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Various prestige classes (recovered from Chaos Wasteland)


These are several articles by user "KingOfChaos", posted in June 2005 on the Chaos Wastelands board (now defunct). I am reposting it from Google cache for the good of the community, before it is lost in the abyss of the net. Formatting is lost unfortunately.


"Dance through the dreams of man, plucking pleasure, and leaving only ruin..."

The dreamstalker is an individual with the supernatural power to enter another person's dreamscape. In fact, they are addicted to the tastes and feelings of the nocturnal visions of their victims, as they themselves cease to dream. Dream energy is a drug and the withdrawal of such a drug spells death for the dreamstalker who manifests as an incorporeal being with the ability to draw that energy into themselves. Due to their similar nature, many dreamstalkers summon and control undead with the ability to drain the life from those who sleep. Dreamstalkers are supernatural beings, wild psionic or arcane manifestation of a sleeping character who has ceased to be able to dream themselves. They find that their sleep is restless and that they awaken after rest to find themselves even more tired than when they laid down. Soon, they start having dreams that have nothing to do with them or their experiences. In fact, they don't seem to be in the dreams at all. This is because they have become a Dreamstalker, and they prey on the nightmares of their fellow man.

The Dreamstalker is most suited to psionic individuals or those that possess the ability to control the supernatural through magic. As such, most Dreamstalkers are usually wizards, psion, sorcerers, psychic warriors or clerics of evil alignment. Those of good alignment who have had a touch with the dark side might also become a Dreamstalker. Such trauma will cause a character to take levels in the Dreamstalker class without them even knowing it. Others strive to become a thief of dreams to have power over others or to destroy their enemies while they sleep, still more manifest the Dreamstalker "avatar" out of revenge and wish to kill those that have done them wrong. Whatever the reason, the Dreamstalker cannot be seen as a good entity by any means. Paladins, fighters, rangers, barbarians, and rogues will not often take levels in the Dreamstalker prestige class unless something traumatic sinks to the very core of their being, as they do not often contain the supernatural taint those other classes possess. Paladins who take levels of Dreamstalker lose all paladin abilities until they atone for such actions that they do at night unawares and find someway to remove the taint of hate, fear, and hunger from their soul. A paladin that does atone can convert levels of Dreamstalker to Paladin levels with the GM's approval GM's might force or suggest that a player take levels of Dreamstalker for their characters as an adventure plot. Evil characters will take the class simply for the power it grants them and the class is well suited for any NPC villain who will quickly become the main nemesis of any party wishing to strip him of his night terror abilities.

NPC dreamstalkers may be found in all walks of life, though the ones with supernatural or spell-like abilities are more likely to manifest this inner turmoil and evil. Those that know of their nocturnal feedings and do nothing about it may find perverse pleasure in the experience. These creatures are more evil than normal and many end up becoming undead in the process if they do not stop their evil actions.

Hit Dice: d4

To qualify to become a Dreamstalker, a character must meet the following criteria.

Alignment: Any evil
Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks or Knowledge (Psionics): 8 ranks
Concentration: 8 ranks
Spells: Must be able to cast 3rd level arcane or divine spells, or manifest 3rd level psionic powers.
Special: Must have suffered from the nightmare spell.

Class Skills: The Dreamstalker's skills (and they key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex) and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier
Base Attack Bonus: As wizard
Base Saving Throw: Fort (Good), Reflex (Good), Will (Weak)

Class Features
The following are the class features of the Dreamstalker (DrS) prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The character gains no new knowledge of weapons or armor when taking the Dreamstalker prestige class.

Spells or Powers per Day: At each level, the Dreamstalker gains new spells per day or Psionic Power Points and Powers Discovered as if he had also gained a level in the spellcasting or manifesting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, hit points beyond those he receives from the prestige class, improved familiar or psi‑crystal, and so on), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting or manifesting. If a character had more than one spellcasting or manifesting class before becoming a Dreamstalker, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day or psionic ability.

Bonus Feats: The Dreamstalker gains bonus feats at levels 2, 4, 7, and 10. These must be either metapsionic or metamagic feats.

Dreamless (Su): The Dreamstalker no longer dreams and must subsist on the dreams of others to survive or face wasting away until final death grips them. The mere presence of the Dreamstalker causes night terrors to wrack the sleep of those within 30 ft. of them. This causes all natural healing to cease and for abilities that require rest to be rejuvenated to fail (such as a wizard having to sleep to successfully prepare spells). All who would be affected recieve a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + Dreamstalker levels + Cha modifier) to resist the effect. Should they succeed, they cannot be affected again for 24 hours.

Drain the Sleeping (Su): As the Dreamstalker grows in his or her nocturnal abilities, they gain the ability to drain health from those that sleep nearby them. One creature within 10ft. of the Dreamstalker's sleeping form must roll a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + Dreamstalker levels + Cha modifier) or take 1d6 points of temporary constitution damage and awaken the next day unrested and fatigued. However, the Dreamstalker's waking form comes awake well rested and refreshed, healing an extra 1d6 points of damage and receiving a +2 bonus to Constitution for the next 8 hours. Only one creature can be affected by this ability each day.

Dream Avatar (Su): The Dreamstalker's power grows to the point that he or she can now form a psychic avatar of sorts that looks just like them, except that it seems darker in appearance and gruesome in nature. Despite the avatar's incorporeal form, it looks solid enough and has long tentacles of shadowy darkness which replace the fingers on each hand. The Dreamstalker gains a touch attack while in this form and can insert the shadowy tentacles into the very mind of a sleeping ally or enemy. This attack deals 1d4 points of Wisdom damage and forces those under it's influence to roll a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + Dreamstalker levels + Cha modifier) every round or continue taking the damage until they are thoughtless vegetables who never truly awaken. If a victim passes a saving throw, they can roll a Constitution check (DC 15) to awaken. The dream avatar only has half the hit points of the Dreamstalker, is incorporeal, cannot cast spells or use psionic powers (other than the ones presented by the dream avatar ability), but is otherwise the same as the Dreamstalker's corporeal form. The Dreamstalker can only manifest a dream avatar when they are asleep, as it is a creation of their living nightmares.

Travel the Dream Path (Sp): The dream avatar is granted the ability to teleport itself through the dreamscape. By entering the body of a sleeping individual, the dream avatar can exit from another sleeping creature anywhere on the same plane of existence as if casting teleport without error. The Dreamstalker will often use this ability to travel to another area to keep their allies from getting wise to their nocturnal feedings.

The dream avatar is stunned and cannot act for 1 round after exiting the dreamscape. They can do this only twice per night, once to transport to a new area and once to return back to their own body and a sleeping character must be present for them to utilize this spell‑like ability, as they act like a doorway to the dreamscape.

Force Sleep (Sp): The Dreamstalker in its avatar form gains the ability to put creatures to sleep. This emulates the sleep spell, but only effects one individual per use. The effect forces a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + Dreamstalker levels + Cha modifier) on the target. Should they fail, they are forced into a magical form of slumber in which their nightmares appear very real. This Dreamstalker can use this ability once + their charisma modifier per day.

Secrets of the Sleeping (Su): The Dreamstalker can, when normally draining Wisdom points from a sleeping target, instead attempt to draw information from the target. A Gather Information skill check is rolled against a DC equal to 10 + the half the target's HD + their Wisdom modifier. Should the Dreamstalker's skill check be successful, they gather what information they can from the person's mind about one subject (DMs discretion). This form of magical telepathic invasion also causes some discomfort and has a good chance of waking the individual being mentally probed. After using this ability, the target recieves a Constitution check (DC 15) to awaken.

Dreaming Slave (Sp): The Dreamstalker can cause one individual per night to awaken under his or her influence. The Dreamstalker themselves are invisible to the dream slave and whisper commands to their sleepy minds. These commands are not actually consciously heard by the target and take on a suggestion effect (as per the spell) with the following restrictions: a Dreamstalker cannot force a dream slave to do anything against their alignment or something that could be considered dangerous.

Dreamstalker Progression Table
1. Dreamless, Drain the Sleeping
2. Bonus Feat +1 level of existing class
3. Dream Avatar
4. Bonus Feat +1 level of existing class
5. Travel the Dream Path
6. Force Sleep +1 level of existing class
7. Bonus Feat
8. Secrets of the Sleeping +1 level of existing class
9. Dream Slave
10. Bonus Feat +1 level of existing class

Bloodwing Assassin
“Very rarely does prey expect an attack from the air”

The bloodwing assassin is a specialized arcane spellcaster who deals in death for a price. Unlike traditional assassins, the bloodwing assassin finds that movement through the air as well as higher spaces make for a better advantage against grounded prey. This guild of magical assassins has gained the secrets of permanent magical flight and most never allow their feet touch the ground once this knowledge is gained. In fact, contact with the ground is physically painful for a bloodwing assassin and some have been slain by being pinned or forced to the ground. It is believed that their souls have become air elementals and this allows them to fly without the use of wings. The common people who fear the skies will often refer to a bloodwing assassin with the derogatory title “mosquito mage”, though they couldn’t be closer to the truth with that statement.

Most bloodwing assassins are wizards with an interest in transmutation or sorcerers with a bloodline attached to air elementals. Many of these bloodwing assassins also have levels in rogue and/or assassin to augment their already deadly abilities.

NPC bloodwing assassins gather in secret guilds or ‘swarms’ as they call them to discuss current contracts, potential enemies, and other guild business. PC bloodwing assassins may also be a member of a swarm or could have stolen the secret of permanent flight from the books and/or records of a true bloodwing assassin. Regardless, bloodwing assassins are evil, wanting little more than more influence, power, and gold.

Hit Die: d4

To take the bloodwing assassin prestige class, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Alignment: Neutral or chaotic evil
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Concentration: 8 ranks
Balance: 4 ranks
Jump: 4 ranks
Climb: 4 ranks
Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, and Dodge
Spells: Must be able to cast the 5th level arcane spell Overland Flight.

Class Skills: The class skills for the bloodwing assassin (and the key ability for each one) are: Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Bluff (Cha), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana)(Int), Listen (Wis), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Assassin), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier
Base Attack Bonus: As wizard
Base Saving Throw: Fort (Weak), Reflex (Good), Will (Good)

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the bloodwing assassin (BwA) prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Bloodwing assassin gains the Martial Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Lance) feat. They do not gain any new knowledge or armor or shields.

Spells Per Day: Every two levels gained, the character gains new spells per day as if they gained a level in the spell casting class they belonged to before taking the Bloodwing assassin class. They do not, however, gain any other class benefits they would have gotten from obtaining a level in the previous class (improved chance of controlling, turning, or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, or any hit points beyond what is granted by the prestige class and so on) except for an increase effective level of spell casting. If the Bloodwing assassin had more than one spell casting class, they must select which class gains the new levels of spells.

Blood Lance: When a Bloodwing assassin is accepted into his or her guild, they are given the secrets of creating this progressive weapon. At first level, the weapon is as light as a dagger and has a +1 enhancement to both attack and damage. This bonus increases by one for every two levels of Bloodwing assassin a character takes.

Flight (Sp): At 2nd level, a bloodwing assassin is granted the secret of permanently magical flight. From now on, the character is treated as always having the spell fly active upon their person. However, because of their affinity for flying, a bloodwing assassin takes a ‑2 penalty to attack and damage and sustains a point of damage every minute they remain in contact with the ground. This flight is still affected by dispel magic, greater dispel magic and other spells that destroy or suspend magical power.

Blood Drain (Su) A bloodwing assassin calls upon the vampiric power of their lance to cause constitution damage with a successful attack. When a strike is made, the bloodwing assassin may elect to have the struck enemy roll a fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ level in bloodwing assassin + cha modifier). If this save is failed, the bloodwing assassin’s attack deals an additional 1 point of constitution damage. For every point of constitution damage dealt this way, the bloodwing assassins gains a single temporary hit point.

Swooping Attack (Ex): This ability resembles the rogue's sneak attack ability. When catching an opponent flat footed from the air, the bloodwing assassin's damage is increased by the number listed. Unlike the rogue’s sneak attack ability, this damage is caused by pure force and not by hitting a vital area. Therefore, undead and other creatures immune to sneak attacks still take damage from a swooping attack.

Improved Flight (Ex): The bloodwing assassin gains the use of permanent wings which sprout from their back. Their flight speed increases by 60 ft. as their magical flight is assisted by these new wings and their maneuverability is increased from average to good. If in an area of anti-magic or if affected by a dispel magic effect, the bloodwing assassin can still fly at a speed of 30 ft. with poor maneuverability.

Greater Blood Drain (Su): A bloodwing assassin calls upon the vampiric powers of their lance to drain life from an opponent who suffers from their swooping attack. When a successful swooping attack is made, the bloodwing assassin may elect to force an opponent to roll a fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ level in bloodwing assassin + cha modifier). If failed, the attack deals an additional 1d6 points of constitution damage. For every point of constitution damage dealt this way, the bloodwing assassin gains 1d4 temporary hit points.

Wounding Lance (Su): The bloodwing assassin’s lance gains the ability to cause additional bleeding with a successful swooping attack. This damage is equal to 1 point of damage every round for every successful swooping attack made against an opponent.

Horrid Draining (Sp): Once per day, the bloodwing assassin may cause massive damage to one creature they successfully strike from the air with their blood lance. This damage is similar to the spell Horrid Wilting except that it only deals 1d8 points of damage for every two levels of bloodwing assassin gained An affected character may roll a fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ bloodwing assassin level + cha modifier) to sustain only half damage. If this save is failed, the bloodwing assassin is affected as if Cure Serious Wounds was cast on them by a cleric equal to their level.

Blood Harvest (Su): A bloodwing assassin may swoop over an area of no more than 60 ft. during combat to absorb blood from damaged enemies and allies. All creatures that have sustained damage from slashing and/or piercing weapons (natural or not) are affected as if those weapons had the wounding magical property. This blood ‘falls’ upward and collects on the bloodwing assassin’s body. While doing this, the bloodwing assassin gains fast healing 1, but must also concentrate on collecting the blood and may not perform attacks or cast spells. They can only make a normal fly movement action every round while using Blood Harvest.

Class Progression Table
1. Blood Lance +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2. Flight, Blood Drain
3. Swooping Attack +1d6 +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4. Improved Flight
5. Greater Blood Drain +1 level of existing spellcasting class
6. Swooping Attack +2d6
7. Wounding Lance +1 level of existing spellcasting class
8. Horrid Draining
9. Swooping Attack +3d6 +1 level of existing spellcasting class
10. Blood Harvest

Arch Necromancer

The arch necromancer is the classic megalomaniac villain that player characters love to hate. They’re powerful arcane or divine spellcasters who delve into the dark arts to extend their own life, the life of a loved one (who then becomes an abomination of nature) or to simply torture the masses with plagues of vile magic from their mountain top tower (which is probably constructed of bones, rock quarried from the Nine Hells, or something else completely off the wall, but has a cool factor that is definately evil). Most have competent minions or undead creatures which they command with an ego the size of a small moon. In fact, most people may never actually meet an arch necromancer, but will most likely battle the evil they create, and generally annoy the arch necromancer until the villain is forced to deal with them personally.

Arch necromancers are always high level clerics or wizards. These classes have the appropriate flavor and full access to the spells which arch necromancers are known to use most often (Animate Dead, Create Undead, Create Greater Undead) which are a part of the requirements for this class or are gained at the various levels as either divine or arcane spells. It is not recommended that a GM allow a player character to take levels in arch necromancer unless they plan on running an all evil party in a very high level game. arch necromancers rarely get along with other party members unless they are in complete control of everything the party does. As such, they make great employers for evil aligned parties, and are often willing to part with a good amount of money or magic to anyone wanting to help them complete their obviously dire deeds. However, arch necromancers are devious and selfish creatures which will betray any under their command if they believe it will benefit them somehow. Many see themselves as the epitome of all that is perfect and will not respect or accept failure from creatures they believe are lesser than they are.

Arch necromancers are almost always NPC characters under control of the GM. They can be from a wide range of backgrounds (outcast loser, powerful member of the royalty, spoiled rich merchant’s son, etc.) but are almost always completely insane or evil to their very core. They’re the classic spellcasting villain, dressed in black, spells ready to empower or punish those under their eye.

Hit Dice: d4

In order for a character to take levels in arch necromancer, they must fulfill the following criteria.

Alignment: Always evil
Knowledge (Arcana): 18 ranks
Knowledge (Religion): 18 ranks
Knowledge (Undead): 18 ranks
Concentration: 12 ranks
Spellcraft: 12 ranks
Feats: Spell Focus (Necromancy), Iron Will, Leadership, any three meta magic or item creation feats.
Spells: Must be able to cast 7th level spells, which must include one of the following: Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead. Must be specialized in Necromancy if a wizard or have access to the Death of Undeath Domains if a cleric.
Special: The character becoming the arch necromancer must have sufficient undead under his or her control (equal to at least their levels in hit dice) before being able to take this prestige class. One of these creatures must be intelligent (Int 9+) and have acted as the character’s lieutenant at least once in a combat or roleplaying situation.

Class Skills: The arch necromancer’s class skills (and the key ability for each one) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Undead)(Int), Knowledge (Arcana)(Int), Knowledge (Religion)(Int), Intimidate (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Features
All the following are class features of the arch necromancer prestige class

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The character does not gain any new weapon or armor proficiencies when gaining levels in arch necromancer.

Mortis Arcana (Sp): The arch necromancer gains an extra spell per day per level that they have access to as if he or she had specialized in Necromancy a second time. These new spells are pulled from the arch necromancer’s own faith in themselves, as if calling upon themselves as a deity to receive these spells. As such, these extra spells all take at least one round to cast (despite their original casting time) and are cast as if the arch necromancer was four levels lower than they actually are (for determining damage, duration, or other benefits). These spells are not memorized like normal spells, are not prayed for like divine magic, and originate from the character’s own megalomaniacal faith that they are the most perfect and powerful creature in existence. The spells replenish themselves once every 8 hours of rest and require no material components to cast other than a amulet engraved with their own special symbol. This special item is usually created from expensive materials (2,000 gp market cost) and is considered a divine focus when casting spells.

Dominate Undead (Su): The arch necromancer can control any undead which moves within 30 ft. of their position with a successful Will Save (DC 15 + Hit Dice of Undead + Undead’s Cha modifier). Like a cleric’s ability to control undead, the Dominate Undead class feature permanently places the undead under the control of the arch necromancer. This ability makes up for the wizard’s inability to control undead normally and may not be needed by arch necromancer’s with levels in cleric. In the case of a cleric, the character may instead pick a bonus feat from the following list: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Extra Turning, Heighten Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Brew Potion, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, or Scribe Scroll.

Boost Undead (Su): The arch necromancer can boost one ability score of any undead he or she creates using the Create Undead spells by one point for every five levels they have attained. This ability grants a permanent enhancement bonus to the undead’s ability score and can only affect the undead once. Multiple applications of this ability to one undead creature will fail to result in heightened scores. This ability costs the arch necromancer one 7th level spell each time it is used. This spell-slot remains reserved to power the undead creature’s enhanced status until slain, at which point it becomes available for use by the arch necromancer again. The arch necromancer can only have one enhanced undead creature for each 7th level spell-slot they have available.

Undead General (Sp): The arch necromancer picks one undead under their control that has an intelligence of 9 or more to become their general. The undead gains all the benefits of a familiar, but does not interfere with the caster’s original familiar, nor does the destruction of the new general cause the arch necromancer any sort of discomfort or XP loss. The general can control any undead that the arch necromancer hands over to it, but cannot use these undead to do any harm toward the arch necromancer intentionally or indirectly. If the general is destroyed, all undead under their control become wild until the arch necromancer exerts his control over them again (using spells, a magical item, control undead, etc.). These undead still count against the arch necromancer’s total even if they aren’t controlling them directly any longer.

Mortis Arcana II (Sp): The arch necromancer now has access to all Necromancy spells, which they cast as either divine or arcane depending on their original core class(es). This includes spells that may not be normally available to them (such as druid spells that are in the school of Necromancy). Spells that are available to more than one class cast at the lowest level listed.

Undead Army (Ex): The arch necromancer can control three times their level in hit dice of undead, instead of just two. In addition to this large number, the arch necromancer can add additional undead to his or her control with a successful Will save (DC 10 + half the number of undead controlled). If this save is past, the undead falls under control of the arch necromancer despite being

Arch Necromancer Progression Table

1. Mortis Arcana, Dominate Undead/Bonus Feat
2. Boost Undead
3. Undead General
4. Mortis Arcana II
5. Undead Army

Wendigo Lord

"Teeth shred flesh, tongues lap at the blood, and I gain power from it all!"

The Wendigo Lord is the leader of a savage cult whose power is spreading across the wild plains and frozen north of many a prime material world where the Wendigo manifests its insane greed and hunger. They are followers of murder, gluttony, and greed and will forever curse many worlds with their presence as long as the races of that world continue to readily partake in such activities.

The typical Wendigo Lord is a barbarian or ranger who has performed a cannibalistic ritual and has eaten the flesh of a hated enemy and believes that he or she has gained some sort of knowledge of that enemy or power from the flesh. They typically dress in leather attire made from the skin of their slain enemy and armor themselves in the bones left over from their insidious feasting. Wendigo Lords practice ritual scarring and mutilation so most can also be seen as once having gruesome wounds.

NPC Wendigo Lords will usually replace his entire mouth full of teeth with those of a slain werewolf and cut the flesh of his cheeks in order to fully be able to use his new 'natural' weapons more like a real wolf. The more a person feeds like the Wendigo, the more wolf‑like they act and appear. However, despite their feral appearance and manner, they are by no means stupid, just totally over the edge.

Hit Dice: d12

The character must fulfill the following criteria to take the Wendigo Lord (WLd) prestige class

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Survival: 8 ranks
Special: Cannot have ranks in Concentration
Special: The character must have cannibalized a hated nemesis with the belief that doing so will somehow give them knowledge of their enemy or some sort of supernatural power.

Class Skills: The Wendigo Lord's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Control Shape (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Survival (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier
Saving Throws: Fort (Strong), Reflex (Weak), Will (Weak)
Base Attack Bonus: As fighter

Class Features
The following are all class features of the Wendigo Lord prestige class

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: The Wendigo Lord gains proficiency in simple weapons and light armor. They gain no new knowledge in shields.

Beast Weapons (Ex): The Wendigo Lord is now considered armed even when he or she is not bearing a weapon. They gain a natural claw attack which deals 1d6 points of slashing damage and a bite attack which deals 1d6 points of piercing damage. For every three levels of Wendigo Lord the character gains, they are granted a +1 bonus to damage to both of these natural attacks.

Rage (Ex): The Wendigo Lord can now rage like a barbarian and these rages stack with any the character may have gained by having levels in barbarian. The Wendigo Lord gains additional Rage uses per day at levels 5, 8, and 10.

Feast of Flesh (Su): The Wendigo Lord gains a +2 bonus to their natural armor, attack rolls, Strength based skill checks, and damage rolls for one hour per level of the wendigo lord prestige class they have taken if they partake from the innards and flesh of a person they percieve as an enemy. The bonus increases to 3 at level 4 and to a +4 at level 6. This ability can be used once per day.

Brittle Control (Ex): The animalistic Wendigo Lord begins having a harder time controlling his or her animal urges when tempers run high. At the beginning of combat, the Wendigo Lord must roll a Will save (DC 10 + Level of the Wendigo Lord) to keep from going insane with bloodlust and begin attacking the nearest creature.

Sense of the Hunter (Ex): The Wendigo Lord's natural senses become more keen, like a wolves. They are granted a +4 competence bonus to all Spot and Listen skill and gain 60 ft. darkvision. This ability to see in the dark also effects those characters or creatures who already have darkvision by increasing their range by another 60 ft.

Manifestation of the Beast (Su): The Wendigo Lord's wild nature causes him to become less like he was and more like an animal. As such, he takes a permanent loss of 1 Charisma point at levels 3, 5, 7, and 9. However, he is granted a bonus to Strength for every Charisma point he loses.

Earth Child (Ex): The Wendigo Lord gains the ability to see without the use of their eyes and gains the extraordinary ability of Blindsight out to a range of 30 ft.

Shed Humanity (Su): The Wendigo Lord is now more animal than whatever race he used to be. The Wendigo Lord becomes a natural werewolf and gains the Lycanthrope template.

Wendigo Lord Class Progresion Table
1. Beast Weapons (+1), Rage (1/day)
2. Feast of the Flesh (+2)
3. Manifestation of the Beast (‑1 Cha, +1 Str)
4. Brittle Control, Beast Weapons (+2), Feast of the Flesh (+3)
5. Rage (2/day), Manifestation of the Beast (‑2 Cha, +2 Str)
6. Beast Weapons (+3), Feast of the Flesh (+4)
7. Manifestation of the Beast (‑3 Cha, +3 Str)
8. Senses of the Hunter, Rage (3/day)
9. Earth Child, Manifestation of the Beast (‑4 Cha, +4 Str)
10. Shed Humanity, Rage (4/day)

Fiend Mother

"I bring into the world new life to eradicate the old..."

The Fiend Mother is a female of any race which gives her womb over to the evil powers of the Nine Hells or the Abyss in order to gain powerful offspring which follow her every command. The devils and demons use them to gain a foothold over future territories before bringing in their armies to pillage and destroy. The Fiend Mother gets to the point where they can give birth to a new demonic child once every couple of days as their womb literally corrupts to a veritable portal to the lower planes. They are despicable conjurers willing to defile their own body in order to gain power over powerful extra-planar creatures.

Wizards, sorcerers, and clerics who worship beings from the lower planes are most likely to become a Fiend Mother. Bards are also likely to gain a few levels of Fiend Mother, but not as often because most do not have the knowledge of the lower planes to perform the ritual's needed.

NPC Fiend Mothers will most likely be at the head of a cult of half fiend offspring dedicated to bringing ruin to the world of man. Some can be found to work for high level male wizards or sorcerers who need some sort of protection or armies at their 'command'. The Fiend Mother is a bearer of ill omen anywhere she goes, despite whatever benefits she may promise to anyone.

Hit Dice: d4

The character must fullfill the following criteria to take the Fiend Mother (FMR) prestige class

Gender: Female
Craft (Alchemy): 4 ranks
Knowledge (arcana): 4 ranks
Knowledge (the planes): 4 ranks
Feats: Endurance, Iron Will, Toughness, Craft Wondrous Item, Brew Potion
Special: A Fiend Mother pledge must sign a contract in her own blood stating that her womb and soul now belongs to the demonic or devilish forces of the underworld.
Special: The Fiend Mother must fit a heated ruby of at least 5,000 gp in value permanently into her belly button (the burn wound heals around it). This focus must have the following spells enchanted into it by the Fiend Mother herself or by someone else: Summon Monster III, Minor Creation, Protection from Good. They must then imbibe a mixture of virgin's blood and demonic bile enchanted with Charm Monster to make sure most of her offspring she gives birth to are devoted to her cause and care.

Class Skills: The Fiend Mother's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Craft (Alchemy)(Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (Religion), Sense Motive (Cha), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier

Saves: Fortitude (Strong), Reflex (Weak), Will (Strong)
Base Attack Bonus: As wizard

Class Requirements
All of the following are class features of the Fiend Mother prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Fiend Mother gains no new knowledge of armor, weapons, or shields.

Infernal Offspring I (Su): The Fiend Mother, after tattooing the necessary runes on her torso stomach area, can now give birth to one devil or demon with less than 2 hit dice. These fiendish creatures either burrow their way out of her womb (causing extreme pain) or exit through the birth canal normally. When selling her womb to the hellish forces of evil, the Fiend Mother is granted the ability to heal whatever damage her offspring cause her body almost immediately. However, the fatigue caused by such pain causes the Fiend Mother to suffer 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage for each and every offspring she gives birth to. A Fiend Mother may not have more demons or devils than she has hit dice.

Drained (Ex): Giving birth so many times causes the Fiend Mother to began taking charisma damage as they become aged and skeletal looking as well as wearing on the mind and body from the constant pain. At second level, the Fiend Mother takes one point of permanent Charisma and Strength damage. More damage is inlficted at levels 6 and 10

Hellish Womb (Su): If a Fiend Mother's offspring is destroyed in combat, they may return to her womb to regenerate and be born again. This regeneration takes 1d10 rounds at which point the fiend may rip out of her once again. In order to permanently remove the fiendish threat, the Fiend Mother herself must perish so that her offspring cannot regenerate in her womb. If many creatures are slain, the Fiend Mother rebirths them one at a time, taking 1d4 Constitution damage for the first creature reborn and an additional one point of temporary Constitution damage per successive rebirth. A Fiend Mother may never die from giving birth (as the magic from the contract keeps her alive) so she may never drop to 0 in Constitution. Should she drop to 1 in constitution, any and all fiends which are waiting rebirth fade and are lost to her until she creates new ones.

Infernal Offspring II (Su): The Fiend Mother may not give birth to more advanced demons or devils. Once per day, the Fiend Mother may give birth to one devil or demon with 5 or less hit dice. These fiends are born small, as a child of the Fiend Mother's race, but quickly grow to average size once outside of her body. This change in size takes 1d6 rounds during which time the fiendish creature is helpless.. These fiends are native outsiders to whatever world they are born on, but have no special devotion toward the Fiend Mother herself once they perform one task for her. After which point they may stay and serve her (or be forced to through magic) or they may decide on their own to leave to wreck their own brand of havoc on the world. Giving birth to a more advanced fiend causes the Fiend Mother more fatigue, inflicting 1d6 points of temporary Constitution damage.

Mother's Milk (Su): The Fiend Mother may bottle her own blood to distribute to her 'children'. These one ounce vials of blood, when drank, act as if a cure moderate wounds spell on her fiendish offspring (and only on her offspring). A mortal man who drinks the blood will instead find themselves poisoned (Fiend's Blood; DC 20; Damage 1d4 Con/1d6 Con) instead of healed. The Fiend Mother takes 1 point of temporary Constitution damage per ounce of blood which she drains for this purpose.

Fiendish Legacy (Su): The Fiend Mother is so infested with netherworldly power that any normal child she gives birth to gains the half fiend template as if she were a fiend herself. These children have their growth accelerated to where they are born in a week's time but otherwise grow up at a normal rate. This is to allow the Fiend Mother to continue her work for her fiendish masters as a brood mother.

Infernal Offspring III (Su): As Infernal Offspring II with the exception that the Fiend Mother can give birth to fiends with up to 7 hit dice. These fiends have no obligation to the Fiend Mother other than maybe a grudging thanks for bringing them into a world from which they can feed. However, they may choose to serve the Fiend Mother should she offer something of value or should she control them through some sort of magic.

Potent Blood (Su): As Mother's Milk, except the blood from the Fiend Mother acts as a cure serious wounds spells (as if cast by a 10th level cleric) for any progeny who drinks it. The Fiend Mother takes 1 point of temporary Constitution damage per ounce of blood which she drains for this purpose.

Mother's Charm (Sp): The Fiend Mother can now attempt to affect one of her advanced progeny with a charm monster spell. The fiend is granted a Will saving throw against the effect (DC 10 + Fiend Mother Levels + Cha modifier) to avoid the effect. Those that fail will do everything in their power to please their mother for one day per level of the Fiend Mother, after which they are awarded another Will saving throw to remove the effects of the false feelings they have for the character that birthed them. Those that fail are under the effects of the charm for another day per level of the Fiend Mother, upon which they recieve another saving throw.

Brood Mother (Ex): The fatigue caused by giving birth is reduced. The Fiend Mother now takes only half the normal temporary Constitution damage from giving birth or rebirth (from Hellish Womb). Successive fiends regenerated from the Hellish Womb ability no longer cause the Fiend Mother any damage after the initial fiend is born.

Infernal Offspring IV (Su): As Infernal Offspring III with the exception that the Fiend Mother may now give birth to fiends of 9 HD or lower. As with Infernal Offspring III, these progeny have no obligation to serve the Fiend Mother.

Class Progression Table
1. Infernal Offspring I
2. Hellish Womb, Drained (‑1 Cha, ‑1 Str)
3. Infernal Offspring II
4. Mother's Milk
5. Fiendish Legacy
6. Infernal Offspring III, Drained (‑2 Cha, ‑2 Str)
7. Potent Blood
8. Mother's Charm
9. Brood Mother
10. Infernal Offspring IV, Drained (‑3 Cha, ‑3 Str)

The Patchwork Fellowship

These decadent men and women are members of a elite society of spellcasters called the Patchwork Fellowship. Usually necromancers or twisted transmuters, the Patchwork Fellowship seeks to undermine authority by assassinating the leaders of society and placing their own members, perfect replicas with memories of the deceased intact, in their place. They do this by stealing the slain's face and adding it to the magical cloak of jeering visages that they have stolen over the years of membership in the society. It is thought that the original founder of the society was a doppleganger by the name of Faelos of a Thousand Faces. However it turns out that this doppleganger was really an elf so powerful in visage magic that his cloak is literally hundreds of feet long and reportedly contains almost a thousand faces.

Wizards and Sorcerers of evil alignment are most likely to take levels in patchwork fellowship. A few evil clerics with deities that have the domains of murder, assassination, or transmutation may also find a membership in the Fellowship beneficial to their deities over‑all goals. Any who wish to rule may find that the Fellowship can easily assuage their need to be a tyrant, as long as they follow the tenets of the society and do as they're told when the Fellowship has need of them.

The Fellowship seeks to rule the world and sets itself up in many governments around the world by using its evil magic to impersonate the leaders which they have slain in secret. They can usually be found in any major city which has a strong political presence and influence on the lands around it, as they seek to rule and oppress all.

Hit Dice: d4

A character must fulfill the following criteria to take the patchwork fellowship prestige class.

Alignment: Any evil
Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks
Craft (Sewing): 8 ranks
Hide: 4 ranks
Disguise: 6 ranks
Bluff: 4 ranks
Feats: Skill Focus (Disguise), Alertness, Craft Wondrous Item
Spells: Must be able to cast the spells Alter Self and Change Self
Special: Must create a patchwork cloak after being given access to its secrets.

Class Skills: The class skills for the patchwork fellowship (PWF) (and the key ability for each score) are: Alchemy (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Base Attack Bonus: As wizard
Saving Throws: Fort (Strong), Reflex (Weak), Will (Strong)

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the patchwork fellowship (PwF) prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The patchwork fellow gains no new knowledge or armor or weapons.

Spells per Day: A patchwork fellow continues training in magic as well as learning the difficult tenets of Visage Magic. Thus, when a new odd level of patchwork fellowship is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if they had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. They does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking un:)dead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that they add the level of patchwork fellowship to the level of some other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before they became a patchwork fellow, they must decide to which class he or she adds each level of patchwork fellowship for purposes of determining spells per day when she adds the new level.

Patchwork Cloak (Su): Members of the patchwork fellowship gain access to its hidden libraries of foul magic. From these tomes, the member can glean the secrets of Visage Magic, the supernatural power to steal the faces of those they kill and use them to change their shape and mind to match those of the dead. This special ritual involves carefully removing the skin from their victims face (from forehead to chin) and then sewing it on a special cloak. Once the cloak as acquired 10 faces (roughly 5 ft. in length) the patchwork fellow may permanently attach it to his or her shoulders by expending 100 XP per face (1,000 XP for most). The cloak that is created through this ritual is intelligent and quite insane, having as many personalities as it has faces. Its mental scores are equal to that of the patchwork fellow and is considered a cohort of the character from that point on. The cloak and the patchwork fellow have the same alignment, though the cloak has no character class of its own and has no other abilities than what is provided to it by its very magical nature and it can only use these to aid its host in whatever goal they are trying to accomplish.

The cloak starts with 2 hit dice and as a construct gains a d10 for hit points per hit dice it has. The cloak continues to gain bonus hit dice for every 10 faces added to it afterwards. It gains 2 + its intelligence modifier in skill points per face attached to it (the skills are usually stolen from the owners of the faces themselves) and has an armor class equal to 10 + the dexterity of the host. It shares the saving throws of its host.

Once it has made the host change shape, it loses all ability to think on its own and cannot use skills until the host changes back to their original cloak‑wearing state. When not in a different form, the cloak is considered a separate entity than the patchwork fellow and has its own feelings, opinions, and emotions like any intelligent living creature.

The cloak can, if it wants, speak through the mouths of the faces attached to it, but usually relies on the telepathic connection between it and its host to maintain communication. The cloak itself is considered permanently charmed (as if by a Charm Monster spell) and is completely subservient to its host and attempts to follow any order given to it through their telepathic connection to the best of its ability. This includes changing shape, protecting the host with its own body, attacking enemies flanking the patchwork fellow or allowing the patchwork fellow access to its small amount of skills. A patchwork cloak cannot act physically itself and requires a mental suggestion from the host to perform any function. Doing so takes a standard action.

Since the patchwork cloak is a construct, it is immune to poison, disease, and similar effects. It is not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, death from massive damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Unlike most constructs, the patchwork cloak can be affected by mind‑affecting spells, spell‑like, and supernatural abilities but they must be aimed at the cloak, and not its host.

Creating a patchwork cloak takes 500 GP per face added to it, as the thread needed to sew the faces to it must be spun from gold or platinum. It drains 1,000 XP from the patchwork fellow wearing it for the first time and an additional 100 XP per face added to it afterwards. A successful Craft (Sewing) check of a DC equal to 10 + the level of the original owner of the face must be successfully made for a face to be added to the cloak for the first 10. Afterwards, the cloak simply attaches the faces to itself, taking one of its host's action to do so.

Change Shape (Su): The patchwork fellow has learned to manipulate the magic of his or her patchwork cloak into creating an effect similar to Polymorph Self. When used, the cloak wraps around the patchwork fellow as if an unseen wind had lifted it into the air and entwined the host in it. This ability is exactly like the spell with the following exceptions: The duration is permanent as long as the patchwork fellow wishes. This change takes one round and gives the patchwork fellow the ability to emulate the owner of the face used to cause the transmutation. They have access to all the person's skills they had at death and know keenly all the memories of the victim. They can perfectly imitate the persons mannerisms, personality, insanities and body language. However, the cloak's ability does not mask their alignment with the owner of the face and any spell which detects alignment will quickly reveal the patchwork fellow as a fraud if the person they are imitating was not known to be evil while still alive. Family members (those that share the same blood as the person who is being imitated) can often figure out something is wrong with their kin and gain a Will save (DC 10 + half level of the patchwork fellow + Cha modifier) in order to figure out the imposter for what they are. The patchwork cloak can perform this ability for its host only once per day starting at second level. The patchwork cloak gains the ability to grant more uses of this power to their host at levels 4, 6, and 8.

All Seeing (Ex): The patchwork cloak grants the host to be immunity to flanking, allowing them to attack enemies behind them as easily as those in the front, similar to a rogue. In addition to this, the cloak's magical nature allows it to pierce illusions or 3rd level or lower, making invisibility useless against a patchwork fellow who isn't in the guise of a slain victim. This ability, like all the abilities of the patchwork cloak, does not benefit the host once they assume a form other than their own.

Knashing of Teeth (Ex): The patchwork cloak gains a bite attack that deals 1d4 point of damage with a successful attack (using the host's attack bonus). As a full round action (in which the host can't perform any actions) it can also envelope an enemy, granting them a reflex save (DC = 10 + Level of patchwork fellowship + Cha modifier) or become entangled in the biting cloak. Those entangled take 1d4 points of damage per face as the cloak latches into their flesh with needle sharp teeth created from the visage magic instilled in the cloak's horrible leather. If the entangled victim can make a successful Strength check (DC 20) they can escape the biting folds of the cloak.

Shield Host (Ex): The patchwork cloak can now surround its host in a protective embrace that grants them a +3 bonus to their Reflex saves and a +7 cover bonus to their armor class. This is similar to the Shield Spell except that the patchwork cloak takes the damage instead of the host and the protection is provided on all sides of the battle field. This can be done once per round as a standard action.

Life Transference (Su): The patchwork cloak and its Fellow can now exchange hit points between themselves in order to protect one another. This transfer of hit points equals to 1 + the host's constitution modifier per round and takes the concentration of both the cloak and the host to be successful. During this transfer, the host can only take a single partial action per round or a 5 ft. move

Cocoon (Su): The patchwork fellow feels the overwhelming need to sleep. For each day they remain awake after attaining 10th level, they permanently lose a point of constitution as they resist their final transmogrification. In order to retain a state of wakefulness, they must succeed a will saving throw (DC 30). Those that fail fall asleep for 10 + 1d6 days as their patchwork cloak wraps them tightly in a cocoon‑like structure. After the duration of their sleep, they awaken to find that they have changed. The character gains the shapechanger subtype. With this change, the character gains the ability to transform into any person who's face they have on their cloak an additional 10 times per day (for a total of 14 times per day). This amazing ability often grants members of the patchwork fellowship status as a legend among their peers as very few have ever attained such a perfect state.

Class Progression Table
1. Patchwork Cloak +1 level of existing class
2. Change Shape 1/day
3. All Seeing +1 level of existing class
4. Change Shape 2/day
5. Knashing of Teeth +1 level of existing class
6. Change Shape 3/day
7. Shield Host +1 level of existing class
8. Change Shape 4/day
9. Life Transference +1 level of existing class
10. Cocoon


"Those who don't follow the Dark Speaker at his side, shall be crushed under his obsidian heel"

Vilechants get their name from the powerful words which they are gifted that can render undead invulnerable and bring the living to their knees. They are the highest and most powerful clerics of the Dark Speaker. They are responsible for running the church, seeing to its protection, and making sure the lesser faithful of the Dark Speaker are holding up the deity's dogma and beliefs among the mundane followers. They employ assassins against enemies of the church and even other clerics of the Dark Speaker should even the slightest bit of evidence of betrayal be brought before them. Vilechants are charged with keeping the peace between cells of clerics (evil, after all, often turns in on itself sooner or later) and will deal with rogue cells which attack other faithful of the Dark Speaker to further their own ends.

Vilechants are the consummate necromancer. They combine both arcane and divine magic to create the most powerful undead and go to great lengths to increase the number of undead in the area in which they operate in order guard their temples and to double the influence of their lich‑god. They do not shy from sacrificing other sentient beings to their deity and are rewarded for doing such. Elven children are particularly prized by the Vilechants as sacrificial offerings to the Dark Speaker and all will go to great lengths to acquire such spiritual wealth to please their dark god. It is not uncommon to find a Vilechant surrounded by undead, fiendish servants, or other clerics of the Dark Speaker.

The evil Vilechants do not like, nor understand, the neutral aligned clerics of the Dark Speaker which call themselves "Greylords". These clerics busy themselves more with healing disease and wounds rather than spreading the one and true dogma of the Dark Speaker. As such, the Vilechants hunt down and slay any of the Greylord sect whom they encounter.

Vilechants are usually wizards with a specialty in necromancy and clerics of the Dark Speaker All must follow the Dark Speaker, but this class can easily be dropped into any campaign setting which has a god of the undead.

Hit Die: d8

To become a Vilechant, a character must meet the following criteria:

Alignment: Must be neutral evil
Knowledge (Undead): 8 ranks
Knowledge (Religion): 8 ranks
Feats: Extra Turning, Fortify Undead
Patron: Dark Speaker
Spells: Must be able to cast Animate Dead. Must be specialized in the school of necromancy and have access to the Undead and Evil domains.
Special: Must have sacrificed a enemy in the name of the Dark Speaker.

Class Skills: The class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Craft (Alchemy) (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (Undead) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier

Attack Bonus: As cleric
Saving Throws: Fort (Strong), Ref (Weak), Will (Strong)

Class Features
The class features of the Vilechant are as follows.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The character gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Claw Wand) but no new knowledge of armor.

Spells Per Day: When a new odd‑numbered level of Vilechant is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he or she had gained a level in a spellcasting class they belonged to before adding the prestige class. They do not, however, gain any other class abilities and benefits a character of that class would have gained (metamagic or item creation feats, hit points from beyond those of the prestige class, and so on). The Vilechant does gain effective levels for Rebuking and Controlling Undead as if he or she had gained a level in cleric when adding a new level of Vilechant. If a character had more than one spellcasting class when adding this prestige class, they must determine which class gains the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.
Lich Prestige Domain: The Vilechant gains access to the Lich prestige domain.

Mastery of Undeath (Su): The Vilechant gains the ability to control three times their hit dice in undead, instead of just twice as normal. Whenever the Vilechant gains this ability again at level 6, they gain additional ability to control undead based on their level. When controlling or rebuking undead, the character adds their level in Vilechant to their attempt. For instance if a wiz 5/clr 5/Vlc 2 attempted to control a group of undead, they would do so as a 7th level cleric.

Word of Bolstering (Sp): The Vilechant can expend a turning attempt for the day in order to Bolster his or her undead far more than normal. For one minute after the word of magic is spoken, all undead under command of the Vilechant become immune to turning, rebuking, and controlling attempts of rival or enemy clerics, gain a +2 bonus to armor class and a +2 profane bonus to hit points per hit die. A Vilechant that is in a silenced area or otherwise unable to speak cannot use this ability. A Word of Bolstering is suppressed in a area of anti‑magic caused by an Anti‑Magic Shell.

Word of Harm (Sp): The Vilechant can expend a turning attempt for the day in order to inflict damage on a living creature with negative energy. The target gains a fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the level of the Vilechant + Cha modifier) in order to negate the damage entirely. Should they fail, they take 1 point of damage per level of cleric and Vilechant that the character has (combine cleric and Vilechant levels to find the total damage inflicted). Undead targeted get no save and are instead healed of a like amount of damage. A Vilechant that is in a silenced area or otherwise unable to speak cannot use this ability. A Word of Harm is suppressed in a area of anti‑magic caused by an Anti‑Magic Shell.

Cursing Word (Sp): The Vilechant can expend two turning attempts for the day in order to place a horrible curse on an enemy that fails a will saving throw (DC = 10 + half the level of the Vilechant + Cha modifier). Should the target fail their save, they are cursed for one day per level of cleric and Vilechant that the cursing character has. The cursed character can now not be healed magically and gains no hit points from resting until the curse lifts. Should the cursed be dropped below 0 hit points during this time, they die as the magic of the curse extinguishes their life force and then animates them as a undead monster under the control of the Vilechant which casts the curse. This effect is similar to the 6th level cleric spell, Create Undead, and the new creature's type is picked from the list of undead available in the Create Undead spell description. A Vilechant that is in a silenced area or otherwise unable to speak cannot use this ability. A Cursing Word is suppressed in a area of anti‑magic caused by an Anti‑Magic Shell.

Word of Undeath (Sp): The Vilechant can expend two turning attempts for the day in order to create an effect similar to the Create Undead spell. This allows the Vilechant to create powerful undead servants with a mere word, but not control them. The Vilechant must still make a successful control undead check in order to bend the undead to their will. The undead created are from the list in the Create Undead spell description. A Vilechant that is in a silenced area or otherwise unable to speak cannot use this ability. A Cursing Word is suppressed in a area of anti‑magic caused by an Anti‑Magic Shell.

Word of the Dark Speaker (Sp): Similar to the Word of Undeath, this allows the Vilechant to expend three turning attempts for the day in order to create even more powerful undead from the list in Greater Create Undead spell description. A Vilechant that is in a silenced area or otherwise unable to speak cannot use this ability. A Cursing Word is suppressed in a area of anti‑magic caused by an Anti‑Magic Shell.

Hungering Shroud (Su): The Vilechant's aura is transformed into a thing of necromantic magic which subsists on the life energy of dying creatures which the Vilechant nears. Similar to the spell, Death Knell, the Vilechant can now absorb the life force of dying creatures which they come within 10 feet of. This ability is permanent, functions constantly, is and completely uncontrollable by the Vilechant. This makes them dangerous to anyone or anything that is on the brink of death, including fellow party members. It is also very frightening to witness, as the wispy aura of the Vilechant becomes visible when feeding and literally rips the soul of the victim from their almost dead body and then absorbs it. Those within the small area of effect that have ‑1 or less hit points are granted a will saving throw (DC = 10 + half the level of the Vilechant + Cha modifier) to completely resist the effects of the Hungering Shroud. If they pass, they become permanently immune to the Hungering Shroud of that particular Vilechant. If they fail, they die, and the Vilechant gains 1d8 temporary hit points (if at full hit points already, otherwise they heal 1d8 points of damage) and a +2 to strength. In addition, they gain a temporary raise in caster level, adding a +1 bonus to level dependant spell effects. The effect lasts for one hour per level of the Vilechant and only the hit point gain stacks. If a Vilechant walks through a battle field full of dying men and women, he or she will only gain the +2 to Strength and the increase in caster level once from the first victim to fail their saving throw. The Vilechant can never gain more than 1d8 extra hit points from his or her Hungering Shroud ability.

Dark Speaker's Blessing: Apply the dire lich template to the Vilechant.

Vilechant Progression Table
1. Lich Prestige Domain +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2. Word of Bolstering
3. Mastery of Undeath (x3), +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4. Cursing Word
5. Word of Harm +1 level of existing spellcasting class
6. Mastery of Undeath (x4)
7. Word of Undeath +1 level of existing spellcasting class
8. Word of the Dark Speaker
9. Hungering Shroud +1 level of existing spellcasting class
10. Dark Speaker's Blessing

Lich Prestige Domain
Deities: Dark Speaker
Granted Power: You gain the toughness feat for free.

Lich Prestige Spells
1. Chill Touch
2. Scare
3. Vampiric Touch
4. Death Ward
5. Fear
6. Doom Grasp
7. Lich Touch
8. Greater Lich Touch
9. Vortex of Evil

Fleshbound Bastion
“Magic hardens my flesh, hardens my soul”

There is a little known sect of abjurers that have the secret of invulnerability locked away inside their minds and flesh. These ‘fleshbound bastions’ as they call themselves have knowledge of protective magic which most mortal men and women have never seen, even others who dabble in the school of Abjuration. Through magical ritual, scarification, and tattooing the abjurer attains the ability to literally infuse magic from their mind and soul into their flesh as a form of limited invulnerability. This knowledge is dangerous, since anyone willing to use this power for evil that gained its secrets would become extremely hard to defeat in magical and mundane combat. However, these abilities keep the abjurer from actually manifesting spells of any kind, the magic being completely locked within their flesh and unable to escape.

Sorcerers with levels of fighter or eldritch knights would most benefit from the fleshbound bastion prestige class. Clerics would not benefit as well, since becoming a fleshbound bastion forever locks away the ability to manifest magic outside the character’s own body. Regardless, the ability to actually enter combat competently would be extremely useful for any character wishing to take this particular prestige class.

NPC fleshbound bastion characters are extremely wary of anyone eyeing them for too long. The runes and sigils carved into their flesh can be deciphered by those with enough magical knowledge and any chance that someone could steal the secrets of their sect and pass it to the highest bidder is their greatest fear in the world. So it is not unusual for a fleshbound bastion to completely cover every inch of their flesh in clothing. Regardless, members of this secret order guard the secret of true invulnerability and even they only benefit slightly from this one universal truth.

Hit Dice: d4

In order to take the fleshbound bastion (FbB) prestige class, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Alignment: True Neutral, Lawful Neutral
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Knowledge (Arcana): 15 ranks
Craft (Tattooing): 15 ranks
Craft (Alchemy): 15 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Feats: Brew Potion, Spellfocus (Abjuration), Greater Spellfocus (Abjuration), Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Great Fortitude.
Spells: You must be able to cast 5th level spells. If cleric, you must have access to the protection domain. If a sorcerer, you must have at least one abjuration spell known for all 5 levels of spells you can cast from. Wizards must be specialized in the school of abjuration.
Special: You must survive the trial of assaults using only your memorized spells and your own intelligence. This trial consists of six separate tests of which all can lead to your death. Before this test is administered, you must submit to mental probing, alignment detection, and other tests to make sure you are worthy of the knowledge. After passing, you must study under another fleshbound bastion master of at least 6th level in this prestige class for 6 months.

Class Skills: The fleshbound bastion’s class skills (and the key ability for each one) are: Craft (Tattooing)(Int), Craft (Alchemy)(Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (Arcana)(Int), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Tactics), Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), Survival (Wis),

Skill Points per Level: 4+ Int modifier

Base Attack Bonus: As rogue.
Base Saving Throws: Fort (Good), Ref (Weak), Will (Good)

Class Features
The class features of the fleshbound bastion are as follows.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The fleshbound bastion gains the martial weapon proficiency and light armor proficiency at first level.

Spells per Day: When a new fleshbound bastion level is gained (indicated on the table), the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a fleshbound bastion, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day. Note: While the fleshbound bastion continues gaining spell levels as a normal spellcaster would, they can no longer cast these spells in the normal sense. All their spell levels are reserved to power their abilities of the fleshbound bastion prestige class. In essence, all their magical power is now locked inside of their bodies.

Armor of Flesh (Su): You can expend a spell slot to grant yourself a natural armor bonus equal to the level of the spell you have expended. This natural armor bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to your level and you can only have this power active on your once. If you attempt to expend a second spell slot, the armor bonus granted by that spell overlaps the previous one.

Limited Invulnerability (Su): You can expend a spell slot of 6th level or higher to grant yourself a fortitude save against any attack used against you, whether that be a magical spell, supernatural ability, or a mundane attack. The DC for this fortitude save is 10 + the damage dealt. If you pass this save, you take no damage from the attack at all. Initiating this ability is considered a standard action. You gain this ability again at 6th level which grants you a +4 bonus to all fortitude saves to avoid damage. You gain the ability again at 10th level, allowing you to initiate invulnerability as a move equivalent action. Regardless, you can only use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your constitution modifier.

Sundering Skin (Ex): Your skin becomes as hard as diamond, granting you a hardness of 5. Additionally, any opponent striking you must roll a fortitude save (DC = damage they dealt) or have the weapon they struck you with sundered and broken on your flesh. Magical weapons gain a bonus to this save equal to magical bonus. However, you take a permanent -1 circumstance penalty to reflex saves as your rock-hard flesh makes moving quickly that much harder.

Spell Armor (Su): You may attempt to absorb any spell cast at you by an enemy by making an opposing caster level check as if trying to counterspell. If successful, you absorb the spell and gain back a spell slot of equal level that you know. You may only absorb a spell you could normally cast, so those higher level than you can cast affect you normally. You may only absorb one spell per point of constitution modifier you possess per day and only one spell per round (so if more than one spell is cast at you, the other spells affect you normally). Absorbing a spell is a standard action.

Improved Armor of Flesh (Su): You may now expend the entirety of the highest level of spells you know to grant yourself DR 20/– for 1 minute per level of fleshbound bastion you have gained. If you have already used these spell slots up powering other abilities, you cannot benefit from this heightened damage reducing ability until they are regained.

Spell Body (Su): You may sacrifice a spell slot of 5th level or higher to provide yourself a bonus to your constitution equal to the spell level sacrificed. This bonus lasts a number of minutes equal to your level in fleshbound bastion and you may only have one such bonus in existence at a time.

Body of Iron (Sp): You may sacrifice an entire level of spell slots higher than 6th level to emulate the spell iron body for a number of rounds equal to your caster level. While in this form, you cannot benefit from any other abilities that require you to sacrifice a spell slot to power and any existing abilities already in play are canceled when you transform into iron.

Skill of Destruction (Su): You may sacrifice an entire level of spells slots of 8th level or higher to transform your body into death incarnate. Any weapon or creature which strikes you must roll a fortitude save (DC 10 + half your level + cha modifier) or be disintegrated on contact. You may not attack a creature while initiating this magical skill as it takes your complete concentration to maintain the transformation. This ability works only against one successful attack, but you may maintain it as long as you continue to concentrate. Once an attack is made against you, the effect is canceled whether the creature and/or their weapon was destroyed in the process or not.

Class Progression Table
1. Armor of Flesh +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2. Limited Invulnerability
3. Sundering Skin +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4. Spell Armor
5. Improved Armor of the Flesh +1 level of existing spellcasting class
6. Limited Invulnerability (+4 Fort bonus)
7. Spell Body +1 level of existing spellcasting class
8. Body of Iron
9. Skill of Destruction +1 level of existing spellcasting class
10. Limited Invulnerability (move equivalent action)

Warden of the Umbrasa
“Under the will of the Dark Speaker, I seek out and lock away all that oppose him”

The Umbrasa Gravelands is an extraplanar prison that is l housed inside the astral body of a dead deity which floats in the negative energy plane. Here, those who have committed great acts of evil are forever stored and tortured by those that call themselves the wardens of the Umbrasa. In reality, this prison is a great storehouse whose services are bought by those who have the greatest amount of money. When one wants to get rid of an enemy, they simply find a warden or summon one and offer a substantial fee for this enemy to disappear. The wardens also hunt down and imprison creatures of characters that have committed great acts of evil on their worlds and take them before their god, the Dark Speaker, for judgement and possible recruitment. Those that refuse are considered a danger to the church and are locked away forever within the rotting god corpse that is the Umbrasa Gravelands.

Wardens are normally evil aligned rangers or clerics of undeath, with necromancers or conjurers bringing up the rear of the recruitment. Rangers in particular make excellent wardens, since their tracking and favored enemy abilities can often spell the difference between dying while looking for a bounty or making a successful capture. The warden’s supernatural ability to detect evil and even potential evil in a subject makes them a perfect recruitment tool for the church of the Dark Speaker.

NPC wardens are not normally seen, but more of felt by player characters. If a player character has made a rich enemy or has committed a great act of evil, they may attract the attention of these powerful extraplanar bounty hunters. Most wardens exist and reside in the city of Bonenvar, located within the massive and now hollow skull of the dead deity’s head.

Hit Dice: d8

A character wishing to take the Warden of Umbrasa (WoU) prestige class must fulfill the following criteria first.

Alignment: Lawful or neutral evil
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Patron: The Dark Speaker
Knowledge (The Planes): 12 ranks
Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (Arcana): 12 ranks
Move Silently: 6 ranks
Survival: 6 ranks
Feats: Track, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Mancatcher), Stealthy, Self Sufficient

Class Skills: The Warden of the Umbrasa’s class skills (and the key ability for each one) are: Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana)(Int), Knowledge (The Planes)(Int), Knowledge (Religion)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Bounty Hunter), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points per Level: 4+Int modifier
Base Attack Bonus: As cleric
Base Saving Throws: Fort (Good), Ref (Good), Will (Good)

Class Features
The following are all class features of the Warden of Umbrasa prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A warden is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and all light armor.

Spells per Day/Bonus Feats: When a new warden level is gained (indicated on class table), the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in whatever arcane or divine spellcasting class she belonged to before they added the prestige class. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that they add the level of eldritch knight to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before they became an warden, they must decide to which class they add each level of warden for the purpose of determining spells per day. Non-spellcasting characters may instead select a bonus feat from the fighter’s list of available bonus feats.

Fear Aura (Su): A warden of Umbrasa carries a large amount of magical energy inside of them that radiates outward in waves of intimidation. This creates a fear aura effect that only affects the prey of the warden and only if the prey is lower in level than the warden. Prey that is lower level than the warden gain a will saving throw (DC 10 + 1 your warden level + cha modifier) to avoid its effects for 24 hours.

Mark Bounty (Su): A warden of Umbrasa may instill a bit of magical corruption into their prey with a touch attack. This touch deals no damage, but allows the warden to immediately know where the prey is if they escape from their custody. A creature may make a will save (DC 10 + 1 your warden level + cha modifier) to resist this taint. This effect only works on creatures of evil alignment.

Greater Detect Evil (Sp): Like a paladin, a warden of Umbrasa can detect evil at will. However, unlike a paladin, the warden of Umbrasa can also detect whether a character is close to becoming evil or has had evil thoughts or done questionable actions within 1 day per level of the warden of Umbrasa prestige class they have gained. Many use this to send a potential villain over the edge into full on evil alignment so they can collect a substantial bounty on their head when presented to their superiors.

Single Minded Pursuit (Ex): A warden of the Umbrasa is so single minded in their pursuit of a potential bounty that nothing can sway their path. At 3rd level, the warden of the Umbrasa becomes immune to mind-influencing effects used on them by the creature or character they are tracking to capture. Additionally, they are immune to any effect created by their bounty that would stop their movement or hold them (such as entangle, web, etc.) as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell. They may also bypass any lock or spell that attempts to bar them from their quarry if placed in effect by their prey to stop them.

Planar Weight (Su): At 5th level, the warden of Umbrasa begins to radiate an aura which acts as the spell Dimensional Anchor. This aura is equal to 5 ft. per level of the prestige class gained by the character initiating the effect and bars any extradimensional movement of its quarry only (Teleport, Greater Teleport, Dimension Door, etc.). The warden may lower this continuous effect at will but takes a standard action to raise it again.

Teleport Trap (Su): At 7th level, the warden of Umbrasa gains access to a special gem created from the walls of the corpse that houses the Umbrasa Gravelands. This gem, when within the presence of a teleporting enemy (30 ft.), may be commanded to capture the escaping essence of the warden’s marked prey and trap them inside of it. This works exactly like the Trap the Soul spell with the exception that it can only be used against a prey marked for capture. Any creature affected by this gem must roll a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 your level in warden of Umbrasa + cha modifier) or be trapped inside.

Class Progression Table
1. Mark Bounty, Greater Detect Evil
2. +1 level of existing spellcasting class or bonus feat
3. Fear Aura
4. +1 level of existing spellcasting class or bonus feat
5. Single Minded Pursuit
6. +1 level of existing spellcasting class or bonus feat
7. Planar Weight
8. +1 level of existing spellcasting class or bonus feat
9. Teleport Trap

Ripper Jack

The Ripper Jack is cursed and feels a need to kill others for pleasure. These serial murderers have no choice but to continue to kill or suffer from insomnia and night terrors as the spirits of the dead torment them. It is said that many come under possession of such spirits and kill during the night without knowing it, waking up in their beds covered in the dried viscera of those they killed the previous evening. Unlike most murderers, the Ripper Jack usually replaces one of their hands with a hook or a blade with which they kill. They do this unconsciously, as they're effectively possessed when the hand is removed and the weapon attached. This weapon can be hidden as a crippled arm or through the various supernatural powers the Ripper Jack develops later.

Ripper Jacks can be of any class, race, or culture as long as the character has a taste for death and a need to kill. Once they kill someone, it becomes hard for the Ripper Jack to control the desire to stalk the night, but they try to cover it up as best as they can. They do not end up under the executioner's axe or in a hangman's noose.

NPC Ripper Jacks come from all aspects of society and culture. Nobles may prowl the streets at night, killing the peasantry for fun and sport. Meanwhile, the same peasants may desire to kill those nobles who seemingly repress them.

Hit Dice: d6

The character must fulfill the following criteria to take the Ripper Jack (RIP) prestige class:

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil
Feats: Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (Arm Weapon). The Ripper Jack cannot have the Iron Will feat.
Special: The character must have killed at least one man or woman for pleasure. They must also murder one evil aligned character who is at least 4 levels or hit dice higher than they are. These two acts must be entirely separate incidents for the character to meet this special requirement.

Class Skills: The Ripper Jack's (RIP) class skills (and the key ability for each one) are: Climb (Str), Conceal Evidence (Wis), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Locks (Dex), Search (Wis), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Saving Throws: Fort (Strong), Reflex (Strong), Will (Weak)
Base Attack Bonus: As cleric

Class Features
The following are all class features of the Ripper Jack prestige class

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Ripper Jack becomes proficient with all simple weapons and light martial weapons. They do not gain any new knowledge of armor or shields.

Night Terrors (Ex): At 1st level, the Ripper Jack is forced to roll a will saving throw (DC 10 + Level of Ripper Jack + Cha modifier) or be unable to sleep. Frightful images which the accursed spirits which haunt them torment them with. As the Ripper Jack gains in levels, it becomes harder and harder for them to rest without killing. For every person they slay in cold blood, the Ripper Jack gains a +2 bonus to their will saving throw that night when they go to rest. Should the Ripper Jack fail this save, they suffer the entire next day from lack of rest (-1 to all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks). These effects are cumulative should the Ripper Jack fail to sleep for more than just one night.

Night Stalking (Ex): The Ripper Jack, even when asleep, comes alive to kill as the spirits which torment him possess his body once sleep has paralyzed their will. Night Stalking makes the Ripper Jack very dangerous to sleep near, as the character is not in their right mind. They appear to be awake, with the exception that their eyes seem to contain no color, becoming black orbs which freeze the souls of those that stare into them for too long. The Ripper Jack gains only one Will saving throw to resist this control (DC 10 + Level of Ripper Jack + Cha bonus - 2 for each kill they made willingly the day before). Should they pass the save, the Ripper Jack does not stir during the night to kill.

Arm Weapon (Su): The Ripper Jack, while under their first Night Stalking possession, cuts or rips off their own arm (usually causing around 20 points of damage and the permanent loss of 1d8 hit points) and grafts a weapon of the slashing type (usually a dagger, flesh hook, or a short sword) to the bone itself. This weapon becomes a natural extension of the Ripper Jack's body just like their hand was. Through it they can feel as if touching with their normal hand and they are damaged and bleed should the weapon be sundered. This supernatural connection to their murder weapon of choice gives them a +2 bonus to attack with it and a restoration of 1d4 hit points which represent the weapon becoming a part of their body.

Weapon to Flesh (Sp): The Ripper Jack can mentally cause his or her arm weapon to assume the form of their former hand in order to hide it from view or detection. This ability works as a Polymorph Object spell with the exception that it can only allow the Ripper Jack to attain his or her hand and allows the weapon to transfer from being an object to a living organic form. The Ripper Jack can perform this ability once per day at 3rd level for one round per level of Ripper Jack they attain They gain additional uses of this ability at levels 6, and 9.

In My Victim's Eyes (Sp): The Ripper Jack can disappear from the view of everyone around them except for their intended victim as if using an Improved Invisibility spell. This gives their victim a feeling of helplessness as they scream in horror while those around them look at them as if they were bound for the mad house. Other than the victim of their next attack being able to see them, this ability works exactly as the spell mentioned above. They can perform this trick of magic once per day for one minute per two levels of Ripper Jack they have. This usually gives them time to scare the skin off their victim and then hunt them down and brutally rip them to pieces.

Rend the Flesh (Ex): The Ripper Jack rends an enemy or target a new orifice on a critical hit. This causes an extra 1d6 points of damage in addition to the double damage inflicted by the critical hit. The critical threat range of the Ripper Jack's arm weapon increases by one factor.

Clean Killer (Ex): The Ripper Jack instinctively knows where or not they have left any sort of evidence behind which may or may not implicate them with the murder they just committed. This instinct allows the Ripper Jack to take 10 on his Conceal Evidence check when he or she wouldn't normally be able to due to time constraints.

Brutal Attack (Ex): Once per day, the Ripper Jack can deal additional damage to a victim equal to his or her level in the Ripper Jack prestige class + their charisma bonus. This is a full round attack action and the Ripper can do it two times plus their charisma bonus per day.

Eviscerating Strike (Ex): The most powerful of the Ripper Jack's attacks. The Eviscerating Strike literally disembowels their victim on a successful strike. This does not kill the victim, but makes it really hard for them to defend themselves as they attempt to keep their innards from falling out of their body cavity onto the ground. This takes a full round attack action and the Ripper Jack must successfully make and exceed the target's armor class by at least 4 on their attack roll (symbolizing the weapon cutting through even metal armor). If successful, the victim's abdomen is sliced open across the middle, revealing their innards. This stuns the victim for one round and all following rounds they take a -4 penalty to all attacks, armor class, and reflex saving throws. In addition to these penalties, the victim also takes 1d4 points of damage for every minute their wounds are not completely bound (which takes 1d4 rounds because of the severity of the wound).

Stalker (Ex): Everyday that a Ripper Jack concentrates on stalking one victim, they gain a cummulative +1 bonus to attack (up to +5) against them when they finally strike. This cannot be used in conjunction with Eviscerating Strike but can be used with Brutal Attack and lesser attack abilities of the Ripper Jack prestige class.

Living Legend (Ex): The Ripper Jack becomes a legend in the minds of those that live near where he or she preys. Books, newspaper articles, and word of mouth spread the Ripper Jack's infamous deeds across the globe. This allows the Ripper Jack to take 20 in all Intimidate skill checks if he or she reveals who they are and act in a threatening manner to those they are trying to instill fear in.

Ripper Jack Progression Table

1. Night Stalking, Night Terrors
2. Arm Weapon
3. Weapon to Flesh 1/day
4. In My Victim's Eyes
5. Rend the Flesh
6. Clean Killer, Weapon to Flesh 2/day
7. Brutal Attack
8. Eviscerating Strike
9. Weapon to Flesh 3/day, Stalker
10. Living Legend

The Undying Master

"Crushing the will of the living is almost as fun as sapping the life from their quivering bodies"

The Undying Master is a spell caster who specializes in creating undead minions and summoning extraplanar allies for their own sick and perverse ends. Above all, this necromancer craves power over others, including the living as well as the undead. The undead, as unthinking automatons, make the perfect and unquestioning slaves that will tolerate all types of abuse without protest. The Undying Master wants this from all, but can only garner it through those who have already passed through the veil of death and been brought back by necromantic magic or have tasted the effects of the Undying Master's unusual mastery of magic which clouds the living mind into doing their bidding.

Clerics, wizards, and sorcerers are most suited to the Undying Master's way of life as they can cast the appropriate spells needed to create an army of undying and fiendish minions. Very rarely do bards and druids take the Undying Master prestige class. It is impossible for fighters, rogues, and barbarians to do so.

Most NPC Undying Masters are solitary in nature, tolerating only the company of their undead minions, charmed slaves, and summoned monsters. They have no place in normal society and even other necromancers shun them for their unnatural appearances and alien powers.

Hit Dice: d4

A character must fulfill all the criteria to take the Undying Master (UdM) prestige class.

Alignment: Any evil
Knowledge (Undead) : 8 ranks
Feats: Resist Death, Improved Resist Death, Extra Turning
Spells: Must be able to cast 3rd level arcane and divine spells
Special: Must have made peaceful contact with an evil outsider or intelligent undead learning all they can about the nature of magic as cast by that kind of creature.

Class Skills: The Undying Master's (UdM) class skills (and the key ability for each) are: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Alchemy), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (undead)(Int), Move Silently (Dex), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Point Per Level: 2 + Int modifier
Base Attack Bonus: As wizard
Base Saving Throws: Fortitude (Good), Reflex (Weak), Will (Good)

Class Features
The following are class features of the Undying Master prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Undying Master gains no new knowledge of weapons or armor.

Spells per Day: A Undying Master continues training in magic. Thus, when a new Undying Master level indicated below as having a new level of spells is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if they had also gained a level in a spellcasting class they belonged to before they added the prestige class. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking un:)dead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that they add the level of Undying Master to the level of some other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.

Spell Focus: The Undying Master gains the Spell Focus feat for free at levels one and two. They can pick any school from which they are not barred from casting, though most pick Enchantment or Necromancy.

Dark Gift I

The Undying Master recieves dark boons and blessings from their fiendish or alien patron. A Undying Master can always choose to pick a power from a lower list instead of one from a higher list. With each Dark Gift, the Undying Master must choose a Dark Curse. At 3rd level, the Undying Master recieves their first enhancement from their alien or fiendish patron. The player may pick from the following list at 3rd level to compliment their character's abilities.

Animate Dead (Sp): The Undying Master gains the ability to cast animate dead by touch a number of times equal to 1 + their Charisma bonus per day. This ability affects one corpse per use.

Bone Fetish (Ex): When using the bone from a sentient creature as an additional focus for any necromancy spell, the Undying Master may add the bonus provided by their Intelligence modifier to the spell's DC a second time. This increases the potency of the spell, but also increases the casting time to a minimum of one round.

Charm by Touch (Sp): The Undying Master can touch a living creature in order to place it under the effects of a charm person spell. A Will save (DC = 10 + Undying Master's Level + Cha modifier) is awarded to resist the charm. The Undying Master can only perform this ability three times per day and must make a sucessful touch attack against the person to be charmed.

Stygian Sight (Ex): The Undying Master gains 60 ft. darkvision.

Undead Mastery (Su): The Undying Master gains the ability to control more undead than he or she would normally be allowed. Instead of only being able to control twice their level in HD worth of undead, the Undying Master can now control 3 times their level in undead.

Undead Toughness (Ex): The Undying Master gains 6 permanent hit points. This can be taken multiple times, but never more than three times.

Dark Gift II

The Undying Master may pick from this second list when he or she reaches 6th level. The Undying Master may instead choose another ability from Dark Gift I instead of choosing one of these.

Assume Undeath (Su): The Undying Master gains the immunities and weaknesses of the undead once a day for 1 round per level of Undying Master. This renders the Undying Master immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and mind‑influencing effects. They become immune to subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain and critical hits. However, if they a sucessfully turned as an undead equal to their hit dice, they are stunned for 1 round per level of the turning character. If they would have been destroyed, they are instead blinded for 1 minute per level of the turning character as well as being stunned. If being rebuked, they flee from the cleric (for one round per level of the rebuking character) and if being controlled, they act as if charmed by the opposing cleric (for a duration of one round per level of the controlling character). They are also damaged by any cure spells and are healed by any inflict spells, as if undead. The Undying Master's hit points and Constitution score remain the same, as the ability only mimics the immunities and weaknesses of the undying.

Corpse Skin (Ex): The Undying Master loses some feeling in their body as their skin hardens to an almost rigor‑mortis condition. This provides the Undying Master with damage reduction 3/‑.

Quickness (Ex): The Undying Master gains a +4 bonus to their Reflex saving throws. This Dark Gift can only be taken once.

Strong Soul (Ex): The Undying Master gains a +4 bonus to their Fortitude saving throws. This Dark Gift can only be taken once.

Strong Mind (Ex): The Undying Master gains a +4 bonus to their Will saving throws. This Dark Gift can only be taken once.

Control/Rebuke Outsider (Su): The Undying Master can turn outsiders as if they were a undead creature of the same hit dice. The Undying Master controls/rebukes evil outsiders, but turns good aligned outsiders.

Dark Gift III

The Undying Master may choose from this list once they reach level 9. They can choose to pick one ability from a lower list if they so wish.

Black Blessing (Su): Once per day, the character can designate one or more spell slots of any level to the Black Blessing. Should he be reduced to below ‑1 hit points,
he is immediately healed of 1d8 hit points per spell level slot expended.

Pure Mastery (Su): Once per day per point of Wisdom modifier, the Undying Master can choose to have his or her control or rebuking attempt automatically succeed on a undead creature that doesn't exceed his or her levels in hit dice.

Spell Resistance (Ex): The Undying Master gains SR equal to 5 + their level in Undying Master (for a maximum of SR 10 at 10th level).

True Undeath (Ex): The Undying Master's patron provides them with the secrets of assuming a permanent undead state. The player can pick one of the following templates to add to their Undying Master: Lich, Ghost, or Vampire. This process is immediate and irreversable. If the player picks the lich template, they must still create their phylactery before being granted this gift and must spend all appropriate cost in money and experience to assume this new form.

Wildshape (Su): The Undying Master can, once per day for one hour per level, change into an animal form that is associated with death taking as if casting Polymorph Self. Raven, wolf, vulture, bat and other predatory animals are the most common forms assumed.

Dark Curse: With each Dark Gift, comes a equally nasty curse, compulsion, deformity, or insanity. Each time a new Dark Gift is gained by an Undying Master, they must pick one of the following curses to go along with it.

Curse of Magic: The Undying Master can only cast spells from the school of necromancy and enchantment without penalty. When trying to cast spells from other schools of magic, they suffer 10% chance of spell failure. This only affects arcane spells and stacks with any other failure chances occured from wearing cumbersome armor.

Curse of the Snake (Su): The Undying Master's off‑hand arm is permanently transmuted into a fiendish viper. This snake does not attack the character, but in all other ways behaves like a normal creature, biting at anybody that approaches too suddenly and becoming ill‑tempered if not promptly fed a proper reptilian diet. The character has no control over the serpent's actions, and nothing he does, including the charm animal spell and Handle Animal skill checks, will ever make it so.

This viper does not attack the Undying Master's enemies, but instead attacks the Undying Master everytime they try and cast a spell, causing one point of damage as the snake playfully nips at the Undying Master. This causes the Undying Master to roll a Concentration check each and everytime he tries to cast a spell while the snake arm isn't bound or muzzled. The Undying Master has no mental control over the snake arm.

Earthbound: Like the vampire, the character has an aversion to running water. Though causing him no actual damage, to cross any river or stream of one's own violition requires a Will save (DC 25). When traveling on any river‑ or seagoing vessel, the character is extremely uncomfortable and cannot use any Undying Master special abilities (though all penalties remain).

Haunting: The Undying Master is haunted by a spirit they cannot control or destroy, no matter what they do. This spirit is little more than a poltergiest but can cause the Undying Master a lot of problems both mentally and physically. In combat, it tries to interfere with the Undying Master's spell casting, causing them to have to roll a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level) to keep any and all spells they are trying to cast. Second, it interferes with any melee combat the Undying Master is engaged in by grappling the weapon they are using (causing a ‑2 penalty to hit).

Hideous Appearance (Ex): The Undying Master takes on the appearance of the undead, suffering a ‑1 profane penalty to all charisma‑based skill checks in which they are trying to gain a positive or friendly response from another character. Such skills affected might be Bluff, Diplomacy, or Handle Animal. These defects might include horns on the head, a blind third eye on the forehead, or the loss of all hair on the body.

Light Sensitivity: When in full contact with pure sunlight, the character suffers a ‑4 penalty to all attacks, skill checks, and saving throws, due to the unusually bright light and the mild burning he suffers.

Mole (Ex): The Undying Master feels the need to memorize their spells underground or to sleep underground to regain their spells per day. If they do not do this, they lose all of the spell level bonuses that the Undying Master class provides them until they do.

Venom's Wrath: The Undying Master has a severe reaction to all poisons. Should they fail their fortitude saving throw to resist the poison, they take more damage than normal. The Undying Master takes double the ability damage from poisons on both initial and secondary damage rolls.

Vermin‑Plagued: The Undying Master's body has become a haven for vermin and insects. Maggots, worms and other vermin inhabit every part of his body and continuously drip off around him. This results in the character not being able to heal as quickly (only healing one point of damage per day of rest) and suffering a ‑6 penalty to all charisma‑based skill checks in which the Undying Master wants a friendly reaction from another character or NPC.

Master Necromancer (Ex): The Undying Master's expertise in the magic of the dead is unrivaled. At 10th level the Undying Master gains free 'levels' which they can use to reduce the penalties to the level of the spells they modify with a meta magic feat. A number of free levels equal to 5 + the Undying Master's intelligence modifier are gained and these level points can be spent by the Undying Master when they choose to prepare their spells for the day. A Undying Master could prepare a Quickened Enervation and spend 4 of their free levels in order to have the spell take up a normal 4th level spot as if it was not modified by the Quicken Spell feat.

Undying Master Progression Table
1. Spell Focus +1 level of existing spell casting class
2. Spell Focus +1 level of existing spell casting class
3. Dark Gift I, Dark Curse
4. +1 level of existing spell casting class
5. +1 level of existing spell casting class
6. Dark Gift II, Dark Curse
7. +1 level of existing spell casting class
8. +1 level of existing spell casting class
9. Dark Gift III, Dark Curse
10. Master Necromancer

Eye of Secrets

The spy that uses information for personal gain is an Eye of Secrets. These men and women use whatever means necessary to gain sensitive information that they can use to extort money, power, or other wealth from the rich and powerful who are doing things they shouldn’t be. While some may see the Eye of Secrets as a savior, the truth is the fiends do these ‘good deeds’ only if the person the information incriminates doesn’t pay up quick enough. Using magic, wit, or other devices of their trade, the Eye of Secrets is always there in the shadows, lurking and waiting with an ear and an eye open for anything they can use to increase their finances at the expense of those who maybe less vile than they are. Some authorities may employ an Eye of Secrets by offering them a large sum of money or magic in order to gain information to expel some corrupt official, but the Eye of Secrets will always offer said official a chance to negotiate a higher payment for their silence should anything criminal be found hiding in their background.

Most Eye of Secrets are rogues or wizards/sorcerers with a taste for illusion and money. Sometimes a multiclass rogue/cleric who worships a god of secrets will become an Eye of Secrets in order to impress his or her deity as well as gain some extra funds (and maybe converts) for their church.

NPC Eye of Secrets are usually loners who have little connections to anyone or anything. In their line of work, having friends and colleagues is not often conducive to a good career as such connections could reveal dirt on the characters themselves. Sometimes they will be employed by law enforcement agencies or personal businesses trying to find dirt on corrupt officials and/or rivals.

Hit Dice: d6

In order for a character to take levels in Eye of Secrets, they must fulfill the following criteria.

Alignment: Any evil
Hide: 4 ranks
Move Silently: 8 ranks
Spot: 8 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Gather Information: 4 ranks
Feats: Skill Focus (Hide), Skill Focus (Move Silently), Alertness, Improved Initiative
Sneak Attack: +2d6
Special: The character must learn information about a particular rich and/or famous NPC and use that information for their own personal gain rather than turning the NPC into the authorities. This is the first experience the character has as an Eye of Secrets.

Class Skills: The Eye of Secret’s class skills (and they key ability for each one) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int modifier

Saves: Fort (Weak), Ref (Strong), Will (Strong)
Base Attack Bonus: As rogue

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Eye of Secrets prestige class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency (Ex): The Eye of Secrets gains proficiency in all simple and martial weapons as well as light and medium armor.

Master the Unseen (Sp): The Eye of Secrets can assume a form that is similar to the spell, Invisibility, with the exception that it makes his body transparent and not completely invisible. This gives the Eye of Secrets a +10 enhancement bonus to Hide and Move Silently skill checks for one minute per level that the character has in Eye of Secrets. This ability can be used twice, plus the charisma modifier of the Eye of Secrets, per day.

Keen Hearing (Ex): The training and experience of spying has allowed the Eye of Secrets to add their wisdom modifier to all listen (a second time) and gather information skill checks. This bonus is in addition to the charisma bonus for gather information and stacks with the wisdom modifier already added to listen checks This bonus is lost if the Eye of Secrets is ever deafened by a loud sound or a spell with a sonic descriptor.

Pierce any Barrier (Sp): The Eye of Secrets gains a form of vision that allows them to see through walls and other barriers that are less than 1 ft. in depth per level of the Eye of Secrets. The exception to this is any barrier that is formed from magic (active magic, not magic that creates walls such as Wall of Stone, Wall of Iron, etc.) or lead. In these cases, the Eye of Secrets can only penetrate to a depth of one inch per their level in this prestige class. This ability is continuous, but requires concentration on the part of the character for at least a round. While using this ability, the Eye of Secrets can only make a 5ft. move and cannot pierce any barrier if they are under direct attack from an enemy. This ability does not function in an area of dead or anti-magic.

Keen Sight (Ex): The Eye of Secrets knows when and where to look when gathering information. As such, they gain a +2 enhancement bonus to all Spot, Search, and Read Lips skill checks. The Eye of Secrets also gains Dark Vision of 60 ft.

Master the Unknown (Sp): The character gains the ability to assume Gaseous Form (as the spell) once per day for every five levels he or she has gained in the Eye of Secrets prestige class. This ability can be used a maximum of twice per day at 10th level.

Shadow Scrying (Sp): The Eye of Secrets can turn any shadow into a scrying device which they can use to spy on anyone who happens to be in a room with a shadow in it. Through this shadow, the Eye of Secrets can see, hear, even smell everything that goes on in the room that contains the remote shadow they are using to tune in. Like scrying with any other device, a successful Scrying skill check (DC 20) must be performed before any information can be gleaned from the enspelled darkness. Any creature with an intelligence of 12 or higher can make a Scrying check (DC 20) to notice they are being watched.

Create Spy Servitor (Sp): The Eye of Secrets delves into deep and forbidden magics in order to learn how to summon a Spy Servitor. These little outsiders appear and have the same statistical information as an Imp. In all ways the Spy Servitor is considered a familiar of the Eye of Secrets (even if the Eye isn’t a wizard or sorcerer) and gains hit points, intelligence, and other benefits as a familiar as their master gains levels in Eye of Secrets.

Spy Servitor: CR 1; Tiny Outsider; HD 1d8 +1 (5 hp); Speed 40 ft (8 squares)., Fly 60 (12 squares) ft. (excellent); Init +3, AC 20 (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +4 Natural), touch 15, flat footed 16; Atk Bite -1 Melee (1d3 – 2) Sting -1 (1d4) melee ; Space/Reach 2 ft./2ft.; SA Wounding Sting; SQ Poison Immunity; AL Always Evil; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 8, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6. Skills: Gather Information +10; Feats: Skill Focus (Gather Information).
Special Attacks: Wounding Sting (Ex): The Spy Servitor secretes a poison from its tail which causes an additional 1 point of damage per round for 1d4 rounds if a successful melee attack is made with its sting attack.
Special Qualities: Poison Immunity (Ex): The Spy Servitor is immune to the effects and damage from all poisons, magical or mundane.
Familiar: The Spy Servitor provides its master with a +2 bonus to gather information skill checks.

Contacts (Ex): Contacts are a great way to gather rumors about possible dirty deeds of the rich and famous. The Eye of Secrets now gains 1d4 contacts in any given area per level gained after 6th level. These contacts (usually NPCs the Eye has helped in the past or has extorted money from) will have a 10% chance per month between visits from the Eye of Secrets of having a dirty rumor which may lead to a good extortion scheme. The Eye of Secrets may have to pay for this information, but it is always less than what they will earn should a lead turn ripe for fortune. This fee is usually at least 1,000 gp minus 100 gold pieces per point of charisma modifier.

Extort the Best (Ex): The diplomatic skills of the Eye of Secrets are rarely rivaled by any but the most dedicated politician. As such, the Eye of Secrets gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all Diplomacy and Intimidate skill checks when dealing with a target over negotiating a silence fee.

The Devil’s Own Senses (Su): The Eye of Secret's gains a +10 expert bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks. They also gain the ability to reroll any one of these skills once per day on a failed roll.

Eye of Secrets Progression

1. Master the Unseen
2. Keen Hearing
3. Pierce Any Barrier
4. Keen Sight
5. Master the Unknown
6. Shadow Scrying
7. Create Spy Servitor
8. Contacts
9. The Devil’s Own Senses
10. Master the Unknown


“It is quite clear to me, professor, that the creature laying before us was once a man”. Halazarn Abropect, half elven sage and scholar of the local school of wizardry and knowledge, stood above a motley green and brown figure laying on the front walk to the entrance of the school. The mutated creature had slain not one, not two, but three students before one of the other professors had taken it down with an illegal, but necessary Finger of Death spell from a second floor arrow slit. One side of the creature’s head was definately human in origin with a soft brown eye and hair showing, despite the fact that the other side was a mass of spongy brown scales with a insectoid compound eye taking up a good half of what was left.

“What happened to it and why did it attack us?” The other older man said, his green robes of office bunched up around his twig-like knees as he walked slowly along the creature’s massive abdomen, fearing that some corrupting magic oozing from its wounds might somehow change his flesh.

“I don’t know”, Halazarn stated, turning from the creature to look up at another of the arrow slits, this one on the third floor, to meet the glowing eye of someone standing in the darkened corridor of the blocked off section of the school. “However, I can guarantee whoever it is, they’re among our teacher or student population...”

The Abomination is a person who was willing to sell their flesh to the Aberrant Order of Asymmetry, an insane group known to hold up the ideals of genetic manipulation through magic and science to create a state of perfection, despite the practice of genetic manipulation being banned in most civilized nations. They flaunt nature’s tendency to create symmetrical creatures and find the uneven and the unusual to be true forms of beauty and perfection. The abominations they create are the results of such experiments, all which have failed to produce a perfect being. The abomination is otherwise normal most of the time, but often go insane and are prone to mindless rage and homicidal tendencies when angered. Most have to be watched by the Order or put down when they become too much to control. However, some members of the cult-like Order like to set their creations loose on an unsuspecting populace to observe any unusual development in their growth.

Abominations can be from any class, race, or background. Most have to be in a desperate situation to sell themselves into slavery and torment to the Aberrant Order of Asymmetry. In fact, most could be described as homeless men and women, people dying from a terminal disease, or even those already infected by some magical curse (such as Lycanthrope) which the Order will falsely promise to cure after their ‘experiments’ are through. If all else fails, large amounts of gold or other valuables will be offered for volunteers.

NPC Abominations are often prisoners of the Order, or are on some sort of mission for the Order which is shady at best. Not all members of the Aberrant Order of Asymmetry are evil, but a good amount happen to be evil transmuters with delusions of grandeur with the beneficial members often falling by the wayside or lumped with their evil brethren as men who mess the workings of life itself. Abominations will often break free of the control of the Order after they realize the Order has no intention of returning them to normal or fixing their problems.

Hit Die: d8

To qualify to become an Abomination, a character must fulfill the following criteria:

Disguise: 8 ranks
Move Silently: 12 ranks
Intimidate: 12 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, On a Dark Path, Alone in a Crowd
Special: Character must have suffered some major financial, physical, or mental tragedy and would be willing to sell their flesh to the Aberrant Order of Asymmetry so that these problems can be fixed.
Special: Must have transformation initiated by a character with at least 6 levels in Aberrant Order of Asymmetry.

Class Skills: The class skills for the Abomination (and they key ability for each) are: Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Jump (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Wis), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier

Saving Throws: Fortitude (Strong), Reflex (Weak), Will (Strong)
Base Attack Bonus: As cleric

Class Features
The following are all class features of the Abomination (ABM) prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The abomination is trained to use their natural attacks which may grow after their transformation has begun. Since the transformation is entirely random, it isn’t until after the weapons develop that the new creature is trained to fight using them. Whenever an abomination gains a new natural attack, they’re considered proficient with it. In addition to this, all Abominations are proficient with simple weapons and light armor (as long as they’re able to wear armor or wield weapons).

Aberrant Blood (Ex): The abomination’s type changes to Monstrous Humanoid at 1st level when they gain their first mutation. When this ability is gained again at 6th level, the Abomination’s type changes to Aberration.

Mutation I (Ex): The first mutation which affects the character will be a simple or weak mutation that may or may not be noticeable to outsiders. Pick from these mutations when gaining 1st level in abomination. All these mutations are listed as Extraordinary abilities as they generally depend on natural abilities gained and not supernatural or spell-like abilities. Any and all penalties causes by mutations stack. So if an abomination has Increased Armor, Enhanced Scent, and Spider Eyes, they may have up to a -3 penalty to charisma checks when dealing with people outside the Aberrant Order of Asymmetry. However, these penalties only come into effect when dealing with those outside of the Aberrant Order.

Increased Armor (Ex): Abomination gains a +2 natural armor bonus to armor class. A thick coat of fur or scales maybe the visual result of such a mutation, or could be as simple as the character’s skin becoming cold and stone-like. The visual effect is up to the player of the GM. Nevertheless, the change incurs a -1 penalty to charisma because of the alien change in the character.

Enhanced Darkvision (Ex): The character gains dark vision of 60 ft. when their type changes to monstrous humanoid. This particular mutation doubles that range (120 ft.), but also causes the character’s eyes to change to a unnaturally bright crimson glow in the dark. This glow is visible even through spells which make the character invisible, thus causing natural and magical darkness as well as invisibility spells completely useless in hiding the creature from enemy view.

Enhanced Scent (Ex): The character gains the Scent feat usually reserved for monsters. However, the change causes the character’s nose to lengthen to the point where they’re quite comical in appearance. This incurs a -2 penalty to charisma checks when dealing with unknown NPCs and other characters the abomination does not know. Only members of the Aberrant Order and other abominations are unaffected by this change in the character’s appearance.

Spider Eyes (Ex): The character’s hair falls out and is replaced by a pate-full of small insectoid eyes not unlike that of a spider. This gives the character 360 degree vision and makes them immune to all flanking attempts by enemies as they gain the ability to defend against attacks that come from behind them. However, personal communication becomes difficult at best unless the eyes are hidden beneath a hood or hat. When covered, the eyes provide no benefit to the character and do not share any special visibility that the character’s original eyes may have but are affected by future mutations to vision the character sustains. This mutation causes a -2 penalty to charisma-based skill check.

Wings (Ex): The character gains a small pair of wings which allows them to glide, but are too weak to allow them to actually fly. The character is affected as if by a Feather Fall spell when willingly jumping off a point of height. However, they cannot flap these wings in order to gain altitude of any kind. If thrown off a high ledge or cliff, the character can make a reflex save (DC 20) to right themselves and to get their wings out and avoid taking damage by gliding. These wings can easily be hidden beneath clothing, but provide no safety from falling if caught up in clothes.

Natural Weapons I (Ex): The character gains one natural attack. They can gain claws on one hand which deals 1d4 points of damage or sharpened teeth which deal 1d6 points of piercing damage on a successful attack. This causes a -1 penalty to charisma based skill checks when dealing with non-Aberrant Order individuals. The abomination is considered proficient with these weapons.

Spiked Flesh (Ex): The character gains small bone-like spikes or hooks in their flesh which damage and rip the flesh of enemies that try to eat, grapple, or otherwise physically move them with their own hands. These hooks deal 1d3 points of damage per round they’re in contact with the flesh of another as they seek to damage by extending outward like thorns and then wiggle into the flesh of the Abomination’s assailant.

Elemental Resistance (Ex): The character’s flesh gains resistance to certain elements. The abomination character picks an element and gains 5 resistance against it.

Horrific Appearance (Ex): The character’s appearance changes so that it is completely tasteless to other living creatures. When enraged, this appearance change becomes frightening and forces all those that are within 10 ft. of the abomination to roll a Will save (DC 10 + Half level of Abomination + Cha bonus) or be force to flee for 1d4 rounds. This only works once per combat encounter and only on the first round of combat.

Mutation II (Ex): At 5th level, the abomination begins to become more powerful and adds enhanced abilities to their body in the form of even more graphic distortions of flesh. Most of these abilities are supernatural or spell-like in nature.

Distort Reality (Su): The abomination’s form becomes forever blurry and impossible to identify by sight. This distortion of reality harms other living characters which get within threat range of the creature’s body and acts as the psionic power baleful teleport manifested as a 14th level psion. If the threatened opponent makes their save against this ability (Fortitude negates; DC = 10 + ½ abomination’s HD +cha modifier) they are not affected by the distortion of reality surrounding the abomination for 24 hours. Creatures immune to teleportation or disintegration are immune to the distort reality ability of the abomination.

Natural Weapons II (Su): An abomination can only select this greater mutation if they have selected Natural Weapons I at an earlier level. Your natural attacks now cause 1d4 points of strength and dexterity damage with each successful attack. Creatures struck by your attack are granted a fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + ½ abomination’s HD + cha modifier) to resist this damage. If successful, that enemy is immune to your ability draining for 24 hours.

Insanity (Su): Just viewing your distorted form can cause enemies within 30 ft. of you to act as if under the effects of the confusion spell. This is considered a gaze attack that cannot be reflected back upon you. Creatures viewing your form are granted a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + ½ abomination’s HD + cha modifier) to negate this temporary madness. Those who make this save successfully are immune to your insanity causing effect permanently.

Skin of Iron (Su): Your have the supernatural ability to gain damage reduction versus specific weapons. Whenever successfully struck by an opponent’s weapon, you gain DR equal to the damage sustained from that attack against that one weapon. This damage reduction has no weakness and is considered DR (damage dealt)/–. This damage reduction only works against that one weapon and the opponent can easily change weapons if they know of this property. However, you can continue gaining damage reduction versus new weapons used against you. Weapons that specifically damage aberrations are immune to this damage reduction and affect you normally when attacked.

Spell Eye (Sp): You gain a tentacle on your body which ends in a grotesque eye. This eye has the ability to cast a single spell every 1d4 rounds as a ray effect. This spell can be any damage causing spell of 4th level or lower in power and deals damage as if it was cast by a sorcerer equal to your HD. For instance, a fireball eye would deal 10d6 points of fire damage to a single opponent struck by it if you were 10th level.

Energy Immunity (Su): You become completely immune to a type of energy of your choice. Normally, the energy type made immune is the same one you were made resistance from with the lower level energy resistance ability.

Distorting Touch (Su): Your touch causes other creatures to transform into horrible aberrations under your control. Creatures touched by you are granted a Will save (DC 10 + ½ abomination’s HD + cha modifier) to resist the effect. Those who fail find themselves not only under your control, but also begin to change in form to match you in appearance. This causes a reduction in charisma, intelligence, and wisdom by 1d6 points. This loss is permanent unless a break enchantment spell is cast on the affected opponent. Additionally, they lose all class abilities granted by their normal form and gain two natural attacks at your HD that deal 1d6+1 points of damage. They have the same armor class as you do and d8 hit points per former HD as their type changes to aberration. They follow your commands explicitly and will even attack and devour former allies. A successful break enchantment spell cast on an affected character reverses the change and makes the creature permanently immune to such change by you. A successful save means the creature is not transformed and is forever immune to your distorting touch ability.

Spawn (Ex): Every five levels you gain, you may elect to sacrifice a level to create a servitor creature from your own body as you asexually reproduce. This creature is identical to you in every way but only possesses 1 of your mutations (from Mutation I only) and 1/4th your hit dice/levels. You may have one such spawn under your control for every point of charisma modifier you possess. Every spawn created after this number is free-willed, but is unlikely to attack you.

Consume Whole (Su): You gain the Swallow Whole monster ability. In addition to this impressive attack, your size increases by two categories (mostly mouth). A creature swallowed in such a manner must roll a fortitude save every round or suffer 1d4 negative levels as if under the effects of the enervation spell. If they escape, these levels return within 1d10 minutes. A creature who reaches 0 levels or hit dice while within inside you is forever destroyed and you gain a permanent hit point.

Class Progression Table
1. Aberrant Blood, Mutation I
2. Mutation I
3. +1 level of existing spellcasting level
4. Mutation I
5. Mutation II
6. Aberrant Blood, +1 Level of existing spellcasting level
7. +1 level of existing spellcasting level
8. Mutation II
9. +1 level of existing spellcasting level
10. Mutation II

Living Vampire

Living Vampires are the servants of those undead that search the night for blood. They are sought out by vampires who need a living seneschal to ferry them around during the day or to venture into a nearby city to bring them victims, when they are occupied with other matters. They are known for their ability to coerce even the most stubborn individual into accompanying them to their deaths with a smile.

Any class can benefit from being a Living Vampire as the class relies more on a state of being rather than any specific career choice. As they gain in levels, the Living Vampires becomes more and more like their vampire patron

A vampire can have one or more Living Vampires serving them and they always obey their master's whims, for they one day hope to be one of the immortal dead. They provide their vampire patron with whatever he or she desires, even if that means sacrificing blood to sate their hunger. NPC living vampires may be found living normal lives, but in reality live a double existence as they serve their master.

Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become a Living Vampire (LVp), a character must meet the following criteria:

Alignment: Any evil
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Patron: A vampire posessing at least 10 hit dice and/or character levels.
Bluff: 4 ranks
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
Disguise: 4 ranks
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Improved Unarmed Attack
Special: Must have been under the influence of a vampire's domination ability or suffered constitution damage from being bitten by a vampire.

Class Skills: A Living Vampire's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Craft (Alchemy)(Int), Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (undead) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), and Spot (Wis)

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Saves: Fort (Weak), Reflex (Strong), Will (Strong)
Base Attack Bonus: As Rogue

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Living Vampire prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: If they don't already have it, a character gains proficiency with all Simple and Martial Weapons and all Light Armor.

Thirst (Su): A Living Vampire, after being bitten by their new patron, craves the blood of the living just as their master does. The Living Vampire's teeth lengthen into fangs and they gain a bite attack which deals 1d4 points of damage and inflicts 1 temporary point of Constitution damage. Once empowered by their vampire patron, a Living Vampire becomes immune to the permanent effects of their patron's bite, being considered temporary damage from that point on.

Serve and Protect (Ex): A Living Vampire gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage with their bite or melee attacks against any foe who is threatening their vampire patron. In addition to this bonus, they gain a +2 bonus to any skill check which is performed in the process of carrying out a direct order from their undead patron.

Debilitating Touch (Su): A Living Vampire can, once every 1d6 rounds, cause 1 temporary negative level to any opponent which takes damage from their unarmed attack. This negative level is not permanent and disappears one hour after it is inflicted.

Scion of the Bat (Ex): A Living Vampire develops Dark Vision out to a range of 60 ft.

Vampiric Senses (Ex): The Living Vampire gains a +4 to Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses do stack with the bonuses afford by Serve and Protect if the Living Vampire is somehow serving his patron directly by using these skills (such as searching for a vampire hunter outside their master's tomb, or listening for the telltale steps of approaching food).

Greater Thirst (Su): The Living Vampire's patron drains them almost to the point of death and makes them rest a night in a coffin buried under the ground. When they awaken the next night they are fed a single drop of their patron's blood. This experience brings on a more drastic change in the Living Vampire, increasing their bite attack damage to 1d6 and the resulting temporary constitution loss to 2 points.

Weaknesses (Su): The character can now be turned or rebuked as a undead creature with the same hit dice as the character has levels in Living Vampire (Max of 10 HD). A turning roll that would result in the destruction of a undead of the same hit dice as the Living Vampire instead stuns them for one round per level of the cleric performing the turning. The character also takes a ‑1 penalty to all skill, ability, damage, and attack rolls while in contact with pure sunlight (not just from the spell Daylight). They gain bonuses when in areas enchanted with a desecrate spell and suffer penalties if entering an area that has been purified with a consecrate spell as if they were undead.

Bonus Feats: A Living Vampire gains a bonus feat at levels 7 and 9. They may choose these bonus feats from the any metamagic, metapsionic, psionic, or non‑class specific general feat.

Fast Healing (Su): The Living Vampire gains a bit of their master's ability to heal while within 30 ft. of them. If within this range, they gain Fast Healing 2.

Embrace (Su): The Living Vampire's patron deems them worthy to finally join the ranks of the undead and fully embraces them. The Living Vampire gains the Vampire Template at 10th level. Their type changes to undead and they are forever under control of their master until at which time he is slain by an outside force. The vampire template's abilities overlap those of the Living Vampire prestige class and only those that provide a benefit different from the vampire template remain available to the character (Examples of abilities that overlap: Debilitating Touch and the vampire's energy drain. In this instance, the Debilitating Touch would no longer be available to the character as the energy drain ability is much more powerful).

Ex‑Living Vampires: Should a Living Vampire's master be slain in battle, they lose all class features of the Living Vampire prestige class except the following: Base Saving Throws, Base Attack Bonus, and Hit Dice. Since their entire purpose is to help provide for their undead master, such a failure as letting them die is seen as the ultimate disgrace. A Ex‑Living Vampire can regain their class features by searching out and attuning themselves to a new master. This process takes 1 week per level of the Living Vampire prestige class and consists of the character drinking a small amount of their new patron's blood every night when they first awaken. If even one feeding is missed, the entire process must be started again.

Class Progression Table
1. Thirst
2. Serve and Protect
3. Debilitating Touch
4. Scion of the Bat
5. Vampiric Senses
6. Greater Thirst, Weaknesses
7. Bonus Feat
8. Fast Healing
9. Bonus Feat
10. Embrace
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