D&D (2024) ENworld Damage Guide Vs Treantmonk's?

Depends how many you get. Eg Barbarian rage is almost every combat, action surge nope.
I'm sure that in the post is assumed you get guarantee to take Short rest after every combat.

I mean, it could be a good experiment also:

Combat->short rest->combat->short rest->combat->short rest->combat->Long Rest.

and to make combats harder, let's say on average 5 round per combat. 20 rounds per Long rest.

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I'm sure that in the post is assumed you get guarantee to take Short rest after every combat.

I mean, it could be a good experiment also:

Combat->short rest->combat->short rest->combat->short rest->combat->Long Rest.

and to make combats harder, let's say on average 5 round per combat. 20 rounds per Long rest.

I would go with 3 round combats and 4-6 encounters.

More like 12 rounds. Monsters are fairly easy.

But kind of addressed in my OP. Outside white room in play one tends to use nova abilities when it's relevant. Eg knock prone action surge, crit+smite.

I would go with 3 round combats and 4-6 encounters.

More like 12 rounds. Monsters are fairly easy.

But kind of addressed in my OP. Outside white room in play one tends to use nova abilities when it's relevant. Eg knock prone action surge, crit+smite.
OFC, you burn resources when they will matter the most.

And maybe we add some HP to the monsters to make them last a little longer, but I do remember one battle that lasted 1 round, well technically 2 rounds but the enemy did not take a turn.(little luck with initiative).

Sorcerer 8
Wizard 6/fighter 2

won initiative
1st round:
wizard, 2 fireballs
sorcerer, fireball, summon aberration attack(precasted)
barbarian, 2 javelins
opponents do not react, surprised

2nd round:
wizard, fireball
sorcerer, fireball, aberration attack
barbarian, mop up with greatsword

opponents, dead.

but this kind of battle happens once in a blue moon.

usually, we are not so prepared and cannot hit 10+ targets in fireball AoE.

If we get to ignore that, my next character is Fighter 1/Rogue X with double bladed scimitar and Revenant blade feat.
Yeah. Double bladed scimitar is not really core. And will never be.
Where does it come from?
what mastery would be nice for that weapon?
Vex? to power it's own extra attack or Nick to have more chance to use it's extra attack(and it's a scimitar so Nick has some logic to it).
None of that. The revenant blade is a clear design failure if it is two handed and finesse.
Nick should be extra worded here as technically is not an offhand weapon attack.

But even if you have a double bladed scimitar with rogue levels, do you really get over the damage a paladin can dish out with smites?
And I guess it is no heavy weapon (if so, it is an even bigger design failure), so you lose the GWM feat that is potentially an extra 12 damage, which you won't match with turning 10 d6's from 1 or 2 to a 3.
Essentially it is +5 damage on one of your two hits... which you could also get if you take the two weapon fighting feat and jist use two weapons...

So. RAW nothing prevents you from using TWF on any dice with the attack. And 2014, many people realized that and calculated very big damage for paladin attacks.

The only reasonable way to read the new TWF fighting style that it is not just a waste of a feature is applying it to all dice, and suddenly it gives us very reasonable numbers.

OFC, you burn resources when they will matter the most.

And maybe we add some HP to the monsters to make them last a little longer, but I do remember one battle that lasted 1 round, well technically 2 rounds but the enemy did not take a turn.(little luck with initiative).

Sorcerer 8
Wizard 6/fighter 2

won initiative
1st round:
wizard, 2 fireballs
sorcerer, fireball, summon aberration attack(precasted)
barbarian, 2 javelins
opponents do not react, surprised
2014 rules?
2nd round:
wizard, fireball
sorcerer, fireball, aberration attack
barbarian, mop up with greatsword

opponents, dead.

but this kind of battle happens once in a blue moon.

usually, we are not so prepared and cannot hit 10+ targets in fireball AoE.

Yeah. Double bladed scimitar is not really core. And will never be.
Where does it come from?
Eberron. Oficial 5E content.
None of that. The revenant blade is a clear design failure if it is two handed and finesse.
why shouldn't 2Handed weapons have finesse property? Not Heavy weapons, that I agree.

But even if you have a double bladed scimitar with rogue levels, do you really get over the damage a paladin can dish out with smites?
And I guess it is no heavy weapon (if so, it is an even bigger design failure), so you lose the GWM feat that is potentially an extra 12 damage, which you won't match with turning 10 d6's from 1 or 2 to a 3.
Essentially it is +5 damage on one of your two hits... which you could also get if you take the two weapon fighting feat and jist use two weapons...
depending on how the day is long and how much do you wait for your crits to happen.
Or do you use your Smite on your 1st attack not waiting will you crit on your 2nd attack, possibly missing opportunity to smite that round.

when I get from work, I will run the table for 5th and 11th level.
Paladin could get ahead at 11th level with extra d8s for free.

So I have been watching treantmonks videos and there's 3 issues I have noticed with it.

1. He's not comparing apples to apples. Eg he has compared a greatsword barbarian to a sword and board whatever.
He did both greatsword and longsword for multiple classes so you can compare how much damage loss a shield gives.
3. Assumptions made on hit rate and number of encounters.
Are consistent.
Which is what matters when comparing.
This penalizes spike builds. I'm not spiking in a real game unless odds are stacked in my favor more vs a white room.
Spike builds that have to wait are not that useful. You want the damage early, not late.

But if you have a better system, that's not overly complicated to calculate, please share your equations.

Maybe something like the number of turns it takes to deal X damage.

Also, we should adjust by level. Divide damage by monster HP to see if your keeping pace.

Eg smiting after a crit or using a guiding bolt if you're blessed or have advantage.
Feel free to calculate that.

So I'm suggesting we do some builds probably focusing on comparing good build to good build, same weapon to weapon.
His last video he clumped them into 2 hands (including dual wield), 1 hand, and ranged. Comparing each group.

more nuanced.
More nuanced = more math.
Example greatsword 2d6+3 becomes 10 damage. Adding a smite lvl 1 2d8 becomes 19.
That's how everyone does it.
How often one can spike depends on a lot of variables white room doesn't account for. If required we can add average dame over some number of rounds/encounters.
He used half the spell slots for smites.
And divided the total over some number of rounds.
Also included 1 short rest.

10 damge per attack * 60% accuracy
+3 uses * 9 damage smites.
/ number of round (12?)
Level 4 feat. Shadow Touched (hex). If you're using scorching ray.......
think he missed that one.
Go ahead and calculate it the damage at each level as see how it compares.
set some required criteria and have a member submit a build for consideration.
Are you going to do the math if I post a build?

Because I can certainly post some.

Eberron. Oficial 5E content.
Yeah. Still did not make it CORE content.
why shouldn't 2Handed weapons have finesse property? Not Heavy weapons, that I agree.
Because of Rogues sneak attack. But as my quick calculation showed, even with turning 1´s and 2´s to 3´s, the damage won´t be excessive compared to just attacking with TWF and possibly the TWF feat.

I missed that the offhand attack of the offhand attack of the scimitar also adds dex to damage. You also need a feat to add the finesse property and a bonus action to attack. So after all, adding the dual wielder feat seems appropriate too. Since all dice are d4´s, we are speaking of 3d4+10d6+10 damage. TWF feat gives +7.25 damage on average considering every attack hits. Dual wielder feat with short sword and dagger allows for 2d6+1d4+15 damage for your weapons and also +10d6 sneak attack. Chances to hit at least once are higher and you have a higher chance to do something else with your bonus action. You can also throw the dagger if needed. AC is higher for the revenant blade warrior.

Lets see. Average of the first RB warrior: 59.75 damage. For the DW warrior: 59.5 damage.

This seems very balanced to me, to be honest.

depending on how the day is long and how much do you wait for your crits to happen.
Or do you use your Smite on your 1st attack not waiting will you crit on your 2nd attack, possibly missing opportunity to smite that round.
I don´t think crit fishing is needed. My first attack won´t smite, as I use this turn to cast divine favor (see below). I probably use the free smite soon after.
when I get from work, I will run the table for 5th and 11th level.
Paladin could get ahead at 11th level with extra d8s for free.
Yeah. I am looking forward to those calculations. Don´t forget to use divine favor. d4´s are especially good with TWF feat after the change. Turning 1´s and 2´s to 3´s is better than rerolling (average 2.5). And don´t forget to use the GWM feat. Paladin´s don´t work well with polearms. And since you are using the revenant blade feat, also adding a feat to the paladin seems appropriate.
You don´t have to chose a subclass or calculate advantage. Or just assume advantage for both. Paladin´s can either easily have advantage as vengeance paladin´s or devotion paladin´s can instead add +3 to 5 to attacks, which about equals advantage.

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