ZEITGEIST Various Zeitgeist Questions


Knight of Solamnia
I've been looking through my RPG book collection recently trying to decide whether to get rid of some old books or not. I moved a year ago and discovered I had a lot more stuff than I originally thought I had, and I just don't have the space.

So this leads me to Zeitgeist. I got the first volume of the adventure path with the old Kickstarter. I never bought the other books. Also, this version is for Pathfinder 1e and I have long since moved on to D&D 5e.

With all that in mind, I'm considering getting rid of this book.

However, as I understand it, there's a 5e version available. So here are my questions.
  1. Am I correct that if I subscribe to En5ider, I'll have access to the entire adventure path in PDF format?
  2. Are there physical versions of the 5e adaptations?
  3. Has any of the art or layout changed from the PF 1e version?
  4. Is the adventure any good? I have yet to play it.
That's all for now. Thanks in advance.

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  1. Yes
  2. No, I don't think so. There might have been a one-off printing as part of a Kickstarter, but I can't find any current options.
  3. There are not any significant changes.
  4. It's got its rough edges sometimes, but overall, it's marvelous for anyone who wants a deep campaign with a longstanding group.
So, yes, you could part ways with the PF book (maybe sell it?), and get everything on EN5ider. There's also a Roll20 version, but only half of the AP has been released so far on that platform.

When you get it on EN5ider, it's well worth a skim over the whole thing to see all they managed to put into the campaign. Each adventure is unique, with great plots that work together. The best part is that you can read through it and decide if it is a good fit for you and your group.


Knight of Solamnia
  1. Yes
  2. No, I don't think so. There might have been a one-off printing as part of a Kickstarter, but I can't find any current options.
  3. There are not any significant changes.
  4. It's got its rough edges sometimes, but overall, it's marvelous for anyone who wants a deep campaign with a longstanding group.
So, yes, you could part ways with the PF book (maybe sell it?), and get everything on EN5ider. There's also a Roll20 version, but only half of the AP has been released so far on that platform.

When you get it on EN5ider, it's well worth a skim over the whole thing to see all they managed to put into the campaign. Each adventure is unique, with great plots that work together. The best part is that you can read through it and decide if it is a good fit for you and your group.
Thank you so much for your reply. It’s much appreciated.

Voidrunner's Codex

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