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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

Fangor the Fierce

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Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Telsar said:
His eyebrow raises at the mention of Hex. “Hex? Oh, Hectaras, yes, we’ve had a dealing or two with him. Paying for a hit sounds like something he’d do. Guess he found someone, or someones, to do it besides you. After you left him tonight. I'll put him on my list of people to talk to.” The man acts like he has something else to say, but doesn’t, a little lost in thought.
Trying to get in a whisper to Sunedilar, Aligor just gives up and speaks aloud. "So you say there was a hit tonight? And you mention that there were a total of five deaths tonight? That sure is a lot! Do we know them?" Aligor says it loud enough for the man to know that he means to find out who the fifth person to die this night was.

I know of the two brothers that I had a dealin with. And then there's that punk in the street that Sunedilar and Alev must have dealt with. This creature was the fourth, but who was the fifth?

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The guard takes Accalon’s hand, saying “Lieutenant Modrin, of the Taeirn Guard. You could help if you know what sort of creature you fought this morning.” He studies Accalon a bit more saying, “I am very surprised Lord Vandior has approved of you. His dislike of ‘wandering adventurers’ is legendary. I met him, and his lovely daughter, “ looking at Valasia when he says that, “at her coming out party a few years ago, although I’m sure neither remembers me.” Valasia still looks flustered, especially at Accalon’s hand in hers, but shakes her head no, indiciating she doesn’t remember him.

He turns to Brie, saying “You really shouldn’t spread rumors. Especially if you don’t want rumors about who started the rumors to get around. I’m sure Lord Vandior would hate to hear either.” He smiles at the obvious threat, then adds “Your two… boarders, who were just rescued. They look a little roughed up. If you have no major objections, I’ll have my men take them to the city guardhouse, and we can see if they’ve suffered any permanent damage. Maybe they can remember what kidnapped them, and then at least I’ll know what kind of creature we were dealing with. There might be more of them.” By Brie’s facial expression, she apparently does have major objections, but Modrin adds “Don’t worry. I’m not interested in how they might earn a little extra spending money. I just want to see what they know about their kidnapper.” Brie reluctantly agrees, apparently not willing to fight with law enforcement.

At Aligor’s question, Modrin says, “I’m not even sure who all has been killed. No names yet. Two of the deaths look like it started as a bar brawl, one man in the street, and one occurred at the home of Elorelei Tegan. There might have more deaths we haven’t discovered yet. Like I said, looks like some new power group trying to make a quick name for themselves.” He pauses a minute, apparently choosing his words carefully. “Do any of you know the Lady Elorelei? She’s the widow of Ambassador Tegan, who died a couple of years ago.”

I knew I didn't like guards... damn it all! Someone had to go get a person who wasn't in Brie's pocket! What is he, the personal snoop of the guards or something? T'aria looks at Modrin.

"I am sorry, but I don't know of her, and we are all mostly rather new here as well. I am sorry to hear there was a death at her home, but please... Lieutenant is it?.. would you tell us why this has anything to do with us?" T'aria attempts to mix just the right combo of tiredness, sorrow, respect, and confusion in her voice to have the guard believe her as she folds her cloak around her as if cold and leans against the nearest wall tiredly.

Hopefully he gives up soon... I don't like the path this questioning is treading.

[OOC: Bluff check again... I need to put more ranks into it. :D]
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon counties to smile as he chuckles lightly, “Not nearly as surprised as I. I cannot claim to know his thoughts but I believe he has simply decided to let his daughter to act upon what she wants. I’m not sure I can fault him, to stifle it any longer would be to risk her taking up adventuring like some fool commoner, and besides it’s not like she’s going to be old even if I die of old age… It’s simply best to let it run its course, for an elf it’s only a few monuments.”

Seeing the flustered look upon Valasia, Accalon hides none of the worry as he guides her to a couch that had been left untouched by the turmoil, “My darling Valasia, he realizes you’ve meet so many people, here have a set, you’ve had a trying day.”

Once she’s settled he kiss her a small tender kiss on her forehead, “I got to finish talking to the good man, he’s got a job to do and I need to help him, but I won’t be far.”

Returning to the others he gives the Taeirn guard an apologetic look, “Sorry about that… Anyhow the creature is a Hound Archon, a low tier celestial. They’re aligned with the forces of good, but I think this one was insane… It must have saw boarding house as a place of evil, but in its attempt to cleanse the place of evil, it failed to realize that forcing people against their will is the greatest evil.”

Finished speaking Accalon simply shrugs his shoulders, “Is there anything else I can do for you Lieutenant?”


First Post
Telsar said:
Madame Brie, a little miffed at how the conversation is turning, says to Gwyn, “If Alicia is getting greedy, I know exactly where she learned it. But she knows I won’t turn her out… I depend on her. There’s ‘dirty work’ to do every day. I’m just reminding you who she works for. I don’t need to encourage her to break the deal. If I want to break it, I’ll do it myself.”

Alicia grins childishly, remembering some of the 'dirty work' the Madame had let her do in the past. Some things were worth more than mere gold.

Telsar said:
She turns to the half-ogre and says, “Alicia, I can spare a bit more, just for you. Another 500 pieces of shiny gold. But you have to promise not to let these people, or anyone else, put bad ideas in your head.”

"Bad Ideas? No, mistress, no bad ideas." She promises, not being entirely sure what she's agreeing to. The Madame had been good to her, had saved her and taken care of her. She had reasons to be loyal, but she had just seen clear proof of her own strength and her mistress' weakness. Perhaps she would be safer elsewhere. Perhaps the mistress had outlived her usefulness. She would have to wait and see.


First Post
Lieutenant Modrin looks a bit sorry for T’aria as he says to her, “I’m very sorry. I can see you’re all hurt. I only mentioned the Lady’s name because, if any of you did know her, I know a few more details about the attack in her home. But since you don’t, it wouldn’t be any of your concern.”

[Bluff rolled 13+6=19]

Then, after Accalon speaks with the lieutenant, Modrin just stares at him stupidly, which is rather odd given the intelligence of his questions so far. Then he says “A celestial. Your group… killed a celestial. I… might think the killing of a celestial… would be pretty high up on a ‘greater evil’ list somewhere. Insane or not.” He looks around at the party like he’s seeing them for the first time. Then he says to his guards “Alright, we’re done here. Collect the girls outside, gently, and take them to the guardhouse. I’ll be along after I investigate the other crime scenes.” He turns to the party and curtly says “Good day, I’ll find you again if I have more questions.” With that, Modrin and the guards leave Brie’s ‘boarding house’.

As soon as they are far enough out the door, Madame Brie immediately begins yelling at Valasia. “You stupid, stupid girl! I told you to stay in the closet until I got you! And I’m not the only one paying for this, I imagine your father will suffer for your stupidity today as well.” Valasia just bursts into tears, trying to speak, but not being even remotely coherent. Brie then ignores her, turning to the group, “I’ll get your money and then you can be gone.” She heads towards the dining room, and presumably, to her bedroom.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Brilliant Accalon, just brilliant. Now we're known celestial-killers. Come on everyone, I think it's best we leave town tonight before they decide to come arrest us in our sleep," Lydia says with heavy sarcasm. She follows Brie a bit, just to make sure they get paid and the little goblin doesn't decide to skip out on them.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Almost as if he’s immune to Modrin and Lydia’s words Accalon simply shrugs as he replies to her, “He seemed like a smart enough fellow, or at least tenacious enough to continue to look for the answers, we did nothing wrong in the eyes of the law. So why hide the fact that of what we justifiably killed?”

His words said Accalon looks around, shifting his weight he’s obviously anxious about something and it’s easy to tell about what as he quickly moves to the crying elf and takes a set next to her.

As he offers her a concerned smile, and a shoulder to cry on, he tries to talk to her, “Valasia, I’m sorry, but judging upon what Brie and Modrin was saying it sounds like you would be discovered eventually… Tell me what’s going on maybe I can help you.”
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Aligor hears the words of the Inspector, and hides the grin trying to break his face when he mentions the bar brawl. Once he is done talking, and Accalon responds with the talk of killing a celestial, he sighs and shakes his head slightly.

What a moron! Why don't you go ahead and tell them we kill fer money as well? Dammit! What the hell have I gotten myself into? I sure hope Sunny here has a good plan to get out of this one! Oh well, I was getting bored anyways!
Once the Inspector is gone, he turns to Sunedilar and Alev. "I see you got yer hands full here! So what's the plan lads? We gonna pay this man a visit and get that trinket that Hex wants, just to pretend to be on his good side? Whatever you decide, count me in, as I see you will be needing some help. But I need some sleep now. Been a busy day here. A busy day indeed! Hey Sunny, you know where I'll be...Boone can tell ya if ya need to find me. His shops in the same place, and I'm close by. Used to be his storage, but decided that I could use it if I needed a place to crash. Not the nicest of places, but it lets me rest in peace." Aligor waits to hear what they decide, and to see when madame Brei returns with their payment.


First Post
Sunedilar al Hazir Human/Male Fighter

Sunedilar gives Accalon a look of disgust and gives the kind of curt explination he would give to an errant child.

"By telling him we have killed an archon, we have tipped a hand that we are the sort of people who would not be bothered by killing a being of pure goodness. That, combined with the five murders committed tonight, probably places us quite high on the list of suspects for most any crime they can accuse us of."

He turns back to the group.

"If we must escape, for the time being at least, my ally hear knows of a ruin not too far distant, in which there should be several potent magical tools. We can at least spend our forced exile in gainful activity while we plan another move."

He finally addresses the dwarf himself.

"I believe we should leave Hex to his own devices. If they suspect us of connection to the murder, they may at least make things uncomfortable for him, and I intend to be far away before he starts talking about our combat proficiency and willingness to kill hostages. I doubt he would offer us much loyalty even if we do his dirty work. Besides, if we are fortunate, the watch will take care of him completely."

Voidrunner's Codex

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