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Vampire: Past the Masquerade, How Not to Suck


This is a Vampire Handbook. Normally, I'd leave the class for dead, but it keeps somehow coming up as an example of a weak class rather than a badly designed class, and that annoys me. So I'm going to over time do a guide.

Vampires are a member of the Striker role, but in some ways just nominally so. They have an MBA that doesn't quite scale fast enough similar to most Essentials Strikers. They have lousy encounter attack powers, but crucially, they do have encounter attack powers. They have an unusual surge mechanic that allows them to soak damage up in a way that's just frightening in a normal game. Finally, they have a tendency to attract the wrong kind of player - the one who thinks they've joined a LARP, manages to creep out the rest of the table, and then gets everyone against them.

An optimized Vampire has to do three things:
Get the other players on board with them being at the table. If they're not comfortable, it is hard to take advantage of one of Vampire's strongest class feature - the ability to heal to full with one extra surge at the end of a combat. This enables some unusual combat tactics.

Optimize their Vampire Slam - this power is going to get a lot of use, almost regardless of build. Take advantage of that.

Multiclass effectively and do a power swap. The best Paragon Path choices allow for some real amplification of role. Make good choices.

[h=2]This Handbook will use the following system for ratings:[/h]
Red - Garbage, or completely overshadowed by another option.
Purple - Situationally useful, but overall pretty meh.
Black - OK. You could do worse than pick this.
Blue - Good stuff. You probably want this.
Sky Blue - You want this. Period.
Gold - Why haven't you taken this yet? A defining choice for a build, or even the whole class.​
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Power Source & Role

Shadow & Striker

Class Features:
Hit Points Standard Striker fare
Surges - Yuck. But see Blood is Life+Child of the Night+Blood Drinker.
Child of the Night - Regen, Vuln Radiant, Resist Necro. Hint: Wear a cloak at all times.
Blood is Life - take a surge from a party member after regenerating to just above bloodied during a 5 minute aka 50 round short rest? Have one too many surges from Blood Drinker? Heal to full hp. Extremely efficient.

[sblock=Vampire Toughness]
Kind of just to spell out Vampire Toughness:
Suppose as an example, you're in a really rough combat. You get knocked unconscious, healed, then knocked unconscious again, then healed back to consciousness.

As it turns out, you're in a hurry, so there's only time for one short rest and the leader of the party needs to preserve their heals for the next combat. So you're now reliant to heal thyself.


That scenario often happens to the striker of a party. Let's pretend this happens to a Rogue - he was healed twice in the combat and is probably near 1/4 hp. So to heal to full, he needs to spend 3 more surges for a total of 5. That means he has 2 surges for the rest of the day if he had a 12 Con or he's going into the next combat down hit points with 3 surges. Total Party Surge cost? 5.

Vampire at say 7th? That regeneration in combat maybe means he doesn't go unconscious, but let's say he does anyway. A short rest is the equivalent of 50 rounds - 50 rounds where the Vampire can regenerate. He regenerates to just a hair above bloodied. He uses the two surges he gained from Blood Drinker to keep himself at full surges. He takes a healing surge from someone else in the party and heals all the way to full. At 11th with Vampire Noble, he doesn't even need the one from the party. Total Party Surge cost? 1 or 0.

In that one combat, the Vampire managed to effectively gain +4 surges. That's almost a worst case scenario for any striker - in other words, to really truly take down the Vampire for the day, you have to either kill it dead, wipe the party for the day, or have the Vampire in a scenario where the players are too squeamish for him to drain surges, yet have enough healing to heal him more times than he gains surges.

And that's where the Vampire reputation for being fragile comes from - levels 1-6, the Vampire generates less surges than the Leader has heals while potentially being in a party where he can't ask for an extra healing surge...even though if he gets the healing surge, that's a fantastic use of party resources as it meant the DM spent a lot of effort to knock down the party a total of 2 surges for all the damage inflicted on the Vampire...[/sblock]

Hidden Might - Vampire extra damage mechanic. Starts off strong, but because linked to Vampire, loses some punch when at higher levels.
Vampiric Reflexes - Rogue AC
Nightcrawler - Level 8, get a climb speed. Useful enough
Enduring Reserves - Level 13, get a 3rd surge. By this time, you ought to be typically gaining 2-3 surges per combat at a minimum, so this is more for stopping unusual skill challenges.
[B}Vital Consumption[/B] - as most of these options that could trigger this are on the bad side, something of a trap. Might give a small edge if you have too many healing surges, though.
Energized Blood Drinker - Vampires get really, really hard to hurt at this point.

Strength - there are a number of useful multiclass feats that require a 13 Strength. If you intend to power swap for Str-based powers, you'll want a 16, maybe even an 18.
Recommended Starting Score: 8-13, possibly 16-18

Constitution - You don't get surges from a higher Constitution score. Maybe, just maybe you put an 11 in it for hp? Most of the time though, this is begging for one of the two 'set your hp to your highest stat' backgrounds - so do that.
Recommended Starting Score: 8-11

Dexterity - This is your main stat. Most builds can even justify starting with a pre-racial 18. Boost it every chance you get. In addition, most Vampire Charisma powers have a built-in +2 to hit, so if you pick a Dex/Cha race, you'll end up with the same basic to-hit score with all your stats.
Recommended Starting Score: 18-20

Intelligence - Generally not much use for it - you're not getting the defense for it because of Dexterity.
Recommended Starting Score: 8-12, before racial adjustments.

Wisdom - Useful for specific MC feats. Otherwise, not particularly useful unless you're some sort of Dex/Wis build.
Recommended Starting Score: 8-13

Charisma - the strong secondary of Vampires. Absolute minimum is 12 Charisma as otherwise, you don't regenerate and that would be very sad.
Recommended Starting Score: 12-16, maybe an 18 on certain MC builds.

Recommended Arrays

18, 14, 11, 10, 10, 8: Most conventional Vampire builds can safely take this. Dex-Cha

16, 16, 13, 11, 10, 8: Builds that need an immediate MC option with the tertiary stat, yet want the pre-racial 16 for the secondary one.

16, 16, 12, 12, 10, 8: Builds that post-racial and in Paragon, want a 15 in Wisdom, but a 12 in Charisma at 1st level.

In general, you want to train skills that maximize your skill power options. Vampires don't naturally get a lot of immediate action options, so skill powers that provide this are really strong.

Acrobatics- This is a useful skill that you will already be good at. Tumbling Dodge a very strong Skill Power at level 6 as is Reflexive Dodge at level 16.
Arcana - not likely to have a great Intelligence Stat, but Insightful Warning is a solid Skill Power 6. The builds likely to really want Arcana likely have it from a Multiclass feat aka Sorcerer.
Athletics - This helps with mobility, and therefore is useful. While Strength isn't likely to be higher than 13, Strength of Blood at level 4 tends to make the Vampire pretty good at this once per encounter.
Bluff "Um, really, this draining blood thing? I'm a variant on Artificer?" Good skill to have. Stall Tactics at level 10 is a Daily, but strong 'hey, we go first' power on a boss encounter.
Diplomacy - Good skill for talking things through. Cry for Mercy a strong level 10 Skill Power. Noble Sacrifice is a tricky to implement level 10 for a Vampire, but good if you can do consistently. Indomitable Ally a good 'hey, you're not really dying...'
History - Yeah, not great
Intimidate - Skill that occasionally backfires, but good stat. Snap Out of It good Leaderish 10.
Perception- Not necessarily even a tertiary stat, but useful to have. Guided Shot a good Leaderish Utility 6. Perfect Sight a great corner case utility.
Religion- It's based on a dump stat. However, some builds may have a use for it. Builds that really want it likely to already have it via multiclass feat into Paladin. If you have too many surges, and many Vampires will, Deliverance of Faith is an awesome skill power that you use out of combat. It then lasts until your next short rest - start every combat with more hit points than everyone else.
Stealth - If you train in it, you'll be as good as the Rogue. A couple decent skill powers, nothing crazy though.
Thievery - Train this, perception and stealth and you are the trap monkey, although you won't be great at Perception. However, it's used less in skill challenges that you might think.
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In general, any race that has a Dex-bonus is a strong choice, any race that gets a reroll to hit is also a strong choice, and Cha-bonus is icing on the cake. The really great choices are:
Human - +4 to hit/save once per encounter and an extra feat, very good choices.
Elf - wait, what? This is the powerhouse Fighter option due to getting a +2 to Wisdom for Battle Awareness and a reroll for the Paragon Path Shock Trooper's encounter power.
Revenant - sigh, I said it. Revenant is strong because you can pick up one of the great race options and get +2 to Dex/Cha. Want to pick up Tiefling for some of the great options that they have? Deva, Dragonborn, Half-Elf? Done.
Satyr - A powerhouse Sorcerer option for the ability to slide a target into the Flame Spiral power swap.
Kapak Draconian - Crazy good option for going into Paladin, overall just very good.
Eladrin - while +2 to Int isn't great, Eladrin can get Staff proficiency for free and Staff's a very effective implement for a Vampire.
Halfling - good stats, good support
Shadar-Kai - one round of insubstantial can make for a big difference for a Vampire Paladin, but ultimately, the issue for you is not getting knocked unconscious, but rather not having access to healing surges.
Wilden - free charge once per combat with Wrath of the Destroyer
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Dark Beckoning - a useful 'stop flying nearby me' power. Especially good for MC Paladins. Not usable with Blood Drinker, though...
Taste of Life - do some damage & gain some temp hit points. As it is against Fortitude, don't use it against Soldiers, but helpful against the back line.
Vampire Slam - go to melee basic attack. This needs an implement, not a weapon, so goal is a weapliment of some kind for a Dragon Shard and Accurate Implement. One of the reasons a Sorcerer is a strong MC class is it opens up both Staff and Dagger as choices. Otherwise, Crusader's Mace makes for the best choice

1, 7: Blood Drinker - do an extra 1d10/2d10/3d10 damage and gain a healing surge. Especially if you don't have someone who grants attacks in the party and on top of it, you didn't power swap, much better than the Encounter Powers. Once per turn, so only once on an AP turn, but usable when granted an attack as it isn't once per round. But remember, triggers after you hit. So if you're unlucky with your attack rolls, that means more rounds of potential use...
3: Feral Assault Essentially do an extra 8 or so damage over your Vampire Slam. And have an option to do two targets at the cost of a Healing Surge. Except it doesn't work with Blood Drinker. Prime Power Swap opportunity.
17: Unleashed Fury Upgrade to Feral Assault that lasts for about 3 levels before Vampire Slam gets its extra d10. You probably swapped out Feral Assault, this is just an opportunity to potentially get a better option.

1: Swarm of Shadows Close Blast attack power with Movement+Invisibility as a boni. Don't forget to make a stealth check. Especially great with MC Paladins
5: Unfettered Hunger Close Burst power that then adds damage and mobility. But no spending healing surges. Dangerous power for when you want it especially when guessing. This is retrain bait for keeping Swarm of Shadows.
9: Dominating Gaze Essentially Reliable Domination. Good stuff unless you dumped Charisma.
15: Hungry Swarm An upgraded Swarm of Shadows. If you dumped Charisma, retrain Dominating Gaze into Swarm of Shadows here. Otherwise, I'd retrain Unfettered Hunger into Swarm of Shadows.
25: Irresistible Gaze An upgraded Dominating Gaze. If you didn't dump Charisma, I'd potentially consider retraining Hungry Swarm into Dominating Gaze.
29: Consuming Swarm Upgraded Hungry Swarm. Great power, be invisible essentially at-will for an entire combat. If you dumped Cha, retrain Irresistible Gaze into Hungry Swarm.

2: Recommendations: Charming Gaze or Agile Recovery(Acrobatics)
Charming Gaze - A Leaderish power - set up target to not be able to do opportunity attacks or reactions - good for getting past the Soldier with a charge attack against someone behind him. Paladins like this.
Hunter's Gaze - Decent, grants CA. But Cunning Stalker ought to be part of your portfolio of feats, so not that useful.

Agile Recovery
(PHB 3) - Standing up to a Minor Action. Acrobatics

Strength of Blood Make that next Athletics, Endurance or Strength check.

6: Recommendations: Timely Dodge(Acrobatics), Tumbling Dodge(Acrobatics), Eyes of the Deep Delver(Dungeoneering 6), Prescient Maneuver(Insight 6), Guided Shot(Perception 6), Deliverance of Faith(Religion 6)
Form of the Bat Cornercase option for when you want to gain access to areas without being spotted as a person. If that shows up a lot, great. If it doesn't, swap out for a skill power. Lots of good level 6 skill powers.

10: Recommendations: Cry for Mercy(Diplomacy), Reactive Surge(Endurance), Snap Out of It(Intimidate), Perfect Sight(Perception 10)
Gaseous Form Improved Form of the Bat with combat utility when doing Second Wind, but only a Daily. Skill Power bait.

16: Recommendations: Reflexive Dodge(Acrobatics), Insightful Warning(Arcana), Indomitable Ally(Diplomacy), Insightful Riposte(Insight),
Shared Blood Creepy Temp Hit Points+Save as a daily and costing a standard action. Impressive when used, but I think again, Skill Power bait.

Blood Drinker's Pounce Hold on here, we have a winner. Free Move+Attack after bloodying/dropping an opponent? Only downside is you presumably want to use it on an opponent you know got bloodied by an attack or waste Blood Drinker on a dead opponent.

Culling Call Again, better than other options. Drop an opponent, gain a free Dark Beckoning Attack. Good stuff and more controllable. Sorcerer's Friend.
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Recommended Feats:
Unarmored Agility
Superior Will/Superior Reflexes

Ki Focus Expertise
Versatile Expertise
Staff Expertise
Cunning Stalker
Nimble Blade(if MC'd Sorcerer or Swordmage with Dagger)
Improved Initiative/Superior Initiative
Skill Power(for Insightful Riposte at 16th)
Agile Opportunist
Long Step - shift 2 and then charge

Silvery Glow
Thunder's Rumble
Fiery Blood
Crushing Mace
Lasting Frost

Healing Surge
Martial Vampire
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Three Step Role Handbook

The Three Step Role Handbook is the basic guide essentially to optimizing Vampire. Pick something you want to be better at and then take the related options. Two important points:
Dex is almost always critical because that's where you'lll typically get Healing Surges and it provides AC. Cha is potentially dumpable to 12 without significant combat impairment - you regenerate at 1 hp per round instead of say 3-8 hp per round. At the end of a short rest, no matter what you're level, you're at bloodied value + a little and then any extra surges you have will put you at full. This means that yes, Dex/Str, Dex/Wis, and maybe Int/Cha can be workable.

Something to emphasize here:
Drelzna in S4: Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth(1982) is a Vampire Fighter. Strahd is a Vampire Wizard. Iconic vampires, almost by definition in D&D, are expected to have a class of some sort. So when you hear someone complaining that a Vampire you're playing has, the horror, picked out class options from another class, whack them over the head with S4. It is thin and made of soft paper, and won't hurt too much...

Great Choices:
Fighter. Wants a pre-racial 16 in Strength. You want to be an Elf, both for the re-roll and the +2 bonus to Wisdom. Enter with Battle Awareness(13 Wis) for an easily triggered Interrupt or Cyclone Warrior for a large damage bonus when doing a nova. Something you'll get after power swapping for Rain of Blows and taking the Paragon Path Shock Trooper - with 6 attacks, that's a potentially an extra +12 or +18 damage in a round at the cost of a feat. Great stuff.

Sorcerer. A number of races work well here - try to aim for either +2 Dex/Cha races or races with +2 Dex with an accuracy bonus built in - Human, Elf. Some Revenants get everything here, so should be considered. The entry feat isn't great, but power swapping for Flame Spiral and then going Demonskin Adept will put you into a top-tier optimization bracket. Plus, you get Staff and Dagger as implements, opening up a whole range of choices that are better than Ki or Holy aka Dragonshards on weapliments.

Paladin. Requires 13 Str+13 Cha, you almost certainly want to be a Kapak Draconian. Revenant(Tiefling) or Revenant(Dragonborn) work well too. For a little bit more oddball, Eladrin with the Sun Elf rules gets you proficiency with Staff - a marked target is under an effect and an Aversion Staff +1 = +2 to all defenses against those with an effect. You enter with Soldier of Faith, power swap for Valorous Smite, and basically play at being a Defender. This works really well at 7th level+. Champion of Order as a Paragon Path is going to require Bracers of Mental Might to make work and you won't be able to easily use it twice in Epic, though the +4 to hit bonus helps(and additional +1 to hit on an AP). Remember those Invisibility Daily powers you have...Morninglord can be a good choice, particularly in combo with the Crusader's Mace, but doesn't really kick in until 16th.

Warlord. Resourceful Leader is a great entry feat and both Vengeance is Mine and Death from Two Sides are amazing power swaps. Note the lack of an E13 means you have to wait on Death from Two Sides until E17. Freedom Fighter is a great Paragon Path that hands out an interrupt and lots of other good leader options.

Rogue. Low Slash/Tumbling Blade/Path of Two Blades are all good encounter power swaps. There isn't a great Paragon Path from Rogue, but Vampire Noble actually isn't that bad. If I wanted to play more of a Vampire's Vampire, but do a single encounter power swap, Rogue would be the choice.
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Themes/Paragon Paths/Epic Destinies

Variation on Theme Handbook

Some Strong themes:
Guardian - free MBA
Sarifal Feywarden - lots of bonus damage with elemental attacks
Werebear/Werewolf - Claw Gloves for +1d10
Ghost of the Past
Order Adept - swap out for level 2 Wizard utilities.
Primordial Adept - consistent bonus damage for elemental attacks
Fey Beast Tamer - good spot for using up extra surges
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Crusader's Mace is the default 'best implement available' for Vampires without additional expenditures. It turns half damage radiant and as a weapliment, it can have a Dragon Shard on it. There's also a martial only feat option that grants +2 damage to melee basic attacks.

Rhythm Blade Dagger - hold in your off-hand, get +1 to AC by increasing your Shield Bonus

If you have Staff Proficiency, hold a Staff of Defense in your off-hand for +1 defenses to all NADs. A Vampire Paladin can really amp this up by using an Aversion Staff +1.

Salve of Power is a great item if you're finding yourself with too many healing surges and have a good power swap.

Symbol of Victory +2 - if you're not using a Crusader's Mace, Action Point for you after a critical hit.

Rain of Hammers +1 - if you're not using a Ki Focus, free melee basic per day and you do some incidental damage if you kill things.
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[sblock=Dragonborn Vampire Paladin Defender]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Kapak Dragonborn, Vampire, Champion of Order
Dragonborn Options Power Selection Option: Flight, Dragonbreath, Dragonborn Fury
Background Auspicious Birth(Use Dex for hp)
Theme Guardian

STR 14, CON 9, DEX 23, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 18

STR 13, CON 8, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 15

Acrobatics +17, Diplomacy +15, Religion +11, Stealth +17, Thievery +17

Arcana +6, Athletics +8, Bluff +10, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +6, Insight +6, Nature +6

Paladin Feature: Divine Challenge(once per encounter)
Vampire Attack 1: Blood Drinker(2 uses)
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Vampire Attack 1: Swam of Shadows
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Vampire Utility 4: Strength of Blood
Vampire Attack 5: Unfettered Hunger
Skill Power Utility 6: Tumbling Dodge
Vampire Attack 9: Dominating Gaze
Skill Power Utility 10: Cry for Mercy
Champion of Order 11: Certain Justice
Champion of Order 12: None Shall Pass

Level 1: Unarmored Agility->Versatile Expertise at 4th assuming Rhythm Blade found, 7th if not
Level 2: Soldier of Faith
Level 4: Novice Power(swap for Valorous Smite)
Level 6: Cunning Stalker
Level 8: Draconic Challenge
Level 10: Acolyte Power(swap for Call of Challenge)
Level 11: Improved Defenses
Level 12: Silvery Glow

Adventurer's Kit
Bracers of Mental Might
Crusader's Mace +3
Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1
Rhythm Blade Dagger +1
Cloth +3
Dragonshard Radiant +3
Neck Item +3

====== End ======[/sblock]

Vampire Paladin build uses a combination of Draconic Challenge, Call of Challenge, and Valorous Smite to multi-sanction opponents. Variations:
Be a Vampire Noble and do more damage with attacks, but lose the lockdown options of the other Paragon Paths
Be an Eladrin, replace Draconic Challenge with Squire of Righteousness. Hold an Aversion Staff +1 in the offhand for +2 item bonus to all defenses against those in your aura or that you've marked.
Be a Morninglord instead of Champion of Order
Epic Option: Take Weakening Challenge


[sblock=Elf Vampire Striker Fighter]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Elf, Vampire, Shock Trooper
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden
Background Auspicious Birth(Use Dex for hp)

STR 19, CON 9, DEX 21, INT 11, WIS 15, CHA 13

STR 16, CON 8, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 12

Acrobatics +17, Diplomacy +15, Religion +11, Stealth +17, Thievery +17

Arcana +6, Athletics +8, Bluff +10, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +6, Insight +6, Nature +6

Vampire Attack 1: Blood Drinker(2 uses)
Vampire Attack 1: Swam of Shadows
Skill Power Utility 2: Agile Recovery
Fighter Attack 3: Rain of Blows
Vampire Utility 4: Strength of Blood
Vampire Attack 5: Unfettered Hunger
Skill Power Utility 6: Tumbling Dodge
Vampire Attack 9: Dominating Gaze
Skill Power Utility 10: Cry for Mercy
Shock Trooper 11: Shocking Twister
Shock Trooper 12: Assault Footwork

Level 1: Unarmored Agility->Ki Focus Expertise at 4th assuming Rhythm Blade found, 7th if not
Level 2: Battle Awareness
Level 4: Novice Power(swap for Rain of Blows)
Level 6: Cunning Stalker
Level 8: Cyclone Warrior
Level 10: Improved Defenses
Level 11: Thunder’s Rumble
Level 12: Echoes of Thunder

Adventurer's Kit
Iron Armbands of Power +2
Dragon Shard of Thunder +3
Thunderfist Ki Focus +3
Rhythm Blade Dagger +1
Symbol of Victory +2
Ki Focus
Cloth +3
Neck Item +3

====== End ======[/sblock]

Options: If you're afraid that the party won't donate a surge, then put Martial Vampire in at level 1 instead of Unarmored Agility. And leave there until 7th.

Nova Round:
Minor: Sarifal’s Blessing for +10 damage
Move: Move near target
Free: Key damage to Thunder
Free: Trigger Cyclone Warrior(+2 damage per attack)
AP: Shocking Twister - 3 attacks, must hit to keep going, use Elven Reroll if necessary
Standard: Rain of Blows

[sblock=Satyr Vampire Sorcerer Striker]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Satyr, Vampire, Demonskin Adept
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden
Background Auspicious Birth(Use Dex for hp)

STR 19, CON 9, DEX 23, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 19

STR 11, CON 8, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 16

Acrobatics +17, Diplomacy +15, Arcana +11, Stealth +17, Thievery +17

Arcana +6, Athletics +8, Bluff +10, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +6, Insight +6, Nature +6

Vampire Attack 1: Blood Drinker(2 uses)
Vampire Attack 1: Swam of Shadows
Skill Power Utility 2: Agile Recovery
Sorcerer Attack 3: Flame Spiral
Vampire Utility 4: Strength of Blood
Vampire Attack 5: Unfettered Hunger
Skill Power Utility 6: Tumbling Dodge
Vampire Attack 9: Dominating Gaze
Skill Power Utility 10: Cry for Mercy
Demonskin Adept 11: Demon-Soul Bolts
Demonskin Adept 12: Demonic Wrath

Level 1: Arcane Prodigy
Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Incendiary dagger)
Level 4: War Wizard's Expertise
Level 6: Cunning Stalker
Level 8: Superior Will
Level 10: Dual Implement Spellcaster
Level 11: Arcane Admixture (Fire, Demon-Soul Bolts)
Level 12: Fiery Blood

Siberys Shard of the Mage (heroic tier)
Weapon of Speed Incendiary dagger +2 x1
Rebounding Incendiary dagger +2 x1
Blazing Arc ki focus +2 x1
Amulet of Life +2 x1
Eagle Eye Goggles (paragon tier) x1
Boots of the Fencing Master
Shimmering Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +2 x1[/sblock]

Nova Round:
Minor: Sarifal’s Blessing for +10 damage
Move: Move near target
AP: Flame Spiral
Free Action(on a hit): Slide one target hit next to you
Standard: Demon-Soul Bolts(and slide another target hit next to you...)

Arcane Vampire is a good next feat to pick up - +Cha damage for one of your two powers. ETV - Arcane Vampire is poorly worded - it isn't clear that it applies to all the damage rolls of a power.

[sblock=Human Vampire Vampire Noble Striker]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Human(Vampire, Vampire Noble)
Theme: WereBear
Background Auspicious Birth(Use Dex for hp)

STR 19, CON 9, DEX 23, INT 13, WIS 11, CHA 17

STR 11, CON 8, DEX 20, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 14

Acrobatics +17, Diplomacy +15, Religion +11, Stealth +17, Thievery +17

Arcana +6, Athletics +8, Bluff +10, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +6, Insight +6, Nature +6

Vampire Attack 1: Blood Drinker(3 uses)
Vampire Attack 1: Swam of Shadows
Skill Power Utility 2: Agile Recovery
Rogue Attack 3: Low Slash
Vampire Utility 4: Strength of Blood
Vampire Attack 5: Unfettered Hunger
Skill Power Utility 6: Tumbling Dodge
Vampire Attack 9: Dominating Gaze
Skill Power Utility 10: Deliverance of Faith
Vampire Noble 12: Hunter’s Frenzy

Human: Cunning Stalker
Level 1: Sneak of Shadows
Level 2: Versatile Expertise(Holy Symbol, Dagger)
Level 4: Superior Will
Level 6: Silvery Glow
Level 8: Novice Power
Level 10: Crushing Mace
Level 11: Martial Vampire
Level 12: Improved Initiative

Siberys Shard Radiant (heroic tier)
Crusader’s Mace +3
Frost Dagger +2
Dagger of Shielding
Rain of Hammers ki focus +1 x1
Bracers of Mighty Striking +4
Claw Gloves
Neck +3 x1
Boots of the Fencing Master
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +3 x1[/sblock]

Nova Round:
Minor: WereBear
Move up to target
AP: Vampire Slam(Charge if necessary, spend the AP after the Charge)
Standard: Vampire Slam

Next Round:
Minor: Low Slash+Sneak
Standard: Vampire Slam

Damage Output with Vampire Slam:
1d10+2d10(Blood Drinker)+1d10(WereBear+Claw Gloves)+6(Dex)+5(Cha+2)+3(Mace)+4(Bracers)+1(Shard)+3(Silvery Glow)+2(Crushing Mace)+2(Vampire Noble) = 48 damage on average on a hit. 37 without Blood Drinker. So assuming a little luck, could easily do 48+37+48+1d4+6+2+3+3d6(24) or 157 damage over 2 rounds. Perfectly acceptable. If you have Deliverance of Faith as a power that you spent outside of combat after your first rest, you'll have Temp Hit Points, and that means a +4 to hit. Or you can spend the AP after you hit with the first Vampire Slam.
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