Vote For The Most Anticipated RPG of 2024!

Vote for your most anticipated RPG(s) of 2024 (up to 3 votes allowed)

  • 13th Age 2nd Edition (Pelgrane Press)

  • Adventurer, Conqueror, King System II (Autarch LLC)

  • Amboria: Roleplaying in the World Under Starlight (Strange Owl Games)

  • Assassin's Creed (CMON)

  • Break!! (Grey Wizard)

  • Broken Weave (Cubicle 7)

  • Cairn 2E (Space Penguin)

  • Cohors Cthulhu (Modiphius)

  • Deathmatch Island (Old Dog Games/Evil Hat Productions)

  • Daggerheart (Darrington Press)

  • Diablo RPG (Glass Cannon Unplugged)

  • Dolmenwood (Necrotic Gnome)

  • Eat The Reich (Rowan, Rook and Deckard)

  • The Electric State Roleplaying Game (Free League)

  • Final Fantasy XIV TTRPG Starter Set (Square Enix)

  • His Majesty the Worm (Rise Up Comus)

  • Into the Mother Lands (Green Ronin/Tanya DePass)

  • Knave 2E (Ben Milton)

  • The Laundry 2nd Edition (Cubicle 7)

  • Lords of the Middle Sea (Chaosium)

  • Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme (Exalted Funeral)

  • Mythic Bastionland (Chris McDowall)

  • Mythic Iceland 2E (Chaosium)

  • Pendragon 6E (Chaosium)

  • Pioneer (Mongoose Publishing)

  • QuestWorlds (Chaosium)

  • Ronin (Slightly Reckless Games)

  • Savage HeXXen (Ulisses Spiele)

  • The Secret World (Star Anvil Studios)

  • Shadow of the Weird Wizard (Schwalb Entertainment)

  • Shadow Scar (R. Talsorian)

  • Stonetop (penny lantern)

  • Tales of the Valiant (Kobold Press)

  • Talislanta 6th Edition (Everything Epic)

  • Tiny Cyberpunk (Gallant Knight Games)

  • Triangle Agency (Haunted Table Games)

  • Urban Shadows 2E (Magpie Games)

  • Mothership 1E

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.

As we do every year, it's time to vote for the most anticipated tabletop roleplaying game of the coming year! Here is last year's Top 10 (spoiler: the winner was Chaosium's Pendragon 6E). Previous winners include 13th Age (2013), Star Wars Force & Destiny (2015), Rifts for Savage Worlds (2016), Trudvang Chronicles (2017), Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition (2018), Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (2019), Dune (2020 & 2021), and Twilight 2000 (2021), Blade Runner (2022), and Pendragon 6E (2023). What will be the most anticipated RPG of 2024?

Note: you need to be logged in to the site to vote.

We took nominations. Now it's time to vote. What will be the most anticipated RPG of 2024? You can vote for up to 3 games. Voting will be open for 2 weeks, until January 15th.


Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why isn't my favourite game nominated? Did you nominate it?
  • Why isn't my nomination on the list? Check the nomination thread. If you made a valid nomination (name, link) and it's not in the poll, let me know ASAP so I can add it. The most common reasons for a game's nomination being invalid is because it's already available. Check DTRPG and the publisher's own website and make sure you can't already buy it there.
  • Did I make a mistake? Almost certainly. If you spot a game on the list which doesn't qualify (usually because it's already available!) let me know so I can remove it.
  • How does a game qualify? It must have been nominated by you in the nomination thread with a valid formatted nomination, it must be a standalone tabletop RPG (not a setting, adventure, supplement, etc.), and it's projected release date to the general public (not just Kickstarter backers) should be in 2024.

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You didn’t include Laws of the Night V5. It is not the same game as Vampire: The Masquerade - produced by a different company (By Night Studios) with a different system - but it fulfils all the stipulations. It is a standalone core rules book yet to be released to the public and live action RPGs are still RPGs.
I’m pretty confused. You’ve linked to a page where it seems to be available for purchase?

LARPs are indeed RPGs, as are CRPGs, but this is a TTRRPG website. :)

I’m pretty confused. You’ve linked to a page where it seems to be available for purchase?

LARPs are indeed RPGs, as are CRPGs, but this is a TTRRPG website. :)
Pre-orders. The fulfilment is still pending arrival from the printer apparently.

Never saw any rule about tabletop requirements. Anyway, I’ve voted for two with a third vote if Laws of the Night ever goes up. (y)

It’s on DTRPG, it’s won ENnies. I have it. I’ve played it. Its awesome. But it’s available.

I’m not prepared to get into a debate whether a game is available enough to be submitted for and win an actual ENnie but not available enough for this poll. :)
That's a different edition.

From the Kickstarter

"The game has been in development since 2017 and has won numerous awards since its release. This Boxed Set updates our early release edition and completes it, making this the official First Edition."

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