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Vow of Poverty


UltimaGabe said:
When you really get down to it, and when you really try to play an exalted Monk at 1st level with absolutely no possessions, you're going to be getting your ass handed to you on a regular basis.

Hrmm, Level 1 Human Monk using his 2 feats would get Sacred Vow & VoP. Then his bonus Exaulted feat would be Touch of Golden Ice, a "Ravage" that is Contact DC14 & does initial damage 1D6 Dex, secondary 2D6 dex. This in addition to a +4 AC on top of the Monk's already decent starting AC. I'd say that 1st level monk would hold his own pretty well. Then you get into the various Exaulted feats for Ki Strikes & what not as you go up levels. I'd say he' spretty well outfited :)

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James McMurray

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Its even nicer then that slingbld. The Ravages deal more damage to some creatures, and always deal bonus damage equal to the target's charisma modifier. The more forceful the personality of the evil guy, the harder the ravage hits him. It basically spells instant death to an evil sorcerer that fails his save.

Of course, that's an issue with feats that grant infinite ravages, not VoP.

I've got a VoP monk in my epic campaign and he hasn't been overpowering. Nice, but not overpowering. At higher levels the loss of fortification armor makes things really hard on a fellow.


First Post
You would lose the potential for spells that require expensive components... and magic items and their ilk of course
Picking up a level in Blood Magus could be of use then. They get the ability to trade physical damage for component costs at 1st level. Wouldn't even be outside the idea for an exalted character, really what with stigmata and all.

Could someone with VoP make something and keep it?

Could a sorcerer with a high enough craft make a masterworked wooden staff (the wood would be free), and then enchant it with his own spells? Or would he have to give it away as soon as it was enchanted, even though he put his own power into it.


The idea for a Vow of Poverty is that you've forsworn material possessions. Period. Not just material possessions that you take off dead bad guys. The options would be: Make the staff and give it away to a worthy cause, or violate and therefor abandon your Vow.


I just wish VoP was balanced better between the different classes. As it is, people who don't wear armour get a much better AC bonus than those who don't.

I looked at it briefly for my 15th level fighter. It was an okay idea, but I couldn't afford the 5 AC I'd be missing out on...


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Gort said:
I just wish VoP was balanced better between the different classes. As it is, people who don't wear armour get a much better AC bonus than those who don't.

Few feats are balanced between the classes. Certain feats are obviously designed for certain classes.


First Post
The biggest problem I have with this feat is that the raise dead and/or resurrection of your sorry-poverty-stricken-butt become the burden of your compatriots, who are more than likely going to balk at paying for your death, especially in 3.5e.

(Resurrection does not come out of group treasure in our games. Besides, the very idea of "group treasure" goes against the entire idea of the vow in the first place.)


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ConcreteBuddha said:
The biggest problem I have with this feat is that the raise dead and/or resurrection of your sorry-poverty-stricken-butt become the burden of your compatriots, who are more than likely going to balk at paying for your death, especially in 3.5e.

(Resurrection does not come out of group treasure in our games. Besides, the very idea of "group treasure" goes against the entire idea of the vow in the first place.)

"Group treasure" is allowable, I would think. The VoP character would not truly own any of it, but if the group wanted to use some for his benefit, he would graciously accept. He would likley never vote in how to spend "group treasure," though, as this might imply "ownership."

Now, since the VoP character is the one that will save the groups' sorry butts if they are ever stripped of equipment, having him raised seems like a fair trade. I think it's workable.

It might cause some issues with a group, sure, but that's part of what makes the feat balanced. Heck, if it was easy, ANYONE could do it!

James McMurray

First Post
The other option is to remove the monetary price tag on resurrection effects and replace it with some other form of cost: a quest, a battle of wits with death itself, some form of stigmata that makes the superstitous people fear you, etc.


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I have 2 observations. One, I am currently playing a 19th level Half-Celestial VoP Monk and I do not find him overpowered compared to the other party members. I have been able to hold my own fairly well - the greatest area of concern for me is actually Fort saves. My AC is pretty ridiculous though :) Two, in reply to the previous statements by some that they would not allow the VoP character to benefit from their gifts of charity through favor, special treatment, etc. I would argue that this is not realistic or fair to the player. The character is known for his piety and generosity - other good beings would make certain allowances or even circumstantial gifts (which might again be given away or accepted). Accept a gift you say? How can they? A gift does not have to be something that has resaleable value. Perhaps a goodly archmage bestows a permenant enchantment upon the VoP character for their great selfless acts to the world. Titles would be a similar type of gift - bestowing "Defender of the Faith" or some similar title would have no monetary value but would have great meaning and value in the right circumstances to the right people. The thing that is the determining factor is the spirit in which the gift is given and received. That is a roleplay situation that is determined by the player and the DM.

In closing I would say this - rules like VoP have given us the ability to actually play a character that is selfless and utterly good without being a gimp. In the past such a character while possible for roleplay would have suffered horribly in terms of game mechanics. It has been such a joy and yes challange at time to do what is the "most" right in a situation rather than advancing my own personal gain. Try it sometime - with the right DM and a mature party it doesnt get any better!


First Post
Group treasure is very much an option ... it's the stuff you get from your fallen enemies ... you drag it to town, sell it, split the money ... and the VoP gives his share to whatever institute/person/group he wants to.

He doesn't have to "own" any of it at any time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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