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"VILLAINOUS: menacing marvel minions" - Issue #0


First Post
Codename: Mister Hyde
AKA: “Edward”
Mission: Replenish his stock of transformation formula
Tactics: Steal the component chemicals from a nearby railyard
Location: Morgantown, Pennsylvania

Bob Allen shivered as a breeze cut straight through his nylon jacket, and tried to tell himself it was just the breeze making him shiver. He'd never particularly liked working the night shift at the railyard; a lingering childhood fear of the dark, perhaps, or simple cowardice, as his wife suggested. Add to it the recent thefts and the reports from other security men that a hulking, cloaked figure had been sighted in the yard, and the middle-aged Allen found himself very uncomfortable indeed.

Stil, he had a job to do, and he set about doing it. He and two other men walked a constant circuit of the railyard, watching, listening, probing dark corners with their flashlights and staying in radio contact. It was lonely, tedious work, but it paid the bills and kept the Allens far more secure than his brother, who seemed content losing money on every get-rich scheme that came his way. Pish. Thinking of his gadabout brother distracted him from his duties, as it often did, and so did Bob fail to see or hear the massive shadow that moved with a surprising grace and precision across the rail behind him.

Mister Hyde resisted the urge to introduce the security guard to his fist; a rash of thefts was one thing, but even a single murder tended to attract far too much attention for his immediate comfort. He was beginning to run low on his stock of the formula needed to maintain this monstrous form, and he'd just as soon not spoil this convenient source for the component chemicals. But if one of them would just give him an excuse...his contorted face twisted slightly in what might have been a wistful smile.

Powerful fingers twisted off the five-pound padlock that must have seemed so substantial to the men who placed it there. Iron muscle and bowstring tendons opened the valve underneath the tanker car, rapidly filling two 55-gallon drums with an acrid, colorless fluid. He had just finished capping the drums and was about to make his departure when he realized that he was not alone.

With a bestial growl escaping his lips, Hyde turned to face...
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Spidey Initiative!

Hand of Vecna said:
[ Intimidate, or Taunt? Spidey's more a Taunt man.... and Madcap'd resist with a Sense Motive or Taunt check of his own (roll 11 + 7 total Taunt modifier = 18, which does not beat Spidey's 25). Oh, and Madcap's "Fun Gun" is still holstered. MADCAP = Roll 15 + 2 (modifiers) = 17]

Taunt... I wanted a Taunt. It's hard remembering without my book reference. :heh:

MADCAP said:
""It's sorta like a pork-pie hat, though I guess you could call it more of a long pork pie hat. Whaddayathink?" Madcap looked up and saw Spider-Man was already webbing his way down the hall, and so Madcap gave chase. "Hey! Wait up! You'll never be a decent fashion critic if you keep runing away!"

scaling along the wall away from the insane villain Spidey glanced back watching his every move... [RULES: apply Dodge (+2) to Madcap]
If this is gonna work I gotta get loon-boy outa that office and into the clear... Spidey thought as he swung about 65' away as Madcap raced after him. In his climb up he'd noticed a balcony overlook near the elevators - if he could reach that would give him some room to navigate!
But the talkie-talkie wasn't gonna work forever - his wacky friend needed a little incentive and there's no incentive like a sticky web in the face to help that!...

"SAY MADCAP - who's yer taylor?!! It sure isn't the Fab Five, 'cause they're not colorblind!!" Spiderman smirked beneath his mask as he completed a triple-flip from the floor to the ceiling as he fired off his web shooters toward the villain... Two gooy blasts of web zip across the hallway!!

pzzziitt - SPLAT
pzzziitt - SPLOK

Webbing strands from Madcap's face 65' to your friendly neighborhood Spiderman's hands. Spidey got ready to launch the nut toward him with an amazing yank from Madcap's snared head... But for a split second Madcap would have a chance to slip free of the webslingers efforts!!

Meanwhile behind the Madman - patients and doctors and receptionists danced the dance of the crazy into the hallway as the fern-singer began the lovely melody of Fiddler on the Roof... one could only wonder WHERE they were headed!!

[RULES: Move Action for Spidey then a webshot to the face for a Dazzle, spending Extra Effort this round to get the Dazzle effect. ROLLS: 13 + 8 (ranged modifier). That HITS Madcap. The DAZZLE effect is a Reflex Save DC21 or be Dazzled for the round, this'll be tough Madcap has a Ref SV of +2 so he needs to roll at least a 19!!.
Spidey also used one of his "Heroic Surges" feat to make an additional attack! This time it's a Snare attack, he'll "anchor it" to himself with a webline if he hits (ie. no ground anchor)... ROLLS: another 13 + 8 (ranged to hit). That HITS Madcap! Madcap needs to also roll vs. the Snare at DC 20. He can make a Strength or even a Escape Artist check.]
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
The Enforcers - AKA: Montana Bale, "Fancy" Dan Rubinstein, Bruno "Ox" Sanchez

Velmont said:
CODENAME: The Enforcers
AKA: Montana Bale, "Fancy" Dan Rubinstein, Bruno "Ox" Sanchez
MISSION: Make sure the owner of the Nigthlife club, also an illegal gambling house, pay his fee for his protection given by the Kingpin. Deliver a diplomatic message, and make sure he doesn't forget it....

30 Minutes ago...
The scene opens looking down on the steets above... a cockney tainted accent narrates for us...
"ROCKOS is a class-A joint... Dat's what Mister Cebulsky says anyway, but we all know when you gotta SAY it's a class-A joint ... it AIN'T no class-A joint. Rockos... it's more like a class-C joint. It makes money, with ties to the bosses and has been mentioned in the same sentence as other low rent Nightclubs with gambling dens beneath 'em same as da more seedy ones in Atlantic City...
The thing about Rockos... Well - it USETA be Kingpin's racket... da 'USETA' part a dat ain't somethin' the FatMan knows just yet...
That's why Leland asked me to go talk to Cebulsky."

the ENFORCERS said:
"Fancy" Dan walk into the building, followed by Montana and Ox. They wlk down the stair to the basement where a bouncer block the way.

They enter a room where a lady is working at a computer. Seeing the three man she say "Mister Cebulsky is in reunion, you can't ent..." as she sees the looks of the three men, she decides it would be better just to shut up. Montana walk to the door of the office and open it.

"Great!" he says.

Dan and Ox looks into the office and see that Cebulsky is talking to...

the room is dark - except for the desk lamp that Cebulsky had been using, now lays on it's side amid what looked to be the man's dinner making an impromtu spotlight lighting up the conversation... Cebulsky a greesy but 'respectable' lower level manager interupts his quick prattle trailing off his sentence as he tried to explain why this 'hostile takeover' might be a bad idea...
Cebulsky had been avoiding the Kingpin, who even gave a thought to him trying to avoid Leland Owlsley. But then again you have to SPEND money to make money even in this business....

and soon both the Enforcers and the Kingpin would know that BULLSEYE was back in business and with a higher bidder!!

"Excellent - the three stooges... I could use a little action!"
as the man in the full black costume left Cebulsky hanging on the wall by his own dinner fork and knife... glancing back over his shoulder...
"I should be back for your signoff on the Owl's contract in approximately 18 seconds or less..."
Looking back to the Enforcers...
"unless, that is, you guys wanna surrender..."
as BULLSEYE's smile widens..........

[ROLL INITIATIVE: Bullseye: rolls 17 + 9 = 26 TOTAL]

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Hand of Vecna said:
[[ Doesn't using Heroic Surge use a Hero Point? And aren't folks limited to spending only 1 HP/round? ]]

If you have Heroic Surge as a feat you get extra half actions per day = to 1 per two levels (if I remember correctly). Spidey has about 4.
Even if I'm remembering incorrectly - Spidey CAN spend a HP this round. He is not spending another. He uses Extra Effort to get Dazzle, spending a HP NEXT round if I want to avoid Fatigue.

and please post these questions in the OOC thread NOT the Story thread from now on.

Kevin Perrine

First Post
hero4hire said:
TACTICS: Stake out local restaurant until target shows, kill him, his guards, and anyone else who shows up..

Bullet looked and saw a strawberry headed, freckled face boy holding a bleeding arm.
Bullet stared for long moments seeing his own son in the boy’s face. Emotion lanced icy hot through the pit of his stomach. Yet he kept his features a stoic masque. “Damn…” he said quietly. His grip slackened slightly on the death-grip he held...

the place
Hell's Kitchen,
New York, NY
outside O’Grady’s an Irish-American eatery
late evening [local time], 2004

“Drop that man NOW Bullet!!!”
came a voice slicing though the air.

Dwarfing other grown men crossing the threshold of O'Grady's, the man-mountain showed weight but not unkept. Dressed in the finest of linens, he projected control and even an earned royalty in his strength.

There was no mistaking, Bullet was being addressed by Wilson Fisk... the so-called "Kingpin of Crime". Bullet's history was littered with his affiliation with this humble fish-merchant.
The knew one another.
And no matter Bullet's training and physical prowess he could rest assured if the fatman was making a presence here at this moment it had some meaning...

Glancing around Bullet could see the crowd from the eatery slowly emptying from the commotion behind the large crimeboss - intermixed no-doubt were a force of bodyguard and other "enforcers".

Then Fisk crossed the line
the one that he'd only crossed on one other occassion with Bullet............

"ahhh... the child...... so innocent, why he could even be a playmate of young Lance - could he not Mr. Bullet?"

Business is business.
And personal is personal.
Fisk's involvement must very serious in this matter..........................
as the huge man cracked his knuckles gripping his oaken walking cane.

In the background just as one would assume, the Kingpin's goons - mostly ex-special forces troops with the occasional thug climbing the ranks all looking to make names for themselves. All ready to "take out" any objective at a moment's notice. They would act mostly as the diversion if this were to go poorly. Hopefully it would not go poorly...

Kevin Perrine

First Post
GrayPumpkin said:
CODENAME: Batroc the Leaper
AKA: Georges Batroc
MISSION: Hired by Roxxon Oil Executives to kidnap Daily Bugle reporter Ben Urich and bring him to a seedy run down pier where they can use an experimental mind wipe device on the tenacious reporter who is writing an expose on the company..

New York, NY
the offices of the Daily Bugle
mid afternoon [local time]

BATROC said:
he pulls out the picture again and holds it up before him, comparing it to the panicked faces in the crowd.
“AT LAST!” Spotting the reporter Batroc leaps doing a 3 1/2 twist into triple forwards somersault landing in a crouched fighting stance before the stunned Urich who was trying to make a break for it.
“Je suis navré Monsieur Urich, but I cannot let you leave, eet seems you have an engagement elsewhere.” Batroc twists his mustache and smiles

Two minutes ago
Ben Urich was typing away on his old Remington typewriter perched in front of his Bugle desk's computer monitor. The story was a hot one - known gambling thug Juble Cebulsky is rumored to be moving from the Kingpin to the Owl for the business...
But none of that mattered now!
The metal typewriter teetered precariously on the desk as Urich continued to push away from the nut on his desk!!

then suddenly from behind the glass wall not four desk lengths away...
"PARKER!!! where the heck is that kid.....?!?!!"

The newsroom was quickly becoming a mess as reporters and visitors alike pushed away in confusion from the crazy man jumping on the desk in a threatening position above Ben Urich!

a young woman of poise and grace looking much like a modern version of Jackie Kennedy sat in awe of the display near the office from which the shouting voice flooded...
"Mrs. BRANT!! get that knucklehead in here A-sap... and I mean NOW!!"
Waiting and watching most of the office had cleared a circular area around the desk of Urich. Only he and the French-man remained as the office watched ... and the (now peeved) editor of the paper rushed out to see what in tarnation had his secretary not answering his hails!!

around the corner of the glass wall quickly rushed the man, his cigar smoke trailed behind as he sped to a stop just outside his own office glarring at Mrs. Brant..........
"Well Brant?!?!?!.... what in the HEee.........heyyy YOU THERE... scuff that desk and you're paying for the refurnishing fee.... Speakin' a fees, yer late with the pizzas...... it's free right?!!"
first talking to the man on Urich's desk then looking down to Betty to acknowledge her having ordered pizza in the first place Jonah looked back up seeing the man twisting his mustache.

"Say! FRENCHY!! get yer lilly livered toush offa my desk! and stop botherin' my top writer!"
Ben, a little less worried, looked over to his boss as if thanking him for saying such a nice thing... then Jameson continued...
"quit yer gawkin Urich, I thought your were Robertson!!"

Striding over toward the desk, J. Jonah Jameson pulled up his familiar index finger to "have it out" with the pizza delivery boy............. and in the background some anxious camera monkey shot off a few flashbulbs...

[RULES: a minor Dazzle from the flashes, roll your Dexterity SV at DC 13 or be Dazzled for the round. Otherwise if you act, do so as an initiative round of actions - you have the surprise]


the place
Hell's Kitchen,
New York, NY
outside O’Grady’s an Irish-American eatery
late evening [local time], 2004
Kevin Perrine said:
Then Fisk crossed the line
the one that he'd only crossed on one other occassion with Bullet............

"ahhh... the child...... so innocent, why he could even be a playmate of young Lance - could he not Mr. Bullet?"

Business is business.
And personal is personal.
Fisk's involvement must very serious in this matter..........................
as the huge man cracked his knuckles gripping his oaken walking cane.

In the background just as one would assume, the Kingpin's goons - mostly ex-special forces troops with the occasional thug climbing the ranks all looking to make names for themselves. All ready to "take out" any objective at a moment's notice. They would act mostly as the diversion if this were to go poorly. Hopefully it would not go poorly...

Resisting the urge to wipe away the beads of sweat that gathered on his brow at the mention of his son Lance, Bullet slowly glanced around as his mind raced, and then locked his gaze upon Kingpin. *Either I just stepped into some major $#!T, or I've been set-up.* "Alright Fisk, you got my attention. What's this about?" Bullet let Red drop to the ground and planted one massive foot on his back just in case.

Voidrunner's Codex

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