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Variant rules for Turn Undead

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Old_school_overlord said:
I'd like to switch Turn undead into a damage inflicting version instead.

Does anyone have good house rules for this?
What blarg said.

In short:

Turn Undead is a 30' burst of positive energy, dealing 1d6 points of damage to all undead in the area (Will save for half; DC is half cleric level + Wisdom modifier). Incorporeal undead are affected just like corporeal ones. Turn Resistance is added as a bonus to the Will save. Rebuking Undead heals undead creatures. Neither ability functions on the living.

If you have the Sun domain, I suggest taking the variant ability from Expedition to Castle Ravenloft ([Light] spells can be turned into real sunlight by spending a turn attempt, but range is reduced and duration is 1d4+1 rounds).


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In Complete Divine the Turn Resistance actually just reduces the amount of damage taken. This turns a strong ability into a negligable ability.

Adding Turn Resistance as a bonus on the Willpower Saving Throw is a good addition to that to make Turn Resistance matter more.


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If it feels like too much damage you could change it to d4/level. Greater Turning could then do either d8/level or 2d4/level.


First Post
Old_school_overlord said:
I'd like to switch Turn undead into a damage inflicting version instead.

Does anyone have good house rules for this?

I used a further house ruled version of whats in Complete Divine (covers more contingencies I think). I don't know how to link it here... shoot me an email at db_sd_va@hotmail.com or drowbane@gmail.com and I'll send you what I have. Assuming you don't get "spam filtered". :p


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This is the house rule i will try next time :

For one turn you have:
-magic circle against undead on 20", you can maintain the circle without using another turn attempt if you use a move action on further rounds
-1d6 dmg per 2 lvl with will save 10 + 1/2 cleric lvl + charisma on 20"

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