multiple rods all stacked and adhered to one another out of a space that couldn't possibly hold it normally and set's it on the ground carefully. He also pulls out a smaller similar object, and something that appears to be an axe, but made of improbably materials and design, seating these on his belt in a couple of locations. Reslinging his pack and hefting the larger object, he looks to the elven woman. "I am Shazer'a of House Golion, and this is my Weesham, Nelalwe," he says as he inclines his head toward the small gnome. "I suggest you prepare yourself for a fight. The Empire is here, and with Mezzenbone on the throne, first contact will be none too gentle." Looking at Nelalwe he asks, "can you weave her?"

"As always, with time." the small gnome says with a slight exasperation to her voice. About to continue, she opens her mouth, and that is when the heaven's roar with an explosion from the docks.

Originally Posted by Knightfall
The sound rips through the morning like a hurricane. A massive explosion that erupts from somewhere near the docks. The shock wave from the explosion breaks exposed glass windows and knocks over people. It causes ears to ring and eyes to blur. The explosion seems to have come from the city's harbor. A massive black cloud soon rises over the city and the outlander heroes hear a telltale sign. the rat-at-tat-tat of gunfire and powerful bursts from energy weapons. The sounds all come from the direction of the harbor.

And screaming, tons of screaming.
Amidst the tears and wails of agony, she continues, "and it appears we do not have enough of that to matter now." Glancing at his quick gear up, eh adds, "you're trying very hard these last couple of years and colonizations to get to your shiny body sooner rather than later!

Casting another grimace and ignoring that last jibe, even Shazer'a flinches when the explosion occurs, and then he sighs and puts his head down briefly. "And so the fall of this world begins. Let us pray to the Warrior that they are not using orbital bombardment and go see if we can do anything to aid these poor people." Looking at the elven woman, "if you can fight and desire to see your home world undestroyed by Asemet, I suggest you come with us and do what you can, but do not expect to live through this..." And with that Shazer'a begins to move off towards the docks.

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World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by Knightfall
"Find Haspur, Keth. He knows what is to come. He might this city's only hope. No, he might be the world's only hope. Find him, Keth. Find him and protect him, no matter the cost." Then G'axir shakes uncontrollably; he jolts upright in the chair grabbing at his chest and head. "No more stars," he whispers as a whitish foam appears at the edges of his mouth.

Then he slumps down in the chair dead, a horridly serene smile on his face.
"G'AXIR!" Kethrendil cried out, and leapt out of his chair to his slumped friend. A quick check confirmed the worst: the half-elf seer was dead. Kethrendil stood back, stunned. The dread he felt growing in the pit of his stomach as his friend ranted finally came to fore.

Mystra dead?! The Weave... gone? Gods dying? Kethrendil clutched his heart. He should have known. Why hadn't he? His mastery of the Art was never as strong as a true wizard, but he should have known that the aching he felt days ago that something was wrong instead of chalking it up to a lingering injury. Quickly, he reached within, and felt that he still had some magic at his call.

He looked down to G'axir once again. After that mad ranting, his friend looked so much at peace now. He knelt down to him, and adjusted his his body to be more dignified, and closed his eyes.

"Rest well, my friend, and may the Seldarine welcome you home." The elf stood back up. "Worry not, I will fulfill your last request. I will find Haspur, and protect him with my life."

Easier said than done, though. G'axir was right, he did not know this Haspur, though he had heard idle gossip about a mad soothsayer during his visits to the Gate. He should check with the Blade and Star's, Aundegal. He might know more. Where was he, anyways?

Kethrendil looked back to his late friend, and small, sad smile formed on his face. "I'll return as soon as I can to take care—"

Originally Posted by Knightfall
The sound rips through the morning like a hurricane. A massive explosion that erupts from somewhere near the docks. The shock wave from the explosion breaks exposed glass windows and knocks over people. It causes ears to ring and eyes to blur. The explosion seems to have come from the city's harbor. A massive black cloud soon rises over the city and the outlander heroes hear a telltale sign. the rat-at-tat-tat of gunfire and powerful bursts from energy weapons. The sounds all come from the direction of the harbor.

And screaming, tons of screaming.
"Bloody Nine Hells!" Kethrendil exclaimed from his prone form on the floor. He quickly got up and brushed of broken pieces of dust and glass. He rushed to the entrance of the inn. Everyone was screaming and panicking. Signs of destruction were everywhere.

That explosion came from the harbor! Is this the doom that G'axir foresaw? The elf needed to find Haspur, but judging from the chaotic state of the city, and the continuing sounds of war at the harbor, could he find the man in this mess in time? But the harbor was right now the center of this chaos...

Damn it, time to get busy. Kethrendil looked back one last time at his friend, drew his courtblade, then ran to the harbor.


World of Kulan DM
Dakashi begins to shake Haspur again in an attempt to waken him, "Do you know who I am or how I arrived here? Please tell me.." Hadyri puts her hand on Dakashi's shoulder, "Now isn't the time, we must find these other heroes and perhaps locating these heroes will help you uncover more about your past."

Dakashi's sighs deeply and stops shaking Haspur, "Fine but we're bringing him with, his insights might help us find these other heroes." Dakashi's then turns to Rodan as if he just remembered the man was standing there, "Who are you? I am Dakashi's and this is my companion, Hadyri. Did any of Haspurs visions make sense to you?"


World of Kulan DM
The city is in chaos. The citizenry of Baldur's Gate are either running away from the direction of the city's harbor or are running to hide inside any buildings nearby. A few brave souls, adventurers most likely, are instinctively drawn to the harbor to investigate the massive smoke plume that is rising above the river. When another explosion rocks the harbor, a few of them balk. Instead they begin gathering fleeing citizenry together and escort them away.

"There are metal demons on the docks!" A soldier of the Flaming Fist shouts to his compatriots. "We need the commander! Now!"

Kethrendil is the first to see the visions of horror that are laid out before his eyes. At the edge of the eastern side of the harbor, the city's wall has been destroyed and the harbor tower lies in ruins. It looks like the tower's stone is melting into the harbor, causing the water to boil and bubble. Several galleys are quickly sinking into the harbor. The ships are burning and the crews are trying to dive into the water before they catch fire. A few make it but most do not.

A strange looking metal construct floats not on the water but just above the ground. It looks like some sort of strange carriage. Standing around it are four metal golems unlike anything Kethrendil has seen before. They seem to be taking orders from an orc and a half-ogre in strange clothing and what looks like it could be armor. Another orc is sitting in the construct, guiding it. Standing in the shadows of the building is another man, a hobgoblin maybe. It's hard for Kethrendil to tell.

The large construct glides above the ground and a strange looking weapon (a bombard, maybe?) made of metal swivels and aims towards a great galleon moving through the harbor towards the metal beasts. The galleon tries to aim its cannons. The large metal construct spits electricity that streams out in a straight line and tears through the hull of the ship like it was paper. Kethrendil watches in horror as the ship almost disintegrates into nothing and the sailors on it are shocked to death.

The metal men laugh in unison while the half-ogre and the orc pile up several crates and barrels in front of the Harbormaster's House. Next to them is the city's harbormaster lying on the ground with a mystical web of energy holding him down.

"Boss, we got company," a voice rings out from somewhere Kethrendil can't see. "Over there. Another local trying to be a hero. Check your flank."

The words sound off to Kethrendil. It sounds like common but the accent is so thick that he barely understand it. He does understand the ramificatiosn of the powerful bombard swiveling in his direction and the metal men turning towards him.

"Shoot that fragging primitive," the orc commands.

Kethrendil hears someone from behind him yelling for him to get out of the way.

OOC: Kethrendil is the first to arrive on the scene because the inn he met his friend at was near the harbor.

Shazer'a and Soumral pass through the city's inner gate (with Nelalwe close behind) and into the harbor district just in time to see the galleon get blown to bits. Shazer'a sees the hovering vehicle and immediately knows the weapon mounted on top, a huge blaster cannon that fire deadly arcs of powered lightning. What's worse it likely has seven more shots before its heavy cell is depleted.

The invaders using the hover-jeep (its stabilizers must be insanely good) are definitely not Imperial soldiers. Their gear isn't pristine enough. The sight of four men in shock armor is enough to make his blood run cold with rage, however. Each of them carries a blaster carbine. The danger is very real, especially for an elf with a fine sword in his hand, obviously a local, that is standing about halfway between the invaders and Shazer'a and Soumral. The invaders, space pirates most likely, are being lead by a male orc and female half-ogre. They don't appear to be as well armored, but the half-ogre is carrying a railgun rifle. Threat assessment, holy crap! Shazer'a thinks.

Nelalwe's sensors pick up a clandestine hobgoblin too who is back from the others in the shadow of a nearby building. He is about to say something when a tinny voice alerts the pirates to the presence of the elf. Shazer'a can tell there is another pirate hiding somewhere. The man in the hover-jeep swivels the blaster cannon towards the elf.

"There's more of them, by the inner gate." The tinny voice rings out again. Shazer'a and Nelalwe's own comms are filled with static. "EM signatures, we got Imperials!" The voice shouts.

"Detonate," the orc yells. "Kill them all, Azara! No witnesses! Tocrhor, get off your ass!"

The half-ogre looks towards Shazer'a just as Rodan arrives through the inner gate with Dakashi, Hadyri, and Haspur in tow. Shazer'a immediately realizes they have all stumbled into a kill zone.

"They are here," Hspur screams. "Run for you lives!"

OOC: Salthorae, Deuce Traveler, and tekknowkub, there is active Sentrette (IS, p. 39) nearby that went off when Kethrendil approached the pirates. It is actively pinging on sensors and is jury-rigged with an explosive. It will go off at a certain point in the first round (depending on the tinny voice's Initiative roll). A Search check (DC 15) will locate it. A Demolitions check (DC 15) or Use Device check (DC 20) will deactivate it before it goes off. (Hope for luck.)


World of Kulan DM
Laran appears out of the crowd at Shazer'a's elbow, "Can I be of assistance M'lord?" He turns to his beautiful dark-skinned companion, "Siho, please scout the docks." he motions to the sky and the woman quickly shifts into a hawk form and heads towards the explosions.
Shazer'a and the others with her are soon swept away by the crowds before he can answer Laran. Once the chaos ensues, it takes Laran some time to find Shazer'a again. It is Siho that guides Laran to the half-dragon at the inner gate leading into the Harbor District.

Siho sees the invaders before Laran does and warns him of the danger as he approaches Shazer'a and the others gathered at the gate.


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by Knightfall
Kethrendil is the first to see the visions of horror that are laid out before his eyes. At the edge of the eastern side of the harbor, the city's wall has been destroyed and the harbor tower lies in ruins. It looks like the tower's stone is melting into the harbor, causing the water to boil and bubble. Several galleys are quickly sinking into the harbor. The ships are burning and the crews are trying to dive into the water before they catch fire. A few make it but most do not.
In over three decades of adventuring, Kethrendil has seen many scenes of destruction. Battlemages flinging fireballs. Villages raided by drow and orcs. But never had he seen such complete devastation in just one moment. What kind of power could have done this?!

Originally Posted by Knightfall
A strange looking metal construct floats not on the water but just above the ground. It looks like some sort of strange carriage. Standing around it are four metal golems unlike anything Kethrendil has seen before. They seem to be taking orders from an orc and a half-ogre in strange clothing and what looks like it could be armor. Another orc is sitting in the construct, guiding it. Standing in the shadows of the building is another man, a hobgoblin maybe. It's hard for Kethrendil to tell.

The large construct glides above the ground and a strange looking weapon (a bombard, maybe?) made of metal swivels and aims towards a great galleon moving through the harbor towards the metal beasts. The galleon tries to aim its cannons. The large metal construct spits electricity that streams out in a straight line and tears through the hull of the ship like it was paper. Kethrendil watches in horror as the ship almost disintegrates into nothing and the sailors on it are shocked to death.
Kethrendil could only stare in open-mouthed horror at the display of absolute destruction and power. Well, damn, actual 'flying metal machines that rain down death'. G'axir, why did it have to be this vision you had to be literal about?

Originally Posted by Knightfall
The metal men laugh in unison while the half-ogre and the orc pile up several crates and barrels in front of the Harbormaster's House. Next to them is the city's harbormaster lying on the ground with a mystical web of energy holding him down.

"Boss, we got company," a voice rings out from somewhere Kethrendil can't see. "Over there. Another local trying to be a hero. Check your flank."

The words sound off to Kethrendil. It sounds like common but the accent is so thick that he barely understand it. He does understand the ramificatiosn of the powerful bombard swiveling in his direction and the metal men turning towards him.

"Shoot that fragging primitive," the orc commands.

Kethrendil hears someone from behind him yelling for him to get out of the way.


World of Kulan DM
Rodan was disturbed that the madman he saved could know so much about him upon a look, but he was also so very wrong, "Avenge? There will be no avenging. Just running, crazy man!" The fallen would have to keep to care for themselves, though they would haunt his later dreams.

As he tried to flee, he realized he walked right into a kill zone. There was no time to think, only act.

OOC: Rodan is forced to fight, so he will react by summoning a celestial black bear as close to the hovering vehicle as possible. Inside if possible.


World of Kulan DM
"What are these things," Soumral calls out to the people she's been forced together with. "I suppose it doesn't matter. They are hostile to the city, and as such must be dealt with before too many innocents are harmed."

Soumral draws and knocks an arrow while looking for a soft target since she knows that it is fairly pointless to fire at most metal clad opponents.

OOC: Soumral will ready an arrow that will be loosed at the closest 'soft' target she can find.


World of Kulan DM
OOC: Posting for tekknowkub, who PMed me his character's actions.

"Dakashi?" Hadyri looks to her mentor.

"Go, I'll cover you from here," Dakashi replies. "But be careful."

The xeph nods before rushing forward with blazing speed. She charges into the first of the invaders in shock armor before he can even lift his carbine to fire. The enlightened monk slams her fists into his chest with incredible power. "Kii-ya!" Her strike stops the man in his tracks and he grunts in pain.

"You little bi-"

OOC: Hadyri's attack roll > 1d20+11+2=22 (hit); Damage > 2d8+2=10

Originally Posted by Deuce Traveler
Rodan was disturbed that the madman he saved could know so much about him upon a look, but he was also so very wrong, "Avenge? There will be no avenging. Just running, crazy man!" The fallen would have to keep to care for themselves, though they would haunt his later dreams.

As he tried to flee, he realized he walked right into a kill zone. There was no time to think, only act.
Rodan is amazed to see the female xeph charge forward towards the men in shock armor. She hits one of them with blinding speed. And hurts him.

Rodan finishes his spell and the celestial bear appears right next to the hoverjeep's driver. The bear lashes out at the driver with its teeth and claws. It strikes twice with it claws and grabs the man and pulls him from the vehicle in a crushing bear hug before the driver could reach for a weapon.

"Ah frag, somebody shoot it. Arrrghhhh! The man yells in pain.

The jeep continues to hover but now there is no one to control it or fire the cannon.

OOC: Celestial brown bear's attack (driver has cover [+4 AC] but flat-footed) > 2 claws 1d20+11=25 (hit), 1d20+11=26 (hit) and 1 bite 1d20+6=12 (miss); Damage 2 claws 1d8+8=9, 1d8+8=11


World of Kulan DM
"Frag it all to hell!" The orc leader exclaims. "I'm surrounded by idiots! Lachlan get the jeep!"

"Boss, don't use my name!" The tinny voice pleads.

"Shut up and stop hiding like a coward!"

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