ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST: Death of the Author availability for 5e?


Knight of Solamnia
Hi, I have subscribed to EN5IDER to get the Zeitgeist adventure path (which I never completed previously), and I noticed there's an adventure called Death to the Author on DTRPG.

Is that just for A5e?

Is there a regular 5e version? If so, where do I find it?

Thanks in advance.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I can't think of what in A5E would prevent you running an adventure in 5E or vice versa. I haven't got it in front of me though. Monster stats are fully useable in both systems (I mean they're the same system just with more interesting versions of monsters). Maybe there are occasional references to the Culture and Engineering skills? Which I reckon you could handle on the fly. Other than that, it's an adventure, not a rulebook, so it's basically going to be pretty much the same.


Knight of Solamnia
I can't think of what in A5E would prevent you running an adventure in 5E or vice versa. I haven't got it in front of me though. Monster stats are fully useable in both systems (I mean they're the same system just with more interesting versions of monsters). Maybe there are occasional references to the Culture and Engineering skills? Which I reckon you could handle on the fly. Other than that, it's an adventure, not a rulebook, so it's basically going to be pretty much the same.

Okay, so am I correct that there's just an A5e version?

Voidrunner's Codex

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