DDAL version 13 has dropped.


Rotten DM
Check the discord page. Versions 13 of the players guide and DM guide have dropped today. Dragonlance is own campaign so no spelljammer stuff. Ravenloft Adventures in Official Products. Curse of Strahd and the adventure ”House of Lament” in Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft are available for play.
Realms looks like they are adding a free feat.
Spelljammer Adventures. Spelljammer adventures are considered part of the Forgotten Realms campaign. Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting feat: Magic Initiate. Additional Rules Sources. Characters attached to the Forgotten Realms campaign may select additional rules options from the following products: Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide (SCAG) and Spelljammer: Adventures in Space (SAS). The optional rules Half-Elf and Tiefling Variants and Option: Human Languages from SCAG are available for Forgotten Realms characters.
Still no evil pcs.

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The new season in going to be Dragonlance? I guess it is fine. The local convention by me tends to have a lot of the AL slots from the new season. I like that better than Spelljammer or the Circus one.

The Forgotten Realms straight up ate Spelljammer, Spelljammer is no longer a setting, it's simply part of the Forgotten Realms. More proof that Spelljammer slipcase set sucked, it didn't have enough content to be it's own campaign, checkmate.

"Default Setting. If it is not clear what campaign world an adventure is attached to, it defaults to the Forgotten Realms. Spelljammer Adventures. Spelljammer adventures are considered part of the Forgotten Realms campaign."

Witchlight and the Domains of Delight are also apart of the Forgotten Realms, Curse of Strahd is now Ravenloft exclusive which could cause problems. Thinking about why Domains of Dread is a seperate Campaign, and Domains of Delight is just apart of FR, I can only conclude that it's because Domains of Dread is a prison & Domain of Delight isn't dispite mirroring each other, which means FR characters can move freely between Domains of Delight and Toril and there could even be trade between them, in a way that is largely limited to Vistani in Ravenloft.

There is more locations outside of Toril then on Toril you can visit now in the FR Campaign.

Radiant Citadel is shared between FR and Eberron weirdly, I get FR, but like no explanation how the Radiant Citadel fits into Eberron's setting or RC's various attached worlds.

I'd like to add if Spelljammer is now just a subsetting of the Forgotten Realms, and Planescape going to be the same sort of product, how likely will it be that Planescape will also be part of the Forgotten Realms?

I mean dmsguild already treats the Planes as part of the Forgotten Realms.

John Lloyd1

Rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty
I'd like to add if Spelljammer is now just a subsetting of the Forgotten Realms, and Planescape going to be the same sort of product, how likely will it be that Planescape will also be part of the Forgotten Realms?

I mean dmsguild already treats the Planes as part of the Forgotten Realms.
Do you mean in the context of Adventurers League?

Voidrunner's Codex

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