Walking Wounded Daily Power Question

Holy Bovine

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Hey all! Have a question about the 5th level Rogue daily power called Walking Wounded. The PHB entry on pg 120 states

Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is
knocked prone. Until the end of the encounter, if the
target moves more than half its speed in a single action, it
falls prone at the end of its movement.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is not knocked prone.

Now the part that is giving me problems is the Miss effect. The target is not knocked prone but takes half damage. Does the target also suffer the penalty of falling prone if they move more than half their speed until the end of the encounter? I think they do but I could also see that this may have been errata'd.

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Hey all! Have a question about the 5th level Rogue daily power called Walking Wounded. The PHB entry on pg 120 states

Now the part that is giving me problems is the Miss effect. The target is not knocked prone but takes half damage. Does the target also suffer the penalty of falling prone if they move more than half their speed until the end of the encounter? I think they do but I could also see that this may have been errata'd.

Simply put no.

How do you guys feel about this power when used against Solo monsters? Kinda no fun having a dragon reduced to a clownful tumbling idiot on his first turn, no? There's no save against this, does it trivialize solo fights?

How do you guys feel about this power when used against Solo monsters? Kinda no fun having a dragon reduced to a clownful tumbling idiot on his first turn, no? There's no save against this, does it trivialize solo fights?

No more than slowing the monster or a similar effect - there are many ways to limit or restrict mobility for solo enemies, and this is only one among many. The monster can still move around at half speed without falling down, which is better than when hit by many conditions.

- there are many ways to limit or restrict mobility for solo enemies, and this is only one among many.

Alright, so all these powers then trivialize an encounter with a solo monster. What fun is that?

I have yet to run my first 4E Dragon encounter, and I want it to be serious business. I am happy when my party uses dailies to embarrass regular monsters, or even tougher "boss" monsters. They have a good time and everyone smiles. But a dragon feels different.

It would cheapen the fight against an enemy like a dragon if they could just decide, on round 1, that it doesn't get to move anymore for the rest of the fight.

Alright, so all these powers then trivialize an encounter with a solo monster. What fun is that?

I have yet to run my first 4E Dragon encounter, and I want it to be serious business. I am happy when my party uses dailies to embarrass regular monsters, or even tougher "boss" monsters. They have a good time and everyone smiles. But a dragon feels different.

It would cheapen the fight against an enemy like a dragon if they could just decide, on round 1, that it doesn't get to move anymore for the rest of the fight.

Sure, but I don't think there are any effects that let you just declare that. Pretty much anything requires an attack roll, and solos have decent enough defenses you are unlikely to hit automatically. Most long duration effects are (save ends), which solos will break out of reasonably quick. The effects that might be longer lasting, like Walking Wounded, aren't complete shut-downs - the solo is reduced to half speed for the encounter (and can choose to go full speed if they are willing to fall prone.) Given many solos have decent speed, this isn't too painful.

Now, all that said, I understand what you are saying - in my games, I suspect I'll come up with a house rule specifically to avoid solos being vulnerable to a stunlock, which is the real danger I see. But I think making them immune to all status effects is asking for trouble - it is very unlikely the party will be able to inflict constant effects on a solo to completely shut it down. If they land the occasional one that lets them gain a solid benefit for a round, all the better! But with most effects - especially a power like this one - I don't see any problem. Is it really an issue that your dragon can only fly 6 squares a round, the same distance the party can move normally?

Have all your paragon + level solo's wear acrobat boots, level 2 magic item, 520g (trivial at that level or just count it as 520g worth of their treasure haul) with the following power...
Power (At-Will): Minor Action. Stand up from prone.

I love them on my rogue =)

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