OOC: I'll need a jump roll for T'Ranis. We'll keep the DC secret... henh henh.
Tondrek makes a mad dash for the ladder, swinging wildly out of reach. He grabs at it a few times, but can't get a handhold as it spirals in the mad winds. The nameless beast screams out at Tondrek, and Tondrek finds himself nauseous as unnatural sounds that defy ordinary laws echo within his head.
He grabs the ladder, and has a slow go scurrying up, but his fear propels his mad dash. Like a corkscrew, Tondrek spirals as he climbs - the world spinning around him so quickly that he feels sick. (OOC: I let Tondrek get on the ladder for free, since he *did* spend an action point. He's halfway up the ladder right now, and needs to make another climb check)
Haltash has shaken his fear, but stands still, indecisive as to what to do. Nearby, Lori screams loudly. She's not the only one - dozens of townsfolk are dashing to cover, or panicking wildly as they flee.
While she screams, a large piece of debris - it seems like a signpost for an inn named the "To the Depths" - slams into her lower leg for 3 damage. the pain brings her out of her panic, and she stares at the.... thing... that slowly approaches.
T'Ranis can make a jump check if he pleases, to grab onto the rope, or a tumble check. Both fit the idea of trying to grab a spastic rope in heavy winds.