D&D 4E Item Sets


Item Sets
These sets have a variety of complicated small benefits usually added to a variety of items, making them hard to evaluate usually. I’m going by RAW for the color evaluation that you do not need to wield the weapons while describing why in the text wielding weapons is either good or bad — they merely need to be worn as per Adventurer’s Vault 2, page 92. If you do need to wield weapons, I give the color rating.

- A must have. You're literally hurting your character if you don't take this.
Sky blue - "Very Strong" - An exceptionally strong choice.
Blue - "Strong"- A solid choice but nothing awe-inspiring.
Black - "Average" -This is generally a fairly mediocre choice, or an otherwise good power with a noticable drawback. Optimizers will try to avoid these, but in most games you won't notice a discrepancy in power level if you go with a few of these.
Purple - "Weak" This option is weak, underpowered, or very situational. These choices won't show up in most optimized builds.
Red - "Very Weak" - Either totally overshadowed by another option, or just completely bad. These kinds of choices are generally avoided.

Green- "Too variable to rate"- Sometimes something is so variable that giving an overall rating is impossible or misleading.
AV2 = Adventurer's Vault 2
DraXXX = Dragon Issue XXX
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Aleheart Companions' Gear
Defense AV2
Both benefits really solid, items are all great except for what they mean for a likely PC using these items — a PC wielding a Rousing Hammer and using a Hammer Shield likely doesn’t have an item bonus to damage and has a penalty to hit, both from using a +2 proficiency hammer and using a level 5 item. Using a specific armor often means not having the next 5 levels higher item, which with Chain/Scale/Plate means a penalty to AC. Black if you’re ruled to have to wield the Hammer to gain the benefits.

Arms of War Opportunity AV2
Expensive bad weapon, benefit for 2+ are meager, helm is potentially not bad in the right party, the benefit for 4 isn’t horrible?

Blade Dancer's Regalia Ranger AV2
Rhythm Blade is an item almost everyone wants to consider for their offhand assuming it is ruled increasing from 0 = 1, Harmony Blade is a good critfishing weapon, Gloves of Recovery are good make another attack item. But…it isn’t that great for Ranger because they actually want to damage things with their offhand weapon and Baffling Cape and Bracers of Enforced Regret aren’t generally that good. So this is a set you might consider picking up an additional item if you already have one for a small untyped bonus to AC vs Opportunity Attacks. Black if ruled you must wield both weapons.

Caelynnvala's Boons Group Fey AV2
Very party specific — if you happen to have a party with an eladrin, elf, and drow, it gets useful. Red if no. +1 to speed/perception, +2 to 6 skills, everyone having darkvision and miscellaneous other benefits, maybe +1 boost to defenses multiple times an encounter.

Gadgeteer's Garb Gadget AV2
Very useful 2+ benefit, particularly on a leader who can control whether their healing is happening near enough. The major issue is the Armor/Cloak probably end up dinging your defenses and the gloves and goggles are going to be cornercase for most PCs unless Traps are prevalent.

Golden Lion's Battle Regalia Barbarian AV2
Situational benefits, but Hungry Spear, Cloak of the Lion’s Mane are both solid for a Thaneborn. Do you need to wield both Hungry Spear and Thaneblood Weapon? Red

Heirlooms of Mazgorax
Group AV2
This is an item set with great benefits, but mediocre items. Consistent party of six with a Vampire PC generating a few surges a combat, each wearing one of these items? +5 item bonus to 5 skills, maybe 6? Wow. But…random parties are Red.

Kamestiri Uniform Crossbow AV2
Boarding Boots are a fantastic item, particularly if you’re an area burster. Can you make it to 5 items, which gives a very cool benefit? If you need to wield an Infighting Blade and Kamesti Crossbow to get there? Purple.

Marjam's Dream Swordmage AV2
Items not great, benefits mediocre at 2, not sure why anyone goes to 5.

Radiant Temple Treasures Avenger AV2
If you don’t need to wield the weapons, this is some free temporary hit points for Avengers and Blade of Vengeance is a likely free daily MBA if you just need to wield one. If you need to wield, Radiant Temple Uniform+Blade of Vengeance aren’t horrible by themselves?
Resplendent Finery Illusion AV2
Do you have powers that attack Will? Resplendent Gloves are great. Add Resplendent Boots and you’re going to be reasonably hard to hit with OAs. Get all 4 and big item bonus to Bluff, add some item bonus to party skills, and be really hard to hit with OAs. Only one item to have to keep boosting too, a neck slot.

Shadowdancer's Garb Stealth AV2
Strong item benefit for 2. If you’re hidden a lot, that plus the boots aren’t bad. The cloak doesn’t really understand Hidden rules

Skin of the Panther Druid AV2
Decent benefit 2, great benefit 5. Mandatory Druid/Wild Shape item in Claw Gloves. Totem can be off-hand, Armor is solid for stealth, which is the benefit 2. Slippers and Headband aren’t really great, but attack, wildshape for Invisibility ,move for stealth check is a potentially great benefit 5. The problem is what’s your 2nd item and the benefit 5 is really only great for Druids.

Tools of Zane's Vengeance Shaman AV2
Benefit 2 is a bit weird for a Shaman. Benefit 4 could be potentially awesome. The Totem of the Severed Eye could be great for a Shaman. But the rest of the items are kind of bad.

Xenda-Dran's Array Assassin Dra408.
Possibly the weirdest item set. Babau Gauntlets and Ring of the Djinn Slayer are flat out awesome for an Assassin or a Dex PC MC’d into Assassin for shrouds. Hailstorm is a big swing ki focus with potentially a ton of downside. Elemental Ward Cloak is possibly great depending on campaign. Rift Dancer boots+don’t typically use the Hailstorm Ki Focus when you’re an Assassin? Seems potentially workable, even though the benefit isn’t that fantastic.

Zy Tormtor's Trinkets Warlock AV2
Sure it says Warlock is the intended audience, but we’re mainly here for the cheap Rogue tricks that are possible — Prison of Salzacas & a +1 Pact Blade = +4 to Thievery checks plus some limited item swapping. Drops a lot in value if you have to wield a pact blade or use the Neck Item and are not a Warlock.
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Armory of the Unvanquished
Group AV2
Not a huge fan of any of the weapons. Note the "wielding" specifics.

Arms of Unbreakable Honor Paladin AV2
All reasonably solid stuff for a Paladin or Mounted Charger. Bonus to speed, ability to heal or transfer temps, prone with a mounted attack, all good things.

Aspect of the Ram Charge AV2
Benefit 2 = +1 bonus to attack rolls with charging, Charger’s Headress is +1 bonus to attack rolls while charging. Yeah, that’s +2 untyped to hit for occupying your head slot and one other. Pick an additional item — if you are a charging PC, this is just fantastic stuff. If you can hold a totem and wield another weapon, could be a fun way to generate saves too.

Ayrkashna Armor Deva AV2
Maybe a non-Deva goes through the trouble for all 5 items, but seems doubtful. 2 items for a Deva doesn’t seem too hard and that’s a lot of fire resist. Still though, items aren’t that great, so…

Champion’s Flame Cleric AV2
Reasonably solid items. The benefit 5 is going to be rare, the item bonuses are ok.

Eldritch Panoply Swordmage AV2
Blade of the Eldritch Knight is a great item as is Belt of Breaching. Might go down to Black if you must wield the Blade of the Eldritch Knight, but even still.

Fortune Stones Group Reroll AV2
Rerolls, bonuses to hit with the rerolls and if you can convince everyone else to have one, bonuses to initiative and saving throws. Just pure win in part because the items are obviously great in and of themselves. Even a random party should be easy to convince almost everyone to pick these up. In a campaign where rare items are very rare to non-existent, these might not be available.

Gifts for the Queen Lightning/Radiant AV2
Bonus to damage rolls, decent resistances, strong benefits for Lightning/Radiant PCs who can still wield the Queen’s Staff and an additional weapon for typing.

Implements of Argent Group Revenge of the Giants
Controller’s X is supposed to be one specific item which is instead listed 8 times. But…potentially a large item bonus for the party to initiative, bonuses to healing surges, and Champion’s Step isn’t that bad. But…this is probably a hard sell for a random group.

Offerings of Celestian Sorcerer AV2
Both interesting benefits, but not certain I want any of these items. Is the benefit 4 potentially worth it anyway for a teleporter? Probably yes.

Panoply of the Shepherds of Ghest Defense AV2
Maybe there’s a party who wants to bunch up in a burst 1 formation? Regardless, Helm of Able Defense is an extremely good item and Shepherd’s Battle Standard is an item which is potentially useful. I’m not sure Resist 2 for your allies is worth it, but…Crystalline Breastplate is actively Red unless you know what you’re fighting so don’t ever get 4.

Raiment of Shadows Warlock AV2
Potentially a fantastic item set for a Warlock who quickly curses the battlefield and has a focus on Stealth — Invisibility+Concealment = being hidden a lot and with Eldritch Strike, potentially an easy way of punishing those who are next to you while you are hidden. The items aren’t great, but invisibility every time something dies? Just this is a lot of items for the benefit 5 and this set is otherwise Red

Raiment of the World Spirit
Defense AV2
Necklace of Fate is likely reasonably cheap and solid for the Warden potentially using this. Everything else about the set isn’t all that good.

Reaper’s Array Offense AV2
Decent items for someone wielding an axe and the Gauntlets of Brutality are going to be a useful item for many builds. Benefit 2 isn’t that great, Benefit 5 is okay. If you have to wield the axe, knock it down to Purple.

Regalia of the Golden General Warlord AV2
2 items is a fast bonus to Will, the 5 piece group is useful to the party, but not that useful. Pick the ones that make sense to you.

Relics of the Forgotten One Divine AV2
The benefits aren’t great. Do you have fear powers for Ring of Sorrows and do you wear Leather or Hide armor so Skin of Agonies isn’t that bad? Gain a few extra hit points in combats where you get bloodied? About as close to Red as one can get without actually being there.

Royal Regalia of Chessenta Tiamat Dun178
Another extremely weird set — there’s a +3 Rod with no other levels attached to it. The benefit of 2 is amazing. The Boon of the Undying Queen is an Epic Destiny quality ‘you are not dead’, particularly if you’re a Vampire who can wield a shield and a rod. However…if you have to wield a Shield and a Rod, that’s going to make for some really strange outcomes. Especially as you level out of using a +3 implement. I’m rating this black in part because the item combos are so weird.

Silver Dragon Regalia Dragonborn PHR-D
Circlet of Arkhosia is an almost must have item. Benefit 2 and Benefit 5 are both decent. And at worst, a Standard of the Silver Dragon will notch the item bonuses of Benefit 2. If you’re Dragonborn, your breath turns super accurate with the Scepter.

The Returning Beast Group Dra396
If you have a specific group and everyone has a Ring of the Deep Wood and/or weapons/implements on their person, very solid benefits. If on the other hand, everyone has to have wielded weapons or random party, yuck
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Mirror of Nessecar
Arcane AV2
The benefits are entirely dependent on campaign. The items are generally very solid, but you’re near 30th when you’re finding these things. This item set feels to be the capstone macguffin of a specific campaign designed to get the PCs to a specific BBEG in their otherwise inaccessible lair.

Points of the Constellation Warlock AV2
All solid to great items, big damage boosts, great benefits. Sorcerer Kings doing psychic damage rubbing their hands gleefully

Relics of Creation Invoker AV2
Benefit 2 great except in context of Ioun’s Flame, Benefit 4 cornercase, Benefit 6 strong. Not sure how I get to all 6 items here.

Rings of the Akarot Group AV2
A couple of good rings here. Can you get to two automatically in a random party? Not sure about that. Benefit 5 seems strong for a set party.

Time Wizard’s Tools Time AV2
Big item boost to initiative, Benefit 4 no longer is a Benefit. Ring of Free Time is an obvious great item. Staff of Time is a solid level 30 item. Not sure I get to 2 items here.

Tinkerer’s Inventions Artificer AV2
The benefit of 2 mostly meaningless here — we’re at Epic now. 4 is a cool power for an Epic game. Not by default fantastic, but I can see all kinds of uses for it. But do I really want 4 of these items here?
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Will be entering in colors now, leaving this one to add details later. Okay to comment, but be aware I haven't yet entered in the colors.


All done, colors entered. Thoughts?
I think Heirlooms of Mazorgax is just awesome. I see "Wow" in light blue so I know we see eye-to-eye, but am wondering why it only got a purple rating overall. As a group item set, you only need to get a PC to commit to using 1 item each for the benefit of the group. Shouldn't be that hard to convince them of the "Wow" factor - standard group of 5 will get +5 item bonus to 5 skills (the 6th skill is perception for whoever is using the head item - or all if that is allowed) and letting an ally spend a surge instead of you is a great safety net for the party.


I think Heirlooms of Mazorgax is just awesome. I see "Wow" in light blue so I know we see eye-to-eye, but am wondering why it only got a purple rating overall. As a group item set, you only need to get a PC to commit to using 1 item each for the benefit of the group. Shouldn't be that hard to convince them of the "Wow" factor - standard group of 5 will get +5 item bonus to 5 skills (the 6th skill is perception for whoever is using the head item - or all if that is allowed) and letting an ally spend a surge instead of you is a great safety net for the party.
The sky blue rating is if you have the group where that's possible. A lot of groups either are random groups thrown together similar to LFR or don't have that much control over picking magic items. Or might be difficult to convince to get. It isn't similar to Fortune Stones where every single Fortune Stone is fantastic by itself.


The sky blue rating is if you have the group where that's possible. A lot of groups either are random groups thrown together similar to LFR or don't have that much control over picking magic items. Or might be difficult to convince to get. It isn't similar to Fortune Stones where every single Fortune Stone is fantastic by itself.
The color rating does help groups narrow down what items they want to get and what to ignore. I'm sure most players would skip reading or considering anything below black - which makes it / contributes to making it difficult to convince them to get something purple.

Purple just seems like an awfully low rating if the only thing holding this back from sky blue is if you have the group where that is possible - the items aren't even rare (unlike fortune stones) and those got a gold rating all the same.

I'm thinking at least blue.

Note that you can stick the weapon into a gauntlet axe and that untyped bonus to hit (and damage) = STR / CHA +2 can possibly negate the need to re-roll anything other than a 1 for those with the right stats. Apples and oranges of course, free action re-rolls if you need it is still a great safety net.

Hope this helps MwaO.

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