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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Accalon looks up from Valasia only long enough return the scolding comments, “Since when did the law become concerned about creatures of good? Ezuvial is in the wrong, it’s obviously, if he was looking at it as a murder he would have tried to arrest us already.” He shrugs slightly, “Besides I didn’t know of any murders in the town tonight, I’ve been here the whole time, and I’m quite safe from them, I have an alibi.”

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Paxus Asclepius

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"That seems like a decent idea, Sunedilar. It would take no great cunning on the inspector's part to connect a few necessary deaths with us, especially now that this idiot has told him what it was that we killed here. If we search these ruins, we may find enough to give us an edge if we come back. Before we leave town entirely, though, I'd like to ransack the abandoned church; I think that's where this bastard (kicking the mauled corpse) was holed up, and he might have left something of use."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Cepter said:
Sunedilar gives Accalon a look of disgust and gives the kind of curt explination he would give to an errant child.

"By telling him we have killed an archon, we have tipped a hand that we are the sort of people who would not be bothered by killing a being of pure goodness. That, combined with the five murders committed tonight, probably places us quite high on the list of suspects for most any crime they can accuse us of."

He turns back to the group.

"If we must escape, for the time being at least, my ally hear knows of a ruin not too far distant, in which there should be several potent magical tools. We can at least spend our forced exile in gainful activity while we plan another move."
*Lydia flashes Sunedilar a brilliant smile.*

"Excellent idea. I would like to collect my share of the pay and get out of the city in a timely manner, along with anyone else who cares to. If I could get a guide or map, I can start to set up camp at the ruins," Lydia says, nodding at Sunedilar.

T'aria sighs, not even caring about the guards or celestials at this point. I just want my money and a stiff drink... at least I can have one of the two. She pulls her hip flask out of a pocket and takes a swig. The flask flashes silver along the ornately engraved "T" as she puts it away and awaits Brie.
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While everyone discusses leaving town, even though most have been here less than 24 hours, Algernon pulls out a vial, opens it, walks over to the mutilated celestial corpse, and with one hand grabs a handful of tissue, squeezing blood from it into his empty vial. He wipes his hand on one of Brie’s couches, then looks around and says, “Well, since everyone was grabbing souvenirs, I might find a use for this. And I should be off, except, I guess I’m due a share of that money; I do believe the celestial fool did slightly feel my dagger when I hit him. But if you will all tell Brie that I expect my next few visits to be free-of-charge, I think the excitement was payment enough.” He turns to Lydia and says, “Unless of course you’re still working here when I come around again; I’d think time spent with you should always cost me something, and yet would always be worth the price. I’m sure we’ll see each other again someday.” He smiles at Lydia, bows slightly, and turns and leaves through the front doors.

Meanwhile, Accalon tries to console Valasia, but it takes a little while before she can be understood. Then she says, “She said… she said it didn’t matter if anyone recognized me. If they were a client here, they… they wouldn’t say anything. But that man wasn’t a client, was he? By Corellon, why didn’t I just do what she said. She’s been so good to me. She’s right… I’m stupid. And now that man is going to upset my father and… “

Brie’s voice is heard as she re-enters, “Enough of that, Valasia. I forgive you. Go upstairs and tell the rest of the girls they’re going to have to help clean this mess up.” Valasia rises from her couch saying “Thank you, Madame Brie, thank you! I couldn’t stand it if you were mad at me. If you want, I’ll clean up all of this… um, mess, all by myself.”

Brie says, a bit exasperated. “Just go get some help. You can do your share.” Valasia hurries upstairs, and Brie pulls out two bags, both jingling with coins. She throws down one, saying “That has 300 platinum and 4 black pearls. Worth 5000 gold altogether. Just hope I get my girls back, but it’s good to know I won’t be missing any more.” She throws the other bag, a bit bigger than the first, at Alicia. “There you go. Lots of gold and silver for you. You’ve earned it. In fact, I won’t even make you help clean up.”

She looks at the group for a moment, then says “I wouldn’t mind knowing where I can find you, in case something comes up.” She pauses, then says “Actually, there’s something else you could do. But there’s no guarantee of money for it. Someone owes me money, and with your help, he should have an easier time getting it so he can finally pay me. By himself, he’ll probably take months; with you, he can probably dig up two or three times what he owes me in no time. ‘Course, I’d have to be guaranteed that I would still get my money, and you wouldn’t run off with all of it. And you’d have to be subtle… his and my working relationship is rather a secret, and we’d want it kept that way. Anyway, that’s if you needed the money, and with what I just gave, you probably don’t. So take off already, unless you want to grab a mop.”

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
"I can still get in and out of this town, even if I'm not living here. Tell me his name, where I can find him, and how much he owes you, and you should have your money a day or two after they stop trying to find me.


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Telsar said:
Brie pulls out two bags, both jingling with coins. She throws down one, saying “That has 300 platinum and 4 black pearls. Worth 5000 gold altogether. Just hope I get my girls back, but it’s good to know I won’t be missing any more.” She throws the other bag, a bit bigger than the first, at Alicia. “There you go. Lots of gold and silver for you. You’ve earned it. In fact, I won’t even make you help clean up.”

Alicia catches the bag. She opens it and pure wonder lights her face when she sees the great wealth within, more money than she's ever seen in her life. Overwhelmed by gratitude she picks up the Goblin into a gentle hug. "Thank you, mistress. Thank you." She lowers Madame Brie to the floor, wipes a small tear from the edge of her eye, and blows her nose in her hand.

Telsar said:
She looks at the group for a moment, then says “I wouldn’t mind knowing where I can find you, in case something comes up.” She pauses, then says “Actually, there’s something else you could do. But there’s no guarantee of money for it. Someone owes me money, and with your help, he should have an easier time getting it so he can finally pay me. By himself, he’ll probably take months; with you, he can probably dig up two or three times what he owes me in no time. ‘Course, I’d have to be guaranteed that I would still get my money, and you wouldn’t run off with all of it. And you’d have to be subtle… his and my working relationship is rather a secret, and we’d want it kept that way. Anyway, that’s if you needed the money, and with what I just gave, you probably don’t. So take off already, unless you want to grab a mop.”

Alicia wiupes her hand on the skirt of her dress and says unusually coherently, "I will help you mistress, just tell me who to kill." She sniffs, "Brie is good mistress, so good to me, I want to help."

ooc: How much did Alicia get? (she can't count it, but I'd still like to know so I can update her in the RG)

Fangor the Fierce

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Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Aligor stays in the rear, watching the actions of the others and gathering his thoughts.

Boone said that he would make a decision in a week or so about the ruins. Seems that this may be a bit quick, but that's how things work in this job. Man I gotta git sum sleep!


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[OOC Alicia’s bag has 300 gold and 500 silver pieces in it. Total value 350 gp, she cheated you a bit, from what she said she’d pay :) But it’s still a big bag full of shiny coins]

Madame Brie smiles at Alicia, obviously glad she likes her coins. “No, dear, the problem is a man owes me money. If you killed him, he couldn’t pay me.”

Madame Brie starts trying to wipe some of the blood off one of the couches, and responds to Gwyn, saying “The man owes me ten thousand gold pieces. And what do you mean ‘after they stop trying to find you’? Why would you have to leave town so suddenly?” She thinks a moment, then says “Of course… the killings that idiot lieutenant was talking about. Must have been you.” She says something to Gwyn in another language, presumably a goblin curse word, then says “When he realizes it was you, and knows I hired you for this, he’s going to think I hired you for all of it! Damn it all, why didn’t you just kill that Modrin too?” She continues to curse in goblin, not at Gwyn though, just generally cursing, probably to her goblins gods for bringing the party, and a celestial, to her doorstep.

After she calms down, she says “Unless you’re willing to assert yourselves and take over this town, it probably is best if you all got out. At least for awhile. But if you want to wait a little bit, I’ll talk with the man who owes me the money. If he’s got a way for you to get my money and do it outside of Taeirn, that will deal with two problems at once. Or you can skip town now, and if and when you come back, we’ll see if I still need you. It’s up to all of you what you want to do, but I want you out of my establishment before the authorities come back.”

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
"Believe me, I have no desire to wait until the long arm of the law manages to blindly grope its way to my doorstep. I'd be out of here before sunrise at the latest, given my druthers."

Voidrunner's Codex

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