WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

WotC has posted a video telling you 'everything you need to know' about Vecna: Eve Of Ruin.

WotC has posted a 19-minute video telling you 'everything you need to know' about Vecna: Eve Of Ruin.
  • Starts at 10th level, goes to 20th.
  • Classic villains and setting, famous characters, D&D's legacy.
  • Vecna wants to become the supreme being of the multiverse.
  • Vecna is a god of secrets and secrets and the power of secrets are a theme throughout the book.
  • A mechanical subsystem for using the power of secrets during combat.
  • Going back to Ravenloft, the Nine Hells, places where 5th Edition has been in the last 10 years.
  • It would be a fun 'meta experience' for players to visit locations they remember lore about.
  • Finding pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts, pieces throughout the multiverse.
  • Each piece in one of seven distinct planes or settings.
  • Allustriel Silverhand has noticed something is wrong, puts call out to Tasha and Mordenkainen, who come to her sanctum in Sigil.
  • The (10th level) PCs are fated to confront Vecna.
  • Lord Soth and Strahd show up. Tiamat is mentioned but doesn't appear 'on screen'.
  • Twists, turns, spoilers.
  • It's a 'love letter to D&D'.

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You have to buy the book to find out it tells you to "do milestone" ie, crap out on substance.

1) Every DnD 5e adventure path does this, so you don't need to buy any particular one to figure this out.
2) Google Exists, and product research exists.
3) Playing with milestone leveling is not "crapping out on substance"
4) Even if the above three points are not true, it STILL is not false advertising. This is like saying that a game is advertised with 60 hours of content, but you played it, ignored all the side quests and skipped all the cutscenes, so it only took you 20 hours to beat the main story. You can't cry false advertising just because the thing doesn't work exactly like you want it to work.


1) Every DnD 5e adventure path does this, so you don't need to buy any particular one to figure this out.
2) Google Exists, and product research exists.
3) Playing with milestone leveling is not "crapping out on substance"
4) Even if the above three points are not true, it STILL is not false advertising. This is like saying that a game is advertised with 60 hours of content, but you played it, ignored all the side quests and skipped all the cutscenes, so it only took you 20 hours to beat the main story. You can't cry false advertising just because the thing doesn't work exactly like you want it to work.
So all their products nowadays are flimsy halfbaked mini scenarios strung together with no meat to them.
Got it.

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