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Villains Villains Everywhere, and not a way to use...


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The Joker is a comedian, a man who goes out of his way to get a laugh at the world's expense. He'll do things for a buck, and while causing a big boom and chaos, leave everyone laughing as they see the big boom.

Two Face is a split, a concept that there are two sides to everything; a humane side, a reasonable one, and one of pure, raw emotion. If someone set out to cure Harvey Dent, they could sit him down, and after 2 years of intense psychotherapy, cure him.

Mr. Freeze, a man who seeks Revenge, and is obsessed with the love of his cryogenicly frozen wife. Someone rich and powerful could simply drop the money to save his wife, because he indeed is a Genius, and would look great on their payroll (Any dude who can jimmy-rig a cryogenic suit has got to have some good stuff upstairs).

Harley Quin, who is not inheritly homicidle nor fully 'evil', simply she seeks to impress her man, and does what she does out of devotion to him.

These are examples of Interesting, well thought out villains in Batman's multiverse.

I'm running a Supers campaign in a Modern city. I've been working hard to try and come up with some cool adversaries that would be neat recurring villains, or just simply Interesting and Compelling guys. Can you all help me? Flesh out the ones I have, work on their plots, on them themselves.

Here's what I've got:
Revenant is an Astral Projection of a man in a wheelchair, who is paralyzed from the lower torso down, and must speak through a voicebox. Using the astral projection, and powers associated with teh projection, he uses the powers to seek revenge on the men who put him in the wheelchair, and likely ruined the rest of his life. He's not a BAD guy, could be reformed for good, but first he wants to splatter the men who did this.

Thoughts on who they are? What happened? Think sort've Mask of the Phantasm, except these would be prominant business men. Corporate CEOS, such. Can people think of stuff? Suggestions would be vastly appreciated of what *happened* to him, and who his victims are.

Maximillian Moriarity

A Kingpin type crimelord, much like his namesake, almost like Lex Luthor and very Kyzer Soze like. A normal human, a mastermind of crime, and an old schooler; he believes in honor of one's word, he keeps his bargains, and violence is on a 'need to' basis. He views his dealings as a business, just one that isn't recognized as one that is Legal. If he wern't doing it, someone much worse could be behind the city's crime. Despite his criminal business, he isn't a vile guy, and does do some good things. He looks like an accountant; short, glasses, and can act like an innocent victim, but he's got a mind like a steel trap, and knows how to wield his personality and intellect: think Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects.

Some ideas of what he might do is run a railroad for villains, offer them cash or manpower or whatever for A) A cut of what they're doing, and B) Know what they are doing, so they don't conflict with his interests. Or get some villain (or someone on his payroll) to destroy a building so he could buy up the land its' on.

What I'd like is other suggestions for what he could do, as the hidden crimelord? What other stuff might he be upto? I plan on using him as a Long Term villain, Hinting at his presence throughout the campaign, so I'd need some ideas on other plotseeds, other pies to have his thumb in, to drop said hints.

The final guy doesn't have a name. He views crime as an Artform, and thus, seeks to create a work of art that will make him famous. For instance, stealing a $200 million dollar car, only to re-assemble it on the roof of the building its' in. To hold a stick-up, take everyone's stuff in seperate bags, and then hand it back to them afterwards. Perhaps a mental illusionist who uses his powers to alter the perceptions of others, allowing them to essentially be 'actors' in the film that is his crime.

Does anyone have ideas on what he might do? Potential stuff?
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I feel your pain

I agree, everyone looks, but nobody posts. Come on!!!

How about a bad guy that's just F@#$%^& nuts? Whatever happened to just plain nuts?

I know, good villians have good motivations. What about an organization? Sort of a organized super crime? An evil JLA?

Do your PC's have backgrounds? If so, try spawning some villians from there, that way the PC's will really want to get the bad guy! Post the abilities and background of your party members and I'll see what else I can come up with.


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I'm looking more for help fleshing out the ones I posted, not so much other ideas. :)

I have a whole Book full of NPCs I can just drop in there, but the three I have above I want to groom, since they're mine. :)

I mean, any badguys folks want to suggest are fine, but more help with Those would be good, amid the suggestiosn.

I plan on incorporating the Characters' backgrounds. One of the PCs is basicly an unwilling Lacky of Moriarity, even though he doesn't know it. And, the campaign world is allready fleshed out; I have evil organizations and stuff. I'm looking to make adversaries that are spesific for my party.

As for Nuts villains, those are kinda easy. As are some fun and not-so-lethal ones. Imagine Harley Quin with the ability to Teleport and a Santa Clause mentality. She's not *hurting* anyone, even if she's stealing stuff to give to others...
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Check the Villain Design Handbook by Kenzerco. It has lots of ideas on how to create villains for any genre. The book has archetypes which represents the villains driving force and subtypes which are how the villain expresses the driving force. The book covers the criminal psychology and group dynamics and lots of other stuff.

Can't recomend enough.


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Wow, I thought the title looked familar. I just looked at this thread over at the herogames board.

Maybe Revenant was an accoutant who stumbled on to a potential scandal that would make the Enron and Worldcom look like paragons of business ethics. When he went to the top guys and threatened to expose them if they didn't start fixing things, they panicked because they might be throw and jail or disgraced. So they had the whistleblower "dealt with." They paid a mercenary mentalist lots of money to remove him. The mental attack damaged his brain, leaving him paralyzed. His memories have also been tampered with, so he doesn't exactly remember who was responsible for the attack.


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Victim said:
Wow, I thought the title looked familar. I just looked at this thread over at the herogames board.

Maybe Revenant was an accoutant who stumbled on to a potential scandal that would make the Enron and Worldcom look like paragons of business ethics. When he went to the top guys and threatened to expose them if they didn't start fixing things, they panicked because they might be throw and jail or disgraced. So they had the whistleblower "dealt with." They paid a mercenary mentalist lots of money to remove him. The mental attack damaged his brain, leaving him paralyzed. His memories have also been tampered with, so he doesn't exactly remember who was responsible for the attack.

That has potential. Though, I could see that happenign with a Mentalist (The result of the mentalist leaving him able to develop his own powers), I'd think getting shot works just fine (ergo he must speak through the voicebox). I was thinking his family got messed up or Something. Hmm... Oh! I know.

Revenant was driving along with his family (Girlfriend, Wife, whatever), and the Mentalist got him as he was going down the road. It caused him to crash, and bam. He wasn't killed, but they thought the Mentalist wiped the stuff off his memory. However, it came back to him, recently.

I *like* that. Thank you. :D


First Post
I would cross over Revenant and Max. Moriarity. Have Revananet be a legitimate or mildly crooked person in one of Maxes businesses. He saw too much, did too much or otherwise crossed a higher up. Max ordered it dealt with but they overdid it nad Almost killed him.

Now the characters are caught in a war between the two. Maybe Rev doesn't know exactly who is the one given orders especially given Max's Modues Operandi (sp?) so it could be a plot winding both of them together. You wouldn't have to work as hard pulling all the plot strings together or occasionally throwing the players a curve ball.

The third guy call him Impression or Perception or Imagineer or Expressionist or whatever and make him like the Joker just he wants people to die of art not laughter. He can start out doing prank level stuff then move on to darker things like entrail billboard graffiti.

Just a few ideas



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Nah. I like them a little too much to make them that vicious. However, Max has working for him a more recognized Mob (one he despises). Now, they could have put the hit on Revenant.

Seeing as Revenant will be coming into the picture about the time a Corporate exec is thrown from a window, he'll allready be starting his revenge. Now, Max could have ties to the business, for instance stocks and such, but not giving the order. Infact, he could send the message down the line to get the PC working for him unwillingly to check it out, because he wants to know why the people in this business are getting iced.

Revenant makes a very *easy* target, because while he's projecting, he's zoned out. Just cap the dude in the wheelchair and you're gold. So having him dealing with Max could be dangerous. However, I can tie them together, sure. Heck, Revenant could find himself reformed by Max!

As for the ARtist, I don't plan on making him demented and vicious (I plan on having a few of the nasty, vile nutjobs in there). Some of the villains or adversaries I don't want to be coldblooded killers with a schtick. However, some might. :)

Any thoughts on what other ways Max may be involved? What other stuff he's doing? As I said, using things to go about it almost business like, such as having buildings destroyed only to purchase the land its' on.

Thanks for the thoughts, tho. :)
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