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Viridian Plague--Act I: A Glimmer of Darkness

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Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Trayah]*As Trayah brushes against the female, Mahlas seeps from the ring into the dress, mumbling to himself about the arcane matrices of the material.*[/SBLOCK]

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Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Whinoah]"Hmm, I think you have it a bit confused, child. That is what the strange offworlders use to reproduce. It's sort of like a key that unlocks a new life for them, since they don't form from the energy of souls or nature like we do, or grow from a kiss ike the Feldori."

*As the elder speaks, a younger Lacerta with pebbly skin a deep forest green walks to stand next to Whinoah facing the elders, grazing against her side as it does so.*[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Obscurity]*Obscurity stays in an inconspicuous place near the back where she has been waiting, watching each participant of the council enter to see what she glean of the hierarchy from the way they enter as well as the order. First she sees some older Lacerta and Feldori, elders of the village from what she has observed so far, including the chief, a wise elder shaman with paling blue scales. Next comes a younger Feldori, the chieftainess of an allied tribe of Feldori. Before the general public enters, a young Feldori girl leads a beautiful red-haired outlander girl, probably a Rowaini from this distance, although perhaps some sort of of Nymph, and she begins to speak with the elders. Then a Lacerta with forest-green skin approaches on his own, not one that Obscurity recognises from her time in Chaarz, though. The Lacerta begins to talk to the empty air, and then approaches the others.*

(OOC: I just realised Obscurity probably wants to have a name for her cover identity--Feldori often employ a rolling 'r' sound in their names)[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Trayah, Lacerta Shaman

[SBLOCK]*Grinning briefly at Mahlas’ antics, exposing a few wicked looking teeth in the process, Trayah quickly composes himself before bowing respectfully to the elders, and waits for a break in the conversation before addressing the older blue-scaled lacerta in Yharzu.*

“Excuse me honoured elder, but young Garak said the elders may wish to speak with me. I am the shaman Trayah.”[/SBLOCK]


I aim to misbehave
M'ress, Female Feldori Animist/Gladiator

[SBLOCK=M'ress and Slagg]*M'ress shook her black fur, her eyes darting to and fro, trying to find landmarks of note.*

In Tralg, M'ress grunted, [sblock=Tralg]"They say any crash you can walk away from . . . well done, my friends." [/sblock]

*M'ress's hand touched the handle of her sabre, sensing the presense of someone close - much closer than she had thought . . . her mind was still trying to get a fix on how she survived.*

Rystil Arden said:
"Ummm...excuse me cousin. Did you guys just come from the sky with the sky-fire and the falling star?"
"Yes, cousin, why do you ask?" M'ress replied, green eyes flashing as they caught the light.[/SBLOCK]
*M'ress spoke with the Feldori girl in their tongue.*[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Slagg and M'ress]
[SBLOCK=Feldori]"Well...the elders said that the spirits said that the sky fire and the falling star were an omen, and they would bring us either boon or bane in the darkness that is descending upon us. Seeing that big monster over there...I'm afraid...but...please cousin, can you help?"[/SBLOCK]
*The Feldori girl replies, quietly and timidly.*

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Slagg Bonecruncher: Tralg/Male (Giant 1/ Raider 2/ Gladiator 3)

RA and M’ress: [sblock]* The giant beast grunted at the catgirl’s words. He had never heard such a thing but it did make sense. Sensing that ‘pretty’ was rather curious about some exotic flowers he scooped her up and place her on his back. *

[Tralg] [sblock]“Pretty, safe in harness,” the giant spoke before scratching itself, mostly in an obscene manner, and turning its attention to the small catchild, “friend or foe, M’ress?” [/sblock][/sblock]


I aim to misbehave
M'ress, Female Feldori Animist/Gladiator

[SBLOCK=Slagg and M'ress]*M’ress sized up the girl as she spoke.*
Feldori girl said:
"Well...the elders said that the spirits said that the sky fire and the falling star were an omen, and they would bring us either boon or bane in the darkness that is descending upon us. Seeing that big monster over there...I'm afraid...but...please cousin, can you help?"
“Can I help with what, cousin?” M’ress asked warily. “The ‘big monster’ you refer to is a Tralg . . . and one of the few people I trust. You should only fear him if you intend any of the three of us harm.” [/SBLOCK]
*M’ress spoke with the Feldori girl in her tongue.*

Slagg said:
“Friend or foe, M’ress?”
“I am finding out,” M’ress replied.[/sblock]

[sblock=Seelie]"Did either you or Slagg get hurt in our . . . landing, Pleione?” M'ress asked the nymph, not taking her eyes from the girl.[/sblock]
*M'ress spoke with the nymph while watching the Feldori girl.*


The man with the probe
Whinoah - Eurid Auran Nymph

[SBLOCK=Rystil Arden]"My sisters said it was so though, and....hello there." She says as she turns to face the one who brushed against her.[/SBLOCK]


[SBLOCK=RA]*Obscurity having difficulty hearing all the way from the back makes her way forward. She had not yet seen a Nymph as they were rare where she grew up on Elditz if that is indeed what this off-worlder is. She is curious what a Nymph would be doing here and drawn in to the crowd despite herself. She was now so comfortable in her alternate persona, Rowanne, that she no longer worried that it would fool other Feldori.*

(ooc: that work as a Feldori name?)[/SBLOCK]

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